Three (MORE) Powerful Democrats Are Now Under Investigation

Well, you just answered my question... you CAN sound more stupid when you try.
Learn politics, and reality. If it isn't linked to Trump it matters little if at all. Trump -Russia, that is what the American people want to know. The rest is a failed attempt to deflect.
No, sorry, snowflake. The only people that give a crap are you frothing at the mouth little bubble headed progs.

The vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of hearing about RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA.

YOU, are the MINORITY.
Learn to read polls. I know, you don't trust polls.
POLLS, you mean like the same polls that said your demon queen Hitlery was going to win?

Get a clue.
And she did win, the popular vote, and was in the polling margins of everything else. Are you never going to trust a poll again? Considering what a moron you are, that's very likely. 65% disapprove of the Orange menace. That's why the Russia thing isn't going away. That and people wonder - why would Russia want to pick the US President? You guys now love Russia they way the Commies of the 1920's did, and we put lots of them in jail.
You are a special kind of MORON.
Could you sound any more STUPID if you tried?
Nothing stupid about it. Two wrongs don't make a right,. Ask your mom to explain it to you (she should have already). But but but he also did it isn't a defense in the courts or in the court of American Opinion. Trump was supposed to drain the swamp out of the White House, not into it. He's on the hot seat now, that's not gonna change no matter who else played fast and loose.
Well, you just answered my question... you CAN sound more stupid when you try.
Learn politics, and reality. If it isn't linked to Trump it matters little if at all. Trump -Russia, that is what the American people want to know. The rest is a failed attempt to deflect.
No, sorry, snowflake. The only people that give a crap are you frothing at the mouth little bubble headed progs.

The vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of hearing about RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA.

YOU, are the MINORITY.
Learn to read polls. I know, you don't trust polls.

Hillary still leads Trump

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