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Time For Israel To Visit Iran

After reading all of your links, my comments are as follows:

- the first one is bogus, the page won't even load.

- the next two, the closest they get to your claim, is with the use of the term "possible military dimensions".

That's not a smoking gun, that's not verification. Possible (does not) = Verified

But hey, try again, maybe your luck will change!
Initially, I had my doubts whether a fucking retard like you would have the capacity to read and comprehend what I just posted. It's not like those conspiracy websites for douchebag cocksuckers that you keep posting from. But hey, I am an optimist, "hope springs eternal"....you never know...even an ASSHOLE LIKE you might one day see the light.
Go ahead smarty pants, find a site that has an authored translation of the text of that speech. You will find a lot of the hatred stirred up in the Islamic world is by low level clerics. Official State pronouncements are not of themselves hostile in their intentions. Otherwise, Israel would not be the only one storming out of the UN like a bratty little child when Ahmadinejad speaks.

American and Zionist propaganda have twisted official state pronouncements and policy positions into something odious.
In case you missed it, Adolfinejad's speech was noted for the RECORD NUMBER OF NATIONS THAT WALKED OUT on that Islamist asshole. Don't let that that minor "setback" demoralize you though. Ha ha ha!
roudy at least THREE TIMES----that Achmadinejad pig has ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR ALL THE WORLD" right there in the UN, no less When I first watched a TV broadcast-----of the fascist pig speaking------I was CERTAIN---that any minute white coated orderlies from Bellevue Hospital would GRAB him -----restrain him in a straight-jacket and drag him off to a padded room (yes---there really are straight-jackets and padded rooms-----even in 2012----I HAVE FREQUENTLY BEEN IN A PADDED ROOM----uhm---examining a patient, of course) somehow the WHOLE WORLD seems to be MISSING the islamo NAZI pig agenda of IRAN

I am not young-----I still remember (I was a child) when Kruschev ---(russia) announced "YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL GROW UP UNDER COMMUNISM" back them people were smart enough to evaluate that comment as an IMPERIALISTIC THREAT ----somehow------somehow ----the whole world is IGNORING the threat made by Iran in the UN
roudy at least THREE TIMES----that Achmadinejad pig has ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR ALL THE WORLD" right there in the UN, no less When I first watched a TV broadcast-----of the fascist pig speaking------I was CERTAIN---that any minute white coated orderlies from Bellevue Hospital would GRAB him -----restrain him in a straight-jacket and drag him off to a padded room (yes---there really are straight-jackets and padded rooms-----even in 2012----I HAVE FREQUENTLY BEEN IN A PADDED ROOM----uhm---examining a patient, of course) somehow the WHOLE WORLD seems to be MISSING the islamo NAZI pig agenda of IRAN

I am not young-----I still remember (I was a child) when Kruschev ---(russia) announced "YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL GROW UP UNDER COMMUNISM" back them people were smart enough to evaluate that comment as an IMPERIALISTIC THREAT ----somehow------somehow ----the whole world is IGNORING the threat made by Iran in the UN
Yeah, LOL...after all, who wouldn't want to live in the Islamic "paradise" he envisions for us all? I can't imagine! Ha ha ha!
Looks like you fell for the terrorist propaganda bait !

also, how about the MANY demonstrations that he has held where he and his 'people' chant 'DEATH TO ISRAEL' DEATH TO AMERICA'.

Care to explain that?

Maybe in Iran, death to Israel means "We hope Israel will give the 'Palestinians' their land back, but if not, we will be angry at them'
I'll explain, but I doubt you have the attention span to stay interested.

I am afraid you'll need to provide a source for your assertions. I am sure there have been grass roots level protests by Muslims that you have seen on the news led by assorted fundamentalist clerics, but you probably wouldn't know if they were Sunni or Shia.

Something like this I assume?
Tens of thousands march in the Lebanese capital against Anti Islam video - YouTube
Inflammatory rabble rousing and mass political psychology. Tens of thousands huh? Maybe the number might be inflated a bit? Added to that, you don't even know who the cleric has political affiliations to or if he is being fronted. :blahblah: Yeah, you're real good at spotting propaganda, aren't you. They call it programming for a reason.

Although this piece is heavily biased toward foundation and establishment politics, it cuts through the clutter of propaganda.
The Salafi Moment - By Christian Caryl | Foreign Policy
The Salafi notion of returning to the purity of 7th-century Islam can have the same kind of draw for some Muslims exasperated by everyday corruption and abusive rule. Syria offers a good example. If you're going up against Bashar al-Assad's helicopter gunships armed with an antique rifle and a few rusty bullets, you'll probably prefer to go into battle with a simple slogan on your lips. "Power sharing for all ethnic groups in a liberal parliamentary democracy" might not cut it -- especially if you happen to be a Sunni who's seen your relatives cut down by Assad's murderous militias. This isn't to say that the opposition is now dominated by Salafis; far from it. But it's safe to assume that the longer the war goes on, the more pronounced the extremes will become.

At the same time, the Sunni Salafis are a major factor in the growing global polarization of the Islamic community between Shiites and Sunnis. (The French scholar of Islam Olivier Roy argues that the intra-Muslim rivalry between the two groups has now become even more important than the presumed confrontation between Islam and the West.) The fact that many Salafis in various parts of the world get their financing from similarly conservative elements in Saudi Arabia doesn't help. Perversely enough, Iranian propaganda is already trying to portray the West as backers of Salafi extremism in order to destabilize Tehran and its allies. We'll be seeing a lot more of this sort of thing in the future, I'm afraid.

In short, no one should count on the Salafis to go away any time soon. So how should the outside world deal with them -- especially if they're going to go around storming foreign embassies?

Now this is interesting. So how should the outside world deal with them? The author of this political elites piece opines as if those who know what is going on have the power over these "radicals." (I guess you would have to read the piece.) Perhaps because he is not a victim of the propaganda and knows something you don't?

Let's turn to more native interpretation, a "confessional," if you will, about the truth and the founding of the Brotherhood. You should invest some time and do some reading.

In more recent times it has become more clear that elements, or offshoots of the Brotherhood (such as the groups of Jihaad and Takfeer like al-Qaidah, at-Takfir wal-Hijrah and others) are infiltrated and manipulated to bring about geo-political destabilisation, and this is more so amongst the aggressively takfeeree and revolutionary splinter groups. That these elements are infiltrated (and often directed covertly) by intelligence agencies into subversive actions that help formulate and justify foreign policy and geo-political strategy is no hidden fact, and there are many examples that lend support to this observation. How unfortunate it is that many beguiled youth of the Ummah, in their fascination with the Jihaadee, Takfeeree movements, thinking them to be the vanguards of Islaam, do not realise the true realities, the roots of all this fitnah tracing back to an Iranian Zindeeq, al-Afghaanee, who was the “Godfather” of the Muslim Brotherhood, from where all this fitnah has emerged.
Some western writers also allude to Sayyid Qutb being a Freemason, who – just like Iranian Ali Shari‟ati and his father Aqa Muhammad Taqi Shariati, a Freemason, played an intrumental role in fermenting the Iranian Revolution – was either employed, manipulated or used to bring about an ideological and physical revolution to destabilise and remove Jamal Abd an-Nasser, who had become dangerous to British and European interests in the Middle East, and who had become a figure that brought together Arab anti-colonial sentiment, and unity amongst Arab states, along nationalistic lines. There are no available facts to support that Qutb was a Freemason, either pre-1940s or post-1940s16. Given the collection of all the events which saw the involvement of the CIA, MI5 in countering the up and coming nationalist movements with socialist trends (Pakistan‟s Bhutto, Iran‟s Shah, Syria‟s Assad, Egypt‟s Nasser, Libya‟s Ghaddafi), some writers have concluded that his ideology was helpful and very highly appropriate for that time (given the political circumstances), especially Egypt, when Jamal Abd an-Nasser caused fever in the British Establishment, when he took to modernizing and industrializing Egypt along nationalistic lines, bringing about Arab nationalistic revivalism, as well as being victorious in the Suez crisis – all of which had great significance to the balance of power in the region.

And finally, to get a better idea of the distinctions about the different interests involved. Don't forget the close ties Arabia has with the Anglo-American alliance
Understanding the Origins of Wahhabism and Salafism
The Jamestown Foundation ^ | July 15, 2005 | Trevor Stanley
archived here:http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1716986/posts
Origins of Salafism

Salafism originated in the mid to late 19th Century, as an intellectual movement at al-Azhar University, led by Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905), Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1839-1897) and Rashid Rida (1865-1935). The movement was built on a broad foundation. Al-Afghani was a political activist, whereas Abduh, an educator, sought gradual social reform (as a part of da’wa), particularly through education. Debate over the place of these respective methods of political change continues to this day in Salafi groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

The early Salafis admired the technological and social advancement of Europe’s Enlightenment, and tried to reconcile it with the belief that their own society was the heir to a divinely guided Golden Age of Islam that had followed the Prophet Muhammad’s Revelations.

The name Salafi comes from as-salaf as-saliheen, the ‘pious predecessors’ of the early Muslim community, although some Salafis extend the Salaf to include selected later scholars. The Salafis held that the early Muslims had understood and practiced Islam correctly, but true understanding of Islam had gradually drifted, just as the people of previous Prophets (including Moses and Jesus) had strayed and gone into decline. The Salafis set out to rationally reinterpret early Islam with the expectation of rediscovering a more ‘modern’ religion.

In terms of their respective formation, Wahhabism and Salafism were quite distinct. Wahhabism was a pared-down Islam that rejected modern influences, while Salafism sought to reconcile Islam with modernism. What they had in common is that both rejected traditional teachings on Islam in favor of direct, ‘fundamentalist’ reinterpretation.

I don't watch propaganda, or listen to it, I read. And I read many many different sources using empirical facts arriving at an explanation that makes the most sense. If division, hatred and discord are your bag, my sincerest condolences. If you want to learn and see the world as it is, not how powerful organizations of ruling elites would have you see it, be my guest.

Mark Twain - "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed."
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Go ahead smarty pants, find a site that has an authored translation of the text of that speech. You will find a lot of the hatred stirred up in the Islamic world is by low level clerics. Official State pronouncements are not of themselves hostile in their intentions. Otherwise, Israel would not be the only one storming out of the UN like a bratty little child when Ahmadinejad speaks.

American and Zionist propaganda have twisted official state pronouncements and policy positions into something odious.
In case you missed it, Adolfinejad's speech was noted for the RECORD NUMBER OF NATIONS THAT WALKED OUT on that Islamist asshole. Don't let that that minor "setback" demoralize you though. Ha ha ha!

:eusa_liar: yeah, right. You're pretty shifty when you don't source your claims.

ok, so I made an error, the US and Canada, also, didn't make the speech. oh wow, big surprise, but other than that, well attended.
European delegates got an unusual reprieve at the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday when the Iranian President offered them no reason to get up and walk out, a move that has become a bit of tradition for western delegations.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a history of controversial statements, but in his eighth and final appearance in front of the assembly's iconic green marble podium his tone seemed to shift from blustery to almost conciliatory.

He said Iran was committed to peace, though he also accused world powers of double standards in pursuing an arms race.

... and

However, the seats set aside for the U.S. delegation were empty as he spoke. The Canadian delegation also did not attend the speech, and Israel's representatives were absent in observance of Yom Kippur.

Still no alternative translation huh? Didn't think so. Hatred is so much easier to peddle with lies than it is with the truth.
It's coming. And it's about time. Won't the Star of David look beautiful flying all over Tehran?

Israel's not gonna do shit alone or without a green light
Yeah? And how do you know the green light hasn't already been given? What do you think all those massive joint naval manuevers in the Gulf are for? You think they are just pretending they're going to kick Iran's ass, spending hundreds on millions in military war games? Heh heh heh.

If Israel attacks Iran, it will be for self-defense only because Iran keeps threatening Israel with elimination. Also, it will be done to liberate Iranians from that devil who's the president now. Israel has no desire to conquer Iran, so there's no reason to put up their flag over Teheran. The Star of David should be put up all over Jerusalem though.
I am not young-----I still remember (I was a child) when Kruschev ---(russia) announced "YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL GROW UP UNDER COMMUNISM" back them people were smart enough to evaluate that comment as an IMPERIALISTIC THREAT ----somehow------somehow ----the whole world is IGNORING the threat made by Iran in the UN

This discussion brings to mind Khrushchev's cryptic and controversial assertion "We will bury you" see:
We will bury you - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can get an idea of MY impression of Ahmadinejad via this image:
Looks like you fell for the terrorist propaganda bait !

also, how about the MANY demonstrations that he has held where he and his 'people' chant 'DEATH TO ISRAEL' DEATH TO AMERICA'.

Care to explain that?

Maybe in Iran, death to Israel means "We hope Israel will give the 'Palestinians' their land back, but if not, we will be angry at them'
I'll explain, but I doubt you have the attention span to stay interested.

I am afraid you'll need to provide a source for your assertions. I am sure there have been grass roots level protests by Muslims that you have seen on the news led by assorted fundamentalist clerics, but you probably wouldn't know if they were Sunni or Shia.

Something like this I assume?
Tens of thousands march in the Lebanese capital against Anti Islam video - YouTube
Inflammatory rabble rousing and mass political psychology. Tens of thousands huh? Maybe the number might be inflated a bit? Added to that, you don't even know who the cleric has political affiliations to or if he is being fronted. :blahblah: Yeah, you're real good at spotting propaganda, aren't you. They call it programming for a reason.

Although this piece is heavily biased toward foundation and establishment politics, it cuts through the clutter of propaganda.
The Salafi Moment - By Christian Caryl | Foreign Policy
The Salafi notion of returning to the purity of 7th-century Islam can have the same kind of draw for some Muslims exasperated by everyday corruption and abusive rule. Syria offers a good example. If you're going up against Bashar al-Assad's helicopter gunships armed with an antique rifle and a few rusty bullets, you'll probably prefer to go into battle with a simple slogan on your lips. "Power sharing for all ethnic groups in a liberal parliamentary democracy" might not cut it -- especially if you happen to be a Sunni who's seen your relatives cut down by Assad's murderous militias. This isn't to say that the opposition is now dominated by Salafis; far from it. But it's safe to assume that the longer the war goes on, the more pronounced the extremes will become.

At the same time, the Sunni Salafis are a major factor in the growing global polarization of the Islamic community between Shiites and Sunnis. (The French scholar of Islam Olivier Roy argues that the intra-Muslim rivalry between the two groups has now become even more important than the presumed confrontation between Islam and the West.) The fact that many Salafis in various parts of the world get their financing from similarly conservative elements in Saudi Arabia doesn't help. Perversely enough, Iranian propaganda is already trying to portray the West as backers of Salafi extremism in order to destabilize Tehran and its allies. We'll be seeing a lot more of this sort of thing in the future, I'm afraid.

In short, no one should count on the Salafis to go away any time soon. So how should the outside world deal with them -- especially if they're going to go around storming foreign embassies?

Now this is interesting. So how should the outside world deal with them? The author of this political elites piece opines as if those who know what is going on have the power over these "radicals." (I guess you would have to read the piece.) Perhaps because he is not a victim of the propaganda and knows something you don't?

Let's turn to more native interpretation, a "confessional," if you will, about the truth and the founding of the Brotherhood. You should invest some time and do some reading.

In more recent times it has become more clear that elements, or offshoots of the Brotherhood (such as the groups of Jihaad and Takfeer like al-Qaidah, at-Takfir wal-Hijrah and others) are infiltrated and manipulated to bring about geo-political destabilisation, and this is more so amongst the aggressively takfeeree and revolutionary splinter groups. That these elements are infiltrated (and often directed covertly) by intelligence agencies into subversive actions that help formulate and justify foreign policy and geo-political strategy is no hidden fact, and there are many examples that lend support to this observation. How unfortunate it is that many beguiled youth of the Ummah, in their fascination with the Jihaadee, Takfeeree movements, thinking them to be the vanguards of Islaam, do not realise the true realities, the roots of all this fitnah tracing back to an Iranian Zindeeq, al-Afghaanee, who was the “Godfather” of the Muslim Brotherhood, from where all this fitnah has emerged.
Some western writers also allude to Sayyid Qutb being a Freemason, who – just like Iranian Ali Shari‟ati and his father Aqa Muhammad Taqi Shariati, a Freemason, played an intrumental role in fermenting the Iranian Revolution – was either employed, manipulated or used to bring about an ideological and physical revolution to destabilise and remove Jamal Abd an-Nasser, who had become dangerous to British and European interests in the Middle East, and who had become a figure that brought together Arab anti-colonial sentiment, and unity amongst Arab states, along nationalistic lines. There are no available facts to support that Qutb was a Freemason, either pre-1940s or post-1940s16. Given the collection of all the events which saw the involvement of the CIA, MI5 in countering the up and coming nationalist movements with socialist trends (Pakistan‟s Bhutto, Iran‟s Shah, Syria‟s Assad, Egypt‟s Nasser, Libya‟s Ghaddafi), some writers have concluded that his ideology was helpful and very highly appropriate for that time (given the political circumstances), especially Egypt, when Jamal Abd an-Nasser caused fever in the British Establishment, when he took to modernizing and industrializing Egypt along nationalistic lines, bringing about Arab nationalistic revivalism, as well as being victorious in the Suez crisis – all of which had great significance to the balance of power in the region.

And finally, to get a better idea of the distinctions about the different interests involved. Don't forget the close ties Arabia has with the Anglo-American alliance
Understanding the Origins of Wahhabism and Salafism
The Jamestown Foundation ^ | July 15, 2005 | Trevor Stanley
archived here:http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1716986/posts
Origins of Salafism

Salafism originated in the mid to late 19th Century, as an intellectual movement at al-Azhar University, led by Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905), Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1839-1897) and Rashid Rida (1865-1935). The movement was built on a broad foundation. Al-Afghani was a political activist, whereas Abduh, an educator, sought gradual social reform (as a part of da’wa), particularly through education. Debate over the place of these respective methods of political change continues to this day in Salafi groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

The early Salafis admired the technological and social advancement of Europe’s Enlightenment, and tried to reconcile it with the belief that their own society was the heir to a divinely guided Golden Age of Islam that had followed the Prophet Muhammad’s Revelations.

The name Salafi comes from as-salaf as-saliheen, the ‘pious predecessors’ of the early Muslim community, although some Salafis extend the Salaf to include selected later scholars. The Salafis held that the early Muslims had understood and practiced Islam correctly, but true understanding of Islam had gradually drifted, just as the people of previous Prophets (including Moses and Jesus) had strayed and gone into decline. The Salafis set out to rationally reinterpret early Islam with the expectation of rediscovering a more ‘modern’ religion.

In terms of their respective formation, Wahhabism and Salafism were quite distinct. Wahhabism was a pared-down Islam that rejected modern influences, while Salafism sought to reconcile Islam with modernism. What they had in common is that both rejected traditional teachings on Islam in favor of direct, ‘fundamentalist’ reinterpretation.

I don't watch propaganda, or listen to it, I read. And I read many many different sources using empirical facts arriving at an explanation that makes the most sense. If division, hatred and discord are your bag, my sincerest condolences. If you want to learn and see the world as it is, not how powerful organizations of ruling elites would have you see it, be my guest.

Mark Twain - "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed."

You took all this time to make a well thought out post, yet you didn't disprove anything I said. Instead, you are just using a deflection to make yourself seem like an intellectual.

The world is opening its eyes to the evil that comes out of Iran, and hopefully you will too. However, to me, you seem to be a conspiracy theorist.
Go ahead smarty pants, find a site that has an authored translation of the text of that speech. You will find a lot of the hatred stirred up in the Islamic world is by low level clerics. Official State pronouncements are not of themselves hostile in their intentions. Otherwise, Israel would not be the only one storming out of the UN like a bratty little child when Ahmadinejad speaks.

American and Zionist propaganda have twisted official state pronouncements and policy positions into something odious.
In case you missed it, Adolfinejad's speech was noted for the RECORD NUMBER OF NATIONS THAT WALKED OUT on that Islamist asshole. Don't let that that minor "setback" demoralize you though. Ha ha ha!

:eusa_liar: yeah, right. You're pretty shifty when you don't source your claims.

ok, so I made an error, the US and Canada, also, didn't make the speech. oh wow, big surprise, but other than that, well attended.
European delegates got an unusual reprieve at the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday when the Iranian President offered them no reason to get up and walk out, a move that has become a bit of tradition for western delegations.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a history of controversial statements, but in his eighth and final appearance in front of the assembly's iconic green marble podium his tone seemed to shift from blustery to almost conciliatory.

He said Iran was committed to peace, though he also accused world powers of double standards in pursuing an arms race.

... and

However, the seats set aside for the U.S. delegation were empty as he spoke. The Canadian delegation also did not attend the speech, and Israel's representatives were absent in observance of Yom Kippur.

Still no alternative translation huh? Didn't think so. Hatred is so much easier to peddle with lies than it is with the truth.
Relevant translation? You don't even know what you're talking about. It's not one speech, you ignorant idiot. It's hundreds if not thousands of speeches. The destruction of Israel and America is the "mission statement" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, you fool, and is reiterated on a daily basis. Why don't you ask an Iranian in exile here in the US, about your angel Ahmadinejad including his words and deeds?

[ame=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XRgQYrTMXDA]YouTube - Ahmadinejad's lies - Part 1[/ame]

Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map
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You took all this time to make a well thought out post, yet you didn't disprove anything I said. Instead, you are just using a deflection to make yourself seem like an intellectual.

The world is opening its eyes to the evil that comes out of Iran, and hopefully you will too. However, to me, you seem to be a conspiracy theorist.

Quite the contrary. I proved that huge groups of people do not just spontaneously start to riot and "chant" hatred all at the same moment for PR purposes. I showed that there are smaller groups of more educated and more organized men, behind the these large masses, inciting the people to riot. I also showed that they are not necessarily rioting against American people or Israeli people, they are rioting against a common foe. That common foe will be whoever the leader of the rally tells them it is at that particular point in history.

It was the same for the American revolution. The relationship between the Freemasons and the Sons of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty and the People was exactly the same. No different.

Try reading a book. The only difference is the founders of the Scottish Rite free Masons were Scotsmen, supported by Templars, who were excommunicated by the Church who has been controlled by the Jesuits since time immoral. It is not my job to educate you in international politics. What, you deny that the Vatican and the Knights of Malta have observer status at the UN?

It is clear to me that either you didn't read those documents or you fail to understand the implications of them, for if you had, you would understand the mass psychology of the crowds, theses protests, and these so called terrorists incidents that have been occurring since the foundation of Israel.

YOU LIE. Not once have you posted a rally where the Iranian leader is quoted as saying, "DEATH TO AMERICANS, DEATH TO ISRAELIS" I don't believe it has occurred. He would be a pariah among other world leaders. Instead, the infiltrated organizations which Iran has used to resist western hegemony, has had its leaders co-opted, in much the same way as many of the Sons of Liberty made the early Revolutionary movement look vile in the eyes of the colonists.

But like I said, if it's not on TV, you can't be bothered, can you. Difficult concepts are much easier for you to just pass off as idle speculation, lunacy, and "conspiracy theory," if it's above your pay grade, eh?

Try reading a book, start with Johnny Tremain, then come back and tell me that the elites didn't cause the American Revolution for their own personal agendas, and that it was a grass roots effort. :rolleyes:

"We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted."
~Napoleon Hill

"Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything which reaches beyond their own understanding."
~Francois de La Rochefoucauld
"All I know is what I read on the Internet."
~Mark Twain

I have always suspected that everything that you write is a lie. I own his biography, now I am sure that you are a liar and will say anything.
Relevant translation? You don't even know what you're talking about. It's not one speech, you ignorant idiot. It's hundreds if not thousands of speeches. The destruction of Israel and America is the "mission statement" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, you fool, and is reiterated on a daily basis. Why don't you ask an Iranian in exile here in the US, about your angel Ahmadinejad including his words and deeds?

YouTube - Ahmadinejad's lies - Part 1

What can't you see MisterBeale ??? Are you blind ? Maybe now you're gonna claim that the subtitles are incorrect and he was really saying " We love Israel" .

He is saying DEATH TO ISRAEL !


Would you like a definition of death?

Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would you like a definition of Israel ?

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you put the two together????? Do you need any more proof??

Yep. . . and Yep.

I think the problem we have here is both of your ability to disassociate a people (nation) from a government (state.) Now, having been trained at University for over seven years in political science, I naturally assume everyone knows the difference. At least all political actors at this level do.

You are both under the mistaken assumption that he wants the destruction of the American people, or the Israeli people. (I understand why, the corporate media does a good job making it seem this way, they actually meet with the leaders of the military-industrial complex at a place in New York called the CFR.) This means the nation of Israel, or the nation of America. He would be a barbarous genocidal butcher if that were the case. He clearly is not. Iran is home to the second largest Jewish population in the middle east. If he were such a butcher, why would this fact remain. "Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution and seat is reserved for a Jew in the Majlis." Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Those pesky things called facts.

When the US, Great Britain and the Soviet Union perceived Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as hostile to their existence, they wanted to "wipe these states" from the map, not these nations. George Bush wanted regime change in Iraq, not genocide of the Iraqi people.

The Iranian leader feels that any state that talks of bombing his nation (and state) simply for nuclear research, either for energy, (or even ostensibly for defense), is belligerent and criminal.

Point of fact, he's correct. Can anyone blame him for seeking the destruction of regimes that threaten his nation continually? When he talks of wiping states off of the map, or "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL," he is talking about states, not nations, not people. You will never hear, "DEATH TO AMERICANS" from the educated political elites of Iran. Only from the ignorant that need to trade in hate, like we have on this forum, our nation likewise needs to make it personal.

You don't see our nation either calling for the destruction of Iran, only for the destruction of the regime, correct? But I here lots of hateful bigots on this forum all for the DEATH OF IRANIANS, or the DEATH OF PERSIANS. :eusa_eh:
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