Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad May Be Based On Falsehood

Pretty shoddy defense on your part. Not every woman is what I said. What do you know about pregnancy anyway?

Speaking of what comes after and abortion and what doesn't come after an unwanted pregnancy. How many of you forced birthrs out there know for sure that your mother did not have an abortion before she had you? Had she gone through with the pregnancy, you wouldn't exist.
You would have been pre-emptively aborted. :lol:

what you said is even fewer women's uteri are intact after carrying a baby to term.

you said it, not me.

i don't want to get too technical here so let me just say you're full of shit.
Believe it or not, an generally abortion is less stress on a woman's body than is a pregnancy carried to term.

well, duh. now you can explain to me how the uterus is destroyed by pregnancy as you have claimed.

i'll wait.
]Abortions being illegal has never stopped anyone from obtaining one.[/B] I find it hypocritical that you would use the legalities of abortion as the basis of your argument.
You are quite wrong about that. And you are being a complete and total hypocrite if you are going to claim it's okay to outlaw abortion because people will still be able to get them. :cuckoo:

I'm not naive enough to think by making abortions illegal it would stop abortions. Only an idiot like you would think that. I mean isn't it you and idiot number three that thinks Mrs Tebow is lying because she was advised to have an abortion in a country that has banned the practice? You're sounding more and more hypocritical with each post.
And you claim to have had children? !! :cuckoo:

Every breath a pregnant woman takes, every bit of nourishment she consumes, every step she takes she expends energy to feed and bear the growing load. If that were not so women could abort at anytime and the anti choicers could all fall over themselves to claim the the zygotes and the fetuses and tuck them into their wombs themselves.
Not every woman's uterus is intact aftr an abortion and even fewer after a pregnancy taken to term.

What body part of a woman is removed when she has an abortion?
The growth inside her attached by an umbilical cord which is diverting nourishment and blood.

Maybe you need to take biology class? Do you know what comes out if she carries the pregnancy to term?

Dodge balling and still not answering the question. The umbilical cord and placenta are only present during pregnancy and are not a permanent body part of either the woman or the baby. The fact that the afterbirth is delivered from the womb after the birth tells you this.

One last time, what body part of a woman's body is no longer intact after she has an abortion?

Try this one . . . what part of the unborn's body is no longer intact after it is aborted?
This is someone who compared a woman's womb with a smoky barroom in another thread.

Wrong, YOU made that comparison and tried to push it as if I did. You failed, after you ignored most of my posts in that thread.
I ignored nothing. I was shocked and dismayed by that disgusting comparison you made. A woman's womb is not a place of business, IMO. You seem to think otherwise.

You made the smoky bar room comparison, not me. You are lying . . . but you know that.
I'm not naive enough to think by making abortions illegal it would stop abortions.
Make up your mind. Do you want abortion to be available or not? Laws are made to be followed, maybe that's news to you? We don't right laws because some maniacs like you want to amke a statement about how they feel about abortion. Especially if that statement is a false one.
Speaking of what comes after and abortion and what doesn't come after an unwanted pregnancy. How many of you forced birthers out there know for sure that your mother did not have an abortion before she had you? Had she gone through with the pregnancy, you wouldn't exist.
You would have been pre-emptively aborted. :lol:

no responses?
Wrong, YOU made that comparison and tried to push it as if I did. You failed, after you ignored most of my posts in that thread.
I ignored nothing. I was shocked and dismayed by that disgusting comparison you made. A woman's womb is not a place of business, IMO. You seem to think otherwise.

You made the smoky bar room comparison, not me. You are lying . . . but you know that.
It's all in the thread. You claimed that anyone who was for choice should also be in favor of allowing smoking in barrooms because they are privately owned places of business. Sick that you would even equate a womb with a place of business, much less such a sordid and dirty one.
I ignored nothing. I was shocked and dismayed by that disgusting comparison you made. A woman's womb is not a place of business, IMO. You seem to think otherwise.

You made the smoky bar room comparison, not me. You are lying . . . but you know that.
It's all in the thread. You claimed that anyone who was for choice should also be in favor of allowing smoking in barrooms because they are privately owned places of business. Sick that you would even equate a womb with a place of business, much less such a sordid and dirty one.

Again, your comparison, your words, not mine. If you recall, you bought up 'the womb' in that thread.

The decision to ban smoking should be one the owner of the facility should make, rather than the government, and the customer can choose whether to patronize that particular establishment or not.

This thread is about abortion not smoking.
You made the smoky bar room comparison, not me. You are lying . . . but you know that.
It's all in the thread. You claimed that anyone who was for choice should also be in favor of allowing smoking in barrooms because they are privately owned places of business. Sick that you would even equate a womb with a place of business, much less such a sordid and dirty one.

Again, your comparison, your words, not mine. If you recall, you bought up 'the womb' in that thread.

The decision to ban smoking should be one the owner of the facility should make, rather than the government, and the customer can choose whether to patronize that particular establishment or not.

This thread is about abortion not smoking.
So why did you bring up abortion in a smoking thread?

Anyway, thanks for confirming what I said you said.
It's all in the thread. You claimed that anyone who was for choice should also be in favor of allowing smoking in barrooms because they are privately owned places of business. Sick that you would even equate a womb with a place of business, much less such a sordid and dirty one.

Again, your comparison, your words, not mine. If you recall, you bought up 'the womb' in that thread.

The decision to ban smoking should be one the owner of the facility should make, rather than the government, and the customer can choose whether to patronize that particular establishment or not.

This thread is about abortion not smoking.
So why did you bring up abortion in a smoking thread?

Anyway, thanks for confirming what I said you said.

In the smoking thread I asked "Why should the government butt in concerning the choice of smoking but butt out concerning the choice of abortion?" and noted your words from mani's abortion thread concerning choice. This was your answer. Your words, your comparison, not mine.

Honest to God, Boing, if you don't know the difference between a public barroom and a woman's womb no amount of biology lessons is going to help you. Unless of course, you see them both as a place for conducting business and pulling in cash. though, in the case of the womb, in your twisted view, the womb would not be the property of the woman whose body enclosed it.

I never said the bolded nor the above; you did.

I'm done playing your little ping pong game.
I'm not naive enough to think by making abortions illegal it would stop abortions.
Make up your mind. Do you want abortion to be available or not? Laws are made to be followed, maybe that's news to you? We don't right laws because some maniacs like you want to amke a statement about how they feel about abortion. Especially if that statement is a false one.

My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics
It's all in the thread. You claimed that anyone who was for choice should also be in favor of allowing smoking in barrooms because they are privately owned places of business. Sick that you would even equate a womb with a place of business, much less such a sordid and dirty one.

Again, your comparison, your words, not mine. If you recall, you bought up 'the womb' in that thread.

The decision to ban smoking should be one the owner of the facility should make, rather than the government, and the customer can choose whether to patronize that particular establishment or not.

This thread is about abortion not smoking.
So why did you bring up abortion in a smoking thread?

Anyway, thanks for confirming what I said you said.

You have me curious now as to which of you brought that up. What was the name of the thread? I'll go and look.
I never heard of this tebow guy and can't help but wonder why anyone gives a flying fuck about what he says enough to warrant multiple threads

He's a christian and openly displays that, therefore they must destroy.
I'm not naive enough to think by making abortions illegal it would stop abortions.
Make up your mind. Do you want abortion to be available or not? Laws are made to be followed, maybe that's news to you? We don't right laws because some maniacs like you want to amke a statement about how they feel about abortion. Especially if that statement is a false one.

My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics
What a phony you are. You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available.
Again, your comparison, your words, not mine. If you recall, you bought up 'the womb' in that thread.

The decision to ban smoking should be one the owner of the facility should make, rather than the government, and the customer can choose whether to patronize that particular establishment or not.

This thread is about abortion not smoking.
So why did you bring up abortion in a smoking thread?

Anyway, thanks for confirming what I said you said.

You have me curious now as to which of you brought that up. What was the name of the thread? I'll go and look.
Poll: Would you be in favor of a repeal of smoking bans ....
Make up your mind. Do you want abortion to be available or not? Laws are made to be followed, maybe that's news to you? We don't right laws because some maniacs like you want to amke a statement about how they feel about abortion. Especially if that statement is a false one.

My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics
What a phony you are. You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available.

Wow you've proven yourself to be beyond stupid. Now show me where I've stated that I want Roe V Wade reversed because people can still get abortions? That makes no sense, but coming from you, I'm not surprised.

For the mentally challenged (meaning YOU) this is my position. I would like to see Roe V Wade reversed. Now does that mean abortions won't happen in back alleys or cheap motel rooms? No, but it will serve as a deterrent and I do beleive the number of abortions would decrease. Now if you get "You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available" out of that, then you are undoubtedly the dumbest person I've ever encountered.
My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics
What a phony you are. You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available.

Wow you've proven yourself to be beyond stupid. Now show me where I've stated that I want Roe V Wade reversed because people can still get abortions? That makes no sense, but coming from you, I'm not surprised.

For the mentally challenged (meaning YOU) this is my position. I would like to see Roe V Wade reversed. Now does that mean abortions won't happen in back alleys or cheap motel rooms? No, but it will serve as a deterrent and I do beleive the number of abortions would decrease. Now if you get "You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available" out of that, then you are undoubtedly the dumbest person I've ever encountered.
Thanks for elucidating on your dumbness.
I'm not naive enough to think by making abortions illegal it would stop abortions.
Make up your mind. Do you want abortion to be available or not? Laws are made to be followed, maybe that's news to you? We don't right laws because some maniacs like you want to amke a statement about how they feel about abortion. Especially if that statement is a false one.

My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics

You know, you are stating that abortions need to be stopped, unless of course, the womans life in in imminent danger.

Then it's okay.

Tebow's mother was in imminent danger, and, her life expectancy was dropping fast.

Does this mean that you would have been in favor of Tebow being aborted? You stated it would be okay in your last post..........


Are you just another garden variety hypocrite Dim Bulb No Logic?
Make up your mind. Do you want abortion to be available or not? Laws are made to be followed, maybe that's news to you? We don't right laws because some maniacs like you want to amke a statement about how they feel about abortion. Especially if that statement is a false one.

My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics

You know, you are stating that abortions need to be stopped, unless of course, the womans life in in imminent danger.

Then it's okay.

Tebow's mother was in imminent danger, and, her life expectancy was dropping fast.

Does this mean that you would have been in favor of Tebow being aborted? You stated it would be okay in your last post..........


Are you just another garden variety hypocrite Dim Bulb No Logic?

I respect Mrs. Tebow's decision. As I said in the event that the mothers life is in danger and no other options are available then I would not blame a woman for making the decision to abort. I'm not going to play the "what if" game with a stupid gaybikershitstain. Now runalong and play little boy and let us grownups talk.
My mind has been made up but apparently you're too busy flip flopping with Zoom that you can't understand plain english. Roe V Wade needs to be repealed. Abortions should only be performed when the womans life is in imminent danger and no other options are available. Having said that, and as I've already stated, enacting laws making abortions or anything illegal will not cause the actions to cease. There will always be those that think the laws do not apply to them. But I do beleive it would aid in decreasing the number of abortions. I think abstinence needs to be the focus o
in all sex education classes and a recent federal study concludes that such programs do work.

Study: Abstinence sex ed is effective | Columbus Dispatch Politics
What a phony you are. You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available.

Wow you've proven yourself to be beyond stupid. Now show me where I've stated that I want Roe V Wade reversed because people can still get abortions? That makes no sense, but coming from you, I'm not surprised.

For the mentally challenged (meaning YOU) this is my position. I would like to see Roe V Wade reversed. Now does that mean abortions won't happen in back alleys or cheap motel rooms? No, but it will serve as a deterrent and I do beleive the number of abortions would decrease. Now if you get "You claim to be for making abortion illegal but only because you are convinced it will still be available" out of that, then you are undoubtedly the dumbest person I've ever encountered.

You're a pathetic bitch and it is sad to know you raised five kids. I hope those apples didn't simply fall far from tree....I hope they were blasted away with the force equal to a thousand nukes because idiot control freaks like you do nothing but shit on Life.

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