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Time For Israel To Visit Iran

You took all this time to make a well thought out post, yet you didn't disprove anything I said. Instead, you are just using a deflection to make yourself seem like an intellectual.

The world is opening its eyes to the evil that comes out of Iran, and hopefully you will too. However, to me, you seem to be a conspiracy theorist.

Quite the contrary. I proved that huge groups of people do not just spontaneously start to riot and "chant" hatred all at the same moment for PR purposes. I showed that there are smaller groups of more educated and more organized men, behind the these large masses, inciting the people to riot. I also showed that they are not necessarily rioting against American people or Israeli people, they are rioting against a common foe. That common foe will be whoever the leader of the rally tells them it is at that particular point in history.

It was the same for the American revolution. The relationship between the Freemasons and the Sons of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty and the People was exactly the same. No different.

Try reading a book. The only difference is the founders of the Scottish Rite free Masons were Scotsmen, supported by Templars, who were excommunicated by the Church who has been controlled by the Jesuits since time immoral. It is not my job to educate you in international politics. What, you deny that the Vatican and the Knights of Malta have observer status at the UN?

It is clear to me that either you didn't read those documents or you fail to understand the implications of them, for if you had, you would understand the mass psychology of the crowds, theses protests, and these so called terrorists incidents that have been occurring since the foundation of Israel.

YOU LIE. Not once have you posted a rally where the Iranian leader is quoted as saying, "DEATH TO AMERICANS, DEATH TO ISRAELIS" I don't believe it has occurred. He would be a pariah among other world leaders. Instead, the infiltrated organizations which Iran has used to resist western hegemony, has had its leaders co-opted, in much the same way as many of the Sons of Liberty made the early Revolutionary movement look vile in the eyes of the colonists.

But like I said, if it's not on TV, you can't be bothered, can you. Difficult concepts are much easier for you to just pass off as idle speculation, lunacy, and "conspiracy theory," if it's above your pay grade, eh?

Try reading a book, start with Johnny Tremain, then come back and tell me that the elites didn't cause the American Revolution for their own personal agendas, and that it was a grass roots effort. :rolleyes:

"We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted."
~Napoleon Hill

"Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything which reaches beyond their own understanding."
~Francois de La Rochefoucauld
OMG, we are supposed to read some children's novel like Johnny Tremain to get our history lessons???
"All I know is what I read on the Internet."
~Mark Twain
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."
- Mark Twain
That is why I am supporting our Intelligence Services because I don't want to see another Muslim atrocity committed here in the U.S. Do you have a problem with that? Some of the posters here are so dense when it came to my alleged Mark Twain post.
Relevant translation? You don't even know what you're talking about. It's not one speech, you ignorant idiot. It's hundreds if not thousands of speeches. The destruction of Israel and America is the "mission statement" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, you fool, and is reiterated on a daily basis. Why don't you ask an Iranian in exile here in the US, about your angel Ahmadinejad including his words and deeds?

YouTube - Ahmadinejad's lies - Part 1

What can't you see MisterBeale ??? Are you blind ? Maybe now you're gonna claim that the subtitles are incorrect and he was really saying " We love Israel" .

He is saying DEATH TO ISRAEL !


Would you like a definition of death?

Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would you like a definition of Israel ?

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you put the two together????? Do you need any more proof??

Yep. . . and Yep.

I think the problem we have here is both of your ability to disassociate a people (nation) from a government (state.) Now, having been trained at University for over seven years in political science, I naturally assume everyone knows the difference. At least all political actors at this level do.

You are both under the mistaken assumption that he wants the destruction of the American people, or the Israeli people. (I understand why, the corporate media does a good job making it seem this way, they actually meet with the leaders of the military-industrial complex at a place in New York called the CFR.) This means the nation of Israel, or the nation of America. He would be a barbarous genocidal butcher if that were the case. He clearly is not. Iran is home to the second largest Jewish population in the middle east. If he were such a butcher, why would this fact remain. "Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution and seat is reserved for a Jew in the Majlis." Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Those pesky things called facts.

When the US, Great Britain and the Soviet Union perceived Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as hostile to their existence, they wanted to "wipe these states" from the map, not these nations. George Bush wanted regime change in Iraq, not genocide of the Iraqi people.

The Iranian leader feels that any state that talks of bombing his nation (and state) simply for nuclear research, either for energy, (or even ostensibly for defense), is belligerent and criminal.

Point of fact, he's correct. Can anyone blame him for seeking the destruction of regimes that threaten his nation continually? When he talks of wiping states off of the map, or "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL," he is talking about states, not nations, not people. You will never hear, "DEATH TO AMERICANS" from the educated political elites of Iran. Only from the ignorant that need to trade in hate, like we have on this forum, our nation likewise needs to make it personal.

You don't see our nation either calling for the destruction of Iran, only for the destruction of the regime, correct? But I here lots of hateful bigots on this forum all for the DEATH OF IRANIANS, or the DEATH OF PERSIANS. :eusa_eh:

I commend you for making another well thought out post. I just want to see if I understand you properly. You are saying that the Iranian president is only saying DEATH to the American regime and not the people living within it?
Beale is right----I fully support the complete end of the STATE OF IRAN and ITS GOVERNMENT and A TOTAL BAN ON THE DISGUSTING FILTH OF SHARIAH-------but have nothing against persian people----I like persians-----zoroastrians, christians, jews, Bahais----whatever they are so long as the disguting stink of shariah law and islamic governments do not exist
Relevant translation? You don't even know what you're talking about. It's not one speech, you ignorant idiot. It's hundreds if not thousands of speeches. The destruction of Israel and America is the "mission statement" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, you fool, and is reiterated on a daily basis. Why don't you ask an Iranian in exile here in the US, about your angel Ahmadinejad including his words and deeds?

YouTube - Ahmadinejad's lies - Part 1

What can't you see MisterBeale ??? Are you blind ? Maybe now you're gonna claim that the subtitles are incorrect and he was really saying " We love Israel" .

He is saying DEATH TO ISRAEL !


Would you like a definition of death?

Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would you like a definition of Israel ?

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you put the two together????? Do you need any more proof??

Yep. . . and Yep.

I think the problem we have here is both of your ability to disassociate a people (nation) from a government (state.) Now, having been trained at University for over seven years in political science, I naturally assume everyone knows the difference. At least all political actors at this level do.

You are both under the mistaken assumption that he wants the destruction of the American people, or the Israeli people. (I understand why, the corporate media does a good job making it seem this way, they actually meet with the leaders of the military-industrial complex at a place in New York called the CFR.) This means the nation of Israel, or the nation of America. He would be a barbarous genocidal butcher if that were the case. He clearly is not. Iran is home to the second largest Jewish population in the middle east. If he were such a butcher, why would this fact remain. "Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution and seat is reserved for a Jew in the Majlis." Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Those pesky things called facts.

When the US, Great Britain and the Soviet Union perceived Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as hostile to their existence, they wanted to "wipe these states" from the map, not these nations. George Bush wanted regime change in Iraq, not genocide of the Iraqi people.

The Iranian leader feels that any state that talks of bombing his nation (and state) simply for nuclear research, either for energy, (or even ostensibly for defense), is belligerent and criminal.

Point of fact, he's correct. Can anyone blame him for seeking the destruction of regimes that threaten his nation continually? When he talks of wiping states off of the map, or "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL," he is talking about states, not nations, not people. You will never hear, "DEATH TO AMERICANS" from the educated political elites of Iran. Only from the ignorant that need to trade in hate, like we have on this forum, our nation likewise needs to make it personal.

You don't see our nation either calling for the destruction of Iran, only for the destruction of the regime, correct? But I here lots of hateful bigots on this forum all for the DEATH OF IRANIANS, or the DEATH OF PERSIANS. :eusa_eh:
Yes, righto, so when Hilter wished "death" to nations or people's, he really didn't mean them any harm did he? He just wanted an end to those "regimes". Yup, these Islamaniancs are just Afro hairstyle Middle Eastern hippies wearing headbands wishing a "peaceful" end to countries. Oh yeah, those 10,000 missiles Iran has supplied Hezbollah in Lebanon is to acheive a peaceful, non violent end to Israel. Heh heh heh!

Idiot, have you actually given thought to all that bullshit you just spewed?

And as far as the Iranian Jews, I suggest you shut yer trap and not speak on behalf of a persecuted people you know nothing about, 98% have had to flee the country from these Islamic animals. Geez, where do these E-tards come from?
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"All I know is what I read on the Internet."
~Mark Twain

I have always suspected that everything that you write is a lie. I own his biography, now I am sure that you are a liar and will say anything.
Well the Mark Twain quote that applies best to morons like Mister Bean-head is:

A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth can actually put its boots on.
OMG, we are supposed to read some children's novel like Johnny Tremain to get our history lessons???
Go try. Maybe you will learn something about how politics among the ruling elites, the machinations behind the politics of parties, and how that spark occurs causing world events to actually happen. Or you can go through life believing that the Boston Tea Party was spontaneous, and those riots were actually a "spontaneous" occurrence sparked by a damn video no one gave a shit about two months ago, or they were spontaneous all at once in protest to drone strikes. Instead, maybe you could wise up, and realize it had nothing to do with either, but had to do with CIA, Mossad, and MI6 involvement in the Salafia Movement.

To what ends? :dunno: I'm not really sure right now if the Anglo-American alliance is getting ready to ditch Israel, or if they are getting ready to invade Iran. And to tell the truth, I'm not sure if they know either. Things are pretty much in a holding pattern right now. I think they are waiting to see how their attempts to salvage the world economy take hold, and they are waiting to see if Israel blinks. Make no mistake, abandoning Israel now could be a very dangerous ploy, as it has indicated a willingness to use it's "Samson Option," and that would be good for no one.

Till then, you will have this mistaken belief that millions of people carry around this smoldering personal hatred in their souls for a nation of people they do not personally know, nor understand. Tell me how it got there. It didn't arrive there by itself. Tell me how these fundamentalist organizations sprouted into being, they didn't just propagate themselves. If you don't read, you can't understand. If you don't research, you are going to buy what they are selling. YOU must choose your path to your chosen destination. Do not get on the trains they provide and be content to arrive at the fenced in destinations they have provided for you, they aren't very nice places to be, as history has shown.

Oh. . . and when your done reading . . . tell me who wrote the book? Have you learned anything about American political elite families yet?

Didn't you know, they exist in all locations in the world, no really, they do. And all these families, no matter where they are located, know each other. Did you know that as well?
Well the Mark Twain quote that applies best to morons like Mister Bean-head is:

A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth can actually put its boots on.

Oh really? I claim that this is a supposition sir, and that you are a libelous fraud. Again, I apologize for claiming that Israel was the only one to walk out on the most recent speech of Ahmadinejad's, I quickly rectified my error. Can we say the same about all of your half truths? If we don't correct this, I don't think I shall ever converse with you again. I have more respect for myself than to waste time with negative posters, flamers, and trolls. . . Is this the reputation that you have intended to cultivate?

Do you wish to have intellectual discussions? I sense that you may wish to engage constructively on the issues, but I have yet to see a post of yours that is any way conciliatory or compromising. They all tend to be obtuse and disingenuous.

Or are you in fact a fundamentalist follower of the Talmud? In which case, there really is no discussion with you, for you view any non-Hebrew as no better than an animal or piece of property. In regards to that, anything less than war for your objectives is an unacceptable option, isn't it? Who needs to compromise with animals or beings with no soul, right?
I commend you for making another well thought out post. I just want to see if I understand you properly. You are saying that the Iranian president is only saying DEATH to the American regime and not the people living within it?
That is correct. In all fairness though, he wanted death to come sooner than later when a Republican was in office. You don't hear him calling for a death to the American regime quite so often now. (There seems to be a very covert and conciliatory tone in back channels currently.) Mostly now it is just "DEATH TO ISRAEL."

I am not sure he would call for an end to the "American Regime" at all if the American Nation got rid of it's central bank, campaign contributions from private sources were ended, called for popular elections rather than electoral college elections, and had some way of popular representation in the lower house of representation. As it is, in some ways Iran is more democratic than America is. Their lower house has more parties represented than ours does. Granted, the establishment denies ballot access to some candidates, but hey, at least they are up front with it, not corrupt like in the US system. (Ron Paul) They basically said, if you are a reform candidate, you aren't running. :tongue: But yeah, ours does the same here. If you are a reform candidate and you want to touch certain issues that the people believe in but the big funded interests don't, you aren't on the ballot, you aren't on TV, the media ignores you.
OMG, we are supposed to read some children's novel like Johnny Tremain to get our history lessons???
Go try. Maybe you will learn something about how politics among the ruling elites, the machinations behind the politics of parties, and how that spark occurs causing world events to actually happen. Or you can go through life believing that the Boston Tea Party was spontaneous, and those riots were actually a "spontaneous" occurrence sparked by a damn video no one gave a shit about two months ago, or they were spontaneous all at once in protest to drone strikes. Instead, maybe you could wise up, and realize it had nothing to do with either, but had to do with CIA, Mossad, and MI6 involvement in the Salafia Movement.

To what ends? :dunno: I'm not really sure right now if the Anglo-American alliance is getting ready to ditch Israel, or if they are getting ready to invade Iran. And to tell the truth, I'm not sure if they know either. Things are pretty much in a holding pattern right now. I think they are waiting to see how their attempts to salvage the world economy take hold, and they are waiting to see if Israel blinks. Make no mistake, abandoning Israel now could be a very dangerous ploy, as it has indicated a willingness to use it's "Samson Option," and that would be good for no one.

Till then, you will have this mistaken belief that millions of people carry around this smoldering personal hatred in their souls for a nation of people they do not personally know, nor understand. Tell me how it got there. It didn't arrive there by itself. Tell me how these fundamentalist organizations sprouted into being, they didn't just propagate themselves. If you don't read, you can't understand. If you don't research, you are going to buy what they are selling. YOU must choose your path to your chosen destination. Do not get on the trains they provide and be content to arrive at the fenced in destinations they have provided for you, they aren't very nice places to be, as history has shown.

Oh. . . and when your done reading . . . tell me who wrote the book? Have you learned anything about American political elite families yet?

Didn't you know, they exist in all locations in the world, no really, they do. And all these families, no matter where they are located, know each other. Did you know that as well?
I'll be brief : Go piss up a rope.
Well the Mark Twain quote that applies best to morons like Mister Bean-head is:

A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth can actually put its boots on.

Oh really? I claim that this is a supposition sir, and that you are a libelous fraud. Again, I apologize for claiming that Israel was the only one to walk out on the most recent speech of Ahmadinejad's, I quickly rectified my error. Can we say the same about all of your half truths? If we don't correct this, I don't think I shall ever converse with you again. I have more respect for myself than to waste time with negative posters, flamers, and trolls. . . Is this the reputation that you have intended to cultivate?

Do you wish to have intellectual discussions? I sense that you may wish to engage constructively on the issues, but I have yet to see a post of yours that is any way conciliatory or compromising. They all tend to be obtuse and disingenuous.

Or are you in fact a fundamentalist follower of the Talmud? In which case, there really is no discussion with you, for you view any non-Hebrew as no better than an animal or piece of property. In regards to that, anything less than war for your objectives is an unacceptable option, isn't it? Who needs to compromise with animals or beings with no soul, right?
You claimed Adolfinejad and his goons don't mean any harm to Israelis when he and his Islamist goons are screaming "death to Israel!" like wild animals. And the fact that you refer to the "Talmud" in your defense only proves that your a fucking Jew hating piece of shit that is incapable of "intellectual" discussion. One cannot have intellectual discussions with scumbags that defend genocidal holocaust denying Islamic terrorist maniacs.
Last edited:
I commend you for making another well thought out post. I just want to see if I understand you properly. You are saying that the Iranian president is only saying DEATH to the American regime and not the people living within it?
That is correct. In all fairness though, he wanted death to come sooner than later when a Republican was in office. You don't hear him calling for a death to the American regime quite so often now. (There seems to be a very covert and conciliatory tone in back channels currently.) Mostly now it is just "DEATH TO ISRAEL."

I am not sure he would call for an end to the "American Regime" at all if the American Nation got rid of it's central bank, campaign contributions from private sources were ended, called for popular elections rather than electoral college elections, and had some way of popular representation in the lower house of representation. As it is, in some ways Iran is more democratic than America is. Their lower house has more parties represented than ours does. Granted, the establishment denies ballot access to some candidates, but hey, at least they are up front with it, not corrupt like in the US system. (Ron Paul) They basically said, if you are a reform candidate, you aren't running. :tongue: But yeah, ours does the same here. If you are a reform candidate and you want to touch certain issues that the people believe in but the big funded interests don't, you aren't on the ballot, you aren't on TV, the media ignores you.
Yeah right! Hey dickhead, have you seen how these animals treat their own people?
Relevant translation? You don't even know what you're talking about. It's not one speech, you ignorant idiot. It's hundreds if not thousands of speeches. The destruction of Israel and America is the "mission statement" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, you fool, and is reiterated on a daily basis. Why don't you ask an Iranian in exile here in the US, about your angel Ahmadinejad including his words and deeds?

YouTube - Ahmadinejad's lies - Part 1

What can't you see MisterBeale ??? Are you blind ? Maybe now you're gonna claim that the subtitles are incorrect and he was really saying " We love Israel" .

He is saying DEATH TO ISRAEL !


Would you like a definition of death?

Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would you like a definition of Israel ?

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you put the two together????? Do you need any more proof??

Yep. . . and Yep.

I think the problem we have here is both of your ability to disassociate a people (nation) from a government (state.) Now, having been trained at University for over seven years in political science, I naturally assume everyone knows the difference. At least all political actors at this level do.

You are both under the mistaken assumption that he wants the destruction of the American people, or the Israeli people. (I understand why, the corporate media does a good job making it seem this way, they actually meet with the leaders of the military-industrial complex at a place in New York called the CFR.) This means the nation of Israel, or the nation of America. He would be a barbarous genocidal butcher if that were the case. He clearly is not. Iran is home to the second largest Jewish population in the middle east. If he were such a butcher, why would this fact remain. "Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution and seat is reserved for a Jew in the Majlis." Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Those pesky things called facts.

When the US, Great Britain and the Soviet Union perceived Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as hostile to their existence, they wanted to "wipe these states" from the map, not these nations. George Bush wanted regime change in Iraq, not genocide of the Iraqi people.

The Iranian leader feels that any state that talks of bombing his nation (and state) simply for nuclear research, either for energy, (or even ostensibly for defense), is belligerent and criminal.

Point of fact, he's correct. Can anyone blame him for seeking the destruction of regimes that threaten his nation continually? When he talks of wiping states off of the map, or "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL," he is talking about states, not nations, not people. You will never hear, "DEATH TO AMERICANS" from the educated political elites of Iran. Only from the ignorant that need to trade in hate, like we have on this forum, our nation likewise needs to make it personal.

You don't see our nation either calling for the destruction of Iran, only for the destruction of the regime, correct? But I here lots of hateful bigots on this forum all for the DEATH OF IRANIANS, or the DEATH OF PERSIANS. :eusa_eh:

I commend you for making another well thought out post. I just want to see if I understand you properly. You are saying that the Iranian president is only saying DEATH to the American regime and not the people living within it?
Are you trying to translate and figure out what this moron means? Good luck!
Yep. . . and Yep.

I think the problem we have here is both of your ability to disassociate a people (nation) from a government (state.) Now, having been trained at University for over seven years in political science, I naturally assume everyone knows the difference. At least all political actors at this level do.

You are both under the mistaken assumption that he wants the destruction of the American people, or the Israeli people. (I understand why, the corporate media does a good job making it seem this way, they actually meet with the leaders of the military-industrial complex at a place in New York called the CFR.) This means the nation of Israel, or the nation of America. He would be a barbarous genocidal butcher if that were the case. He clearly is not. Iran is home to the second largest Jewish population in the middle east. If he were such a butcher, why would this fact remain. "Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution and seat is reserved for a Jew in the Majlis." Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Those pesky things called facts.

When the US, Great Britain and the Soviet Union perceived Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as hostile to their existence, they wanted to "wipe these states" from the map, not these nations. George Bush wanted regime change in Iraq, not genocide of the Iraqi people.

The Iranian leader feels that any state that talks of bombing his nation (and state) simply for nuclear research, either for energy, (or even ostensibly for defense), is belligerent and criminal.

Point of fact, he's correct. Can anyone blame him for seeking the destruction of regimes that threaten his nation continually? When he talks of wiping states off of the map, or "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL," he is talking about states, not nations, not people. You will never hear, "DEATH TO AMERICANS" from the educated political elites of Iran. Only from the ignorant that need to trade in hate, like we have on this forum, our nation likewise needs to make it personal.

You don't see our nation either calling for the destruction of Iran, only for the destruction of the regime, correct? But I here lots of hateful bigots on this forum all for the DEATH OF IRANIANS, or the DEATH OF PERSIANS. :eusa_eh:

I commend you for making another well thought out post. I just want to see if I understand you properly. You are saying that the Iranian president is only saying DEATH to the American regime and not the people living within it?
Are you trying to translate and figure out what this moron means? Good luck!
Is Skitt back?
I commend you for making another well thought out post. I just want to see if I understand you properly. You are saying that the Iranian president is only saying DEATH to the American regime and not the people living within it?
Are you trying to translate and figure out what this moron means? Good luck!
Is Skitt back?
Shhhhhh. We're supposed to act like this is not skit. LOL
Well the Mark Twain quote that applies best to morons like Mister Bean-head is:

A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth can actually put its boots on.

Oh really? I claim that this is a supposition sir, and that you are a libelous fraud. Again, I apologize for claiming that Israel was the only one to walk out on the most recent speech of Ahmadinejad's, I quickly rectified my error. Can we say the same about all of your half truths? If we don't correct this, I don't think I shall ever converse with you again. I have more respect for myself than to waste time with negative posters, flamers, and trolls. . . Is this the reputation that you have intended to cultivate?

Do you wish to have intellectual discussions? I sense that you may wish to engage constructively on the issues, but I have yet to see a post of yours that is any way conciliatory or compromising. They all tend to be obtuse and disingenuous.

Or are you in fact a fundamentalist follower of the Talmud? In which case, there really is no discussion with you, for you view any non-Hebrew as no better than an animal or piece of property. In regards to that, anything less than war for your objectives is an unacceptable option, isn't it? Who needs to compromise with animals or beings with no soul, right?
You claimed Adolfinejad and his goons don't mean any harm to Israelis when he and his Islamist goons are screaming "death to Israel!" like wild animals. And the fact that you refer to the "Talmud" in your defense only proves that your a fucking Jew hating piece of shit that is incapable of "intellectual" discussion. One cannot have intellectual discussions with scumbags that defend genocidal holocaust denying Islamic terrorist maniacs.

Ouch. . . testy testy testy are we? I'm new here, and not familiar with this whole "rep." system, but wow, that was the nastiest, most devoid comment of anything substantial that one could ever send. You quite clearly are unaware of the term, "constructive criticism?" But if I am to understand you are only allowed to neg one person a day, or the same person once per day? Glad you think so much of me that you bless me with your anger, rather than others. Must have struck a chord there. The truth always does that.

As we have already discussed, there is no State that wants genocide in the middle east, though it is the policy to displace the Palestinians through a state of slow attrition (and integration?), much like that policies of the American elites toward our native Americans.


But let's dissect your post into two parts, shall we? Sometimes I think your raw gut level emotional angry response thinking on this issue clearly clouds your judgement. Yes, the leader of Iran does not mean any harm to the people of Israel, nor do I believe that Netanyahu wants to bring any harm to Iran as well, they just both have major problems with the governments of these respective nations. There are major disagreements that are not being addressed directly, and both these nations are being used as pawns in a much larger international game of chess, economic power games, struggle for control of resources, technology control, and currency control. Sorry about your insistence to over simplify and boil the whole thing down to hate and war mongering, I'll not be a part of that. Simple minds want to make simple issues. Nothing in this world is so simple.

Secondly, all I did was ASK if you were a fundamentalist follower of the hatred preached in the Talmud. All holy books preach some division, hatred and discord. No reason to blow a gasket, think that disqualifies the content of all of my posts, or speaks anything about the content of my thinking or character. Let me put it another way, if you encountered a poster who would not use reason, whose posts were 75% to 80% of the time suppositions with out any linked sources, who preached hatred against Jews and the people of Israel, and who was clearly anti-semitic by even the most strict definition, would you not think it fair to ask if they were a fundamentalist follower of Al Sharia, or the most strict interpretation of the Koran? What I have done here is no different. You talk about non-Jews as though they are no better than animals or creatures with no soul. That is how fundamentalist followers of the Talmud talk. . . so all I wonder is, is this where your hatred and indoctrination come from. Don't turn your anger and ignorance around on me buddy. If you have been exposed for what you are, than maybe it is time to change who you are and from whence you come by your beliefs.

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