Time for Iran to Correct an Injustice


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
After hearing about what happened to this reporter, other reporters probably asked their editors to not send them on assignment to Iran. Can anyone expect a fair trial in Iran?

Time for Iran to Correct an Injustice


The Iran nuclear agreement is a huge step forward for international security, and certainly President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and his foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, will be well received at the United Nations meetings this week.

Of course, no one expected the nuclear deal to immediately improve relations between the United States and Iran after more than three decades of bitterness and mistrust. Even so, there was hope the agreement would lead to an expedited resolution of the case of Jason Rezaian, The Washington Post reporter who has been unjustly held at Tehran’s Evin Prison since July 2014.

The espionage charges against him are absurd and he should be released now. Freeing him and two other detained Americans would be an easy way for Iran to show some humanitarian spirit and good will as it tries to improve its international reputation.

On Aug. 10, Mr. Rezaian had what was supposed to be the fourth and last court hearing of his trial, a process that is neither fair nor transparent. According to The Washington Post, the supposed evidence to support espionage charges against him includes a visit Mr. Rezaian made to an American consulate in a nearby country to apply for a visa for his wife, Yeganeh Salehi, an Iranian journalist.

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