Tim Pool stumps guest with abortion question….

3) The "user content" in OPs that the existing rules require needs to be "stepped up".. "Get a load of this" -- is no longer sufficient topical content"... Must be 2 lines or more.. The more the better.. Must SUMMARIZE the topic to be discussed and why you think it NEEDS discussion..
Tim pool had a guest on who was pro-abortion.......they were discussing the topic of abortion when Tim asked the guest if a mother using Meth while pregnant was a problem....

The guest replied that yes....that would be a problem since it would possibly kill the baby and that family services should step in....

And that is when Tim pool makes the guest pause in his comment....

If so called life lover's values and behaviors supported living children I could take them serious, but no they care nada for the living, breathing child as that would require doing some something and not just feelings.

If so called life lover's values and behaviors supported living children I could take them serious, but no they care nada for the living, breathing child as that would require doing some something and not just feelings.



If so called life lover's values and behaviors supported living children I could take them serious, but no they care nada for the living, breathing child as that would require doing some something and not just feelings.

They advocate that the legislatures cut funding for schools for children and jobs at McDonald's by nine years old working late night hours and,,,,,child brides.
If they butcher an unborn child for convenience, it's a health care decision & nobodies fault/business.
If a live child dies anywhere in the world, it's completely ULTRA MAGA's fault.

Is it any wonder it has become impossible to have a discussion with the proggies?
F*k 'em, reason is pointless on someone that has abandoned the capacity to use reason.

We're in an undeclared cold war with them & their masters. It will eventually go hot if there isn't a complete reversal
If they butcher an unborn child for convenience, it's a health care decision & nobodies fault/business.
If a live child dies anywhere in the world, it's completely ULTRA MAGA's fault.

Is it any wonder it has become impossible to have a discussion with the proggies?
F*k 'em, reason is pointless on someone that has abandoned the capacity to use reason.

We're in an undeclared cold war with them & their masters. It will eventually go hot if there isn't a complete reversal

Quite well said.

I'm old and I honestly sometimes hope I am gone before it breaks out.


Quite well said.

I'm old and I honestly sometimes hope I am gone before it breaks out.

I've been expecting this to finally come to a head for some time now.
Every year it gets worse but not bad enough yet for it break out in open hostilities.
At this point, the gulf between our sides is Grand Canyon-esque & growing, while a mutually agreed upon separation will never be allowed by the side that claims to be "liberals" while trying to rule like deranged tyrants.
I'm not getting any younger so I want it to come soon (if it's has to happen).
Let's get it over with, like ripping off a band aid.
The left feels it will never happen since they control the military.
They fail to recognize the vast majority of soldiers, LEO & ex-military detest everything the left stands for & will be unlikely to enforce injustice on their family/friends they identify with.
If so called life lover's values and behaviors supported living children I could take them serious, but no they care nada for the living, breathing child as that would require doing some something and not just feelings.

youre kidding right???

are yu saying its ok for a mother to murder her own child because children die all the time??
If so called life lover's values and behaviors supported living children I could take them serious, but no they care nada for the living, breathing child as that would require doing some something and not just feelings.

I know that is the talking point you shitheads need to justify killing babies in the womb.......but it is, a lie. Conservatives donate more time and more money to charities, and will even travel to china to adopt babies since assholes like you make it so hard to adopt in this country.....
If so called life lover's values and behaviors supported living children I could take them serious, but no they care nada for the living, breathing child as that would require doing some something and not just feelings.

What a creep.
You try to justify bad shit with other unrelated bad shit.

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