Tim kaine said democrats would use nuke option if Hilary won...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
both harry Reid and Tim kaine, Hilary's running mate, said they would end the filibuster if she won but the republicans filibustered her nominee...


Hillary Clinton's running mate is predicting Democrats will go "nuclear" if Republicans try to stonewall a potential Supreme Court nominee by Clinton.

Tim Kaine on Friday said he believes Senate Democrats will change the chamber's rules if they run into GOP obstruction in 2017.

So stuff it left wingers.....
Well Harry Reid invented this work-around and it works well.

Now it will simply apply to all SCOTUS and Federal judges and also to cabinet posts.

Fair enough.
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.

Assuming the Republicans haven't preemptively created an impossibly convoluted knot of Senate rules prior to the possibility.
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.

Assuming the Republicans haven't preemptively created an impossibly convoluted knot of Senate rules prior to the possibility.

The problem with that is the Dems are the only truly Machiavellian players in our government. The repubs really are babes in the woods. They are totally outclassed when it comes to unethical gamesmanship and the ability to manipulate the rules to their benefit.
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.

Assuming the Republicans haven't preemptively created an impossibly convoluted knot of Senate rules prior to the possibility.

The problem with that is the Dems are the only truly Machiavellian players in our government. The repubs really are babes in the woods. They are totally outclassed when it comes to unethical gamesmanship and the ability to manipulate the rules to their benefit.

Agreed. They seem to think how you play the game is important. Dead stupid in a street fight.
both harry Reid and Tim kaine, Hilary's running mate, said they would end the filibuster if she won but the republicans filibustered her nominee...

Kaine: Dems will use 'nuclear option' if GOP blocks court nominee

Hillary Clinton's running mate is predicting Democrats will go "nuclear" if Republicans try to stonewall a potential Supreme Court nominee by Clinton.

Tim Kaine on Friday said he believes Senate Democrats will change the chamber's rules if they run into GOP obstruction in 2017.

So stuff it left wingers.....
both harry Reid and Tim kaine, Hilary's running mate, said they would end the filibuster if she won but the republicans filibustered her nominee...

Kaine: Dems will use 'nuclear option' if GOP blocks court nominee

Hillary Clinton's running mate is predicting Democrats will go "nuclear" if Republicans try to stonewall a potential Supreme Court nominee by Clinton.

Tim Kaine on Friday said he believes Senate Democrats will change the chamber's rules if they run into GOP obstruction in 2017.

So stuff it left wingers.....
Please remind us who tim kaine and Hillary are?
both harry Reid and Tim kaine, Hilary's running mate, said they would end the filibuster if she won but the republicans filibustered her nominee...

Kaine: Dems will use 'nuclear option' if GOP blocks court nominee

Hillary Clinton's running mate is predicting Democrats will go "nuclear" if Republicans try to stonewall a potential Supreme Court nominee by Clinton.

Tim Kaine on Friday said he believes Senate Democrats will change the chamber's rules if they run into GOP obstruction in 2017.

So stuff it left wingers.....
Tim Kaine.....Proof that "People Are Stupid"
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.

Yep....they could not care less about tradition if it gets in the way of their power.....
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.

Assuming the Republicans haven't preemptively created an impossibly convoluted knot of Senate rules prior to the possibility.

The problem with that is the Dems are the only truly Machiavellian players in our government. The repubs really are babes in the woods. They are totally outclassed when it comes to unethical gamesmanship and the ability to manipulate the rules to their benefit.

the best people on the Republican side go into private business...and raise their families.....the democrats...their most vile and evil people head straight into government, including education...the law and entertainment....all to pursue power....
2aguy is hallucinating again. There are wicked people, like 2aguy, in both parties.

The problem is that the electorate does not hold the Congress responsible.
When the Dems take the Senate again, they will include the end of cloture to all legislation.

Assuming the Republicans haven't preemptively created an impossibly convoluted knot of Senate rules prior to the possibility.
Not possible. As most Washington bureaucrats know, the phrase "what goes around, comes around" is true. Republicans going nuclear means the Democrats would use it the first chance they get even if it takes years. The Republicans know this too since it works both ways. Despite all the grandstanding, theatrics and brinksmanship, they'll do the right thing in the end. About 80% of this is face-saving bullshit anyway.
Welp, elections have consequences, and Trump has indeed been a failure from the get go.

I do sincerely hope he gets Syria and NK right.
Welp, elections have consequences, and Trump has indeed been a failure from the get go.

I do sincerely hope he gets Syria and NK right.

Facts in evidence show you to be nothing more than a partisan hack. In other words, fakey, the only failure is you and your constant barrage of bullshit. The trumpster has been doing the unthinkable, delivering on every thing he promised he would do. The fact that the progressive wing of the government has been breaking the law and obfuscating, and obstructing at every turn is merely going to make it easier to ferret them out, and remove them from government.
Facts in evidence show that you are simply a screwball, westy chesty. The failure here is your attempt to suppress others' legitimate comments simply goes nowhere here . Trump has delivered on almost nothing, you freek. :lol:

No repeal and replace. No sustainable EOs on immigration. A foreign policy that lets Syria continue to spiral out of control and another that gives the NK dictator a free hand. He had to fire Flynn and kick Bannon of the NSC. Nunes is relieved of his job and being investigated. Sessions is recused.

I agree with McConnell that he should use the nuke option. The Senate should be a simply majority operation like the Congress. Chesty Westy, you hate democratic procedures, I know, but there it is.

You are simply a failure, my dear. Now trot along.
Facts in evidence show that you are simply a screwball, westy chesty. The failure here is your attempt to suppress others' legitimate comments simply goes nowhere here . Trump has delivered on almost nothing, you freek. :lol:

No repeal and replace. No sustainable EOs on immigration. A foreign policy that lets Syria continue to spiral out of control and another that gives the NK dictator a free hand. He had to fire Flynn and kick Bannon of the NSC. Nunes is relieved of his job and being investigated. Sessions is recused.

I agree with McConnell that he should use the nuke option. The Senate should be a simply majority operation like the Congress. Chesty Westy, you hate democratic procedures, I know, but there it is.

You are simply a failure, my dear. Now trot along.

I think that getting to sit back and watch the implosion of obummer care is the best thing the repubs can do. They can sit back and say to the WORLD..."see, we told you this law was shit, and it has proven to be so". The problem with that is a lot of people are going to end up suffering due to Democrat partisan bullshit. The INTENT of obummercare was to fail. And if the anointed one had won the election they would have been able to blame everyone but themselves and then rammed single payer down the throats of the American People. Which we all knew was the goal in the first place.

The immigration EO will be sustained when it gets to the Supreme Court.

Syria was ENCOURAGED to spiral out of control by your hero's, obummer and the shrilary. The trumpster is going to put an end to that bullshit.

The same go's for NK. Once again your hero's obummer and the shrilary enabled that manic to continue. The trumpster will end that too.

Your problem is you think the the world is a movie and everything takes minutes to happen. Those of us who live in the real world understand that GOOD outcomes take time to set up. Only brainless dipshits, like you, demand immediate, unplanned, unsupported action.

As far as Nunes stepping down, i think you're going to be very sad as Gowdy is going to rip your progressives a new asshole.

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