Tim Pool: Democrats and RINO Never Trumpers Have Been War Gaming a Civil War and West Coast Secession

The guy who supported Andrew Yang is now not "liberal" enough for the moonbats.

Yangs not a liberal,,,
Yeah, he's a far left progressive, who has a tad of a populist streak in him..."Liberal" was in quotation marks, to denote how truly off the reservation of sanity the left is today.
They are truly vile horr
This is no joke folks.

Podesta is a fool, and many will die if they do this.

They are evil vile and stupid people that think they are all geniuses. First they run Crooked Hillary, that no one liked and now they run Joe/Ho that no one is excited about.

‘Fiery But Peaceful’ Is Fake News Trope Now.

When is arson a peaceful act?


CNN is on the cutting edge of formulating the next set of lies that Democrats will tell the American People.

In a bold stroke of luck for the Left-Wing Rioters, Saks Fifth Avenue executives were acting in cahoots with local police, thus necessitating ransacking the store and stealing nice clothes for justice.

Windows of businesses and residential buildings being smashed on University Avenue — which were not preemptively boarded up. This Papa John’s employee asks protesters, “Do you want Trump to be elected?” First mistake, he's asking Mobs to consider their actions. Mobs don't consider their actions, that is why we use Professional Police forces.

Question for the justifiably angry Papa John’s employee is this: Do you want Trump re-elected, or will you vote for the man who refuses to condemn the people who just trashed your place of business? Choose wisely, but Republicans recognize that this is a Free Country, and the choice, as always, is yours.


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Bring On the Otherwise Peaceful Inferno

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“Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests.”

Brings to mind: “Separate but equal”

CNN couldn’t think you’re that stupid, could they?

They could.

They do.
CNN’s own reporter stood there in front of the still-burning hulks of what had previously been peoples’ cars. Meanwhile, the infotainment network’s editors, apparently, scrambled trying to think of a way to convince you that you weren’t seeing with your own eyes exactly what CNN’s camera was showing you.

What they came up with was “fiery but mostly peaceful” and called it a night.

We do find ourselves wondering though, how CNN would label acts of arson committed against CNN’s offices and vehicles.

We’re thinking that the “mostly peaceful” lie would go up in smoke — at least until it became useful again the very next night.
But Wait, It Gets Worse

UNREAL. While human rights activist Chen Guangcheng spoke at the #RNC2020 about the horrors of the Chinese Communist Party, CNN cut away to a panel.

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CNN, like most of the rest of our infotainment industry, isn’t actually on Beijing’s payroll.

They do, however, make an awful lot of money in China — but only so long as they keep Beijing happy.

The Chinese have a word for this: Kowtowing.

But you knew that already, didn’t you?

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