Time For the 99% To Give Back!!

Yup. Great if you like cut and paste from a totally prejuduced source. Like you do. dipshit.
Now, if I were a liberal, I could go get a piece from move on.org. But that would be without integrity. Which is what cons like you and PC are. Without integrity.
Attack the message??? The message is not worth addressing. It is simply con dogma. Just as I would not ask anyone to address a message from move on, asking anyone to address a message from this clown is not worth the time of day.

But, you proved my point. Cons spend their time in the bat shit crazy con web sites looking for things they want to believe. Because they are stupid. Really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck. Here. Read these and try to understand why you are stupid:

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Anyone who believes that study is congenitally gullible. Their definition of "conservative" was so biased it could have come straight from Mother Jones. Notice that they didn't publish how these "researchers" arrived at their imbecile conclusion.

Here here!!!

I feel, in all good conscience, I must stand up for our resident worm!

His problem began long before birth.

He does his best, and what is to be expected from one of his capacity???

"Hermann Jordan. the naturalist, was able to see with the aid of an oil lamp in 1913. For not in a single instance among the annelids that Jordan watched by night did any one of the worms crawl all the way out of its burrow! ....
...Lumbricus seem reduced to utter aimlessness, let us not forget that the earthworms’ "purposeless" actions could not be so labeled were it not for the repetitive "perseverance" which often impels a worm to let go and then attach itself again and again."
Natural History Magazine

So....stop picking on Slimy!!!
Wow. Another profound post by PC, who is a brilliant person (in her own mind. Only there, of course) . Now she does define congenital idiot. Anyone wearing a cowboy hat in NY is delusional. But she thinks she is a cowgirl.
Anyone who believes that study is congenitally gullible. Their definition of "conservative" was so biased it could have come straight from Mother Jones. Notice that they didn't publish how these "researchers" arrived at their imbecile conclusion.

Here here!!!

I feel, in all good conscience, I must stand up for our resident worm!

His problem began long before birth.

He does his best, and what is to be expected from one of his capacity???

"Hermann Jordan. the naturalist, was able to see with the aid of an oil lamp in 1913. For not in a single instance among the annelids that Jordan watched by night did any one of the worms crawl all the way out of its burrow! ....
...Lumbricus seem reduced to utter aimlessness, let us not forget that the earthworms’ "purposeless" actions could not be so labeled were it not for the repetitive "perseverance" which often impels a worm to let go and then attach itself again and again."
Natural History Magazine

So....stop picking on Slimy!!!
Wow. Another profound post by PC, who is a brilliant person (in her own mind. Only there, of course) . Now she does define congenital idiot. Anyone wearing a cowboy hat in NY is delusional. But she thinks she is a cowgirl.

See that!

No appreciation from the worm!

I go out of my way to defend it....

...."it" because it's hermaphroditic....

...it attacks me!

... it turns on me!!!! It's only defender!!!!!!

I guess this must be what is meant by 'the worm turns.'

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