Three US troops killed in Jordan.

Should the US strike Iran as punishment for supporting terrorist groups?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters
We could do a Reagan. He got a bloody nose in Lebanon and turned tail … then invaded Grenada.
Here are the facts...

1. Are US military bases considered US soil?​

Yes, US military bases are considered US soil, even if they are located in a foreign country.

And the facts support what I said. And the facility involved is an outpost not a base.

Lowest Recruitment in our Armed Services in Modern America.
I think lowest technically in 104 years.
Plus the way recruitment is handled.Like what should be
non-eligible is now fully eligible.
Medical care reserved for sex change.
This could be the trigger for a wider war in the ME.

First on CNN: Three US troops killed in drone attack in Jordan, at least two dozen injured​

Lets see who wants to take out Iran's assets as punishment for Iran's support of terrorists.

I think the US needs to hit Iran's assets very hard to send a message.
It's a very delicate situation. Strategic strikes on military targets would be prudent. Especially plants where drones are made. With the promise to keep destroying them if they are rebuilt. Using drones to do.itnwould be kismet.
It's a very delicate situation. Strategic strikes on military targets would be prudent. Especially plants where drones are made. With the promise to keep destroying them if they are rebuilt. Using drones to do.itnwould be kismet.
Yeah, we see where "prudent" has gotten us.

No one. We are not the world's cop.

If there is a need for a cop then NATO should share the costs.
Specifically, who should fill the vacuum as the world's cop if we do not?
It's a very delicate situation. Strategic strikes on military targets would be prudent. Especially plants where drones are made. With the promise to keep destroying them if they are rebuilt. Using drones to do it would be kismet.
Drones don't destroy a wide enough area.
We need B-52s carpet bombing wide areas.
Tell them their oil infrastructure is next, in another American is killed in the ME.
Specifically, who should fill the vacuum as the world's cop if we do not?
That's exactly the point.
The US is NOT. We're tapped out at $40T in Debt.
You figure out who is.
That's exactly the point.
The US is NOT. We're tapped out at $40T in Debt.
You figure out who is.
You're the one advocation we withdraw from the world scene. Who fills the vacuum, China? They're eager to do so, and what happens then?
You're the one advocation we withdraw from the world scene. Who fills the vacuum, China? They're eager to do so, and what happens then?
LOL. Belts and Roads for everyone.
China can fill the vacuum and waste all the money they want.
The troops killed/wounded were with the Arizona National Guard. Does anyone see the logic in sending them away from a real invasion at home to halfway around the world to start another one? Who is running this crazy train? 40 Arizona National Guard among the casualties in drone attack in Jordan
If Biden can't protect US troops they should be pulled back to protect the US border.
The West Bank just exploded into serious fighting this morning after the Israelis killed terrorists in a hospital.
Looks like the fuse is lit and Biden didn't fire a shot yet.

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