Jake Tapper and Dana Bash... journalists or left wing propagandists?

You are stupid, not understanding ratios. Trump had half the casualities in a quarter of the time.
You just claimed Biden was President 3.5 times longer than Trump, moron! Let's see...a Presidential term is 4 years...Trump served a full term and Biden hasn't yet served his full term...so how do you arrive at your 3.5 number? Duh?
You just claimed Biden was President 3.5 times longer than Trump, moron! Let's see...a Presidential term is 4 years...Trump served a full term and Biden hasn't yet served his full term...so how do you arrive at your 3.5 number? Duh?
You don't know numbers and ratios. Trump had been President for 12 months with Covid when he left office. Biden has been in office 42 months. They both have about the same death toll. Can you do the figures now?
You don't know numbers and ratios. Trump had been President for 12 months with Covid when he left office. Biden has been in office 42 months. They both have about the same death toll. Can you do the figures now?
That's not what you said, John...you said Biden was President 3.5 times longer than Trump. Which means you're either an idiot...or you misspoke. Which is it?
This so first Man With A Plan. During the run of Covid, Trump has been president for 12 months and Biden for 42 months. They both had the same casualties. You cannot do basic division,
lol...the phrase that gave birth to "oxymoron"...you could have gone with "unbiased propagandists" to say the same thing.
Sorry...but Bash and Tapper are respected journalists. Moderating a presidential debate is a different kettle of fish because you’re not there to find out what happened and report what you’re being told as you do in your reporting. You are there to get answers to questions. The blob seldom answers a question directly and when he does, he seldom follows through.
Sorry...but Bash and Tapper are respected journalists.
not even close
Moderating a presidential debate is a different kettle of fish because you’re not there to find out what happened and report what you’re being told as you do in your reporting. You are there to get answers to questions.
Who cares? it's yellow journalism.
The blob seldom answers a question directly and when he does, he seldom follows through.
And that makes you far less biased than they are.
You don't know numbers and ratios. Trump had been President for 12 months with Covid when he left office. Biden has been in office 42 months. They both have about the same death toll. Can you do the figures now?
Joe was to end it on day 1. So many agendas. Just printing fiat currency and acting so important destroying others.
Well, those who know about these things call them respected journalists.
I can tell by the list you posted with that.
Your opinion is...funny.
"Well, those who know about these thing things call them" yellow journalists...man that's embarrassing even when mocking it.
mmmm okay. ????
It's should have been self explanatory corny..."well, for those who understand these things" anyway... it means their bias against "the blob" is greater than yours whereas "respected journalists" have no bias.
After listening to the multiple lies they spewed out during the Trump administration, and seeing their reactions to conservative pundits on their shows, I believe it's the latter.
It will be three against one.
My sincere hope is that their TDS will override their common sense, and America will see who they truly are.

Fucked Snooze the daily lies of their talking heads.
This so first Man With A Plan. During the run of Covid, Trump has been president for 12 months and Biden for 42 months. They both had the same casualties. You cannot do basic division,
, View attachment 967184
"The latest available CDC figure, dated February 8, 2023, puts the cumulative U.S. COVID death toll at 1,110,364, meaning that by this point around 700k more Americans have died in the pandemic under Biden than under Trump." Newsweek.

They both had the same casualties? Not even close, Skippy!
Dana Bash is a Romney-type Republican. Sure, she claims to be independent, but ideologically, she's a moderate conservative, and has always been so.

So, a fine balanced team, a moderate Democrat and a moderate Republican. Needless to say, because it's balanced, liberals have no problems with it, and conservatives hate it. Conservatives all know they can't win on a level playing field, so they always try to work the refs.

If anyone says Dana Bash is liberal, just smile, twirl a finger around your ear, and slowly back away from the kook before they drool on you. Someone would have to be even more senile than Trump to claim something that insane. Thus, most of the Trumptards here are saying it.

Of course, we know what's really going on. Even the Trumptards know how senile Trump is, and how sharp Biden is. They're all either looking for excuses for Trump to run from the debate, or making excuses for why Trump will lose in such a humiliating manner.

Needless to say, you don't see any Democrats wanting Biden to back out.

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