Three Members Of A Radical Right Wing Militia Group Sentenced

You know, 7 pages in and not one person has even asked what even makes the cited case an instance of 'Right Wing Extremism.' Is it that he was a in a militia? Are all people in a militia cases of right wingers? I guess militia is an actual idealism but eco terrorism is not....

Militia do have an ideology, yes, and in this case it isn't hard to find, given they talked quite openly about their goals.

I doubt anyone here is going to claim that those goals are not extreme right wing, though quite clearly different from fasists or neo-Nazis, of course.


I'd agree most eco-terrorists will be 'left wing loons', but then most bankers will be right wing and most journalists liberal. That doesn't mean banker = right just describes a trend or tendency.

I doubt anyone here is going to claim that those goals are not extreme right wing, though quite clearly different from fasists or neo-Nazis, of course.

What constitutes extreme right too you?
What constitutes extreme right too you?

I use the standard and defined meanings for all political terms, so for me extreme right wing could be something like:

Far right politics involves support of strong or complete social hierarchy in society, and supports supremacy of certain individuals or groups deemed to be innately superior who are to be more valued than those deemed to be innately inferior.

The far right is commonly associated with persons or groups who hold extreme nationalist, xenophobic, racist, religious fundamentalist or reactionary views. The most extreme-right movements have pursued oppression and genocide against groups of people on the basis of their alleged inferiority.

Far-right politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would also add in strong support for capital, business and the ownership of businesses, with potentially violent opposition towards high levels of taxation and government control.

Within an American context we would also need to add: belief in gun ownership and the constitution, suspicion towards authorities, especially at a federal level.
What constitutes extreme right too you?

I use the standard and defined meanings for all political terms, so for me extreme right wing could be something like:

Far right politics involves support of strong or complete social hierarchy in society, and supports supremacy of certain individuals or groups deemed to be innately superior who are to be more valued than those deemed to be innately inferior.

The far right is commonly associated with persons or groups who hold extreme nationalist, xenophobic, racist, religious fundamentalist or reactionary views. The most extreme-right movements have pursued oppression and genocide against groups of people on the basis of their alleged inferiority.

Far-right politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would also add in strong support for capital, business and the ownership of businesses, with potentially violent opposition towards high levels of taxation and government control.

Within an American context we would also need to add: belief in gun ownership and the constitution, suspicion towards authorities, especially at a federal level.

Well most militias that I know of according to your definition are not right wing extremest.

So not all militias right wing extremest hell most aren't. So now where do we go from here?
What constitutes extreme right too you?
I use the standard and defined meanings for all political terms, so for me extreme right wing could be something like:

Far right politics involves support of strong or complete social hierarchy in society, and supports supremacy of certain individuals or groups deemed to be innately superior who are to be more valued than those deemed to be innately inferior.

The far right is commonly associated with persons or groups who hold extreme nationalist, xenophobic, racist, religious fundamentalist or reactionary views. The most extreme-right movements have pursued oppression and genocide against groups of people on the basis of their alleged inferiority.

Far-right politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would also add in strong support for capital, business and the ownership of businesses, with potentially violent opposition towards high levels of taxation and government control.

Within an American context we would also need to add: belief in gun ownership and the constitution, suspicion towards authorities, especially at a federal level.

The red part is pure leftism. The concept that some people are without value. That's your guys' puppy.

The rest are the values that made America. Distrust of excessive government power, respect for entrepreneurship and independence, responsibility for oneself and the ability and desire to be able to defend oneself in times of danger...

But to a lefty these values are suspect. Of course they are.
Kosher -

Firstly, as a sweeping generalisation, left wing politics espouse equality across different groups, classes or ethnicities; whereas right wing politics espouse different rewards based on merit, class or income.

The section you quote here is taken from an encyclopedia, and is accurate. Check anywhere - any informed source will say the same thing.

bt. I am NOT a "leftist", and there is no such thing as "leftism", it's a made up term for people to lazy to learn the correct terms.
Kosher -

Firstly, as a sweeping generalisation, left wing politics espouse equality across different groups, classes or ethnicities; whereas right wing politics espouse different rewards based on merit, class or income.

The section you quote here is taken from an encyclopedia, and is accurate. Check anywhere - any informed source will say the same thing.

bt. I am NOT a "leftist", and there is no such thing as "leftism", it's a made up term for people to lazy to learn the correct terms.

and their are very few right wing extremist militias
Yes, leftist and leftist extremism do exist.

Yes, rightist and rightist extremism do exist.

People are entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts and definitions.
And none of the above supports the silliness that "their [sic] are very few right wing extremist militias.'

Try that in any college college in a project and get laughed out of it.

Yeah, most are extremist right wing militia groups. SPL states, "Currently, there are 1,002 known hate groups operating across the country, including neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, black separatists, border vigilantes and others."

The Militia Movement -- Extremism in America

FBI — Domestic Terrorism: Focus on Militia Extremism

Hate and Extremism | Southern Poverty Law Center
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Kosher -

Firstly, as a sweeping generalisation, left wing politics espouse equality across different groups, classes or ethnicities; whereas right wing politics espouse different rewards based on merit, class or income.

The section you quote here is taken from an encyclopedia, and is accurate. Check anywhere - any informed source will say the same thing.

bt. I am NOT a "leftist", and there is no such thing as "leftism", it's a made up term for people to lazy to learn the correct terms.

Sure. That's what all the leftists say.

"I'm not leftist! I'm moderate! You're just crazy!"

And do you really want to go to definition land? Lefties change definitions to suit themselves, so spare me our tripe about it.

And btw, there are laws and rules that deal with people who plagarize....if you were quoting, you need to credit the source, loon. Use quotes, and post a link. And Wiki is NOT "an encyclopedia". It's a collection of leftist history revisions generated by lefties for the lefty masses. Find a different source if you want to be taken seriously. I can tell that you do want to be taken seriously..because you take yourself VERY seriously.
PS, liar:

Definition of LEFTISM

: the principles and views of the left; also : the movement embodying these principles

: advocacy of or adherence to the doctrines of the left

— left·ist noun or adjective

Examples of LEFTISM

  1. <the candidate's opponents are working overtime to paint him as a champion of extreme leftism>

First Known Use of LEFTISM


Leftism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Using your definition there aren't. That's why I asked you to define right wing extremist

Fair enough - on what basis would you say most militia AREN'T extreme or far right?

First thing willing to fight a corrupt federal government would not make them extreme
Using Thomas Jefferson famous quote The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. is not extreme
Wanting a small effective federal government vs. the thing we have now is not extreme
Wanting your elected Representative's to obey the constitution is not extreme

Just for starters.
And none of the above supports the silliness that "their [sic] are very few right wing extremist militias.' Estimates are more than a 1,000 such groups exist. Only the black nationalists would not be considered right wing extremist.

Try that in any college college in a project and get a laugh and a F from peer review and the instructor.
Sure. That's what all the leftists say.

"I'm not leftist! I'm moderate! You're just crazy!"


I am not saying I am moderate - I am saying I am not left wing. Not by any standards.

I did not say "leftist" doesn't appear in a dictionary - of course it does. But so does nappy, and that doesn't make it a defined or used political term. "Leftism" is a childrens word; nothing more, nothing less.
First thing willing to fight a corrupt federal government would not make them extreme

Yeah, I think it pretty much would make them extreme.

If taking up arms against a democratically elected government is not extreme, then I guess most terror cells aren't extreme in your book. I say otherwise.
Sure. That's what all the leftists say.

"I'm not leftist! I'm moderate! You're just crazy!"


I am not saying I am moderate - I am saying I am not left wing. Not by any standards.

I did not say "leftist" doesn't appear in a dictionary - of course it does. But so does nappy, and that doesn't make it a defined or used political term. "Leftism" is a childrens word; nothing more, nothing less.

No, it's really not.

But of course leftists resent it. They resent anything that defines what they REALLY are. Which is why they fuck with definitions all the time.
Kosher Girl -

"Rightist" is also a made up word. It just isn't a political term at all, and no informed person uses it.

It reduces a good 12 - 15 schools of political thought into a single concept - which is only of use for people whose brain can not extend beyond 2 concepts.

It's a very simple way of figuring if posters understand a thing about politics - if they use terms like "leftist" or "rightist" - they don't.

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