Tim Scott is out


Tim Scott is Out

"...of the closet?"

"Sadly, no. He's a Republican."
Hey! It was an honest mistake!

I mean...

Black guy from SC dating a White woman?
Senator from SC never seen with a woman (seems common in SC)

Apparently SC is G friendly but not quite B friendly.
Because you haven't shown us any evidence that the man has done anything wrong, unlike your Orange God.

Poor little victim, do you have anything remotely related to what I said in the post you quoted?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
What did I tell you guys?

Most of Scott's political experience was ultimately centered on being Republicans' Black best friend.

He had plenty of money. $22 million in donations. So if it wasn’t money, then what stopped the lone Black Republican senator, who had the opportunity to possibly become the first Black GOP presidential nominee, from continuing his campaign?

To understand Tim Scott is to understand Republicans relationship with the Black friend.

The main role of the Black friend has always been to propel his white counterpart. Never the main attraction, the Black friend is always a sounding board to show the moral qualities of their white protagonist. So Tim Scott has become a caricature of an archetype. When a Republican says he has a Black friend, he’s referring to Tim Scott. Whenever Republicans have been accused of being racist, they bring up Tim Scott. Scott says America doesn't have a race problem.

Tim Scott is a Black man who truly believes that he worked harder than other Black folks to become a member of Congress. Not that he's a token they picked.

Scott is a lap dog who does it all for the head rubs because the white gaze is a powerful drug.

The truth of the matter is this: No matter how much Scott allowed himself to be a trophy for Republicans, they were never going to choose a Black man as their presidential nominee.

But the real reason Scott dropped out of the race was because of one fact he was forced to accept; one fact he couldn’t deny; one fact that he couldn’t pretend didn’t exist — he was never a viable candidate.

no matter how much you shine yourself up to make yourself presentable to the folks whose acceptance you desperately want, you are still a Black man, and the group you’ve aligned yourself with will always have a problem with that.

That's the excuse you are going to use. Uncle Tim has dropped out, so you won't be voting for him.

It's only been 20 minutes since you posted the post I responded to, has the crack fucked up your brain so bad you can't remember what you said 20 minutes ago?

It's only been 20 minutes since you posted the post I responded to, has the crack fucked up your brain so bad you can't remember what you said 20 minutes ago?

You have to say somethings twice for trailer park trash to understand it.
You have to say somethings twice for trailer park trash to understand it.

Look at Kentucky. Totally Red state. Nothing blue about it. But Republicans ran a black dude who fucks white women and he lost to a liberal Democrat. How else can you explain that?

Blacks weren't stupid enough to vote for him just because he's black. And whites in Kentucky, well, they can't get themselves to drive to the polls to vote for this


Remember how pissed Republican voters were that Donald Trump gave his daughter to a Jew?
Look at Kentucky. Totally Red state. Nothing blue about it. But Republicans ran a black dude who fucks white women and he lost to a liberal Democrat. How else can you explain that?
How many of those Republicans do you think voted for the liberal Democrat?
Blacks weren't stupid enough to vote for him just because he's black. And whites in Kentucky, well, they can't get themselves to drive to the polls to vote for this
Of course, because they knew he was a boot licker.
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Remember how pissed Republican voters were that Donald Trump gave his daughter to a Jew?
Nope sure don't.
You have to say somethings twice for trailer park trash to understand it.

Sorry to hear you live under those conditions, but hey, ya make the best out of what ya got, RIGHT? It makes sense as to why you're so intellectually deficient now. Enjoy your victimhood and your miserable life, I think we're done here.

Sorry to hear you live under those conditions, but hey, ya make the best out of what ya got, RIGHT? It makes sense as to why you're so intellectually deficient now. Enjoy your victimhood and your miserable life, I think we're done here.

You white, racist clowns are funny as hell. You think your punk ass is smart as hell don't you.

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