The Beirut Blast Is A Reminder That Hezbollah Has Ruined Lebanon

Western people aren't aware that most Lebanese Christians support Hezbollah, and there is a Christian battalion of Hezbollah fighters. ... :cool:
The Beirut Blast Is A Reminder That Hezbollah Has Ruined Lebanon
More than any other group in Lebanon, the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah bears responsibility
for the conditions that led to the blast.

6 Aug 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson
The massive explosion on Tuesday that destroyed the port of Beirut, killed more than 130 people, wounded thousands more, and ravaged part of the city, appears to be an accident. A warehouse storing 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been confiscated from a ship in 2013 and stored at the port ever since exploded after an adjacent building caught fire.
But it’s the kind of accident that could only happen in a place as mind-bogglingly corrupt as Lebanon. Simply put, Lebanon isn’t a failed state so much as a facsimile of a state. It has the features of a state—a government, a parliament, a bureaucracy—but none of it works.
Or rather, it works for the deeply corrupt political factions that run the country—a cartel class of religious and political sects that divvy up the functions of government to enrich themselves at the people’s expense. The leaders of these factions style themselves the leaders of political parties, but they’re more like feudal lords.
To put it in more familiar terms, Lebanon is a mafia state governed entirely through criminality and institutionalized corruption. The ranks of the civilian bureaucracy are filled according to sectarian quotas set by a political class that has no regard for the public good. Government jobs, contracts, and services are doled out according to this system, in which the strongest mafia family, the dominant sect that all others must placate and partner with at some level, is the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah.
If there’s one group that bears primary responsibility for the state of affairs in Lebanon that led to the explosion in Beirut, it’s Hezbollah.
The United States has played an ignoble role in Hezbollah’s rise. As part of the Obama administration’s effort to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, it derailed a major U.S. law enforcement campaign against Hezbollah headed by the Drug Enforcement Administration dubbed Project Cassandra.
According to an extensive report by Politico, the project “amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.”
But allowing Project Cassandra to go forward would jeopardize the Iran deal, so the Obama administration undermined it as a matter of policy. At the same time, it advanced a policy of appeasement toward Hezbollah. Before he became CIA director under Obama, John Brennan advocated for “greater assimilation of Hezbollah into Lebanon’s political system,” and later said the administration was seeking to build up “moderate elements” in Hezbollah.
Project Cassandra members say the administration blocked their efforts to go after top Hezbollah operatives, investigate its envoy to Iran, or charge the group’s military wing as an ongoing criminal enterprise under federal racketeering laws. At every turn, the Obama administration protected Hezbollah.
Lebanon today, including the smoldering ruins of Beirut, is a dispiriting portrait of what happens when groups like Hezbollah are allowed to flourish and wield political power—and a powerful reminder that the United States should never encourage it.

From the moment I learned of the explosion in the Port of Beirut Lebanon, I linked Hezbollah to the tragedy. There is nowhere in the terrotory of Lebanon, where 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate is needed to fertilize land. Additionally, Nitroprill is not designed for farming application, but designed to be used as an explosive. So what would Hezbollah need with Nitroprill? Any guesses? Certainly it was now for peaceful purposes...
Therefore the citizenz of Beirut will suffer... and those responsibe as always skate away from their just deserts....

Honestly, how is the cargo of a Russian tanker getting stored in Beirut for almost seven years due to bankruptcy and government inaction and corruption related to Hezbollah? But you manage to drag every right wing boogeyman into something that's a matter of Lebanese government incompetence. This is a reach...even for you. People want to know how conspiracy theories get started....I give you, example A.

"There are no prizes for guessing who in Lebanon might be interested in keeping such vast quantities of explosive material close at hand."

Maybe. But Hezbollah isn't one of them. Nothing to link them to it.
This says it all about Beirut

I have no doubt the Israeli Mossad along with the CIA are responsible for the explosion. It's what they do. ... :cool:

More like a low life Russian oligarch transporting explosive cargoes in a crappy old bucket that had been cited numerous times as sub-standard, and then refusing to pay his bills and getting his cargo seized. Add the usual incompetence of Arab terrorist gangsters to manage anything that doesn't involve blowing up school busses full of six year olds or gang raping little boys, just letting the cargo sit in a port until it blew.
Lebanon Must End its Poisonous Political Relationship with Hezbollah
by Con Coughlin
August 26, 2020 at 5:00 am

  • Speaking shortly after the verdict was announced, Bahaa Hariri, the eldest son of the murdered prime minister, told me that the conclusion of the trial should result in Hezbollah's complete exclusion from Lebanese politics.
  • Mr Hariri's campaign for Lebanon to end the interference of Iran and Hezbollah in the country's political system will certainly be helped by the damning material that emerged from the trial about the organisation's links with Syria and Iran.
  • The man convicted of Mr Hariri's murder, therefore, is no ordinary Hezbollah commander, but someone who operates at the organisation's highest levels, a fact that should help enormously in Lebanon's coming battle to rid itself of the malign influence that Hezbollah and its Iranian paymasters have exercised over the country's fortunes.

Lebanon Must End its Poisonous Political Relationship with Hezbollah
by Con Coughlin
August 26, 2020 at 5:00 am

  • Speaking shortly after the verdict was announced, Bahaa Hariri, the eldest son of the murdered prime minister, told me that the conclusion of the trial should result in Hezbollah's complete exclusion from Lebanese politics.
  • Mr Hariri's campaign for Lebanon to end the interference of Iran and Hezbollah in the country's political system will certainly be helped by the damning material that emerged from the trial about the organisation's links with Syria and Iran.
  • The man convicted of Mr Hariri's murder, therefore, is no ordinary Hezbollah commander, but someone who operates at the organisation's highest levels, a fact that should help enormously in Lebanon's coming battle to rid itself of the malign influence that Hezbollah and its Iranian paymasters have exercised over the country's fortunes.

they've done nothing for the real Lebanese, who are taking up the clean up after the blast by themselves, with zero help from the Hexbolah vermin, whose only interest in Lebanon is their hashish and heroin biz. They're just another drug cartel and blight on the planet.
The Lebanese people are grateful that Hezbollah stood and fought the terrorist IDF when they illegally invaded Lebanon. ... :cool:

LOL most Lebanese left in the 1950's. The PLO and Iran's kiddie rapers and dope dealers moved in. Our local churches here sponsored entire villages and clans fleeing the animals.
Lebanese Christian singer Julia Boutros honors Hezbollah at Concert in Lebanon. (english subtitles)
Lebanese Christian singer Julia Boutros honors Hezbollah at Concert in Lebanon. (english subtitles)

"kiss the nobility of your feet,
which grants honor to honor itself"

That's some creepy North Korean idiocy.
And at worst adoration of man, a great heresy in Islam.

"grants honor to honor itself" is only to Allah. don't you think?
"kiss the nobility of your feet, which grants honor to honor itself"
That's some creepy North Korean idiocy.
And at worst adoration of man, a great heresy in Islam.
"grants honor to honor itself" is only to Allah. don't you think?
She is a Christian Lebanese singer. ... :cool:
The Mossad have a long history of staging false flag attacks in other countries they deem hostile to Israel. ... :cool:
Just curious, how much is Hezbollah paying you? That’s already three posts on Israel already. Pretty pathetic Sunni, even for you...
Why does Sunni Man live in the U.S , yet blindly defends Hezbollah, who proudly shout ‘death to America!!’

Makes you think who your neighbour might be ....
The brave Hezbollah freedom fighters defending their country against Israeli terrorism and aggression. Reminds me of the patriotic Minute Men citizen soldiers who valiantly fought against British oppression during the American Revolution. ... :cool:
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The brave Hezbollah freedom fighters defending their country against Israeli terrorism and aggression. Reminds me of the patriotic Minute Men citizen soldiers who valiantly fought against British oppression during the American Revolution. ... :cool:

They run heroin and hashish businesses and pocket the money themselves, and use Lebanon as a toilet, same as the PLO factions do.
"kiss the nobility of your feet, which grants honor to honor itself"
That's some creepy North Korean idiocy.
And at worst adoration of man, a great heresy in Islam.
"grants honor to honor itself" is only to Allah. don't you think?
She is a Christian Lebanese singer. ... :cool:

And you don't see how it makes this N.Korea style
dhimmi circus even creepier?
Hezbollah grew from the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) and has emerged as a political party in Lebanon. Founded in 1982 by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah (Party of God) is the most powerful group in Lebanon thanks to a heavily armed militia that fought several wars with Israel. Over the last 35 years, it has established a worldwide network of supporters, fundraising, and training camps. Hezbollah took advantage of Lebanon’s diaspora and the solidarity between compatriots in order to grow, especially in Central and South America, where nine million Lebanese are estimated to live.

Over the past two decades, investigations have uncovered numerous terrorist plots planned and executed in Latin America; and the nexus between terrorism and criminal organizations involving Hezbollah is acute. While many analysts concentrate on terrorist activities in the Middle East, the fundamental role that Latin America has played, geographically, has been glossed over. Latin America became a geopolitical paradise for Hezbollah’s illicit activities and expansion. Maduro’s allies, Russia, China, Cuba and Iran through its proxy Hezbollah continue to throw a lifeline to the Maduro regime in Venezuela.


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