Time For the 99% To Give Back!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!
Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!

The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth.

But when you are conditioned to this exploitation, and you don't have a usable brain, of course you can never see it.

The Golden Rule has been in existence since civilization arose. He who has the gold, makes the rules. And those rules included overt exploitation of others, in order to create and then to hoard wealth for a few. This is the history of humanity.

Yet when anyone views the world through an ideology, they will always see through their conditioning, which isn't seeing at all. They only see their own conditioning, and then are not bright enough to realize what conditioning is. They become self fulfilling prophesies.

This isn't intelligence. It is a lack of it.
Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!
And another cut and paste job by the con tool, PC. Typical of those of her kind who troll the web for crap from bat shit crazy con writers like the source of this piece of drivel. Because, of course, PC is not capable of conversation, much less conversations about economic issues.
Instead, PC picks far right wing bat shit crazy authors. Lets see what the author of this piece says about himself:
Harry Binswanger, Contributor
I defend laissez-faire capitalism, using Ayn Rand's Objectivism.

The guy has no economics background. Simply an ayn Rand associate, continuing to post the fantasy that is ayn rand libertarianism. And like PC, ignoring the fact that there never has been and never will be a successful libertarian economy.

A Libertarian, who posts drivel that very few would ever pick up. Except, of course, rags like Forbes, who print opinion pieces by nut cases from the far, far right often. Along with a few left wing opinion pieces. One only has to ask who Forbes is is owned by to understand the slant.

But then, PC spends her time looking for such far, far right fairy tails, because that is her agenda. PC never, ever worries about truth, or facts. She simply posts right wing dogma.

And PC is incapable of economic discussion. Cut and paste pretty much stretch her abilities to the limit. That, and of course, childish personal attacks. Which, in her own mind, she is good at. There will be childish incoming insults headed this way shortly. Not that it matters. Because, of course, PC is immaterial. She matters not at all, as does anyone who is incapable of conversation. Sad thing. But funny, too. Go to her personal page, and you find she is delusional, believing that she is a cow girl on the range in new york.
Even FDR had them working for their wages. building the infrastructure. roads, bridges, damns, whatever
Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!

The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth.

But when you are conditioned to this exploitation, and you don't have a usable brain, of course you can never see it.

The Golden Rule has been in existence since civilization arose. He who has the gold, makes the rules. And those rules included overt exploitation of others, in order to create and then to hoard wealth for a few. This is the history of humanity.

Yet when anyone views the world through an ideology, they will always see through their conditioning, which isn't seeing at all. They only see their own conditioning, and then are not bright enough to realize what conditioning is. They become self fulfilling prophesies.

This isn't intelligence. It is a lack of it.
Nice post. That pretty much nails it.
Funny. PC sits back in New York with her cow girl hat, posting stuff she has cut from bat shit crazy conservative writers like this one. she is delusional, of course. I suspect that she is a congenital idiot, who we should simply feel sorry for. Or, she is a paid shill posting for the far right who do indeed pay for those who will post their drivel. At any rate, she is prolific. And she has that cut and paste thing down. But she is incapable of economic argument.
Another great thread by PoliticalChic ........ :thup:

She hits the nail on the head with a no holds barred OP

And as usual the liberal/progressives can't attack the message......so they attack her. .. :cool:
Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
Attack the message??? The message is not worth addressing. It is simply con dogma. Just as I would not ask anyone to address a message from move on, asking anyone to address a message from this clown is not worth the time of day.

But, you proved my point. Cons spend their time in the bat shit crazy con web sites looking for things they want to believe. Because they are stupid. Really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck. Here. Read these and try to understand why you are stupid:

U of Arkansas study http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/03/30/study-proves-conservatism-linked-to-stupidity

Watching Fox makes you stupid http://www.rollingstone.com/politic...ews-actually-makes-you-less-informed-20120524
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Another great thread by PoliticalChic ........ :thup:

She hits the nail on the head with a no holds barred OP

And as usual the liberal/progressives can't attack the message......so they attack her. .. :cool:
Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
.........................................^^^ :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
And childish. Forgot to mention that.

But thanks for helping prove my point, that cons can not argue their economic points. Because, of course, they, like you, are stupid.
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Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!
And another cut and paste job by the con tool, PC. Typical of those of her kind who troll the web for crap from bat shit crazy con writers like the source of this piece of drivel. Because, of course, PC is not capable of conversation, much less conversations about economic issues.
Instead, PC picks far right wing bat shit crazy authors. Lets see what the author of this piece says about himself:
Harry Binswanger, Contributor
I defend laissez-faire capitalism, using Ayn Rand's Objectivism.

The guy has no economics background. Simply an ayn Rand associate, continuing to post the fantasy that is ayn rand libertarianism. And like PC, ignoring the fact that there never has been and never will be a successful libertarian economy.

A Libertarian, who posts drivel that very few would ever pick up. Except, of course, rags like Forbes, who print opinion pieces by nut cases from the far, far right often. Along with a few left wing opinion pieces. One only has to ask who Forbes is is owned by to understand the slant.

But then, PC spends her time looking for such far, far right fairy tails, because that is her agenda. PC never, ever worries about truth, or facts. She simply posts right wing dogma.

And PC is incapable of economic discussion. Cut and paste pretty much stretch her abilities to the limit. That, and of course, childish personal attacks. Which, in her own mind, she is good at. There will be childish incoming insults headed this way shortly. Not that it matters. Because, of course, PC is immaterial. She matters not at all, as does anyone who is incapable of conversation. Sad thing. But funny, too. Go to her personal page, and you find she is delusional, believing that she is a cow girl on the range in new york.


Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with the other worms at the garbage dump??

You on a diet or sumpthin'?

Now....write soon: I always look forward to the public service of perforating you....
Another great thread by PoliticalChic ........ :thup:

She hits the nail on the head with a no holds barred OP

And as usual the liberal/progressives can't attack the message......so they attack her. .. :cool:
Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
Attack the message??? The message is not worth addressing. It is simply con dogma. Just as I would not ask anyone to address a message from move on, asking anyone to address a message from this clown is not worth the time of day.

But, you proved my point. Cons spend their time in the bat shit crazy con web sites looking for things they want to believe. Because they are stupid. Really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck. Here. Read these and try to understand why you are stupid:

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

so you mean like liberals quoting mother jones?
Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!

The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth.

But when you are conditioned to this exploitation, and you don't have a usable brain, of course you can never see it.

The Golden Rule has been in existence since civilization arose. He who has the gold, makes the rules. And those rules included overt exploitation of others, in order to create and then to hoard wealth for a few. This is the history of humanity.

Yet when anyone views the world through an ideology, they will always see through their conditioning, which isn't seeing at all. They only see their own conditioning, and then are not bright enough to realize what conditioning is. They become self fulfilling prophesies.

This isn't intelligence. It is a lack of it.

I find it interesting.....OK- amusing, in a pathetic kind of way-....how Leftists rely on controlling the language to win the debate rather than actually addressing reality.

Case in point, the pretend term, 'exploitation'

"the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work."

Frequently that word comes up in discussions about Wal-Mart.
Liberals behave as though they know what is best for the individuals who have made the decision to work for that eminent corporation.

This high self-esteem of Liberals, stems from who-knows-what?

Certainly not from so very many failed Leftist doctrines such minimum wage, or
communism and socialism...

Perhaps you are unaware of the Republican-initiated 13th amendment, which outlawed slavery.
How, then, have any employees been forced into unwanted assignments?

Therefore, your statement:

" The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth. "

...is a lie, a slander of both the employees and the employer in question.

So that I may correctly address you.....are you a liar or a fool?

Not necessary to answer that question....your title ' Liberal,' encompasses both appellations.
The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth.

I stopped reading after that. You're obviously a commie who believes in Marx's discredited labor theory of value.
Another great thread by PoliticalChic ........ :thup:

She hits the nail on the head with a no holds barred OP

And as usual the liberal/progressives can't attack the message......so they attack her. .. :cool:
Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
Attack the message??? The message is not worth addressing. It is simply con dogma. Just as I would not ask anyone to address a message from move on, asking anyone to address a message from this clown is not worth the time of day.

But, you proved my point. Cons spend their time in the bat shit crazy con web sites looking for things they want to believe. Because they are stupid. Really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck. Here. Read these and try to understand why you are stupid:

U of Arkansas study http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/03/30/study-proves-conservatism-linked-to-stupidity

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Anyone who believes that study is congenitally gullible. Their definition of "conservative" was so biased it could have come straight from Mother Jones. Notice that they didn't publish how these "researchers" arrived at their imbecile conclusion.
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Another great thread by PoliticalChic ........ :thup:

She hits the nail on the head with a no holds barred OP

And as usual the liberal/progressives can't attack the message......so they attack her. .. :cool:
Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
Attack the message??? The message is not worth addressing. It is simply con dogma. Just as I would not ask anyone to address a message from move on, asking anyone to address a message from this clown is not worth the time of day.

But, you proved my point. Cons spend their time in the bat shit crazy con web sites looking for things they want to believe. Because they are stupid. Really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck. Here. Read these and try to understand why you are stupid:

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Anyone who believes that study is congenitally gullible. Their definition of "conservative" was so biased it could have come straight from Mother Jones. Notice that they didn't publish how these "researchers" arrived at their imbecile conclusion.

Here here!!!

I feel, in all good conscience, I must stand up for our resident worm!

His problem began long before birth.

He does his best, and what is to be expected from one of his capacity???

"Hermann Jordan. the naturalist, was able to see with the aid of an oil lamp in 1913. For not in a single instance among the annelids that Jordan watched by night did any one of the worms crawl all the way out of its burrow! ....
...Lumbricus seem reduced to utter aimlessness, let us not forget that the earthworms’ "purposeless" actions could not be so labeled were it not for the repetitive "perseverance" which often impels a worm to let go and then attach itself again and again."
Natural History Magazine

So....stop picking on Slimy!!!
Follow the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue...and we are a nation of food-stamp street-sweepers.

Honor the inventor, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, the innovators....who DID build that!

1. "Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%

2. .... “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–

3. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, ...when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

4. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–....which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

5. In trade, both parties gain. .... There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

6. Well, maybe there is–in the other direction.... It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.

7. 'When you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.'
Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"

a. '... a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him.....The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains.'

8. For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

9. Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. .... the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

a. Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett.

10. An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value."
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

You Obama-shills.....get off your knees and get to work!

The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth.

But when you are conditioned to this exploitation, and you don't have a usable brain, of course you can never see it.

The Golden Rule has been in existence since civilization arose. He who has the gold, makes the rules. And those rules included overt exploitation of others, in order to create and then to hoard wealth for a few. This is the history of humanity.

Yet when anyone views the world through an ideology, they will always see through their conditioning, which isn't seeing at all. They only see their own conditioning, and then are not bright enough to realize what conditioning is. They become self fulfilling prophesies.

This isn't intelligence. It is a lack of it.

I find it interesting.....OK- amusing, in a pathetic kind of way-....how Leftists rely on controlling the language to win the debate rather than actually addressing reality.

Case in point, the pretend term, 'exploitation'

"the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work."

Frequently that word comes up in discussions about Wal-Mart.
Liberals behave as though they know what is best for the individuals who have made the decision to work for that eminent corporation.

This high self-esteem of Liberals, stems from who-knows-what?

Certainly not from so very many failed Leftist doctrines such minimum wage, or
communism and socialism...

Perhaps you are unaware of the Republican-initiated 13th amendment, which outlawed slavery.
How, then, have any employees been forced into unwanted assignments?

Therefore, your statement:

" The creation of most wealth comes from the exploitation of the people who actually do the work involved to make that wealth. "

...is a lie, a slander of both the employees and the employer in question.

So that I may correctly address you.....are you a liar or a fool?

Not necessary to answer that question....your title ' Liberal,' encompasses both appellations.
Poor girl. Incapable of economic argument, she spends her time trying to make sense of some conservative diatribe. Never actually works. But, what else can she do. Not capable of economic argument, and posting in an economic thread, she is totally unable to do anything when challenged. Except, of course, play silly childish little games.

funny thing is, she apparently thinks she is profound. Which is, of course, part of being a con tool
Another great thread by PoliticalChic ........ :thup:

She hits the nail on the head with a no holds barred OP

And as usual the liberal/progressives can't attack the message......so they attack her. .. :cool:
Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
Attack the message??? The message is not worth addressing. It is simply con dogma. Just as I would not ask anyone to address a message from move on, asking anyone to address a message from this clown is not worth the time of day.

But, you proved my point. Cons spend their time in the bat shit crazy con web sites looking for things they want to believe. Because they are stupid. Really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck. Here. Read these and try to understand why you are stupid:

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Anyone who believes that study is congenitally gullible. Their definition of "conservative" was so biased it could have come straight from Mother Jones. Notice that they didn't publish how these "researchers" arrived at their imbecile conclusion.
Yup. That is what cons always say. They always hate science, and studies. Much easier to just post con dogma. And, since there all studies of the subject come out the same (cons are stupid) it just makes them crazy. Though, of course, most are already challenged mentally.

But hell, you prove, time over time, that the studies are true. Why do we need studies when we have Bripat. Oh, and bripat, in order to see how they came to their conclusions, you have to get the actual study, and it will be clear. Or, I should say, to a rational person. I forgot for a moment whom I was talking to.

again, it is ok. You are a con. So you are stupid. Not your fault. All of the studies say the same thing.
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