Time for Biden to ask Obama to stand aside?

I love Joe, he's pure entertainment. But presidential material? :rofl:
At least Frank has a sense of humor.
In 8 short months, government spending has exploded, the US Dollar is in dire trouble as is our AAA Credit rating, the Iranians have been building their nuclear capabilities, the Chinese are building their armed forces and all the while Obama is appearing on Letterman and plying young children with treats.

Joe Biden, now is your time! The world is too dangerous to be left to Obama!

Let Obama stay at the UN where he is more comfortable as that is the one place where they really appreciate people who hate America. On his lunch hour, Obama can visit the local schoolyard at lunch time in search of worshipers.
under what constitutional authority would Biden be allowed to do that?

Technically speaking, there is nothing unconstitutional about Biden having a meeting with President Obama, and telling him that in his opinion, he should resign from office. If that were to occur, and President Obama did resign, Biden would become acting President.
In 8 short months, government spending has exploded, the US Dollar is in dire trouble as is our AAA Credit rating, the Iranians have been building their nuclear capabilities, the Chinese are building their armed forces and all the while Obama is appearing on Letterman and plying young children with treats.

Joe Biden, now is your time! The world is too dangerous to be left to Obama!

Let Obama stay at the UN where he is more comfortable as that is the one place where they really appreciate people who hate America. On his lunch hour, Obama can visit the local schoolyard at lunch time in search of worshipers.
under what constitutional authority would Biden be allowed to do that?

Technically speaking, there is nothing unconstitutional about Biden having a meeting with President Obama, and telling him that in his opinion, he should resign from office. If that were to occur, and President Obama did resign, Biden would become acting President.
what constitutional grounds would Biden have for making that request?
wouldnt there need to be some malfeasance of some type?
under what constitutional authority would Biden be allowed to do that?

Technically speaking, there is nothing unconstitutional about Biden having a meeting with President Obama, and telling him that in his opinion, he should resign from office. If that were to occur, and President Obama did resign, Biden would become acting President.
what constitutional grounds would Biden have for making that request?
wouldnt there need to be some malfeasance of some type?

You could call or write Obama and ask him to step aside if you wanted to. Anybody can. There is no constitutional authority forcing Obama to actually do it, nomatter who asks. But if he chose to do so he could. Never happen, but there would be nothing wrong with it if it did.
C'mon guys, hasn't one of the voting public's reasons for voting been based on who would be a fun guy to have a beer with? Just look a that Biden video Dogbert posted. Who wouldn't want to have a beer with smokin' Joe?
Getting Obama to leave is actually the easy part.

All Biden has to do is appeal to his vanity and ask him, "Where do you think you can do the most good, stuck in a rut as President of the USA where there's no room for growth or as a world leader as head of the UN Security Council?"
You want to know the worst part Crusader Frank?

Obama is going to win a second term. In spite of all the horrors that haunt your daily existence, Obama is still extremely popular and the republicans have no candidate able to win a national election. The crop of potential republican candidates is the worst in 60 years. They are still struggling to find a platform...still struggling to find a direction.

Obama in 2012
Hillary in 2016
In 8 short months, government spending has exploded, the US Dollar is in dire trouble as is our AAA Credit rating, the Iranians have been building their nuclear capabilities, the Chinese are building their armed forces and all the while Obama is appearing on Letterman and plying young children with treats.

Joe Biden, now is your time! The world is too dangerous to be left to Obama!

Let Obama stay at the UN where he is more comfortable as that is the one place where they really appreciate people who hate America. On his lunch hour, Obama can visit the local schoolyard at lunch time in search of worshipers.
under what constitutional authority would Biden be allowed to do that?

First, Obama would have to be impeached.
You want to know the worst part Crusader Frank?

Obama is going to win a second term. In spite of all the horrors that haunt your daily existence, Obama is still extremely popular and the republicans have no candidate able to win a national election. The crop of potential republican candidates is the worst in 60 years. They are still struggling to find a platform...still struggling to find a direction.

Obama in 2012
Hillary in 2016

Hillary should join Biden in asking Obama to step aside and she has solid basis for it too.

Why did Obama appoint a Special Envoy to the ME when the USA has SecState? And given the Iranian "Nuclear Option" that is, that they have been lying about the extent of their nuclear program, how effective has the ME Envoy been?

Hillary as SecState needs to ask, "President Obama, given the earth shattering news about the scale of Iran's nuclear ambition, can you please explain to the American people why we should have confidence in your unprecedented and risky scheme to appoint a Special Envoy to the ME?"
I understand your concern Crusader in asking Obama to step aside..

The republicans have no candidates in their stable capable of competing with President Obama. A sitting president, in a strong economy is hard to beat. With the current republican ineptness, you will have an impossible task in beating Obama in 2012 and Hillary in 2016.

With the current state of the party, I'm thinking maybe 2024 before we see another republican as president
You want to know the worst part Crusader Frank?

Obama is going to win a second term. In spite of all the horrors that haunt your daily existence, Obama is still extremely popular and the republicans have no candidate able to win a national election. The crop of potential republican candidates is the worst in 60 years. They are still struggling to find a platform...still struggling to find a direction.

Obama in 2012
Hillary in 2016

Rs will continue to lose because they continue to come up with lame strategies like this to defeat Obama.

Sheesh, suggesting Biden ask the prez to step down? Things are getting desperate and pathetic for the opposition.
You want to know the worst part Crusader Frank?

Obama is going to win a second term. In spite of all the horrors that haunt your daily existence, Obama is still extremely popular and the republicans have no candidate able to win a national election. The crop of potential republican candidates is the worst in 60 years. They are still struggling to find a platform...still struggling to find a direction.

Obama in 2012
Hillary in 2016

The worst part is that while Obama was appearing on Letterman, Iran was secretly developing its nuclear weapons program and is now test firing missiles.
You want to know the worst part Crusader Frank?

Obama is going to win a second term. In spite of all the horrors that haunt your daily existence, Obama is still extremely popular and the republicans have no candidate able to win a national election. The crop of potential republican candidates is the worst in 60 years. They are still struggling to find a platform...still struggling to find a direction.

Obama in 2012
Hillary in 2016

The worst part is that while Obama was appearing on Letterman, Iran was secretly developing its nuclear weapons program and is now test firing missiles.


That IS impressive. During an hour taping of Letterman those damn Iranians went out and developed a nuclear bomb.
I don't know,Biden is a bit of a moron. Might be worse off with him. Good post though. I especially liked the part where you say "Let Obama stay at the UN where he is more comfortable as that is the one place where they really appreciate people who hate America." You definitely nailed the UN there.
I think it's funny that the same libs here who are agreeing that Biden is a moron and all but unfit to be president are the same ones who were screaming that Sarah Palin was unqualified.
Plus ca change, eh?

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