Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’ Photo of Evan Gahr EVAN GAHR

Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

That was a rough crowd, my ancestors hung out with the Sinn Fein crowd.
Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

That was a rough crowd, my ancestors hung out with the Sinn Fein crowd.

AAAHHHHHH we is practically COUSINS
Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!
Israelis called them KAPOS.

Chief KAPO


KAPO, prisoner in charge of a group of inmates in Nazi concentration camps. The derivation of the word is not clear; according to one view the name is Italian (capo = "boss"); according to others it is an abbreviation of Kameradschaftpolizei and would then have originated among the prisoners themselves. Similarly, it is not possible to ascertain when this unofficial term first came into use. The appointment of Kapos was made by the SS who guarded the camps; but the authority to appoint Kapos was never explicitly defined. It was the Kapo's task to carry out the orders of the SS and to ensure absolute control over the prisoners. The Kapo was not an expert like the "chief worker" (Vorarbeiter) but just a strong man. For the most part, Kapos were in charge of work gangs, but there were also Kapos for the hospitals or the kitchens. Certain camps even had a hierarchy: Oberkapo, Kapo, Unterkapo. Initially, Kapos were appointed from the ranks of ethnic German prisoners convicted on criminal charges. These criminals enjoyed extra privileges of great importance under camp conditions: better food, clothing, and housing. In return, many of them tyrannized the prisoners with a cruelty equal to that of the SS, motivated both by the desire to curry favor among the SS as well as by sadistic inclinations. In the course of time, the political prisoners in many camps succeeded in ousting some of the criminals and having them replaced by Kapos from their own ranks. Jews were appointed Kapos only in those camps which were all Jewish. Some Kapos exercised their power humanely and sensitively and worked to assist their fellow prisoners. Others mimicked the oppressive behavior of the SS and may have indeed internalized their values. Thus, the term Kapo became synonymous with a cruel and egocentric person who oppresses, tortures, and exploits others.


In other words, KAPOS were Jews that worked FOR the NAZIS.

George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property

Billionaire left-wing extremist George Soros betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazis… has no regrets

George Soros is very, very rich, and he’s also a soulless sociopath, an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.

But that’s just my take on the man. Based exclusively on his own words.

Be prepared to be hit with revulsion. Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself.

And he doesn’t feel any guilt about it. None.

George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property
and she seems so nice... Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump’s campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur.

What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.

Unlike the supposedly damning fact that the Trump tweet came from a racist feed, there is no six degrees of separation here.

The issue surfaced during her 2000 Senate campaign with publication of a new book on the Clinton marriage. Celebrity biographer Jerry Oppenheimer reported that the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid,
Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

The left-leaning Guardian then did its own reporting on the allegation. Paul Fray, the campaign manager, plus his wife and another campaign worker confirmed the incident in considerable detail to the British publication.

“I was a little defensive about it. I looked to the floor thinking ‘How do I respond?’ I didn’t mind being called a son-of-a-bitch, but when it came to attacking my culture, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame,” Fray recalled.

“You’ve got to understand it was the heat of the moment. We knew we had lost. It was a case of people lashing out at one another and it just got to that point.”

Fray’s wife said she was present at the time Hillary — renowned for her shrieking and cursing behind closed doors — allegedly made the comment. Another campaign worker, Paul McDonald, told the Guardian he was standing within earshot and heard the words as well. “I don’t know what provoked it or what. I just remember that one little comment.”

The Clintons, just like with so many other charges against them later validated, emphatically denied the allegations.

The former president said, “I was there on election night in 1974 and the charge is simply not true.”

Then he parsed it: “She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn’t rule that out. She’s never claimed that she was pure on profanity. I’ve never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She’s so fanatic about it. She can’t tell an ethnic joke – it’s not in her.”

Hillary even denied any bigoted thoughts ever crossed her mind.

“I have never said anything like that, ever,” she said. “I have in the past certainly, you know maybe, called somebody a name. But I have never used an ethnic, racial, anti-Semitic, bigoted, discriminatory, prejudiced, accusation against anybody. I’ve never done it. I’ve never thought it.”

So maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t.

But, as regards to the supposedly nefarious intentions Trump tweet, mind-reading is not journalism. At least the charge against Hillary turns on the actual word of three eyewitnesses with no obvious motivation for lying to suddenly fabricate an incident.

Basic fairness dictates that journalists look into this.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’
Did Mary Matlin make this story up too ?!

She was on Meet The Press with Chuck Todd this morning and she is still as ugly as ever.

Her ears are getting bigger. You would expect her nose to be getting bigger as much as she lies.

But no it's her ears that are getting bigger.

She has elephant ears.

Her face can still curd milk.

And her voice can break glass.
Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

And I come from a long line of Ukrainian freedom fighters..........very little wrong with me.
and she seems so nice... Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump’s campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur.

What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.

Unlike the supposedly damning fact that the Trump tweet came from a racist feed, there is no six degrees of separation here.

The issue surfaced during her 2000 Senate campaign with publication of a new book on the Clinton marriage. Celebrity biographer Jerry Oppenheimer reported that the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid,
Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

The left-leaning Guardian then did its own reporting on the allegation. Paul Fray, the campaign manager, plus his wife and another campaign worker confirmed the incident in considerable detail to the British publication.

“I was a little defensive about it. I looked to the floor thinking ‘How do I respond?’ I didn’t mind being called a son-of-a-bitch, but when it came to attacking my culture, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame,” Fray recalled.

“You’ve got to understand it was the heat of the moment. We knew we had lost. It was a case of people lashing out at one another and it just got to that point.”

Fray’s wife said she was present at the time Hillary — renowned for her shrieking and cursing behind closed doors — allegedly made the comment. Another campaign worker, Paul McDonald, told the Guardian he was standing within earshot and heard the words as well. “I don’t know what provoked it or what. I just remember that one little comment.”

The Clintons, just like with so many other charges against them later validated, emphatically denied the allegations.

The former president said, “I was there on election night in 1974 and the charge is simply not true.”

Then he parsed it: “She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn’t rule that out. She’s never claimed that she was pure on profanity. I’ve never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She’s so fanatic about it. She can’t tell an ethnic joke – it’s not in her.”

Hillary even denied any bigoted thoughts ever crossed her mind.

“I have never said anything like that, ever,” she said. “I have in the past certainly, you know maybe, called somebody a name. But I have never used an ethnic, racial, anti-Semitic, bigoted, discriminatory, prejudiced, accusation against anybody. I’ve never done it. I’ve never thought it.”

So maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t.

But, as regards to the supposedly nefarious intentions Trump tweet, mind-reading is not journalism. At least the charge against Hillary turns on the actual word of three eyewitnesses with no obvious motivation for lying to suddenly fabricate an incident.

Basic fairness dictates that journalists look into this.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

I once saw Hillary Clinton push an old lady in front of a bus and laugh while she did it
Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

And I come from a long line of Ukrainian freedom fighters..........very little wrong with me.

Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

And I come from a long line of Ukrainian freedom fighters..........very little wrong with me.

I have some Lithuanian in me, I have no idea or the first clue about Lithuania though
and she seems so nice... Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump’s campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur.

What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.

Unlike the supposedly damning fact that the Trump tweet came from a racist feed, there is no six degrees of separation here.

The issue surfaced during her 2000 Senate campaign with publication of a new book on the Clinton marriage. Celebrity biographer Jerry Oppenheimer reported that the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid,
Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

The left-leaning Guardian then did its own reporting on the allegation. Paul Fray, the campaign manager, plus his wife and another campaign worker confirmed the incident in considerable detail to the British publication.

“I was a little defensive about it. I looked to the floor thinking ‘How do I respond?’ I didn’t mind being called a son-of-a-bitch, but when it came to attacking my culture, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame,” Fray recalled.

“You’ve got to understand it was the heat of the moment. We knew we had lost. It was a case of people lashing out at one another and it just got to that point.”

Fray’s wife said she was present at the time Hillary — renowned for her shrieking and cursing behind closed doors — allegedly made the comment. Another campaign worker, Paul McDonald, told the Guardian he was standing within earshot and heard the words as well. “I don’t know what provoked it or what. I just remember that one little comment.”

The Clintons, just like with so many other charges against them later validated, emphatically denied the allegations.

The former president said, “I was there on election night in 1974 and the charge is simply not true.”

Then he parsed it: “She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn’t rule that out. She’s never claimed that she was pure on profanity. I’ve never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She’s so fanatic about it. She can’t tell an ethnic joke – it’s not in her.”

Hillary even denied any bigoted thoughts ever crossed her mind.

“I have never said anything like that, ever,” she said. “I have in the past certainly, you know maybe, called somebody a name. But I have never used an ethnic, racial, anti-Semitic, bigoted, discriminatory, prejudiced, accusation against anybody. I’ve never done it. I’ve never thought it.”

So maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t.

But, as regards to the supposedly nefarious intentions Trump tweet, mind-reading is not journalism. At least the charge against Hillary turns on the actual word of three eyewitnesses with no obvious motivation for lying to suddenly fabricate an incident.

Basic fairness dictates that journalists look into this.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

I once saw Hillary Clinton push an old lady in front of a bus and laugh while she did it


A typical Democrap liar..........
Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

And I come from a long line of Ukrainian freedom fighters..........very little wrong with me.


and she seems so nice... Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump’s campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur.

What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.

Unlike the supposedly damning fact that the Trump tweet came from a racist feed, there is no six degrees of separation here.

The issue surfaced during her 2000 Senate campaign with publication of a new book on the Clinton marriage. Celebrity biographer Jerry Oppenheimer reported that the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid,
Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

The left-leaning Guardian then did its own reporting on the allegation. Paul Fray, the campaign manager, plus his wife and another campaign worker confirmed the incident in considerable detail to the British publication.

“I was a little defensive about it. I looked to the floor thinking ‘How do I respond?’ I didn’t mind being called a son-of-a-bitch, but when it came to attacking my culture, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame,” Fray recalled.

“You’ve got to understand it was the heat of the moment. We knew we had lost. It was a case of people lashing out at one another and it just got to that point.”

Fray’s wife said she was present at the time Hillary — renowned for her shrieking and cursing behind closed doors — allegedly made the comment. Another campaign worker, Paul McDonald, told the Guardian he was standing within earshot and heard the words as well. “I don’t know what provoked it or what. I just remember that one little comment.”

The Clintons, just like with so many other charges against them later validated, emphatically denied the allegations.

The former president said, “I was there on election night in 1974 and the charge is simply not true.”

Then he parsed it: “She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn’t rule that out. She’s never claimed that she was pure on profanity. I’ve never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She’s so fanatic about it. She can’t tell an ethnic joke – it’s not in her.”

Hillary even denied any bigoted thoughts ever crossed her mind.

“I have never said anything like that, ever,” she said. “I have in the past certainly, you know maybe, called somebody a name. But I have never used an ethnic, racial, anti-Semitic, bigoted, discriminatory, prejudiced, accusation against anybody. I’ve never done it. I’ve never thought it.”

So maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t.

But, as regards to the supposedly nefarious intentions Trump tweet, mind-reading is not journalism. At least the charge against Hillary turns on the actual word of three eyewitnesses with no obvious motivation for lying to suddenly fabricate an incident.

Basic fairness dictates that journalists look into this.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’
My God what a scandal, it was alleged that 42 years ago Hillary called someone a F**king Jew. which both Hillary and Bill deny.

Trump's little screw up with the 6 pointed star may or may not indicated he's a bit casual when it comes to anti-defamation. However, most people totally miss the point. Trump either doesn't know how to manage his campaign or his people. It's just more evidence that he doesn't have the political experience for the presidency. You don't make these kind of mistakes as president without causing international incidents.
and she seems so nice... Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump’s campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur.

What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.

Unlike the supposedly damning fact that the Trump tweet came from a racist feed, there is no six degrees of separation here.

The issue surfaced during her 2000 Senate campaign with publication of a new book on the Clinton marriage. Celebrity biographer Jerry Oppenheimer reported that the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid,
Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

The left-leaning Guardian then did its own reporting on the allegation. Paul Fray, the campaign manager, plus his wife and another campaign worker confirmed the incident in considerable detail to the British publication.

“I was a little defensive about it. I looked to the floor thinking ‘How do I respond?’ I didn’t mind being called a son-of-a-bitch, but when it came to attacking my culture, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame,” Fray recalled.

“You’ve got to understand it was the heat of the moment. We knew we had lost. It was a case of people lashing out at one another and it just got to that point.”

Fray’s wife said she was present at the time Hillary — renowned for her shrieking and cursing behind closed doors — allegedly made the comment. Another campaign worker, Paul McDonald, told the Guardian he was standing within earshot and heard the words as well. “I don’t know what provoked it or what. I just remember that one little comment.”

The Clintons, just like with so many other charges against them later validated, emphatically denied the allegations.

The former president said, “I was there on election night in 1974 and the charge is simply not true.”

Then he parsed it: “She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn’t rule that out. She’s never claimed that she was pure on profanity. I’ve never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She’s so fanatic about it. She can’t tell an ethnic joke – it’s not in her.”

Hillary even denied any bigoted thoughts ever crossed her mind.

“I have never said anything like that, ever,” she said. “I have in the past certainly, you know maybe, called somebody a name. But I have never used an ethnic, racial, anti-Semitic, bigoted, discriminatory, prejudiced, accusation against anybody. I’ve never done it. I’ve never thought it.”

So maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t.

But, as regards to the supposedly nefarious intentions Trump tweet, mind-reading is not journalism. At least the charge against Hillary turns on the actual word of three eyewitnesses with no obvious motivation for lying to suddenly fabricate an incident.

Basic fairness dictates that journalists look into this.

Read more: Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’
Here's me thinking this is a big deal----->:gives:
Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!

I AM a registered democrat-----and also left handed

You're a democrat? I knew there was something wrong with you

Many things wrong with me-------I have ancestors who hung out with the TAMANY HALL crowd

And I come from a long line of Ukrainian freedom fighters..........very little wrong with me.

I have some Lithuanian in me, I have no idea or the first clue about Lithuania though

Intellectuals ----very small country I think
Well, since the left hate Jews, and no one hates Jews more than the 80% of so called Jews that vote democrat, this will not effect the left wing voting base at all.

Damn!!! just defined the self-hating American Jew..........that was sterling!
Israelis called them KAPOS.

Chief KAPO


KAPO, prisoner in charge of a group of inmates in Nazi concentration camps. The derivation of the word is not clear; according to one view the name is Italian (capo = "boss"); according to others it is an abbreviation of Kameradschaftpolizei and would then have originated among the prisoners themselves. Similarly, it is not possible to ascertain when this unofficial term first came into use. The appointment of Kapos was made by the SS who guarded the camps; but the authority to appoint Kapos was never explicitly defined. It was the Kapo's task to carry out the orders of the SS and to ensure absolute control over the prisoners. The Kapo was not an expert like the "chief worker" (Vorarbeiter) but just a strong man. For the most part, Kapos were in charge of work gangs, but there were also Kapos for the hospitals or the kitchens. Certain camps even had a hierarchy: Oberkapo, Kapo, Unterkapo. Initially, Kapos were appointed from the ranks of ethnic German prisoners convicted on criminal charges. These criminals enjoyed extra privileges of great importance under camp conditions: better food, clothing, and housing. In return, many of them tyrannized the prisoners with a cruelty equal to that of the SS, motivated both by the desire to curry favor among the SS as well as by sadistic inclinations. In the course of time, the political prisoners in many camps succeeded in ousting some of the criminals and having them replaced by Kapos from their own ranks. Jews were appointed Kapos only in those camps which were all Jewish. Some Kapos exercised their power humanely and sensitively and worked to assist their fellow prisoners. Others mimicked the oppressive behavior of the SS and may have indeed internalized their values. Thus, the term Kapo became synonymous with a cruel and egocentric person who oppresses, tortures, and exploits others.


In other words, KAPOS were Jews that worked FOR the NAZIS.

George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property

Billionaire left-wing extremist George Soros betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazis… has no regrets

George Soros is very, very rich, and he’s also a soulless sociopath, an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.

But that’s just my take on the man. Based exclusively on his own words.

Be prepared to be hit with revulsion. Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself.

And he doesn’t feel any guilt about it. None.

George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property
Like I say, the clintons are trash
Seriously is this the 5th fucking grade where we get butthurt over the stupidest shit? I call people derogatory names all the time when I get irritated with them. It means NOTHING

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