"Time For My American Flag To Go Back Up"


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
According to a report from Politico, the American flag is making a comeback after the defeat of Donald Trump, with foes of the president embracing the symbol of freedom and democracy that they feel he and his fans have defiled.

In interviews with voters, many said they had become ashamed of the flag that was used as a prop by the president at the same time he was embracing foreign dictators overseas. With the president scheduled to exit the Oval Office on January 20th, flags that were put away during his presidency are being dusted off and displayed again.

Now that the parasites have been voted out, I will proudly display my flag once again, that represents everything that they didn't.
According to a report from Politico, the American flag is making a comeback after the defeat of Donald Trump, with foes of the president embracing the symbol of freedom and democracy that they feel he and his fans have defiled.

In interviews with voters, many said they had become ashamed of the flag that was used as a prop by the president at the same time he was embracing foreign dictators overseas. With the president scheduled to exit the Oval Office on January 20th, flags that were put away during his presidency are being dusted off and displayed again.

Now that the parasites have been voted out, I will proudly display my flag once again, that represents everything that they didn't.
if thats why you took it down then you have no business owning it let alone waving it,,
According to a report from Politico, the American flag is making a comeback after the defeat of Donald Trump, with foes of the president embracing the symbol of freedom and democracy that they feel he and his fans have defiled.

In interviews with voters, many said they had become ashamed of the flag that was used as a prop by the president at the same time he was embracing foreign dictators overseas. With the president scheduled to exit the Oval Office on January 20th, flags that were put away during his presidency are being dusted off and displayed again.

Now that the parasites have been voted out, I will proudly display my flag once again, that represents everything that they didn't.
Yep, America went from a fascist KKK white supremacist nation of criminals to a free and tolerant righteous nation overnight cuz Orange man is gone.

Do you like the police now that Orange man is gone or are they still the hated Vietnam Vets of our time?
I am surprised any Democrat owns an American Flag. Any that once did has burned it by now. Democrats Say chanting USA is racist and so is sporting an American Flag. Democrats say the American Flag is a symbol of racism and oppression.

I dont' doubt he does
According to a report from Politico, the American flag is making a comeback after the defeat of Donald Trump, with foes of the president embracing the symbol of freedom and democracy that they feel he and his fans have defiled.

In interviews with voters, many said they had become ashamed of the flag that was used as a prop by the president at the same time he was embracing foreign dictators overseas. With the president scheduled to exit the Oval Office on January 20th, flags that were put away during his presidency are being dusted off and displayed again.

Now that the parasites have been voted out, I will proudly display my flag once again, that represents everything that they didn't.

Haha...Sorry bud but the American Flag has become symbolic of the Republican Party...they now OWN the flag.
You filthy fucks have encouraged overpaid boogers to kneel before it, you detest all that it stands for....freedom, liberty, american sovereignty, wars fought, soldiers killed, american traditions, culture and value system..etc etc
You America haters have no right to disgrace our flag by hanging one....everybody sane knows this....do yourself a favor and don’t embarrass yourself by pretending to be or support patriotism / nationalism.
The US uses the same flag but should probably change its name from the United States to the Person's Republic of George Soros.

He is currently rigging the Senatorial race in Georgia to, as Chuch U Schumer says, "change America!"
I am surprised any Democrat owns an American Flag. Any that once did has burned it by now. Democrats Say chanting USA is racist and so is sporting an American Flag. Democrats say the American Flag is a symbol of racism and oppression.
I seriously doubt the bed wetting OP has a flag to put up as well. These moonbats are anti-patriot treasonous filth. I used to see people in TX that had "Secede" stickers and I never agreed with the idea, but I'm starting to like the concept of political separation from these sniveling democrook turds, but not by TX and other states leaving the union.

There ought to be a way to throw states like Commiefornia and NY the fuck out of the union. They're a malignancy to free states.

Thats typical liberal behavior

they more or less tolerate America when the get what they want,

but bring out the long knives of hate for the country when they dont

Correction: PRETEND to tolerate America.

And they are not liberals, but control freaks. That's embedded in the very behavior.
I am surprised any Democrat owns an American Flag. Any that once did has burned it by now. Democrats Say chanting USA is racist and so is sporting an American Flag. Democrats say the American Flag is a symbol of racism and oppression.
I seriously doubt the bed wetting OP has a flag to put up as well. These moonbats are anti-patriot treasonous filth. I used to see people in TX that had "Secede" stickers and I never agreed with the idea, but I'm starting to like the concept of political separation from these sniveling democrook turds, but not by TX and other states leaving the union.

There ought to be a way to throw states like Commiefornia and NY the fuck out of the union. They're a malignancy to free states.

You will see democrats burn the American flag, see them defecate upon the American flag, ridicule the Founding Fathers as illegitamte slave owners, and now expect us to think they will turn 360 and change? LMAO!

One thing is for sure, you will NEVER see a Leftist support seceding form the union. Why? Because socialism simply won't work unless it is global and no where to run.

It's a dream older than the National Socialists of Nazi Germany. Sadly, someday they will achieve their one world rule, at least, according to scripture.
Now that the parasites have been voted out, I will proudly display my flag once again, that represents everything that they didn't.
Jam your flag in your ass! The election is not over until all the illegal stealing and assigning of votes
has been addressed. Typical leftist piece of shit hiding behind the flag while he perverts and distorts the laws
he pretends to obey. You're a fucking pitiful disgrace.

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