Time for the US to abolish the Death Penalty

Abortion is a medical procedure, execution is murder.
Sooooo, injecting somebody isn't a medical procedure?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' loon?:cuckoo:

Your childish name calling shows the weakness of your argument.

ok, if you say so :eusa_whistle:

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Quote: Originally Posted by Papawx3
Quote: Originally Posted by NoNukes
Quote: Originally Posted by Papawx3

That's the kind of sentiment that emboldens criminals and causes the taxpayers of this country to have to continually pay for building and operating more jails and prisons and the people to man them. The criminals aren't afraid of getting caught because even if they do, when they go to jail they'll have better accommodations than they could provide on their own if they had to get out and work for a living.
Whatever we do, let's not discourage the criminals. They deserve the most 'civilized' of our behavior.
You obviously never spent time in prison. they are not country clubs.
No, nor do I ever plan to. Yes, I realize that I'm one of those people you absolutely detest - the working class, church-going, gun-wielding, law abiding private citizen who believes criminals should be punished both swiftly and harshly.
Look Cletus, I was just saying that prisons are not a walk in the park.
Which states use the Death Penalty almost exclusively?

The Bible Belt


Bible Belt
Texas 481
VA 109
OK 98
Fl 73
MO 68
AL 55
GA 52
Ark 27
Miss 18
Tenn 6
Ky 3

Total 990 out of 1291 executions

Praise Jesus!

looks like california is carrying one hefty bill for its death row inmates. tax payers got to love that

Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (http://www.ppic.org/main/publication_show.asp?i=702)

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it
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Abortion is a medical procedure, execution is murder.
Sooooo, injecting somebody isn't a medical procedure?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' loon?:cuckoo:

Your childish name calling shows the weakness of your argument.
What weakness?

You loons support the wanton, brutal killing of INNOCENT life, while trying to hide behind the BS argument (just one of many BS arguments, btw) that it's simply a "medical procedure". Yet, you bitch and moan about the death penalty, where brutal murderers are put to death by a ''medical procedure".

The hypocrisy from you loons is comical.
Bible Belt
Texas 481
VA 109
OK 98
Fl 73
MO 68
AL 55
GA 52
Ark 27
Miss 18
Tenn 6
Ky 3

Total 990 out of 1291 executions

Praise Jesus!

So what are we going to blame all of the left coast non-Bible belt states death penalty on? Perhaps it's the dry air or the fruits and nuts. :dunno: Your argument falls apart.

The remainder of the country has moved away from invoking the death penalty. Time for the barbaric bible thumpers to do the same

I'm beginning to see your logic. For instance, do you realize that it is warmer in the Bible thumping, barbaric states than it is in the moocher, elitest states? Who knew that religious belief could affect weather patterns. :dunno:
So what are we going to blame all of the left coast non-Bible belt states death penalty on? Perhaps it's the dry air or the fruits and nuts. :dunno: Your argument falls apart.

The remainder of the country has moved away from invoking the death penalty. Time for the barbaric bible thumpers to do the same

I'm beginning to see your logic. For instance, do you realize that it is warmer in the Bible thumping, barbaric states than it is in the moocher, elitest states? Who knew that religious belief could affect weather patterns. :dunno:

Those Moocher Bible Thumper states get more money in federal aid than they pay in taxes

Praise the Lord and hang the son of a bitch
The remainder of the country has moved away from invoking the death penalty. Time for the barbaric bible thumpers to do the same
Sooooooo, all those liberals here in Cali., who vehemently support the Death Penalty, are also "barbaric bible thumpers"?:eusa_whistle:

Seriously, do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

The Death Penalty harkens to archaic times when Government showed how wrong it is to murder by murdering

Do as I say....not as I do
So, you ARE saying that all those liberals here in Cali., who do, and have supported the Death Penalty, ARE "barbaric bible thumpers", correct?
Sooooooo, all those liberals here in Cali., who vehemently support the Death Penalty, are also "barbaric bible thumpers"?:eusa_whistle:

Seriously, do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

The Death Penalty harkens to archaic times when Government showed how wrong it is to murder by murdering

Do as I say....not as I do
So, you ARE saying that all those liberals here in Cali., who do, and have supported the Death Penalty, ARE "barbaric bible thumpers", correct?


To the tune of 13 executions in 40 years
The remainder of the country has moved away from invoking the death penalty. Time for the barbaric bible thumpers to do the same

I'm beginning to see your logic. For instance, do you realize that it is warmer in the Bible thumping, barbaric states than it is in the moocher, elitest states? Who knew that religious belief could affect weather patterns. :dunno:

Those Moocher Bible Thumper states get more money in federal aid than they pay in taxes

Praise the Lord and hang the son of a bitch

You can yell UNCLE any time now. :eusa_whistle:
Sooooo, injecting somebody isn't a medical procedure?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' loon?:cuckoo:

Your childish name calling shows the weakness of your argument.
What weakness?

You loons support the wanton, brutal killing of INNOCENT life, while trying to hide behind the BS argument (just one of many BS arguments, btw) that it's simply a "medical procedure". Yet, you bitch and moan about the death penalty, where brutal murderers are put to death by a ''medical procedure".

The hypocrisy from you loons is comical.

Not even comparable with the stupidity from the right.
Bible Belt
Texas 481
VA 109
OK 98
Fl 73
MO 68
AL 55
GA 52
Ark 27
Miss 18
Tenn 6
Ky 3

Total 990 out of 1291 executions

Praise Jesus!

looks like california is carrying one hefty bill for its death row inmates. tax payers got to love that

Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (California's Changing Prison Population (PPIC Publication))

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it

all the more reason for the death penalty. clean out some of that unbudgeted expense
looks like california is carrying one hefty bill for its death row inmates. tax payers got to love that

Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (California's Changing Prison Population (PPIC Publication))

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it

all the more reason for the death penalty. clean out some of that unbudgeted expense

Costs more to execute than to imprison for life
Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (California's Changing Prison Population (PPIC Publication))

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it

all the more reason for the death penalty. clean out some of that unbudgeted expense

Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

yea, in a liberal bureaucracy. i'll show you how to do it on the cheap.
Maryland just voted to abolish the death penalty
When tools stop illegally snipping live born abortion baby spines I will support banning it.

Propaganda, much?

Propaganda what? You need to get off the internets and see what is actually going on in the world.

No spines are severed from babies in abortion.

Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Accused of Killing Babies With Scissors, Dr. Kermit Gosnell Charged With 8 Murders - ABC News

And those are only the ones they know about. Like I said. Get off the internets and crawl out of your Leftytoon basement.
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Which states use the Death Penalty almost exclusively?

The Bible Belt

What's wrong with executing the inconvenient, who have to be housed, clothed, fed, and protected, and who have committed premidated murder/s?

Seriously, what's the difference from ripping innocent life screaming from the womb, for no other reason than they are inconviences, who will need to be housed, clothed, fed, and protected?

I mean, an INNOCENT child is allowed to suffer a vicious demise and you loons support it wholeheartedly, but god forbid we put pure evil to sleep forever.

The hypocrisy from you loons is fucking comical,......yet sad, and very telling.

Abortion is a medical procedure, execution is murder.

Really? Because when you use a lethal injection to carry out the death penalty it IS a medical procedure. A medical procedure much less invasive and painful than an abortion. By the way, you may want to look up the defintions to murder and exectution, they are not the same.
Bible Belt
Texas 481
VA 109
OK 98
Fl 73
MO 68
AL 55
GA 52
Ark 27
Miss 18
Tenn 6
Ky 3

Total 990 out of 1291 executions

Praise Jesus!

looks like california is carrying one hefty bill for its death row inmates. tax payers got to love that

Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (California's Changing Prison Population (PPIC Publication))

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it

Exactly dumbass, which is why I advocate for repeat violent offenders getting thier 9oz's. The estimated cost of keeping one prisoner $45,000.00 a year, the cost to govt. for 1 9mm round, approx .02, the cost of getting these violent scumbags out of our lives for good, priceless.
I don't know. I just can't wrap my head around the wickedness and moral corruptness of the left. You guys advocate for PROTECTING vile child raping and murering scum, promote the protection of violent predatory murderers and violent murdering gang bangers in one sentence, then turn around and promote the slaughter of innocent lives in the womb in the next. I mean really, how do you scumbags sleep at night? The only answer I can think of is either A. You ARE totally freaking insane or B. You are conscienceless pricks without a shed of morality in you. Either way, worthless human beings that use up good air better used by your brethren the cockroaches.
When tools stop illegally snipping live born abortion baby spines I will support banning it.

No spines are severed from babies in abortion.

Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Accused of Killing Babies With Scissors, Dr. Kermit Gosnell Charged With 8 Murders - ABC News

And those are only the ones they know about. Like I said. Get off the internets and crawl out of your Leftytoon basement.

Nice try. Those weren't abortions. Abortion involves the termination of a fetus within the womb. These babies had been born, and were breathing when they were killed.

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