Tik Tok Creator Say's She's Sick Of Everything Being Dictated By What White People Think & Feel

My question to the usual suspects on here is, does she have a point here?

I mean, after listening to her entire statement, is she wrong on anything?

If so, what specifically?

Take a look, more importantly a listen...

She created Tik Tok? I thought it was a gentleman from China?
Do you WANT to understand?

Have you even listened to the video?

I am white. I am incapable of understanding.

Yes I watched the video. Her black multi-verse ain't happening; all her stuff about companies only market to blacks like they are ghetto isn't true at all; and nobody is dictating a damn thing to her. She is free to believe what she wants, but that doesn't make it reality. I did find it ironic that while ranting about whites seeing all black people the same she just couldn't stop stereotyping all white people, but whatever. We are all cut from wrinkled cloth. Getting her dopamine fix off her view count is all that video is about.
I am white. I am incapable of understanding.

Yes I watched the video. Her black multi-verse ain't happening; all her stuff about companies only market to blacks like they are ghetto isn't true at all; and nobody is dictating a damn thing to her. She is free to believe what she wants, but that doesn't make it reality. I did find it ironic that while ranting about whites seeing all black people the same she just couldn't stop stereotyping all white people, but whatever. We are all cut from wrinkled cloth. Getting her dopamine fix off her view count is all that video is about.
Clearly, you have no INTEREST in understanding.

Not very surprising.
Clearly, you have no INTEREST in understanding.

Not very surprising.

And clearly you can't refute a thing I have posted. Very predictable. Is she a relative? Just curious why you are pimping up her views since all that was was a bunch of anti-white emotional drivel trying to paint blacks as victims of revlon.
Black leads are everywhere, in everything. That's why I seldom go to movies.

I don't recall when there has been a film that sounded worth seeing, with rare exception.

I saw Sound of Freedom last year at about this time and I will be seeing this one on June 4.

My question to the usual suspects on here is, does she have a point here?

I mean, after listening to her entire statement, is she wrong on anything?

If so, what specifically?

Take a look, more importantly a listen...

We've told you repeatedly that the alternate bolding is really fucking annoying, but you refuse to listen. So no, she has no point and you're the proof
My question to the usual suspects on here is, does she have a point here?

I mean, after listening to her entire statement, is she wrong on anything?

If so, what specifically?

Take a look, more importantly a listen...

Yeah, that would suck...but isn't that true everywhere?

I'm not hard to look at, but if I was in Hong Kong, or any majority Asian or African country with a Caucasian minority, I doubt I would be considered nearly as attractive as I would be in a majority Caucasian country, because their cultural standards of attractiveness is different.

Sorry, but them's the breaks.

FWIW, I think she's cute.
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