Tim Scott’s rebuttal

It appears Love disagrees with me.

Fine. Let's talk about it.

So what was racist about my A grade for Mr Scott’s delivery or pointing out that when Teabaggers paid for Ms Bachmann’s rebuttal, they could have told her which camera to look at - Misogyny? :confused-84:

Because I know your posting history. You are a flaming liberal, and nobody on this board believes this sudden change of political ideology coming from you.

Being "anti-Trump" doesn't make anyone a "flaming liberal". No one in the Republican Party can dare to criticize Trump, and that's the problem with you people. You keep posting about Democrats not towing the party line, and revolt in the ranks. That's a very healthy sign for the Party. That's what a healthy coalition does. Listen to all of the stakeholders.

Furthermore, Biden has already changed some of his policies based on the criticisms raised. He didn't fire or threaten to primary those who disagreed with him. He didn't "go with his gut". He listened to the people who he hired as his advisors, and who represent their constituents.

Trump ignored the advice of people he hired to advise him. Didn't read, didn't prepare and went with his "gut". That's the same "gut" that put 7 corporations into bankruptcy.
You'll need more than a sea of words to convince me otherwise.
C for content & honesty - A for delivery.
Well, at least on delivery it was better than Rubio’s & Bachmann’s!
Anyone need a reminder? :heehee:

Sen. Tom Scott's content was correct and his delivery was excellent.

He's trying to mansplain that he can do a better job with race than Biden? PA-LEASE. And then he goes into kinda of an "American Carnage" riff about how Joe is a divider on race and we're all going to hell.

Hey Tim - Where ya been the last four freaking years? :rolleyes-41:
Scott was handicapped by having to sit on his hands for four years of Trump's racism, not to mention Lindsey's campaign. Biden's only been potus for 100 days. We're not going to have honest discussions on race.

Hopefully Scotts (and Demming and Booker) policing reform bill will be enacted.

Scott is imo honest in saying his upbringing was the result of faith and a hard working single mother. But, really, how is Biden a threat to that? He isn't.
I remember last year when Trump was President Demmings throwing the cops under the bus. What a fraud.
'Never-Trump' conservatives really liked Tim Scott's GOP rebuttal to Biden's speech (yahoo.com)

I had a very similar reaction to Scott's speech as did these Never Trumpers.

But Scott ended on America's renewal through Redemption. But That's Biden's Turf. I agree with Scott, but I don't see him getting a nomination that will have to go through Trump, unless Scott wants to sacrafice his manhood as did Moscow Mitch and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey.

That's interesting seeing as how Scott's revisionist history seemed rather Trumpish.
But I'll bet if you asked Biden about Tim Scott, he would unequivocally say he's a good man - NOT "he seems like a good man".
Know what I'm sayin'?
'Never-Trump' conservatives really liked Tim Scott's GOP rebuttal to Biden's speech (yahoo.com)

I had a very similar reaction to Scott's speech as did these Never Trumpers.

But Scott ended on America's renewal through Redemption. But That's Biden's Turf. I agree with Scott, but I don't see him getting a nomination that will have to go through Trump, unless Scott wants to sacrafice his manhood as did Moscow Mitch and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey.

That's interesting seeing as how Scott's revisionist history seemed rather Trumpish.
But I'll bet if you asked Biden about Tim Scott, he would unequivocally say he's a good man - NOT "he seems like a good man".
Know what I'm sayin'?
Yeah. I didn't listen that close to Scott (because I wanted my local weather report) but I distinctly recalled him saying the President "seemed" like a good man. That was unworthy from a man who gave Trump's racism a pass for 4 years. And yeah, Biden would give him a pass for hiding under his bed. I guess Scott was revisionist with Trump. I didn't really hear it that way. I thought he correctly gave Trump credit for the vaccines and somewhat correctly gave the gop credit for prior stimulus. (They went mainly to the more wealthy and didn't include aid to states that would have saved my wife's job)

But he was tasked with the impossible. He managed to do his job without apologizing for Chauvin, which imo was why he really was giving the speech. He said America needs to make sure poor kids have a shot, and America is built on second chances. Biden would agree, and Trump would not ...unless it was in bankruptcy. LOL
C for content & honesty - A for delivery.
Well, at least on delivery it was better than Rubio’s & Bachmann’s!
Anyone need a reminder? :heehee:

Sen. Tom Scott's content was correct and his delivery was excellent.

He's trying to mansplain that he can do a better job with race than Biden? PA-LEASE. And then he goes into kinda of an "American Carnage" riff about how Joe is a divider on race and we're all going to hell.

Hey Tim - Where ya been the last four freaking years? :rolleyes-41:
joe isnt doing a very good job uniting everyone.....but then the last 3-4 guys were not any better...
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....
C for content & honesty - A for delivery.
Well, at least on delivery it was better than Rubio’s & Bachmann’s!
Anyone need a reminder? :heehee:

Sen. Tom Scott's content was correct and his delivery was excellent.

He's trying to mansplain that he can do a better job with race than Biden? PA-LEASE. And then he goes into kinda of an "American Carnage" riff about how Joe is a divider on race and we're all going to hell.

Hey Tim - Where ya been the last four freaking years? :rolleyes-41:
Scott was handicapped by having to sit on his hands for four years of Trump's racism, not to mention Lindsey's campaign. Biden's only been potus for 100 days. We're not going to have honest discussions on race.

Hopefully Scotts (and Demming and Booker) policing reform bill will be enacted.

Scott is imo honest in saying his upbringing was the result of faith and a hard working single mother. But, really, how is Biden a threat to that? He isn't.
I remember last year when Trump was President Demmings throwing the cops under the bus. What a fraud.

PM/DSA Democrat Commies are still throwing LEO's under the bus....They've never stopped...
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....

Oh c'mon Harry - I suggested NOT using the term "Uncle Tom".
Those who do are assclowns - Capische?
Spare us anymore faux outrage.
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....

Oh c'mon Harry - I suggested NOT using the term "Uncle Tom".
Those who do are assclowns - Capische?
Spare us anymore faux outrage.


"Democrats may not want to defund the police, but they are more open than ever to reimagining public safety."
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....

Oh c'mon Harry - I suggested NOT using the term "Uncle Tom".
Those who do are assclowns - Capische?
Spare us anymore faux outrage.
I don't care to look. But who's calling Scott an Uncle Tom. He's not btw. He seems to be the only goper actually trying to legislate reigning in LEA cops.
'Never-Trump' conservatives really liked Tim Scott's GOP rebuttal to Biden's speech (yahoo.com)

I had a very similar reaction to Scott's speech as did these Never Trumpers.

But Scott ended on America's renewal through Redemption. But That's Biden's Turf. I agree with Scott, but I don't see him getting a nomination that will have to go through Trump, unless Scott wants to sacrafice his manhood as did Moscow Mitch and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey.


The video for the official White House account on YouTube only has 11,000 views with only 200 upvotes and 2000 downvotes.
But this moron didn't get 81 million votes. That's a number we can agree on.
C for content & honesty - A for delivery.
Well, at least on delivery it was better than Rubio’s & Bachmann’s!
Anyone need a reminder? :heehee:

Sen. Tom Scott's content was correct and his delivery was excellent.

He's trying to mansplain that he can do a better job with race than Biden? PA-LEASE. And then he goes into kinda of an "American Carnage" riff about how Joe is a divider on race and we're all going to hell.

Hey Tim - Where ya been the last four freaking years? :rolleyes-41:
Scott was handicapped by having to sit on his hands for four years of Trump's racism, not to mention Lindsey's campaign. Biden's only been potus for 100 days. We're not going to have honest discussions on race.

Hopefully Scotts (and Demming and Booker) policing reform bill will be enacted.

Scott is imo honest in saying his upbringing was the result of faith and a hard working single mother. But, really, how is Biden a threat to that? He isn't.
I remember last year when Trump was President Demmings throwing the cops under the bus. What a fraud.
Please note the dislikes vs,likes
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....

Oh c'mon Harry - I suggested NOT using the term "Uncle Tom".
Those who do are assclowns - Capische?
Spare us anymore faux outrage.
just pointing out that in dozens of threads here about black conservatives being called uncle toms.....a certain doctor seemed to never be in one....hey just sayin....
C for content & honesty - A for delivery.
Well, at least on delivery it was better than Rubio’s & Bachmann’s!
Anyone need a reminder? :heehee:

Sen. Tom Scott's content was correct and his delivery was excellent.

He's trying to mansplain that he can do a better job with race than Biden? PA-LEASE. And then he goes into kinda of an "American Carnage" riff about how Joe is a divider on race and we're all going to hell.

Hey Tim - Where ya been the last four freaking years? :rolleyes-41:
Scott was handicapped by having to sit on his hands for four years of Trump's racism, not to mention Lindsey's campaign. Biden's only been potus for 100 days. We're not going to have honest discussions on race.

Hopefully Scotts (and Demming and Booker) policing reform bill will be enacted.

Scott is imo honest in saying his upbringing was the result of faith and a hard working single mother. But, really, how is Biden a threat to that? He isn't.
I remember last year when Trump was President Demmings throwing the cops under the bus. What a fraud.
Please note the dislikes vs,likes
very persuasive. LOL
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....

Oh c'mon Harry - I suggested NOT using the term "Uncle Tom".
Those who do are assclowns - Capische?
Spare us anymore faux outrage.
just pointing out that in dozens of threads here about black conservatives being called uncle toms.....a certain doctor seemed to never be in one....hey just sayin....
Yeah, I thought Rainman was better for him. LOL I'd gladly vote for Scott in 28. I think a Trump sycophant needs to run in 24, and get his ass kicked.
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!
when have you ever got on one of your fellow lefties for doing just that?.....thx.....

There have been a few instances. Ahh found one!
i said you,not someone who wrote something in a paper....

Oh c'mon Harry - I suggested NOT using the term "Uncle Tom".
Those who do are assclowns - Capische?
Spare us anymore faux outrage.

Please note the numbers re: Like - 644 and dislikes 3.1k...
Indeed, just as exciting as the Oscars last week.
Chyna Joey Xi's typical habit of stealing the other’s results as his own.
C for content & honesty - A for delivery.
Well, at least on delivery it was better than Rubio’s & Bachmann’s!
Anyone need a reminder? :heehee:
Haha, he was 10x better than that fraud.

He shatters the whole narrative that America is systemically racist. The only systemic racism exists only within the Democratic Party.
they are the kkk
I just saw this trending on Twitter. Hey, Love, do you agree with this?

View attachment 485080

No I don’t - next question?

Don't lie to me.

Hmm, show me when I ever called a black conservative an Uncle Tom. Thx!

I am only treating this thread with the seriousness it deserves!

Nah, you’re trolling ;-)
it's all you got.

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