Time for the old guys to go away.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
Well..you're right. However, the power is in the hands of the elder...and they are not going to let it go until we pry it from their cold, dead hands.
This Board's demographics skew to the over 60 types, so I doubt you get a lot of sympathy here.

I predict..that by the time the elderly boomers all die off...there will will an entire new crop of geezers--ready to take the stage.

Same as it ever was~
Policies count much more than age.
That said, we don't have elections anymore, we have UNiparty selections of pre-approved actors by the NWO.

If you all think 2024 will be any different than 2020 or 2022, I have some great ocean front property here in OK I'll give you a great price on
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
Like who? Put your cards on the table.
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
shouldn't we elect the best person?
or, as reagan said
This Board's demographics skew to the over 60 types, so I doubt you get a lot of sympathy here.
And it is not easy being a comparatively young woman here , surrounded by uncouth old mountain men and others who count posting as exercise .

However , a few nice ones make it OK .

An occasional money order would also further soften me . Don't be shy . I bite gently .
With age comes wisdom. The issue is addressing the needs of a younger generation by teaching them to fish, not fish for them. To operate within government means, not handcuff future generations.
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
They're going to impeach China boy over this classified document bullshit. [ not for family corruption, failed border, record inflation or for having us on the brink of World War 3 with Russia].

Trump Flynn 24
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
the digital age has nothing to do with being POTUS and the last thing we need is an administrator,,

what we need is someone that can read and follow rules like the constitution
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
What do they need to understand about the digital age......
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)
I'm all for it, but our politics are so ugly and awful that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck AWAY.

We might be able to attract better people if we fixed our system, but not if we leave it the way it is. This system is controlled by big, dark money, and it incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants and their sycophants.

Not a world for intelligent, decent, professional, moral, innovative adults. It just isn't.
From what I've seen of this younger generation, I'd say we better hold onto the old guys as long as we can. Except for the senile ones that is.
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)

We're too tribal now. Plus, the cult would stick behind Trump if he was 100 years old.
Donald Trump will be 77 soon. Joe Biden is 80. Regardless of one's political leanings, this is too old. America needs a President who understands the modern digital age in which we live and has the energy to be an effective administrator - without the legal and political baggage these 2 old guys carry around. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama had the advantage of fewer skeletons in their closets, and their relative youth. In 2024 its time to elect a younger person for the top spot. :)

I don't disagree but the fundamental problem of the Trump Administration is that he liked to put a bunch of people who strongly disagreed into the room and let them scream at each other. He would then cherry pick information from all the sides to go with. It unmotivated anybody of any caliber to work for him for long, so in the end he was left with the mypillow guy, Steve Bannon, and all the alt-right hacks as being the only advisors he had left.
Chris Sununu

Rand Paul

Nikki Haley

To name a few
step aside, amateur

Chris Christie
Matt Gaetz
Jim Jordan
Kat Cammack
Nancy Mace
Paul Ryan
Mike Lee
Ted Cruz
James Lankford
Chip Roy
Don Trump Jr


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