Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys: - How Can A Civilised Country Allow These Hate Militia's?

There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.
What's your direct evidence that Proud Boys is a "terrorist hate group"?....I mean other than that they're in favor of the traditional western values that Marxists like you hate.

Please show your work.
The fact that they openly threaten to overthrow the Government of the USA. By armed revolt.
I repeat....Please show your work.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
The mentality of race hate is handed down over generations in the US.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Good lord there is so much misinformation and grossly unfound accusations in this post... there is no where to start.
Except to say - wow the ignorance.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

Of course, being an ignorant Brit, who knows nothing about this country that is actually true, who has no understanding of the principles on which this country was founded, and the reasons why the great men who founded it rebelled against your degenerate tyrannical shithole of a country to do so; it is no surprise that you will so happily lap of the lies that you've been told, that you've believed, and that you've vomited forth into your OP here.

Even your empty lip-service to “free speech” falls flat, being surrounded on all sides by calls to deny free speech to those with whom you disagree, and who you wish to falsely slander as “hate groups”.

You would do much better to worry about what is going on all around you, in your own degenerate shithole of a country, than to worry about a country that you know nothing about, in which you have no standing whatsoever, and which ism, in every imaginable way far superior to what your country ever has or ever will be.

The only thing you will ever accomplish by preaching to us Americans about how you think we should run our country is to remind us why our ancestors kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and fought two wars to establish once and for all that you have no say in how we run our country.

I am all for free speech, but…

As this character demonstrated, in the recent reimagining of Planet of the Apes, your kind are like the very lowest of apes.

2012-08-04 19.25.54.jpg

[I didn't add that text. That's an actual photograph of my TV screen, with the subtitling turned on, displaying what that character was saying.]
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
We're in decline. And it's self-inflicted wound, felled by our own hubris.

It is what it is.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
We're in decline. And it's self-inflicted wound, felled by our own hubris.

It is what it is.
I still think there is time if the silent majority would stand up and demand change.
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world.

Yeah, right.

Like this concern for the safety and rights of all human beings…


The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.

So, as a filthy Brit, you're too chicken-livered to call for your own government to make yet a third attempt to impose it's will on us, to violate our sovereignty as a nation, so you're calling for an unaccountable foreign power to do so on your behalf.

I'd rather see your own country try it again. We kicked your ass very solidly, twice before, and perhaps now, you're getting due for yet another ass-kicking, which, this time, could and should be enough to put your worthless country out of our misery, once and for all. Perhaps we Americans should invade the UK, make it an American colony, and oppress the inhabitant thereof as your ancestors once tried to oppress us.
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There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
I have no idea how a civilized country could allow SPLC or BLM to operate, or that Omar skank for that matter.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.

No, you believe that it is okay to murder vast quantities of people you either don't like, or who refuse to believe in your ridiculous ideas.

Leftists have murdered more people in 100 years, than all of the religious wars combined over the last 2,000 years.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
If you dont mind Black Lies Matter Then the Proud Boys should not offend you either
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Basing your opinion on current hate groups to those pictures, is like basing an opinion of current events in Australia on Quigley Down Under.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
We're in decline. And it's self-inflicted wound, felled by our own hubris.

It is what it is.
I still think there is time if the silent majority would stand up and demand change.

That's what elections are for.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

Who asked you, Limey? You are CLEARLY a Left of center if not FAR left of center Liberal and your TDS is showing. Your reference to the Southern Poverty Law Center is absolutely meaningless. That organization was founded by Liberal Democrat Lawyers whose far left views corrupt any and all of their data. They have NO relevance.

"White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016."

Where's your condemnation for the Black supremacist groups? Yes...Black know the ones that run around with their clenched fist in the air (Formerly the gesture of the Black Panthers-".... the Black Panther Party's core practice was its open carry armed citizens' patrols ") like BLM, Black Lives Matter ( or as they should be known...Be Like Monkeys) . This Racist organization and others like it perpetuate racism by exaggerating it's prevalence for their own financial gain and further divide our society.

"The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world."

That's because you, based on the flag you use for an avatar, live in a medieval Monarchy which we Americans moved on from almost 250 years ago.

"....but forming militia groups....." You bet we do. It's a right we have as FREE people. You may have heard of it in your authoritarian Monarchy, a little thing called the Constitution, and more specifically, The Second Amendment.

" A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "

What about the Black thugs in the Portland "Chop Zone" who not only "directly threatened the Government" (The Police and City Government) but actually overthrew the Police ( an agency of the Government) and occupied it's precinct, as well as several city blocks. They denounced the police and then in full hypocritical form, armed themselves and policed the Zone under their self determined law.

I don't hear you denouncing their actions.

Your phony, self righteous, racist indignation about militias and hate groups is palpable.
Stopped at SPLC...

The SPLC is a vile Race Hate Organisation, they are Racist, they HATE WHITES, they are also Bigots, they HATE CHRISTIANS, they LOVE every Race EXCEPT WHITE, they LOVE every Religion EXCEPT CHRISTIANITY.

Hopefully once Judge Amy Coney Barrett is put on The United States Supreme Court then someone will SUE the Racist and Bigot SPLC and put them out of business. The world will be better off WITHOUT disgusting Race Hate Organisations like the SPLC who do NOTHING but spread Racism and Bigotry by constantly TRASHING Whites and Christians.

Note: The SPLC has NEVER listed ANY Black Supremacist organisation for just ONE example.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
I'm so sick of libs looking past the violent left to take jabs at so called white supremacists groups that no one ever heard of...we are not as stupid as you....we can see where the real hate lives and it lives in the heart of the always has...going way back to Jim Crow.....
If you say that you are "for something BUT", you aren't for it, you are against it. If you are for free speech and association (both things guaranteed in our Bull of Rights) you say things like the liberals used to "I disagree with him, but will fight to the death to defend his right to express himself". That is a classic liberal position, not the hatred and suppression the left espouses today.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
We're in decline. And it's self-inflicted wound, felled by our own hubris.

It is what it is.
I still think there is time if the silent majority would stand up and demand change.
You have arrived at Gun nut central mate. No conspiracy theory is ever dismissed. The idiots on here giving you grief believe the following.

1. Michellle Obama is a man.
2. Top democrats kill small children in the cellar of a pizza restaurant that doesnt have a cellar.
3. Barack Obama is a muslim.
4. Donald Trump is a man of the people.
5. White folks are victims.
6. Green energy can never work and is a scientific conspiracy against oil and coal.
7. All gays are paedos.
8. The russians are still commies.
9. The US has always been a force for good in the world.
10. Creationism.
11. Flat earthers.
12. Guns make you safer.

They are not programmed to accept that heavily armed drunken thugs are a threat to civil society.

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