Three-way Split


Sep 23, 2010

Cannonballs Stacked on a Brass Monkey​

Whether or not the phrase “More balls than a brass monkey” has anything to do with cannonballs is irrelevant. Karl Rove should have it tattooed on his forehead. He has to have a lot of balls to come back with the same crap he pulled in 2010 and 2012:

“Republican success will depend on having quality Senate candidates,” Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. “Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock self-destructed last fall, and other candidates squandered important opportunities.”

They didn’t self-destruct. Rove and a few RINO torpedoed them in the media —— in addition to not helping candidates that would have won with a little help from the RNC.

Rove knows his candidates cannot win without conservative voters; so he acts like his Republican candidates are conservative. The truth is this: Conservatives must fight Rove’s Republicans as well as fight Democrats. The goal of a majority in one, or both, Houses of Congress is still out of reach for Tea Party conservatives. Winning enough seats in either House to stop Democrats and Republicans in their tracks is attainable.

Campaigning on repealing Hillarycare II was always more than enough to win super majorities. Today Rove says:

. . . go toe-to-toe with Democrats on ObamaCare, . . .

Rove: GOP could take Senate in 2014 if it avoids self-destructive candidates
By Jonathan Easley - 05/02/13 07:46 AM ET

Rove: GOP could take Senate in 2014 if it avoids self-destructive candidates - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Rove wasn’t talking like that in 2010 or 2012; so who in their right mind believes him now. Even today he’s not making a strong case for repeal. My guess is that toe-to-toe means tinkering with the ACA. Look back and you’ll hear a lot of Rove’s Republicans saying “Keep the good, and throw out the bad.” There’s nothing good about the entire bill. This alone should make repealing Hillarycare II the Republican party’s top priority:

The fact is that Rove and his crowd oppose parts of the healthcare law is far from wanting it repealed:

Reid warned the federal government is not spending enough money to implement the law because of Republican opposition to ObamaCare.

Reid: More funding needed to prevent ObamaCare from becoming 'train wreck'
By Alexander Bolton - 05/01/13 05:45 PM ET

Reid: More funding needed to prevent ObamaCare from becoming 'train wreck' - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Democrats make no bones about spending hundreds of billions of dollars on the train wreck every year, and still the last thing Rove wants is a veto-proof Congress that would eliminate every excuse for not repealing Hillarycare II.

Finally, split government —— one House Democrat, one House Republican —— is the ideal situation for establishment Republicans. In that way they can do their dirty business with Democrats under the guise of bipartisanship. You can bet your ass they don’t want a three-way split in either House: Democrats, Republicans, and Tea Party conservatives.
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Repealing, or defunding Hillarycare II, is a must for the country. Failing to do either is NOT a death knell for Tea Parties. To say otherwise also sounds conservatism’s death knell:

"The Tea Party is certainly dying as a movement," said Ford O'Connell, a GOP strategist. "They definitely need some new life breathed into them, and [implementation] is the issue to do that. They need to make it work. If they can't hack it in 2014, they're done."

I think Mr. O’Connell must be Karl Rove’s mouthpiece. Somebody should tell him that no matter what he says about the Tea Party Movement conservatives are not going to vote for Rove’s candidates.

There’s a bit more to this next excerpt than meets the eye:

Conservative activists blamed the 2012 losses on Mitt Romney and his responsibility for ObamaCare's predecessor in Massachusetts. They said that getting back to the movement's bread and butter issue without Romney at the party's helm could give them another cycle like 2010.

"Romney made a mistake not talking about it," said Sal Russo, co-founder of the Tea Party Express. "In 2014, it's going to be a big, big issue again."

Romney dared not talk about it. Karl Rove’s Republicans, the media, and DEMOCRATS pushed for Romney to get the nomination for one reason: Romneycare effectively neutered every attack on Hillarycare II.

No truer thing has been said about Tea Parties than this:

"We don't have that drag from the top of the ticket in 2014," Kibbe said. "That drag was the defining difference between 2010 and 2012."

Tea Party looks to ObamaCare for new life in 2014 election cycle
By Elise Viebeck - 05/02/13 06:14 PM ET

Tea Party looks to ObamaCare for new life in 2014 election cycle - The Hill's Healthwatch

Finally, after Republicans took the House there was serious talk about not funding the ACA. Speaker Boehner dropped it last November. Listen to his waffling in the video at this link:

John Boehner Finally Realizes ‘Obamacare’ Is Here To Stay
November 9, 2012 3:26 pm

Daily News Finder

Repeal is unlikely without a super majority in both House. Or a bunch of Democrats doing what’s best for the country. Lol on that one; so conservatives should make defunding the cutting edge of their attacks in House races. The things Harry Reid is saying about the cost of implementation is ammunition from the Gods.
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