Time is the 4th dimension

If I told you the place we could meet ??
It would mean zero even if I gave you exact directions
You also need the time
Hubble was able to convince Einstein that time was indeed a dimension, and what was lacking in Einstein's theories.
Because time is a dimension, and Christ and God are inter-dimensional, (as will we be in glorified bodies) they can move forward and backward in the dimension, which is how God can tell us the future accurately. He can visit the future at will...
Time doesn't actually exist. It's simply a concept created to explain how we perceive the chronology of events.

So 100,000 years ago, if you went back in time to that place on Earth where would you be. In outer space because not only has the Earth moved but the Solar system and galaxy also. Time and space are relevant..
It does exist as things do change over time
. A star eventually runs out of its hydrogen .
Black holes inc in entropy and never dec
. Our own moon has more crators than the past
Human time is for humans but it does represent the time the sun disappears and reappears in the sky
Time doesn't actually exist. It's simply a concept created to explain how we perceive the chronology of events. ...

How do you explain that we are able to visit a place in in space as often as we like to do so - but we are not able to visit again a moment in time?
Hubble was able to convince Einstein that time was indeed a dimension, and what was lacking in Einstein's theories.
Because time is a dimension, and Christ and God are inter-dimensional, (as will we be in glorified bodies) they can move forward and backward in the dimension, which is how God can tell us the future accurately. He can visit the future at will...

You overestimate drastically the so called "spacetime" or Minkowski-space of the theory of relativity. Minkowski made out of the 3 dimensional space and the one-dimensional time a four dimensional spacetime just simple over c. He set adequate a second with 299,792,458 meter because the lightspeed is 299,792,458 meter/second. I guess this system would also work if he had set adequate a meter with 1 / 299,792,458 seconds. In this case we could say the space is an illusion and doesn't really exist, because only a 4D time is real. The Brits would love it. They could make 4 tea times a day in their nowhere.
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Give me a 5th Dimension and I could make billions in heists and kill anyone
Time doesn't actually exist. It's simply a concept created to explain how we perceive the chronology of events.

Don't be stupid. Time exists because we exist. Matter can't exist without time. If there was no time, then we would not exist.
It depends on your perspective.
As a Jew, time is a concept created for humans.
Time doesn't actually exist. It's simply a concept created to explain how we perceive the chronology of events.

Don't be stupid. Time exists because we exist. Matter can't exist without time. If there was no time, then we would not exist.

Thanks. Time and space are two interdependent qualities like two sides of a coin. No space without time, no time without space.
I don’t know what you said as I have dementia

In some problems of physics physicists need for example the Hilbert space. The Hilbert space is a space with a neverending number of dimensions. Sounds dramatically - but it is not. In a three dimensional space you have just simple a vector with 3 coordinates ( x[1], x[2], x[3]). For every dimension more you need an additional number. So a Hilbert space is just simple a space with the coordimates ( x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], ..., x[oo] ). That's the mathematical construct someone needs to understand who likes to solve some problems in physics. But means this we live in a 4 dimensional (or higher dimensional) space? What would happen if a hypersphere would touch us? You would see a point coming from nowhere - the point grows, becomes a sphere, gets more little and dissapeares. No one ever saw this. So: The mathematics which we use and the reality all around are two different things. That's why the "god" of physics is not intuition or mathematics: it is the experiment. But on the other side: Without intuition and mathematics we are not able to be good physicists.

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