Tillerson out?

I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(
nothing i can really do about it. i like some of what he does, i hate other things. kinda like any other president we've had before him, just more TV based which started last president who needed to chime into every social situation and tell us what to think.

we as a country are not coming into the digital age of infomformation in politics very well at all.
We heard from Obama, maybe once a month or two chiming in on something or sticking his foot in his mouth....

This is DAILY.....no, no, no...it is HOURLY....and just too much to handle and see, that this is what the Nation I loved, has become..... :(
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Tillerson always struck me as someone who wasn't going to clean up that agency....He needed to go.

State Department isn't an agency. Important distinction. Well maybe technically, but since I worked for an 'agency', I didn't really think of State as one. Much more important than that!

Anyway, I do believe he fucked it up with blindly lettting people go and or slashing budgets and jobs. I have absolutely no idea if Pompeo can righten the ship.

I actually had HOPE for that Trump pick!
ABC radio is reporting the same

The talking heads are making my head hurt. The only one that put it out there was Andrea Mitchell so far. I had already thought the same thing before she said it. Isn't it amazing that Tillerson, is the only one in the cabinet that called out Russia for the terrorist attack in Britain was Tillerson, after Sarah Huckleberry didn't at the press briefing yesterday. And we all know the press secretary speaks for the President right?

Hey look. The traitor in chief is on the way to AF1 to fly to California to look at protypes of his border wall that isn't going to get built. Complete with photo ops with the troops. Nice deflection at the last minute Donny. What are the odds he tries to make the news about sanctuary cities, and dumps all over the Oakland mayor? The press should give him no break, and only ask questions about his failure to speak out against Putin, and when he plans on 'fessing up about Stormy. That's all he should be asked from now on by the press everywhere he goes.

This son of a bitch needs to be put up against a wall and shot. We really do have a Manchurian candidate as a President. I'll sit back now and watch how the usual suspects flood the thread with their undying love for a traitor against their own country.
I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be choreographed and directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(

The talking heads are making my head hurt. The only one that put it out there was Andrea Mitchell so far. I had already thought the same thing before she said it. Isn't it amazing that Tillerson, is the only one in the cabinet that called out Russia for the terrorist attack in Britain was Tillerson, after Sarah Huckleberry didn't at the press briefing yesterday. And we all know the press secretary speaks for the President right?

Hey look. The traitor in chief is on the way to AF1 to fly to California to look at protypes of his border wall that isn't going to get built. Complete with photo ops with the troops. Nice deflection at the last minute Donny. What are the odds he tries to make the news about sanctuary cities, and dumps all over the Oakland mayor? The press should give him no break, and only ask questions about his failure to speak out against Putin, and when he plans on 'fessing up about Stormy. That's all he should be asked from now on by the press everywhere he goes.
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ABC radio is reporting the same

The talking heads are making my head hurt. The only one that put it out there was Andrea Mitchell so far. I had already thought the same thing before she said it. Isn't it amazing that Tillerson, is the only one in the cabinet that called out Russia for the terrorist attack in Britain was Tillerson, after Sarah Huckleberry didn't at the press briefing yesterday. And we all know the press secretary speaks for the President right?

Hey look. The traitor in chief is on the way to AF1 to fly to California to look at protypes of his border wall that isn't going to get built. Complete with photo ops with the troops. Nice deflection at the last minute Donny. What are the odds he tries to make the news about sanctuary cities, and dumps all over the Oakland mayor? The press should give him no break, and only ask questions about his failure to speak out against Putin, and when he plans on 'fessing up about Stormy. That's all he should be asked from now on by the press everywhere he goes.

This son of a bitch needs to be put up against a wall and shot. We really do have a Manchurian candidate as a President. I'll sit back now and watch how the usual suspects flood the thread with their undying love for a traitor against their own country.
I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be choreographed and directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(

The talking heads are making my head hurt. The only one that put it out there was Andrea Mitchell so far. I had already thought the same thing before she said it. Isn't it amazing that Tillerson, is the only one in the cabinet that called out Russia for the terrorist attack in Britain was Tillerson, after Sarah Huckleberry didn't at the press briefing yesterday. And we all know the press secretary speaks for the President right?

Hey look. The traitor in chief is on the way to AF1 to fly to California to look at protypes of his border wall that isn't going to get built. Complete with photo ops with the troops. Nice deflection at the last minute Donny. What are the odds he tries to make the news about sanctuary cities, and dumps all over the Oakland mayor? The press should give him no break, and only ask questions about his failure to speak out against Putin, and when he plans on 'fessing up about Stormy. That's all he should be asked from now on by the press everywhere he goes.
Too much coffee?
Tillerson always struck me as someone who wasn't going to clean up that agency....He needed to go.

State Department isn't an agency. Important distinction. Well maybe technically, but since I worked for an 'agency', I didn't really think of State as one. Much more important than that!

Anyway, I do believe he fucked it up with blindly lettting people go and or slashing budgets and jobs. I have absolutely no idea if Pompeo can righten the ship.

I actually had HOPE for that Trump pick!

I think with the upcoming NK talks, Trump needs someone in State, that will work hand in hand with his goals...
A White House official said that they wanted a new team in place in advance of upcoming talks with North Korea. So what does Trump do? Fires the guy he once said was "wasting his time" negotiating with North Korea. This administration is like an Onion article. :lol:
I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(
nothing i can really do about it. i like some of what he does, i hate other things. kinda like any other president we've had before him, just more TV based which started last president who needed to chime into every social situation and tell us what to think.

we as a country are not coming into the digital age of infomformation in politics very well at all.
We heard from Obama, maybe once a month or two chiming in on something or sticking his foot in his mouth....

This is DAILY.....no, no, no...it is HOURLY....and just too much to handle and see, that this is what the Nation I loved, has become..... :(
yep. we don't stop the shit slide, it gets worse. we defended obama doing all this and when any side defends the wrong actions of their side, the OTHER side will simply take it up a notch.

human nature.

we can stop being collectively stupid and this will clear or we can put our heads down and insist it's the OTHER side to blame and ONLY them.
Uh oh!

Trump says Tillerson out as secretary of state


03/13/2018 08:51 AM EDT

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, nominating CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place.

"Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!" Trump tweeted Tuesday. "Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!

Pompeo's favored status in the West Wing for months led administration officials to view him as Tillerson's likely replacement. Haspel, who Trump said would replace Pompeo, became deputy director of the CIA las
State Department contradicts the White House: Tillerson has no idea why Trump decided to fire him
The State Department on Tuesday issued a statement saying that just-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been planning to remain in his post — while adding that Tillerson still has no idea why he was fired.
First woman to lead the CIA? Trumps sexism strikes again!
Well, let's all hope he doesn't grab her pussy!
Uh oh!

Trump says Tillerson out as secretary of state


03/13/2018 08:51 AM EDT

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, nominating CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place.

"Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!" Trump tweeted Tuesday. "Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!

Pompeo's favored status in the West Wing for months led administration officials to view him as Tillerson's likely replacement. Haspel, who Trump said would replace Pompeo, became deputy director of the CIA las
State Department contradicts the White House: Tillerson has no idea why Trump decided to fire him
The State Department on Tuesday issued a statement saying that just-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been planning to remain in his post — while adding that Tillerson still has no idea why he was fired.

First woman to lead the CIA? Trumps sexism strikes again!
Well, let's all hope he doesn't grab her pussy!
Uh oh!

Trump says Tillerson out as secretary of state


03/13/2018 08:51 AM EDT

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, nominating CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place.

"Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!" Trump tweeted Tuesday. "Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!

Pompeo's favored status in the West Wing for months led administration officials to view him as Tillerson's likely replacement. Haspel, who Trump said would replace Pompeo, became deputy director of the CIA las
State Department contradicts the White House: Tillerson has no idea why Trump decided to fire him
The State Department on Tuesday issued a statement saying that just-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been planning to remain in his post — while adding that Tillerson still has no idea why he was fired.
I just got off the phone with a friend of my mine where the 'words were hanging in the air'. Gee, I wonder if Trump let him know ahead of time.
Tillerson always struck me as someone who wasn't going to clean up that agency....He needed to go.

State Department isn't an agency. Important distinction. Well maybe technically, but since I worked for an 'agency', I didn't really think of State as one. Much more important than that!

Anyway, I do believe he fucked it up with blindly lettting people go and or slashing budgets and jobs. I have absolutely no idea if Pompeo can righten the ship.

I actually had HOPE for that Trump pick!

I think with the upcoming NK talks, Trump needs someone in State, that will work hand in hand with his goals...

Trump once said Tillerson was "wasting his time" trying to negotiate with North Korea.
The circus continues

Who is next out of the clown car?
Tillerson always struck me as someone who wasn't going to clean up that agency....He needed to go.

State Department isn't an agency. Important distinction. Well maybe technically, but since I worked for an 'agency', I didn't really think of State as one. Much more important than that!

Anyway, I do believe he fucked it up with blindly lettting people go and or slashing budgets and jobs. I have absolutely no idea if Pompeo can righten the ship.

I actually had HOPE for that Trump pick!

I think with the upcoming NK talks, Trump needs someone in State, that will work hand in hand with his goals...

Trump once said Tillerson was "wasting his time" trying to negotiate with North Korea.

And Tillerson has publicly bucked Trump's position in the past too....Who do you think wins the battle between the President, and the SoS?
I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be choreographed and directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(
President Trump is getting rid of the BONOBO spies/leakers. He is cleaning house in his own administration as well he should.
BONOBO had his 'fisting buddy' Valerie and a bunch of radical Socialists around him for eight long years.
In a few more months Trump's administration will be purring like a new Ferrari.
Tillerson was never qualified for the job and it showed. He decimated the State Department and left hundreds of positions unfilled

He had no support from Trump who undercut him at every opportunity

Pity the next fool

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