Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys: - How Can A Civilised Country Allow These Hate Militia's?

There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
What's really disturbing is petty little demagogues like you and limeyboi pointing at this minor fringe group, in order to legitemize arson, looting, assault, and murder.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
We're in decline. And it's self-inflicted wound, felled by our own hubris.

It is what it is.
I still think there is time if the silent majority would stand up and demand change.
You have arrived at Gun nut central mate. No conspiracy theory is ever dismissed. The idiots on here giving you grief believe the following.

1. Michellle Obama is a man.
2. Top democrats kill small children in the cellar of a pizza restaurant that doesnt have a cellar.
3. Barack Obama is a muslim.
4. Donald Trump is a man of the people.
5. White folks are victims.
6. Green energy can never work and is a scientific conspiracy against oil and coal.
7. All gays are paedos.
8. The russians are still commies.
9. The US has always been a force for good in the world.
10. Creationism.
11. Flat earthers.
12. Guns make you safer.

They are not programmed to accept that heavily armed drunken thugs are a threat to civil society.
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world.

Yeah, right.

Like this concern for the safety and rights of all human beings…

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The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.

So, as a filthy Brit, you're too chicken-livered to call for your own government to make yet a third attempt to impose it's will on us, to violate our sovereignty as a nation, so you're calling for an unaccountable foreign power to do so on your behalf.

I'd rather see your own country try it again. We kicked your ass very solidly, twice before, and perhaps now, you're getting due for yet another ass-kicking, which, this time, could and should be enough to put your worthless country out of our misery, once and for all. Perhaps we Americans should invade the UK, make it an American colony, and oppress the inhabitant thereof as your ancestors once tried to oppress us.
The pictures you post were caused by criminals and looters nothing to do with BLM.

"So, as a filthy Brit, you're too chicken-livered"

Quote "Some chicken - some neck!" Churchills reply to the French who said - ‘In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken.’ By the Nazi's.

You always do it don't you?
Instead of debating the points I make, you become angry and emotional and all that 1776 bollocks.
Why can't you understand I'm not looking at this as a Brit but as a humanitarian the same as you.

Anyway we at present have one of the most racist Governments in our history.

'Windrush' - in the fifty's the British Gov. enticed Jamaicans to come and work and make a new life in Britian, giving them British passports and citizenship. They then under Teresa May, destroyed their records and told them they would have to prove there right to be here. Many were not allowed to work, or receive healthcare that they were entitled to. Many were then deported and some committed suicide.

So as a member of that Gov I don't think Boris is one to fuss over human rights.
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world.

Yeah, right.

Like this concern for the safety and rights of all human beings…

View attachment 396034View attachment 396035View attachment 396036View attachment 396037View attachment 396038

The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.

So, as a filthy Brit, you're too chicken-livered to call for your own government to make yet a third attempt to impose it's will on us, to violate our sovereignty as a nation, so you're calling for an unaccountable foreign power to do so on your behalf.

I'd rather see your own country try it again. We kicked your ass very solidly, twice before, and perhaps now, you're getting due for yet another ass-kicking, which, this time, could and should be enough to put your worthless country out of our misery, once and for all. Perhaps we Americans should invade the UK, make it an American colony, and oppress the inhabitant thereof as your ancestors once tried to oppress us.
The pictures you post were caused by criminals and looters nothing to do with BLM.

"So, as a filthy Brit, you're too chicken-livered"

Quote "Some chicken - some neck!" Churchills reply to the French who said - ‘In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken.’ By the Nazi's.

You always do it don't you?
Instead of debating the points I make, you become angry and emotional and all that 1776 bollocks.
Why can't you understand I'm not looking at this as a Brit but as a humanitarian the same as you.

Anyway we at present have one of the most racist Governments in our history.

'Windrush' - in the fifty's the British Gov. enticed Jamaicans to come and work and make a new life in Britian, giving them British passports and citizenship. They then under Teresa May, destroyed their records and told them they would have to prove there right to be here. Many were not allowed to work, or receive healthcare that they were entitled to. Many were then deported and some committed suicide.

So as a member of that Gov I don't think Boris is one to fuss over human rights.
If the UK didn't have the Channel for a moat, they would have been right.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
When you time travel to project upon the current generation people it it hate mongering.
BTW, the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites in America is more than 2 to 1.
What is the murder ratio in England?
How can the U.S. allow hate groups to exist? This is typical of the ignorant left who enjoy the guaranteed freedoms inherent in the Constitution but don't understand their significance. Hatred isn't against the law but who would judge if it was? Arson, looting, assault and robbery are against the law. Let's tackle those problems before we start reading people's minds.
I'm so sick of libs looking past the violent left to take jabs at so called white supremacists groups that no one ever heard of...we are not as stupid as you....we can see where the real hate lives and it lives in the heart of the always has...going way back to Jim Crow.....

The handiwork of left wrong wing terrorist gangs, such as Black Lies Matter, Antifa, or Occupy Wall Street have been all over the news, for everyone to see.

The only reason that we have ever heard of groups such as the Proud Boys or other supposedly “right-wing hate groups”, is that the LIbtARdS have brought them up, and very likely slandered them with false accusations, as a rather pathetic form of a tu quoque to dismiss and distract from the bad behavior that everyone can see that they support and engage in.
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"I disagree with him, but will fight to the death to defend his right to express himself".
Of course, we all knew that sooner or later, Tainted Tommy would show up in this thread and inject his own brand of degeneracy and madness into it which is really only slightly different from that of the op.

You have arrived at Gun nut central mate. No conspiracy theory is ever dismissed. The idiots on here giving you grief believe the following.
1. Michellle Obama is a man.​
2. Top democrats kill small children in the cellar of a pizza restaurant that doesnt have a cellar.​
3. Barack Obama is a muslim.​
4. Donald Trump is a man of the people.​
5. White folks are victims.​
6. Green energy can never work and is a scientific conspiracy against oil and coal.​
7. All gays are paedos.​
8. The russians are still commies.​
9. The US has always been a force for good in the world.​
10. Creationism.​
11. Flat earthers.​
12. Guns make you safer.​
They are not programmed to accept that heavily armed drunken thugs are a threat to civil society.​
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The pictures you post were caused by criminals and looters nothing to do with BLM.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Black Lies Matter •ARE• criminals and terrorists, and this is their handiwork.

This is the side that you are taking; whether because of extreme ignorance, or extreme evil on your part, or more likely, both.

You might have a different view of these subhuman filth if they were over there in the UK, running amok in your community.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.

It's pretty disturbing that LEFTISTS have ALREADY legitimised Black Supremacists like BLM, I mean ALL Leftists are in DELIBERATE DENIAL that BLM are Black Supremacists AND VIOLENT ones.

The actual need for denouncement is NOT for Rightists to denounce a HANDFUL of Fringe Groups BUT for Leftists to denounce in PUBLIC the BLM Black Supremacists who number MORE than a few HANDFUL and are NOT a Fringe Group anymore thanks to Leftists LEGITIMISING them.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

Jeeeesus OP. You are from England? And you want to tell us how to run the USA. England where you allow your daughters to be rapped by animals and you can't even own pepper spray? Where self defense is considered a crime.

And even if you are not from the UK, what do you want? An America run by black supremists?

Here, let me show you what white supremacy means to a negro...

Below is a short audio on multicultural congregations from NPR. It discusses what white supremacy means to a black person.

If you don't want to listen to audio, this quote from the story sums up a black's view of white supremacy.

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things."

Do the right thing lr censored ..jpg
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

BLM ARE a group of THUGS and they also are OPENLY Black Supremacist.

And so Leftist Logic 101 is that White Supremacist = Bad and Black Supremacist = Good.
The fact that they openly threaten to overthrow the Government of the USA. By armed revolt.

You can't overthrow the gov...unless the military backs it.

If military would back BLM, then we would have a BLM gov in charge. If military backed Trump and he would not leave, we would have Trump forever. It all rests on the military, not on these piddly little fringe groups.

Isn't he, she, it cute!

Virtue Singnaler Comix Dagger.jpg
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?
The pictures you post were caused by criminals and looters nothing to do with BLM.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Black Lies Matter •ARE• criminals and terrorists, and this is their handiwork.
BLM do not march into city's armed to the teeth.
You accept that all US citizens have the right to protest don't you?

I posted a thread a few weeks ago that proved Antifa have zero criminal convictions.
Right wing extremists are convicted of 90% of extremist crimes. it is they who are burning your cities.
The rest are by Islamic extremists.

You lot need to research the facts before shooting your biased and racist mouths off.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
We're in decline. And it's self-inflicted wound, felled by our own hubris.

It is what it is.
I still think there is time if the silent majority would stand up and demand change.
You have arrived at Gun nut central mate. No conspiracy theory is ever dismissed. The idiots on here giving you grief believe the following.

1. Michellle Obama is a man.
2. Top democrats kill small children in the cellar of a pizza restaurant that doesnt have a cellar.
3. Barack Obama is a muslim.
4. Donald Trump is a man of the people.
5. White folks are victims.
6. Green energy can never work and is a scientific conspiracy against oil and coal.
7. All gays are paedos.
8. The russians are still commies.
9. The US has always been a force for good in the world.
10. Creationism.
11. Flat earthers.
12. Guns make you safer.

They are not programmed to accept that heavily armed drunken thugs are a threat to civil society.

What a set of generalisations you have, so let's Debunk some:

"1. Michellle Obama is a man."

At random I have posted Memes about Michelle having a penis. To illustrate Leftists aka Communists are DEVOID of humour this goes over Leftists aka Communists heads and they act like they have a Christmas tree stuck up their buttocks.

"3. Barack Obama is a muslim."

Well I have never said Obama is a Muslim, but he was brought up in a Muslim environment, there are even actual pictures of him dressed in Muslim clothing. He might not have literally Converted but from his actions he seems certainly to be more Pro-Muslim and Anti-Christian.

"4. Donald Trump is a man of the people."

Donald Trump in general supports the WORKING AMERICANS who want to keep their JOBS and NOT have them outsourced to China or India and/or have MORE Chinese and Indians IMPORTED INTO America to do jobs that AMERICANS should be doing. Leftists aka Communists in general are HOSTILE and HATE their OWN peoples, they illustrate this in many ways, the main way is theiir FANATICAL DEMAND that UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shitholers are IMPORTED into ONLY Western nations and that the ETHNIC POPULATION of those Western nations MUST PAY for their OWN Demographic Replacements OR IF they stand up to this and say NO then of course that means they are a racist.

"5. White folks are victims."

Considering the OFFICIAL Agenda of Leftists aka Communists is Hate Whitey/Evil Whitey, then logically it can be said that Whites are targeted by Leftists aka Communists for Cancel Culture, we have NEVER seen Blacks OR Non-White's subjected to the same Cancel Culture.

"6. Green energy can never work and is a scientific conspiracy against oil and coal."

Green energy is a scam and a general disaster, it has NOT worked out well for eg. California.

"7. All gays are paedos."

I have NEVER said that all Gays are paedos.

"8. The russians are still commies."

I have NEVER said or suggested that the Russians are STILL Communists, IF the Russians WERE STILL Communists then all you Leftists aka Communists would WORSHIP Russia like your crowd did with The Soviet Union and it is a GREAT PART of why Leftists aka Communists RABIDLY HATE Russia NOW BECAUSE Russia is NO LONGER Communist....and so INSTEAD you have doubled up on your LOVE-IN with CHINA who are STILL Communist and run by the Chinese Communist Party.

"9. The US has always been a force for good in the world."

No the US has NOT ALWAYS been a force for good in the world.

"10. Creationism."

I literally have NEVER met a Creationist.

"11. Flat earthers."

I literally have NEVER met a Flat Earther.

"12. Guns make you safer."

Guns DO make you SAFER, if you have a gun you can protect yourself and your family and your community from all types of different harm and/or attacks. There IS a REASON why in America that 99% of mass Gun Shootings OCCUR in Gun Free Zones, this is because the ENTIRE Community is a Gun Free Zone and because THEY can't HAVE a gun, when some random maniac goes into that Community to do a mass shooting spree you end up with a MASSACRE because NOBODY in the Community has any guns to shoot back to STOP the massacre.
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There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.

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