Three Quarters Who Signed Up for Obamacare have Higher Premiums

Who knows? I do not think he is lying. But he does not speak for the entire country.

I will tell you that it does match my experience. Our premiums went WAY up.

As of today we have no way of measuring the success or failure of the ACA. I doubt the government will release anything substantive until after the midterms, unless they are favorable for the (most transparent!)) administration (in history!).

When we can determine how many of the formerly uninsured (the 46 milliion!) are now newly insured -not merely "re-enrolled" due to gov't regulations - then we''ll have something to talk about. That was the goal right? Help the 46 million??

I think not even the libs bought obabbles bullshit today...what waste of time.
Ah but will the higher premiums be sufficient to cover the cost of all those abortions? Particularly those covered by Obamacare insurance on men and women past menopause?
He's probably right but I wonder how he would know such a thing. Even the administration doesn't know that.
But what people probably do know is that their insurance sucks and their premiums are unaffordable. Let's see how many people make the first payment. Or the 5th.
There is no doubt a lot of people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles what the exact number is we don't know and may never know but I doubt it's a small number.
There is no doubt a lot of people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles what the exact number is we don't know and may never know but I doubt it's a small number.

If the plans were truly better in any way people would be flocking to them. There would be no need for a mandate. Does Apple have to mandate people buy their products? No, people do so because they produce good products. The fact people waited until the last minute tells you the plans suck and people are signing up under duress. And that's assuming they are actually signining up.
There is no doubt a lot of people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles what the exact number is we don't know and may never know but I doubt it's a small number.

If the plans were truly better in any way people would be flocking to them. There would be no need for a mandate. Does Apple have to mandate people buy their products? No, people do so because they produce good products. The fact people waited until the last minute tells you the plans suck and people are signing up under duress. And that's assuming they are actually signining up.

As has been pointed out many times by many people for some to benefit from Obamacare others are going to have to get the shaft from it.
A lot of the people who signed up on the website only went there because their plans were cancelled and they needed something else. Too many were faced with much higher premiums and deductibles. Many went away without signing up because they couldn't afford the new rates. They were forced out of their previous plans and now have nothing. And the left could care less that millions can no longer afford to be covered.

The lying about Obamacare continues. It's not going well and it will never accomplish what they claimed. It's not about health care, it's about control. Period.

Results of a RAND Corporation study suggest that barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans – nowhere near 7.1 million, as claimed by Obama – had paid for new policies and joined the ranks of the insured by the Monday night deadline. The study also indicates that only one-third of exchange sign-ups were previously uninsured.

Obama May Want To Put The Cork Back In The Champagne Bottle After He Sees These ObamaCare Numbers
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Ask anyone that had insurance before the ACA, they'll tell you that premiums went up every year. Big deal.
Ask anyone that had insurance before the ACA, they'll tell you that premiums went up every year. Big deal.

Premiums were tripled instantly because of Obamacare. People got notices that their plans were cancelled, went to Obamacare website and were looking at paying three time more with ridiculously high deductibles. Obamacare is bullshit. There is a reason they lied so much to get it passed. They couldn't very well admit that we were getting royally screwed by their new law. It's not about health care, let alone affordable health care. It's about control because the law transferred a lot of power from the people to government. The libs aren't about to give up that power no matter how many suffer because of it.

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