Three Members Of A Radical Right Wing Militia Group Sentenced

Three members in an Alaskan radical right wing militia group have been found guilty of numerous charges including conspiracy to commit murder (against law enforcement) possession of numerous illegal weapons, destructive devices and more.

Another fact is the biggest threat of terror against freedom and the nation isn't from Islamists like the right wing media would like you to think, it's actually from domestic right wing terror cells.

Militiamen found guilty, face long sentences: Breaking News | Alaska news at


Think progress ? it's over he used think progress :eusa_whistle::cuckoo:
Maybe...but every single ecoterrorist is a far left whackjob.

I guess lefty extremists don't understand THAT.

It might be easier to understand if you used correct political terminology - just damning everything from Stalin to Blair to the Dalai Lama with "far left" or "lefty extremist" is children's language.
No, not really.

It's only left wing extremists who care about the nuances that distinguish them from other left wing extremist subsets.

The rest of the world just sees you all as lefty nutjobs.
When this place goes tits up we'll all be in a militia or considered terrorists by whomever is in charge in D.C. whether it be that Wall Street Puppet Obama, or his Lackey Romney.
Three members in an Alaskan radical right wing militia group have been found guilty of numerous charges including conspiracy to commit murder (against law enforcement) possession of numerous illegal weapons, destructive devices and more.

Another fact is the biggest threat of terror against freedom and the nation isn't from Islamists like the right wing media would like you to think, it's actually from domestic right wing terror cells.

Militiamen found guilty, face long sentences: Breaking News | Alaska news at


I notice the Islamic terrorists won in 2001. The deaths of about 3,000 Americans on 9-11 was more than a threat.. How many Americans have been killed by right wing militia groups in the same time frame?

Figures don't lie, but liars can figure. Pretty clever using percentage of threats as a gauge.

The graph is also misleading because it ranks them according to incidents, and ignores the severity of teh incidents.

If a radical rightwing group shot out the windows of a courthouse on 3 different occasions, but no one was hurt, and a radical muslim group killed 50 people, the rightwingers would rank worst on the graph.
Three members in an Alaskan radical right wing militia group have been found guilty of numerous charges including conspiracy to commit murder (against law enforcement) possession of numerous illegal weapons, destructive devices and more.

Another fact is the biggest threat of terror against freedom and the nation isn't from Islamists like the right wing media would like you to think, it's actually from domestic right wing terror cells.

Militiamen found guilty, face long sentences: Breaking News | Alaska news at


They are where they belong, Now will this Admin Prosecute anyone on the left for anything? lol

pos rep for this. link, complete crap that, if it proves anything, proves lefties are a threat...

It's a given you'd love it, you moron.
Ecoterrorism is an exclusively left wing ideology.

Ecoterrorism isn't an ideology.

Ecoterrorism is an exclusively left wing ideology.

Ecoterrorism isn't an ideology.

Exactly. The far right wing nutcases don't have the mental capabilities to understand that.
Your desperation to distance the left from ecoterrorists, which are EXCLUSIVELY leftist, is amusing.
What a bunch of horse manure. Nice that you post the graph and then fail to source it but place it under another link that has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
As was pointed out, we already know how biased the chart from is as it focuses only on right wing extremism. Where is left wing extremism? Oh, they don't exist since you want to disavow anyone that falls into that category (see your own posts on the eco terrorists). Further evidence of this charts horseshit is obvious as 2001 there is approximately 11% devoted to Islamic extremism and 20% to eco terrorists. I wonder what happened in 2011 that would make such a claim asinine....

The terror threats and organizations were listed in the graph, I know those on the far right have the inability to rationalize anything, and instantly have to deflect with "oooo ooo what about the leftists?" garbage. I've already posted a link showing many of the terror attacks from the right wing groups, i'd suggest reading it.
Home grown right wing extremists organization are the single biggest threat to freedom,liberty, and our safety in the nation.

Yes, cherry picked data displayed in a hyper partisan way purposely skewing the result is utterly worthless. Try again. Hell, even simple definitions of what falls into each catagory under the chart and where the numbers were acquired to build it would be nice but I think that would require far more honesty than you have to offer...

Here, it looks like you need this.

Here, it looks like you need this:
Your desperation to distance the left from ecoterrorists, which are EXCLUSIVELY leftist, is amusing.

It's not "distancing" it - it is describing it accurately.

As we know, there are 15 - 20 major groupings on the left wing, and 15 - 20 major groupings on the right wing of any major democracy.

Unusually in the US you have a two party state, wheras in most democracies we see 6 parties covering those 15 - 20 groupings.

Trying to pretend that those 15 - 20 groups are all one and the same, and can all be described by any one label is childish and reductionist.

Again, Reagan, Hitler and Sakorzy were not on the same "team".
Your desperation to distance the left from ecoterrorists, which are EXCLUSIVELY leftist, is amusing.

It's not "distancing" it - it is describing it accurately.

As we know, there are 15 - 20 major groupings on the left wing, and 15 - 20 major groupings on the right wing of any major democracy.

Unusually in the US you have a two party state, wheras in most democracies we see 6 parties covering those 15 - 20 groupings.

Trying to pretend that those 15 - 20 groups are all one and the same, and can all be described by any one label is childish and reductionist.

Again, Reagan, Hitler and Sakorzy were not on the same "team".

The problem you are having though is that the op is trying to say the exact same thing with its chart and 'Right Wing Extremism.' You can't have it both ways. The OP is being disingenuous in claiming that RW Extremist groups represent some terrible threat that it clearly does not and then in the same breath disavowing the Ecoterrorism because that really is not the left. Well, neither are these extremist groups. Try again.
Your desperation to distance the left from ecoterrorists, which are EXCLUSIVELY leftist, is amusing.

It's not "distancing" it - it is describing it accurately.

As we know, there are 15 - 20 major groupings on the left wing, and 15 - 20 major groupings on the right wing of any major democracy.

Unusually in the US you have a two party state, wheras in most democracies we see 6 parties covering those 15 - 20 groupings.

Trying to pretend that those 15 - 20 groups are all one and the same, and can all be described by any one label is childish and reductionist.

Again, Reagan, Hitler and Sakorzy were not on the same "team".

The problem you are having though is that the op is trying to say the exact same thing with its chart and 'Right Wing Extremism.' You can't have it both ways. The OP is being disingenuous in claiming that RW Extremist groups represent some terrible threat that it clearly does not and then in the same breath disavowing the Ecoterrorism because that really is not the left. Well, neither are these extremist groups. Try again.

Just like the weather under ground of the 60's were left wing extremest but the left doesn't want to own them, now extremist change as the years go by just depends on who is in control of the government at the time.
Just like the weather under ground of the 60's were left wing extremest but the left doesn't want to own them, now extremist change as the years go by just depends on who is in control of the government at the time.

Weather Underground were definitely left wing....I don't see an issue in terminology there.

The difference with eco-terrorism is that it is not a party political ideology. People with strong feelings about animals and rain forest are likely to despise most centre left parties, who they may see as being part of 'the system'.

Certainly we'd expect more eco-terrorists to be left wing than right wing, but it is by no means a given, anymore so than saying all bankers are right wing.
Again, it's not that eco-terrorism is a leftist ideology...(though really, ELF is all about ideology) but every participant embraces leftist ideology.

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