Three political reasons led to Obama’s capitulation yesterday


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By | Bruce McQuain

Three primarily political reasons drove the Obama concession yesterday to allow insurance companies to continue to cover customers whose plans don’t meet ObamaCare standards. And none really had anything to do with doing what was right for the citizenry. He wasn’t really doing anyone any favors except Democrats. He was, as usual, focused solely on limiting political damage.

One reason that drove the concession was the usual – an attempt to start shifting the blame. As Megan McArdle points out:

This may be a near-perfect specimen of that Washington perennial: the nonsolution solution. Insurers are already warning that they can’t simply allow people to stay on their old plans, firstly because all plans have to be approved by state insurers who haven’t signed onto this, and secondly because getting their computer systems to reissue the canceled policies is a hefty programming task that may not be possible to complete by the end of the year. But that’s not the administration’s problem, is it? They can say, “Hey, we changed the rule — if your insurer went ahead and canceled your policy anyway, that’s not our fault!”​

Blame shifting is as natural to this administration as breathing is to the rest of us. While they take more heat, they can now pass some of it off to insurers ......


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Three political reasons led to Obama?s capitulation yesterday « Hot Air

Typical move of Obama and this administration. They can't offer up Bush as the scapegoat so they point to the insurers. Never to themselves who in reality are the real offenders.
Why is this administration continually in a "fourth and long" situation?

Time once again to punt. After a time out, of course.

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