Time for the NAACP to condemn the racists within its ranks…

Farakkhan is in the NAACP??

Got proof?

the naacp sure didn't mind having the racist speak at their convention and you can tell from the crowd that MANY people IN the naacp applaud his remarks...

why is it they don't call out his racism?
Farakkhan is in the NAACP??

Got proof?

the naacp sure didn't mind having the racist speak at their convention and you can tell from the crowd that MANY people IN the naacp applaud his remarks...

why is it they don't call out his racism?

Still not proof he is in the NAACP

Got a date on that clip?

Why does it matter if he is in the NAACP or not. They had him speak at their convention and Applauded his racist comments.

If the same thing was said by a white man at the Republican Convention the NAACP and liberal assholes like yourself would be all over it.
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Farakkhan is in the NAACP??

Got proof?

the naacp sure didn't mind having the racist speak at their convention and you can tell from the crowd that MANY people IN the naacp applaud his remarks...

why is it they don't call out his racism?

Still not proof he is in the NAACP

Got a date on that clip?

i don't think people "join" the naacp....and i never claimed he was in the naacp...nice strawman though....i noticed you failed to address the fact that he spoke at their convention, they did not call out his racism, and in fact were loudly applauding his speech

the date is irrelevant to the issue at hand, you're madly trying to defend them but i think you realize how stupid your defense is, so you spin

1997 though

the naacp sure didn't mind having the racist speak at their convention and you can tell from the crowd that MANY people IN the naacp applaud his remarks...

why is it they don't call out his racism?

Still not proof he is in the NAACP

Got a date on that clip?

i don't think people "join" the naacp....and i never claimed he was in the naacp...nice strawman though....i noticed you failed to address the fact that he spoke at their convention, they did not call out his racism, and in fact were loudly applauding his speech

the date is irrelevant to the issue at hand, you're madly trying to defend them but i think you realize how stupid your defense is, so you spin

1997 though

people join the naacp, even white people, and it was not 1997.
Still not proof he is in the NAACP

Got a date on that clip?

i don't think people "join" the naacp....and i never claimed he was in the naacp...nice strawman though....i noticed you failed to address the fact that he spoke at their convention, they did not call out his racism, and in fact were loudly applauding his speech

the date is irrelevant to the issue at hand, you're madly trying to defend them but i think you realize how stupid your defense is, so you spin

1997 though

people join the naacp, even white people, and it was not 1997.

it says 1997 at the link....what proof do you have its not 1997?

further, why is you completely ignored the FACT that the naacp had him speak at their convention and the people roundly applauded him
i don't think people "join" the naacp....and i never claimed he was in the naacp...nice strawman though....i noticed you failed to address the fact that he spoke at their convention, they did not call out his racism, and in fact were loudly applauding his speech

the date is irrelevant to the issue at hand, you're madly trying to defend them but i think you realize how stupid your defense is, so you spin

1997 though

people join the naacp, even white people, and it was not 1997.

it says 1997 at the link....what proof do you have its not 1997?

further, why is you completely ignored the FACT that the naacp had him speak at their convention and the people roundly applauded him

don't believe the date of a youtube video, duh. you, not clever.

watch the video, see where the summit was, and do a simple search. then connect it with the million man march, and why the naacp had trouble joining it.
people join the naacp, even white people, and it was not 1997.

it says 1997 at the link....what proof do you have its not 1997?

further, why is you completely ignored the FACT that the naacp had him speak at their convention and the people roundly applauded him

don't believe the date of a youtube video, duh. you, not clever.

watch the video, see where the summit was, and do a simple search. then connect it with the million man march, and why the naacp had trouble joining it.

believing the date has nothing to do with cleverness....you're just full of stupid today

but keep trying, you might even pass modbert up :lol:
it says 1997 at the link....what proof do you have its not 1997?

further, why is you completely ignored the FACT that the naacp had him speak at their convention and the people roundly applauded him

don't believe the date of a youtube video, duh. you, not clever.

watch the video, see where the summit was, and do a simple search. then connect it with the million man march, and why the naacp had trouble joining it.

believing the date has nothing to do with cleverness....you're just full of stupid today

but keep trying, you might even pass modbert up :lol:

believing the date really has nothing to do with cleverness. hence, you, not clever. your whining about modbert is pathetic, but what else is new.

the date was linked in my previous post. you just have to be a little bit moar clevarer than the average douchenozzle, and you can find it.
from my brief research, all the links indicate there was a 1997 unity summit that farraakhan spoke at

your links do nothing to dispel that....care to try again?
from my brief research, all the links indicate there was a 1997 unity summit that farraakhan spoke at

your links do nothing to dispel that....care to try again?

read my link, you extremely unclever slob.

and since you seem so interested in media bias, ask yourself why this video is everywhere right now, and why most links point to 1997, if at all.

In the summer of 1908, the country was shocked by the account of the race riots at Springfield, Illinois. Here, in the home of Abraham Lincoln, a mob containing many of the town's "best citizens," raged for two days, killed and wounded scores of Negroes, and drove thousands from the city. Articles on the subject appeared in newspapers and magazines. Among them was one in the Independent of September 3rd, by William English Walling, entitled "Race War in the North." After describing the atrocities committed against the colored people, Mr. Walling declared:

"Either the spirit of the abolitionists, of Lincoln and of Love-joy must be revived and we must come to treat the Negro on a plane of absolute political and social equality

Obviously a racist organization

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