Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys: - How Can A Civilised Country Allow These Hate Militia's?

There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.
Bogaloos are preppers....They're waiting for the revolution to come to them.

Proud Boys are modern chauvinists...There's not a single thing proactively aggressive about them.

The whole line of bullshit from the leftbats about these two fringe groups is projection and whataboutism.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Preppers wouldn't get caught dead with those violent Marxist scum.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.

A number of far right extremist groups are anti-government/anti-police.

Boogaloo is really more like Antifa - a loose collection of ideologically like minded people who self-identify. I don't think they have a formal organization.

Some have been directly linked to police killings:

And, more generally, this article uncovered a lot of disturbing information:

...Yet the leaked materials show that on May 29, two days before Trump tweeted that antifa would be labeled a terrorist organization and Barr issued his DOJ statement, the president’s own DHS analysts issued an open source intelligence report detailing how a white supremacist channel on Telegram, an encrypted messaging service, was encouraging followers to capitalize on the unrest by targeting the police with Molotov cocktails and firearms.
“The use of firearms greatly influences the scale and intensity of these events,” a source in the group, titled “National Accelerationist Revival,” wrote on May 27, advising followers to break police lines “with cocktails, chainsaws, and firearms.” At the time, DHS reported, the group included more than 3,400 subscribers. “Looting and shoplifting are both cool and whites should be doing it way more,” the source went on. “When the laws no longer benefit you, break them for personal gain. If you don’t feel like buying something, steal it. If you don’t feel like driving slow, drive fast. If you don’t like someone, hurt them.”
“We ought to revel in the destruction of the police state,” they wrote. “It is just as necessary to break down the police state and the system of control as it is to spread racial hatred.”

Apparently "Boogaloo" is the slang term for upcoming civil war, which these anti-government groups are attempting to get started.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo are certainly not leftists. It's more a case of "the enemy of my enemy" sort of relationship. Anti-government/anti-police. The leftwing extremists are a useful tool in bringing on the next civil war.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.

When you come right down to it, neither has Antifa. But both have been implicated in a good bit of violence lately.
The pictures you post were caused by criminals and looters nothing to do with BLM.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Black Lies Matter •ARE• criminals and terrorists, and this is their handiwork.
BLM do not march into city's armed to the teeth.
You accept that all US citizens have the right to protest don't you?

I posted a thread a few weeks ago that proved Antifa have zero criminal convictions.
Right wing extremists are convicted of 90% of extremist crimes. it is they who are burning your cities.
The rest are by Islamic extremists.

You lot need to research the facts before shooting your biased and racist mouths off.


You, are a moron....

Antifa-linked man, 24, is sentenced to nearly six years in prison for brutal baton attack in Portland that left his victim needing 25 staples to the head

There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo are certainly not leftists. It's more a case of "the enemy of my enemy" sort of relationship. Anti-government/anti-police. The leftwing extremists are a useful tool in bringing on the next civil war.

If you are anti western government system, then you are leftist.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.
Bogaloos are preppers....They're waiting for the revolution to come to them.

When you are attempting to accelerate the "boogaloo"...that's not waiting for it.

Proud Boys are modern chauvinists...There's not a single thing proactively aggressive about them.

They have proactively attacked protestors and incited violence.

The whole line of bullshit from the leftbats about these two fringe groups is projection and whataboutism.

The real bullshit is ignoring the extremists on your own side.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.

When you come right down to it, neither has Antifa. But both have been implicated in a good bit of violence lately.

No, they have. Their crimes just aren't reported on by the MSM who give them tacit support. Add to that the leftist DA's who refuse to bring charges against them and it is pretty easy to see why they aren't being reported on.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo are certainly not leftists. It's more a case of "the enemy of my enemy" sort of relationship. Anti-government/anti-police. The leftwing extremists are a useful tool in bringing on the next civil war.

If you are anti western government system, then you are leftist.

There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.
Bogaloos are preppers....They're waiting for the revolution to come to them.

When you are attempting to accelerate the "boogaloo"...that's not waiting for it.

Proud Boys are modern chauvinists...There's not a single thing proactively aggressive about them.

They have proactively attacked protestors and incited violence.

The whole line of bullshit from the leftbats about these two fringe groups is projection and whataboutism.

The real bullshit is ignoring the extremists on your own side.

We DON'T. We universally condemn extremists. From ANY side. You, don't.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo are certainly not leftists. It's more a case of "the enemy of my enemy" sort of relationship. Anti-government/anti-police. The leftwing extremists are a useful tool in bringing on the next civil war.

If you are anti western government system, then you are leftist.



Black Lives Movement more concerned with 'ending capitalism and democracy than racism'

'Marxist' BLM movement aims to destroy the 'Western way of life'
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.
Bogaloos are preppers....They're waiting for the revolution to come to them.

When you are attempting to accelerate the "boogaloo"...that's not waiting for it.

Proud Boys are modern chauvinists...There's not a single thing proactively aggressive about them.

They have proactively attacked protestors and incited violence.

The whole line of bullshit from the leftbats about these two fringe groups is projection and whataboutism.

The real bullshit is ignoring the extremists on your own side.
They have proactively attacked protestors and incited violence.


The real bullshit is ignoring the extremists on your own side.

I'm ignoring nothing...I actually know some Boogaloos...As nonviolent people as you would want to meet....You wouldn't know one if he/she was sitting right next to you.
No, they have. Their crimes just aren't reported on by the MSM who give them tacit support. Add to that the leftist DA's who refuse to bring charges against them and it is pretty easy to see why they aren't being reported on.

Oh for God's sake. That's B.S.

Police in some areas, have been shown to have sympathies with rightwing extremists and there is even concern that white supremacists have been infiltrating the police. Add to that a government that is currently on record as wanting to target ONLY leftwing extremists.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo are certainly not leftists. It's more a case of "the enemy of my enemy" sort of relationship. Anti-government/anti-police. The leftwing extremists are a useful tool in bringing on the next civil war.

If you are anti western government system, then you are leftist.



Black Lives Movement more concerned with 'ending capitalism and democracy than racism'

'Marxist' BLM movement aims to destroy the 'Western way of life'

You are taking one leftwing group (and, imo, the claims made there are questionable) and using that to imply that ALL anti-government groups are therefore like this one, leftwing.

That's simply not true.

In fact it makes no sense - you can't, on one hand claim that leftwing are "statists" pro-nanny state (when, most western governments support a strong safety net) and them say they are "anti-government" groups.

Rightwing extremist groups almost universally are anti-government.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

WHEN did Proud Boys and Boogaloo ever ADVOCATE for the murder of the police?

WHO also can take SERIOUSLY groups who call themselves Proud Boys and Boogaloo? Proud Boys sounds TOTAL Faggot and Boogaloo sounds TOTAL 1970s BLACK DISCO.
Bogaloos are preppers....They're waiting for the revolution to come to them.

When you are attempting to accelerate the "boogaloo"...that's not waiting for it.

Proud Boys are modern chauvinists...There's not a single thing proactively aggressive about them.

They have proactively attacked protestors and incited violence.

The whole line of bullshit from the leftbats about these two fringe groups is projection and whataboutism.

The real bullshit is ignoring the extremists on your own side.
They have proactively attacked protestors and incited violence.


The real bullshit is ignoring the extremists on your own side.

I'm ignoring nothing...I actually know some Boogaloos...As nonviolent people as you would want to meet....You wouldn't know one if he/she was sitting right next to you.

I seriously doubt you would know a BLM supporter if he was sitting right next to you either.

You can call it bullshit, but I think it is more reflective of your own hypocrisy.
The pictures you post were caused by criminals and looters nothing to do with BLM.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Black Lies Matter •ARE• criminals and terrorists, and this is their handiwork.
BLM do not march into city's armed to the teeth.
You accept that all US citizens have the right to protest don't you?

I posted a thread a few weeks ago that proved Antifa have zero criminal convictions.
Right wing extremists are convicted of 90% of extremist crimes. it is they who are burning your cities.
The rest are by Islamic extremists.

You lot need to research the facts before shooting your biased and racist mouths off.


You, are a moron....

Antifa-linked man, 24, is sentenced to nearly six years in prison for brutal baton attack in Portland that left his victim needing 25 staples to the head

Ha ha ha, Daily mail is a right wing UK rag that I've caught lying many times before.
Antifa - linked??? How is he linked? The following story doesn't mention Antifa? Its not mentioned in court? Neither does his lawyer mention them?
Did he have a membership card? Did he have a US Communist Party Members card - He should have if he's a self respecting Marxist.

Your full of shit!
No, they have. Their crimes just aren't reported on by the MSM who give them tacit support. Add to that the leftist DA's who refuse to bring charges against them and it is pretty easy to see why they aren't being reported on.

Oh for God's sake. That's B.S.

Police in some areas, have been shown to have sympathies with rightwing extremists and there is even concern that white supremacists have been infiltrating the police. Add to that a government that is currently on record as wanting to target ONLY leftwing extremists.
Yeah. You're still looking for those MAGA hat-wearing thugs who mugged poor Jussie Smollette. aren't you?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,

It's pretty disturbing that we are actually attempting to legitimize these folks.
And yet YOU defend BLM and antifa. Perhaps YOU can link to all the mayhem supposedly caused by these right wing groups?

I don't defend Antifa - I've consistently said they're a bunch of thugs. I don't see BLM in that light (yet).

I've linked to it so many times already - it's an easy google.

How many times does the leadership of Burn Loot Murder have to advocate for the murder of police before you do?

And do you apply the same standards to the rightwing "patriot" groups like Proud Boys and Boogaloo?

Boogaloo march with Burn Loot Murder, so they are leftists. The Proud Boys have never called for the murder of ANYONE. If you have evidence that shows they have please provide it.
Boogaloo are certainly not leftists. It's more a case of "the enemy of my enemy" sort of relationship. Anti-government/anti-police. The leftwing extremists are a useful tool in bringing on the next civil war.

If you are anti western government system, then you are leftist.



Black Lives Movement more concerned with 'ending capitalism and democracy than racism'

'Marxist' BLM movement aims to destroy the 'Western way of life'

You are taking one leftwing group (and, imo, the claims made there are questionable) and using that to imply that ALL anti-government groups are therefore like this one, leftwing.

That's simply not true.

In fact it makes no sense - you can't, on one hand claim that leftwing are "statists" pro-nanny state (when, most western governments support a strong safety net) and them say they are "anti-government" groups.

Rightwing extremist groups almost universally are anti-government.

Before the leftwing can institute their type of government (statist), they must first destroy what is already there (capitalist/individualist).

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