Tim Pool forwards the argument it's time to end the Bud Light Boycott...

...and he makes some good points.

1) There has to be an opportunity for redemption. If Bud Light feels Conservatives will never come back...they will INCREASE woke advertising to market to those on the left.

2) Bud Light spent $200,000 on the Dylon Mulvaney fiasco...but poured $100 MILLION in to UFC advertising that skews overwhelmingly to the right.

3) Bud Light and InBev...plus thousands of other marketing companies have learned a valuable lesson already. It's time to take the win and continue with our iron grip on the narrative.

There's more...but you'll have to watch the video...

I tend to agree with him. We've used the stick. But it can't be all stick... It's time for the carrot. Bud Light does some good things, we reward them for that.

Agree or Disagree?

At least for legalized States like Missouri I would suggest they make a cannabis beverage.
well hes not fat and his opinion scares the left so much they are tryiing to silence him,,
No one is trying to silence him....or is afraid of him in any form. He runs his mouth on YouTube and willing lemmings lap it up.

And yes, he looks like an overweight, aged Wesley Crusher...complete with requisite douchebag skullcap..broadcasting from his mother's basement. :)
No one is trying to silence him....or is afraid of him in any form. He runs his mouth on YouTube and willing lemmings lap it up.

And yes, he looks like an overweight, aged Wesley Crusher...complete with requisite douchebag skullcap..broadcasting from his mother's basement. :)
you leftist stink of fear and go into incoherent rants everytime his name comes up,,

youre a perfect example of it,,

now if you debated the things he says that would be another story,, but your fear doesnt allow such things,,

its the alinsky tactic of "when you cant refute the message attack the messenger,,"
you leftist stink of fear and go into incoherent rants everytime his name comes up,,

youre a perfect example of it,,

now if you debated the things he says that would be another story,, but your fear doesnt allow such things,,

its the alinsky tactic of "when you cant refute the message attack the messenger,,"
I comment on him because he's just another asshole on YouTube and you and the rest of your ilk, lap his every word up like its gospel. Complete with the back pats and "right on!"....:auiqs.jpg:
I marvel at yours (and others) sheer stupidity in thinking this d-bag has anything worthwhile to say.
I comment on him because he's just another asshole on YouTube and you and the rest of your ilk, lap his every word up like its gospel. Complete with the back pats and "right on!"....:auiqs.jpg:
I marvel at yours (and others) sheer stupidity in thinking this d-bag has anything worthwhile to say.
you repeat the exact same words everytime because you know you cant refute a single thing he says,,

you arent fooling anyone,,
I can refute everything he says.
It's his OPINION. Which is not fact. See how that works?

Go ahead, lap it ALL up. :)
so you disagree with him that trump lost 2020??
As I said. No one fears him...or you...or your ideology.

Admit it. You'll lap up the words of any asshole on YouTube that speaks to your bigotry....won't you? :)
your desperation to discredit him says otherwise,,
...and he makes some good points.

1) There has to be an opportunity for redemption. If Bud Light feels Conservatives will never come back...they will INCREASE woke advertising to market to those on the left.

2) Bud Light spent $200,000 on the Dylon Mulvaney fiasco...but poured $100 MILLION in to UFC advertising that skews overwhelmingly to the right.

3) Bud Light and InBev...plus thousands of other marketing companies have learned a valuable lesson already. It's time to take the win and continue with our iron grip on the narrative.

There's more...but you'll have to watch the video...

I tend to agree with him. We've used the stick. But it can't be all stick... It's time for the carrot. Bud Light does some good things, we reward them for that.

Agree or Disagree?

Let's do it. I'm going to stop boycotting Bud Light. Did I mention I don't drink beer? :dunno:
Let's do it. I'm going to stop boycotting Bud Light. Did I mention I don't drink beer? :dunno:
They got you covered...

No it shouldn't end. Not as long as companies continue to do woke, inclusive, diversity, and all of that other bullshit social agenda nonsense advertising.

If you just end a boycott in 9 months time it will be forgotten and the nonsense continued.

This isn't just about bud light, it's about all corporations trying to pander to the lowest common denominator. Bud light is just one of many many many others.
No it shouldn't end. Not as long as companies continue to do woke, inclusive, diversity, and all of that other bullshit social agenda nonsense advertising.

If you just end a boycott in 9 months time it will be forgotten and the nonsense continued.

This isn't just about bud light, it's about all corporations trying to pander to the lowest common denominator. Bud light is just one of many many many others.

Pay people some money and all of a sudden they forget they were offended.

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