thursday at 9pm on MSNBC you will know why we went into Iraq


[ame=]Bush "Saddam had no WMD or links with Al Qaeda" - YouTube[/ame]
But hey..there's a brighter side!

[ame=]Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

He's got JOKES!
I will probably be watching something on Netflix...
Breaking Bad maybe House of Cards...

I will probably miss this expose...
they have the PROOF of why we went to Iraq.


cold hard proof

To bad no one watches MSNBC. :lol:

Those who are curious do; I watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh because I'm curious as to what will be posted on this forum in the immediate future. The incurious and willfully ignorant self censor, some out of fear they may learn something which challenges the dogma they hold true, others because they have accepted the dogma and believe anyone who challenges it is a Commie or the Antichrist.
Maddow gave a hint of what angle they are using. It's one I agree with. That the invasion was over mainly economic reasons And the PNAC has stated's no real secret.
they have the PROOF of why we went to Iraq.


cold hard proof

To bad no one watches MSNBC. :lol:

Those who are curious do; I watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh because I'm curious as to what will be posted on this forum in the immediate future. The incurious and willfully ignorant self censor, some out of fear they may learn something which challenges the dogma they hold true, others because they have accepted the dogma and believe anyone who challenges it is a Commie or the Antichrist.
i tried listening to Rush while delivering the mail....that lasted about a week.....
Bottom line is: I don't care why we went into Iraq, all I want now is an apology for doing so.
There is no excuse for the Blood or Treasure we wasted on that hellhole.

Do you believe the United States should live up to our treaties and agreements?.

When treaties get us involved in wars like Iraq and Vietnam, No we should never have been involved in treaties like that. Our politicians have to learn to do what is best for the US.
End of Story
Ms. Maddow does have some valid points.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: Bush to blame for Ukraine - Washington Times

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow asserted Monday that George W. Bush, who exited office in 2009, is ultimately at fault for the current Ukrainian crisis.

Ms. Maddow told colleague Andrea Mitchell that Mr. Bush’s entire Middle East policy has led to several overseas conflicts, from the Iraq War to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine dispute.

“The decisions of our generation on national security are determined more than anything by what the George W. Bush administration did with that nine-year war in Iraq and, alongside it, a 13-year war in Afghanistan that’s still going on,” Ms. Maddow said during a discussion about her new documentary, “Why We Did It.”

“Those are the determinative constraints for our thinking about everything, from Crimea, to Syria, to what the overall size of the U.S. military is,” she said.

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