Time for the US to abolish the Death Penalty

looks like california is carrying one hefty bill for its death row inmates. tax payers got to love that

Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (California's Changing Prison Population (PPIC Publication))

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it

Exactly dumbass, which is why I advocate for repeat violent offenders getting thier 9oz's. The estimated cost of keeping one prisoner $45,000.00 a year, the cost to govt. for 1 9mm round, approx .02, the cost of getting these violent scumbags out of our lives for good, priceless.

Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders

You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"
Its not just death row inmates but ALL inmates. California has 163,000 in its prisons (California's Changing Prison Population (PPIC Publication))

The US leads the world in population in prison. We can no longer afford it

Exactly dumbass, which is why I advocate for repeat violent offenders getting thier 9oz's. The estimated cost of keeping one prisoner $45,000.00 a year, the cost to govt. for 1 9mm round, approx .02, the cost of getting these violent scumbags out of our lives for good, priceless.

Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders
You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"

Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.
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What's wrong with executing the inconvenient, who have to be housed, clothed, fed, and protected, and who have committed premidated murder/s?

Seriously, what's the difference from ripping innocent life screaming from the womb, for no other reason than they are inconviences, who will need to be housed, clothed, fed, and protected?

I mean, an INNOCENT child is allowed to suffer a vicious demise and you loons support it wholeheartedly, but god forbid we put pure evil to sleep forever.

The hypocrisy from you loons is fucking comical,......yet sad, and very telling.

Abortion is a medical procedure, execution is murder.

Really? Because when you use a lethal injection to carry out the death penalty it IS a medical procedure. A medical procedure much less invasive and painful than an abortion. By the way, you may want to look up the defintions to murder and exectution, they are not the same.

Yes, they are both medical procedures, but execution takes the life of a human being. Many people believe that execution and murder are the same. Some would use a dictionary to clear their conscience, others cannot fool themselves this easily.
Exactly dumbass, which is why I advocate for repeat violent offenders getting thier 9oz's. The estimated cost of keeping one prisoner $45,000.00 a year, the cost to govt. for 1 9mm round, approx .02, the cost of getting these violent scumbags out of our lives for good, priceless.

Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders
You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"

Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.

You call him Lucy and a nancy boy, but you are the one who fears to go out without being armed. Amazing how you can fool yourself.
Exactly dumbass, which is why I advocate for repeat violent offenders getting thier 9oz's. The estimated cost of keeping one prisoner $45,000.00 a year, the cost to govt. for 1 9mm round, approx .02, the cost of getting these violent scumbags out of our lives for good, priceless.

Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders
You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"

Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.

Sambo......did I offend you?

Of course its the Klan or whatever else you call the congregation of racists that you associate with. I'm sure they eat up your racist, fag hating, tough guy persona but the rest of the world just ridicules you

There was actually a time when you could openly spout your hate. Now, like the pussy you are.......you are relegated to posting your hate on an anonymous message board
Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders
You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"

Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.

Sambo......did I offend you?

Of course its the Klan or whatever else you call the congregation of racists that you associate with. I'm sure they eat up your racist, fag hating, tough guy persona but the rest of the world just ridicules you

There was actually a time when you could openly spout your hate. Now, like the pussy you are.......you are relegated to posting your hate on an anonymous message board

And then he tries to argue that he is not a racist. At least he could be a man and stand up for what he is and what be believes in.
Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

yea, in a liberal bureaucracy. i'll show you how to do it on the cheap.

We tend to not want to execute the innocent. Conservatives don't care

Innocent? :cuckoo: Tell you what, let's let all of those innocent death row inmates out and we'll open up your home as a halfway house to reintegrate them into society. After a week or so.......if you're still alive, get back to us on what sweet and misunderstood these poor rapists and murderers are. Moron.
Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.
Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.

Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment
Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.

Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment

What a crock. You don't think every single convict in the prisons across the country isn't constantly writing to lawyers & judges trying to get their sentences appealed? That costs money too.
I'm asking you if you really think that strapping a convicted murderer to a gurney and executing him costs more money than does providing for him in prison for the rest of his life. I don't think it does.
And on the topic of "all conservatives care about is the second amendment", you're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. We care about the entire Constitution, including the rights of others. But we also don't like having to pay to support convicted murderers for decades on end while they peruse the prison libraries for anything they can use on one appeals process after another to extend their stay on their particular cross-bar hotel a little longer.
There comes a time when the interest of the public has to take precedence over those of felons. There comes a time when we have to say "you forfeited your right to continue living when you committed those crime(s). It's time for you to pay the piper."
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Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.

Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment

What a crock. You don't think every single convict in the prisons across the country isn't constantly writing to lawyers & judges trying to get their sentences appealed? That costs money too.
I'm asking you if you really think that strapping a convicted murderer to a gurney and executing him costs more money than does providing for him in prison for the rest of his life. I don't think it does.
And on the topic of "all conservatives care about is the second amendment", you're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. We care about the entire Constitution, including the rights of others. But we also don't like having to pay to support convicted murderers for decades on end while they peruse the prison libraries for anything they can use on one appeals process after another to extend their stay on their particular cross-bar hotel a little longer.
There comes a time when the interest of the public has to take precedence over those of felons. There comes a time when we have to say "you forfeited your right to continue living when you committed those crime(s). It's time for you to pay the piper."

First of all. This nation leads the world in number of people in prison. Time to lock up fewer people not more

Second. Yes it does cost more to execute someone than it does to lock them up for life. Like it or not, that is a fact

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Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.

Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment

Can you point to any serious source of any conservative in political power who says they don't care about killing an innocent person or are you lying? You may as well give up, TDM has that market cornered.
Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.

Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment

Can you point to any serious source of any conservative in political power who says they don't care about killing an innocent person or are you lying? You may as well give up, TDM has that market cornered.

We are 19 pages into this thread. See how many rightwing posts say ......screw the appeals, just kill them
Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment

Can you point to any serious source of any conservative in political power who says they don't care about killing an innocent person or are you lying? You may as well give up, TDM has that market cornered.

We are 19 pages into this thread. See how many rightwing posts say ......screw the appeals, just kill them
You didn't answer the question, no surprise there.

Now, can you point to any serious source of any conservative in political power who says they don't care about killing an innocent person, or, are you lying?
Abortion is a medical procedure, execution is murder.

Really? Because when you use a lethal injection to carry out the death penalty it IS a medical procedure. A medical procedure much less invasive and painful than an abortion. By the way, you may want to look up the defintions to murder and exectution, they are not the same.

Yes, they are both medical procedures, but execution takes the life of a human being. Many people believe that execution and murder are the same. Some would use a dictionary to clear their conscience, others cannot fool themselves this easily.

Yes, they are both medical procedures, but abortion takes the life of an INNOCENT human being. Many people believe abortion and murder are the same. Many people also believe exectution is not murder, but rather justice administered. How the left can fight to protect violent child raping and murdering scum, cop killers, men and woman who wantonly slaughter their fellow citizens and then turn around and say abortion is ok, proves they have no consciences and have reprobate/debased minds.
Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders
You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"

Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.

You call him Lucy and a nancy boy, but you are the one who fears to go out without being armed. Amazing how you can fool yourself.

Assume much dumbass? It's almost impossible to get a concealed carry permit in MD so I go out unarmed all the freaking time. It's also ilegal to carry in DC where much of my work is, and I'm in some of the worst ghettos in the nation, unarmed ALL THE TIME. Don't assume douche, you don't know me, or anything about me. Amazing how you can fool yourself into thinking you do.
Listen to the tough guy.....

When he isn't bitching about ******* and faggots he is shooting nonviolent offenders
You must be very popular at your clan meeting.......or "church"

Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.

Sambo......did I offend you?

Of course its the Klan or whatever else you call the congregation of racists that you associate with. I'm sure they eat up your racist, fag hating, tough guy persona but the rest of the world just ridicules you

There was actually a time when you could openly spout your hate. Now, like the pussy you are.......you are relegated to posting your hate on an anonymous message board

Lol, I'm loved, or at least well respected, by everyone who knows me boy and I speak the same IRL as I do here, and say the same things on FB that I say here, and from the number here who seem to agree with me, as evidenced by their private comments to me, not to mention the number of strangers who agree with me as evidenced the sheer number of stranger who try to friend me on FB, so many that I had to start a separate fb page to accomodate them, many, many, many more people think like I do than you think. By the way, continue to work on your vocabulary skills boy, both my parents are white, so I cannot be a sambo.
Listen to the nancy boy..........when he isn't whining about the right wing nuts he's certainly not working on his reading comprehension skills or his vocabulary skills for that matter. See above, repeat VIOLENT offenders #1, #2, it's Klan not clan. I mean unless you mean my weetings with my ancestirs or relatives which I'm sure you didn't mean right? You meant it as a refrence to the KKK I would guess. See skippy, the clue is in the acronym itself, Ku Klux KLAN. Run along now skippy, you don't have time to blog, you obviously have some studyin to do lucy.

Sambo......did I offend you?

Of course its the Klan or whatever else you call the congregation of racists that you associate with. I'm sure they eat up your racist, fag hating, tough guy persona but the rest of the world just ridicules you

There was actually a time when you could openly spout your hate. Now, like the pussy you are.......you are relegated to posting your hate on an anonymous message board

And then he tries to argue that he is not a racist. At least he could be a man and stand up for what he is and what be believes in.

Are you insane dumbass? Or do you just pull "facts" from your rear end? I havfe never tried to argue that I'm not a racist. Quite the contrary I have stated many, many, many times that as the word racist is defined; The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, that I am not only a racist, but believe anyone who honestly looks at the sociological, archeological and antrhopologcal evidence, combined with a study of modern history and current events regarding the differences between the evolution of the races, must be either a racist also or a self deluding fool and a liar. I have repeatedly stated that as the owner of my own business I would never hire a black, or a blatant homosexual for that matter, to represent my company. At least you could be an honest man, or at least not one who forms and speak opinions based on zero knowlege. I challenge you to find ONE post where I EVER tried to argue I'm not a racist.
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