Throwing Blacks under the Bus, Blue State Insolvency and the Dossier.

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
What will hurt the Ds more in the mid-terms?

Favoring illegals over poor, particularly poor black, citizens in Schumer's shutdown?

Tax exempt, investment grade munis paying more interest than treasuries combined with a rapidly shrinking tax base?

Or buying misinformation from the FSB to gin up a scandal against Trump?

What will damage the Ds worst in the midterms?
What will hurt them the most is desperately holding on to the same old Alinskyite tactics of attack, attack, attack, while not really providing any clear plan. We've heard the same old dog whistles over and over: Candidate "X" is a racist, bigot, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, pedophile, blah blah blah blah, over and over ad nauseum.

Yet when you ask them how they intend to deal with the deficit, unemployment, infrastructure, and the security of this country, they never seem to have any real answers, plans, or ideas other than the same things they've been unsuccessfully repeating for decades.
What will hurt the Dems worst in 2018 and 2020 is their Mad-Dog Ideology, their State of Denial, and their Inability to Learn the lessons of November 8, 2016.

To regain political power, they need to kiss-and-make-up with White Straight Christian Middle America, and with the Blue Collar class of all ethnicities.

To do that, they're going to have to throw Illegal Aliens, Muslims and the Gay Mafia under the bus.

I doubt they have it in 'em - not as a matter of principle, but as an inability to rediscover and effectively utilize necessary political pragmatism.
The genetic ballot is turning against them.

PA of all places is turning into a tax haven state because of lower SALT than all of its neighboring states but WV.

They threw illegals under the bus too.

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