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Time for Moderates to grow a set of balls

i think the Posters here kind of showed you what kind of a joke you are today.....12 to 9......in one thread......thats a joke......:lol:

Yawn....and not one of those kooks were brave enough to debate me. Funny how you preach about moderation, but defend some of the most hard reich kooks.

You are one confused individual.

Later fuckface. I am going to bed.

I bet if all the moderates grew that pair of balls and started voting more and more to the right, you'd be pissed and tell them to ungrow those balls. By "grow a pair of balls" you mean they need to just suck it up and vote left.

But honestly, the more agreements politicians come to, the more we get fucked. We need gridlock in Washington. Bipartisanship means either we're getting screwed, or Congress got a pay raise. Nothing more.
Being a "moderate" is meaningless (as opposed to TRUE independents). It just means you're somewhere in the squishy middle of two principled positions. If the two 'extreme' positions, change, you change, for no better reason than to stay in squishy middle. Moderates can offer no principles to justify their position. Leftwingers principle: "the more that government controls people and events, the better off we'll be". Conservative principle: "Society thrives in an environment of freedom". Moderate "principle": Uh gee.. I believe this way on this, and that way on that, and I can't tell ya why, just sounds like a good idea, er, well maybe......dunno.....stop asking me so many questions. Hey what's on TV tonight?" :D

I'm for some government regulation of the food supply in the nation. So we don't have poison being served in the butcher case. But I am not for the government outlawing Ribeye Steaks or moderating how much you can eat.

Moderation; try it sometime.

Consumer protection doesn't have to be done by the government, private entities analogous to Consumer's Union could do it, and in any case government does a fairly bad job at it.

I was just giving you an example of moderation. Consumer unions huh? No thanks.

I'll give you another one.

I'm for a strong military; however, I don't think that just because we can build a faster, stronger, better jet/sub/frigate/tank, we should build it. The military should be proportional--proportional to the extreme--to the threat we face.


I bet if all the moderates grew that pair of balls and started voting more and more to the right, you'd be pissed and tell them to ungrow those balls. By "grow a pair of balls" you mean they need to just suck it up and vote left.

But honestly, the more agreements politicians come to, the more we get fucked. We need gridlock in Washington. Bipartisanship means either we're getting screwed, or Congress got a pay raise. Nothing more.

They are voting to the right to keep from being labeled RINOs and losing funding. They cower as their party is taken over by the lunatic fringe who advocate shutting down government, killing Medicare, planned parenthood and EPA, support a witch hunt on gays, muslims and Mexicans
"Because thou art neither Hot nor Cold,I will spew you out of my mouth." "Moderates" should never be trusted. A person who doesn't stand for anything,is a person to stay away from.

Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSXJzybEeJM&NR=1]‪Bashing Bible bashers‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​
i think the Posters here kind of showed you what kind of a joke you are today.....12 to 9......in one thread......thats a joke......:lol:

Yawn....and not one of those kooks were brave enough to debate me. Funny how you preach about moderation, but defend some of the most hard reich kooks.

You are one confused individual.

Later fuckface. I am going to bed.

now your down to 8......:lol:.....in one fucking thread.....:lol:.....im not defending them Dumbass.....im goofing on you......like everyone else has done.....you gotta be one stupid sonofabitch.....:lol:
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I am not scared of a fucking idiot. You think too much of yourself.

No one pushed me around. Rw kooks fled from my challenge. They are afraid to debate me.

no one is afraid to debate you dumbass.....you got your ass kicked all through this thread by everyone here......your the only Poster i have ever seen lose rep in a thread......12 to 9.....thats pretty fucking Pathetic.....:lol:

Lets see who was behind that. Dr. House, willowtree, boedicca, Conservative, Oddball, Colin, The Rabbi, CA Girl, Liability, Warrior 102.

All are fucking idiots, like yourself.
:lol:.......you want a tissue little boy.......
so in your world your either Far Left or Far Right?......and an Independent is a person who is going to side with one side or the other on a topic......which is the same thing a Moderate would do.....

Only someone with ABSOLUTELY NO CONCEPT OF THE GLOBE would say that we are a far right country.

There are dictatorial countries, fascist countries, and many other types of countries throughout Eastern Europe, Asia, Southe Eastern Asia, South America, Africa that make us look like flower-power hippies.

Holy fuck do people need to get their heads out of their asses. :eek: :cuckoo:
In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

Then dont crap on the moderates when they don't back your liberal positions every time.
In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

Then dont crap on the moderates when they don't back your liberal positions every time.

Or conservative positions.

1. Birth Certificate = extremist
2. Osama's not dead = extremist
3. Death Panels = extremist
4. Obama wants to wreck government entirely = extremist
5. 9/11 was an inside job that Bush knew about.

Only one of those was a liberal view...and even that one has been picked up by some factions on the right.
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What a moderate does is recognize that throwing tantrums and holding your breath is not the way to get things done. Reducing the debt must be done by raising revenue and reducing spending. The level of each will depend on compromise

A couple in China was starving. Because of the one child law, they have a two year old son who is the the center of the universe to them, Yi-Chang Publicentitlement. The child weighs 780 pounds. The mother, Yi-Chang Fascistdemocrat demands that every morsel of food that the family be given to the baby, the father, Yi-Chang Republican has agreed. But it still isn't enough. The child has a 40,000 calorie per day diet, though the income of the family is only enough to buy 10,000 calories worth of food.

The father says that there is no choice, the amount of food going to child must be cut. But the mother, Fascistdemocrat shrieks that father is cruel and evil, how could he even suggest her precious darling be deprived of everything he wants? The mother demands that the diet be INCREASED to 50,000 calories and the father be butchered to feed to the child.. She storms out of the house because Republican won't compromise on the question of being butchered and fed to the child. She says "every idea is on the table," as long as father agrees to be butchered and fed to the child. She shrieks that Republican is selfish for not agreeing to be butchered.
What a moderate does is recognize that throwing tantrums and holding your breath is not the way to get things done. Reducing the debt must be done by raising revenue and reducing spending. The level of each will depend on compromise

A couple in China was starving. Because of the one child law, they have a two year old son who is the the center of the universe to them, Yi-Chang Publicentitlement. The child weighs 780 pounds. The mother, Yi-Chang Fascistdemocrat demands that every morsel of food that the family be given to the baby, the father, Yi-Chang Republican has agreed. But it still isn't enough. The child has a 40,000 calorie per day diet, though the income of the family is only enough to buy 10,000 calories worth of food.

The father says that there is no choice, the amount of food going to child must be cut. But the mother, Fascistdemocrat shrieks that father is cruel and evil, how could he even suggest her precious darling be deprived of everything he wants? The mother demands that the diet be INCREASED to 50,000 calories and the father be butchered to feed to the child.. She storms out of the house because Republican won't compromise on the question of being butchered and fed to the child. She says "every idea is on the table," as long as father agrees to be butchered and fed to the child. She shrieks that Republican is selfish for not agreeing to be butchered.

^^ Good analogy!
Time for hardline partisans to grow a set of principles.

On both sides?

So your saying Obama, the dems, and the reps should continue on the current path of non-compromise on anything substantial or are you saying they should drop their hardline principled positions on both sides and grow a new principle of compromise?

The dems wont agree to a short term increase with spending cuts and the reps wont agree to a long term increase with tax increases.

I say the dems need to suck it up on both the short term and the spending cuts and the reps need to suck it up on the tax issue and continue to fight the long term increase of the debt celing.

If the reps cave on the long term increase they will not be re-elected.
I don't think the "long term debt ceiling" issue is the Rep's issue alone. Both sides want that to stay lowered.

And that's the problem...while there IS commonality...only one side is trying to move towards a consensus.
Obama's already put spending cuts on the table...3 for 1, baby. It's the Repubs who can't even put up the 1.
I don't think the "long term debt ceiling" issue is the Rep's issue alone. Both sides want that to stay lowered.

And that's the problem...while there IS commonality...only one side is trying to move towards a consensus.
Obama's already put spending cuts on the table...3 for 1, baby. It's the Repubs who can't even put up the 1.

I believe he excluded a LONG list of programs from those cuts...Obamacare on the top of the list.

This is what caused the republicans to have a problem...he wouldn't touch obamacare, entitlements, and a few other areas with those cuts...the very areas causing the budget problems in the first place.

Its hard to keep up with all this nonsense.
Sadly very few of them exist anymore. California has gotten so bad the voters our of frustration passed an initiative to take redistricting out of the politicians hands and we went to open primaries so the all candidates compete in an open primary and the top two advance. We hope the will destroy the hold of extremists on both sides.

You want open primaries so that you can destroy the Republican party, once and for all.

You leftists have destroyed the state, now you want to piss on the smoldering ashes.

So are you a prison guard? Caltrans? Which welfare branch do you leach off of?
I don't think the "long term debt ceiling" issue is the Rep's issue alone. Both sides want that to stay lowered.

And that's the problem...while there IS commonality...only one side is trying to move towards a consensus.
Obama's already put spending cuts on the table...3 for 1, baby. It's the Repubs who can't even put up the 1.

Obutthead's timid cuts are spread over more than a decade and are back-loaded, so the real cuts don't come until after he's certainly out of office......He is playing the old bait-and-switch, just like the last time he lied out his ass about cutting the budget.

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