Time for bi-partisan action - getting rid of George Santos

I am 100% for this as soon as Biden resigns amid the avalanche of equal lies about his past, multiple degrees he doesn't have, finishing in the top of his class that he didn't, being involved in civil rights that he wasn't etc. etc. etc. etc.

Santos will not get kicked out for his fabrications. Voters will never elect him for any office

What will get him kicked out is how he funded his election, lies about where the funds came from and personal use of election money
Santos will not get kicked out for his fabrications. Voters will never elect him for any office

What will get him kicked out is how he funded his election, lies about where the funds came from and personal use of election money
And we all know the Clintons repeatedly did the same and she came within a hairs width of becoming President.
And don't try and say they never did. There is so much smoke bellowing from their finances over their whole marriage that it would block out the sun like a nuclear winter
And just to say... I don't like Santos one bit. It is a travesty that he was elected. But it is also a travesty that Biden was elected.
And we all know the Clintons repeatedly did the same and she came within a hairs width of becoming President.
And don't try and say they never did. There is so much smoke bellowing from their finances over their whole marriage that it would block out the sun like a nuclear winter

Oh Please….
Republicans investigated Hillary for 25 years based on ridiculous rumors, they never came close to an indictment
Oh Please….
Republicans investigated Hillary for 25 years based on ridiculous rumors, they never came close to an indictment
The Clintons had armies of lawyers and people to protect them.
The proof is in the pudding.
You don't go from dirt poor to $millionaires like they did in so few years without a lot of shenanigans going on. Then the highly unusual Clinton Foundation finances of all kinds of foreign money coming in for no apparent reason other than, the obvious... pay to play while she was Senator and Secy State
And now Hillary is doing it again.
This week announcing a $multi-million "foundation" in India for "working women: in India.
Ever notice their foundations and dealings are always in foreign countries where the finances can't be tracked??
The Clintons had armies of lawyers and people to protect them.
The proof is in the pudding.
You don't go from dirt poor to $millionaires like they did in so few years without a lot of shenanigans going on. Then the highly unusual Clinton Foundation finances of all kinds of foreign money coming in for no apparent reason other than, the obvious... pay to play while she was Senator and Secy State

Republicans had the full Justice Department and a Partisan Congress to investigate Hillary
They came up blank
Republicans had the full Justice Department and a Partisan Congress to investigate Hillary
They came up blank
That has been argued to death.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? But wait... he was fund innocent... how could he be guilty?
And 100,000 other such cases where the guilty are found innocent.
Simple fact.... there is so much smoke coming from the Clinton's finances that it would blot out the sun like a nuclear winter. But they are both very smart individuals with many willing corrupt lawyers and colleagues willing to testify and hide whatever it takes to protect them and themselves.
The Clintons are corrupt. Period.
Santos is a liar. Period.
Pelosi and her husband engaged in insider trading. Period.
Biden has lied so many times you would need a calculator to add them all up. Period.
Trump has committed a lifetime of shady deals and backroom agreements his entire adult life. Period.

See that is the difference between you and I. I call it as I see it. I will not defend or cover for any politician. Regardless of party.

Five House Democrats introduced a resolution on Thursday to expel Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from Congress, calling him a “serial fraudster” amid growing revelations that Santos has lied about nearly every aspect of his résumé, leading to bipartisan calls for his resignation.​

Look at this moron:

View attachment 755852

He has no business anywhere near the GOP.

The GOP should have beaten the Dems to the punch by a mile. I don't care that Dems would embrace this cross-dressing, check-bouncing, lying weasel, if he were one of them. That's them Dems. If the GOP wants to position itself as the party of honesty, they need to get rid of this guy, yesterday.

What possible defense is there? When Mitt Romney attacks you and he's right, that's about as wrong as a Republican can be. He's obviously faking being a Republican with his AR15 lapel pin, his draq queen past, and his pushing to the front to shake hands with Biden and the dignitaries. He's gotten well over fifteen minutes of fame with his elaborate prank. Let him retire now and write his book.

GOP needs to cut its losses. It may be time for Trump to step up and take charge. He is the presumptive front-runner and only declared candidate for 2024, so he is the leader.

George Santos wouldn't have been allowed to run as a Democrat. And Trump, another serial liar and conman would embrace this liar.
Republicans have too small a margin in the House, they will never force him to resign.

But Santos’ financial and election funding difficulties will force their hand
I agree here, but ask yourself, would the dems do anything different given a slim majority ?
The Clintons had armies of lawyers and people to protect them.
The proof is in the pudding.
You don't go from dirt poor to $millionaires like they did in so few years without a lot of shenanigans going on. Then the highly unusual Clinton Foundation finances of all kinds of foreign money coming in for no apparent reason other than, the obvious... pay to play while she was Senator and Secy State

The Clintons aren't criminals and never have been. They weren't millionaires until after they left office.

The Clinton Foundation is one of the most effective and highly regarded private charity foundations in the world. Money donated to the Foundation is actually spent on providing medicines and education in the Third World, instead of being syphoned off by warlords and corrupt politicians, and the aid supplies sold on the black market.

As for an army of lawyers, that's how Donald Trump has evaded prosecution all of these years: using lawyers to grind the opposition in bankruptcy. Dragging out proceedings for years. But this time, Trump is taking on the only outfit in the world who has more lawyers than him: The US government. And all of Trump's lawyers keep getting disbarred. Few lawyers will work for him.

25 plus investigations have found no crimes that the Clintons have committed. Every Trump investigation has uncovered massive amounts of evidence of criminal wrong doing. Only a stupid person would commit crimes while in office. Donald Trump is just that stupid.
Yes, I agree. Democrats would love this guy, and may well embrace him if he tearfully announces that he is reformed and was only committing his fraud due to the evil GOP.

If the Republicans are different and don't tolerate such people in their ranks, this is their chance to show it.

When I was a Republican, we got rid of Larry (Wide Stance) Craig, about as fast as we could. The GOP did not vote to expel him, which we should, but he didn't bother to run for re-election. Nobody in the GOP at that time used the "Dems are even bigger fags" defense. He was mocked by his own party, and I amazed he was thick skinned enough to finish his term.

What will the GOP do if Santos runs again?
The question would be what would the voters of his district do? Ultimately it's up to them...
It should bother cult fucks that Dick Blumenthal stole valor.

Why doesnt it?

Total Bullshit

He sometimes claimed to be a Vietnam Vet instead of a Vietnam era Vet. He never claimed to be in combat.

Not bad considering how many politicians of his age completely dodged the draft.
The Clintons aren't criminals and never have been. They weren't millionaires until after they left office.

The Clinton Foundation is one of the most effective and highly regarded private charity foundations in the world. Money donated to the Foundation is actually spent on providing medicines and education in the Third World, instead of being syphoned off by warlords and corrupt politicians, and the aid supplies sold on the black market.

As for an army of lawyers, that's how Donald Trump has evaded prosecution all of these years: using lawyers to grind the opposition in bankruptcy. Dragging out proceedings for years. But this time, Trump is taking on the only outfit in the world who has more lawyers than him: The US government. And all of Trump's lawyers keep getting disbarred. Few lawyers will work for him.

25 plus investigations have found no crimes that the Clintons have committed. Every Trump investigation has uncovered massive amounts of evidence of criminal wrong doing. Only a stupid person would commit crimes while in office. Donald Trump is just that stupid.

Anyone need a good laugh read the above... good comedy right here
See, this is why I stopped being a Republican years ago, and only reluctantly started supporting them when we finally had a pro-American Republican at the top of the ticket.

Why would anyone but a partisan hack vote Republican if the standard Republicans set for themselves is to be no worse than Dems?

You do get that Santos didn't lie to Democrat voters, he lied to Republican voters, right? He knew Democrats would hate him no matter how much of a drag queen, fraudster he was as soon as he took the (R) label. He lied, and he lied, and he lied. Admit that his GOP constituents were taken in, and get rid of the guy.

What is the upside to keeping him around? Who, besides George Santos, benefits from that?

Sadly all your thread did was once again highlight how there is no fundamental difference between the Dems and the Repubs.

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