Time Magazine Person of the Year 2020

Maybe Donald can doctor up a Person of the Year magazine cover again. OR he can use all the money his stupid cult is sending him to get another portrait made of himself. This has got to Gall his Orange Ars......
They get the cover without doing anything. Obama gets a once important prize without doing anything. Seems like democrats like participation trophies.

They saved the country from a trump Autocracy. That is SOMETHING!
wheres your proof asswipe?

Are you blind? trump and a bunch of, soon to be disbarred. AGs are going to the USSC to try and get 20,000,000 votes thrown out. That is SEDITION! That is TREASON. And I expect to see many, many GOP attorney's disbarred after this circus.

expect? wheres your proof was the question you retard

Maybe Donald can doctor up a Person of the Year magazine cover again. OR he can use all the money his stupid cult is sending him to get another portrait made of himself. This has got to Gall his Orange Ars......
They get the cover without doing anything. Obama gets a once important prize without doing anything. Seems like democrats like participation trophies.

They saved the country from a trump Autocracy. That is SOMETHING!
wheres your proof asswipe?

Are you blind? trump and a bunch of, soon to be disbarred. AGs are going to the USSC to try and get 20,000,000 votes thrown out. That is SEDITION! That is TREASON. And I expect to see many, many GOP attorney's disbarred after this circus.

If those votes were cast fraudulently or counted fraudulently or should never have been counted in the first place, they SHOULD be thrown out. That's why it's in court. They shouldn't be counted just because feelz and reasons.

These cases have been to court over and over and over and all have been thrown out. BARR SAID THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD. GET OVER IT!
your comments seem to be coming out of a kindergartner. you should hang it up

Maybe Donald can doctor up a Person of the Year magazine cover again. OR he can use all the money his stupid cult is sending him to get another portrait made of himself. This has got to Gall his Orange Ars......
They get the cover without doing anything. Obama gets a once important prize without doing anything. Seems like democrats like participation trophies.

They saved the country from a trump Autocracy. That is SOMETHING!
wheres your proof asswipe?

Are you blind? trump and a bunch of, soon to be disbarred. AGs are going to the USSC to try and get 20,000,000 votes thrown out. That is SEDITION! That is TREASON. And I expect to see many, many GOP attorney's disbarred after this circus.

If those votes were cast fraudulently or counted fraudulently or should never have been counted in the first place, they SHOULD be thrown out. That's why it's in court. They shouldn't be counted just because feelz and reasons.

These cases have been to court over and over and over and all have been thrown out. BARR SAID THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD. GET OVER IT!
And this one may be as well. TRUMP! has legal recourse to challenge things in court and doing so is certainly neither sedition or treason. Like you said, get over it.

Threatening GOP Governors....asking state legislatures to disregard the vote of the people....Putting pressure on election officials.....WHAT DO THESE ACTIONS HAVE TO DO WITH HIS COURT EFFORTS....NOTHING!

trump is a Treasonous SOB.....end of story.
once again, you are WRONG...barrag o and xiden are the treasonists
How nice that they see the contributions of an Alheimer's sufferer and a whore as being more important than our frontline workers...
So, Time Magazine is still in business, eh.

Who knew?
Time Magazine.
proves our point-Biden/Harris is bad for America

The right said the same thing about Obama ... before ... he added 11 million jobs, 2½ trillion in GDP and tripled the stock market.
you fkd up...it proves our point

Your point is based on hallucinations
well, thats all your posts are based on. what was your point? you really are a moron
My posts are above your reading level. That's why you can't understand them.
your posts are kindergarten level..im beyond that. someday you may realize, that anything that comes out of you is just plain ol shit...go back to stroking with pee-wee
So, Time Magazine is still in business, eh.

Who knew?
Time Magazine.
proves our point-Biden/Harris is bad for America

The right said the same thing about Obama ... before ... he added 11 million jobs, 2½ trillion in GDP and tripled the stock market.
and the slowest economic recovery--lack of--in AMERICAn history. and you lick the sweat off of this traitors balls, huh?
He did good enough to get re-elected.

and continue the sellout to china...what a retard you are
time fang.jpg
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So Time does not consider the thousands of healthcare workers who battled covid all year or the researchers and scientist who gave us covid vaccines in record time or not even the millions of small businesses owners who have fought against incredible odds to stay afloat worthy of being the person of the year they give it to a man who hid in his basement most of the year and a woman who crashed and burned in the Democratic Primaries faster than the Hindenburg. This is no real surprise it is just the first step in what will be a four year long display of the media kissing the Biden administrations ass.
So, Time Magazine is still in business, eh.

Who knew?
Time Magazine.
proves our point-Biden/Harris is bad for America

The right said the same thing about Obama ... before ... he added 11 million jobs, 2½ trillion in GDP and tripled the stock market.
you fkd up...it proves our point

Your point is based on hallucinations
well, thats all your posts are based on. what was your point? you really are a moron
My posts are above your reading level. That's why you can't understand them.
your posts are kindergarten level.

That's your level. That's why my posts are beyond your G-d given limited capacity.
So, Time Magazine is still in business, eh.

Who knew?
Time Magazine.
proves our point-Biden/Harris is bad for America

The right said the same thing about Obama ... before ... he added 11 million jobs, 2½ trillion in GDP and tripled the stock market.
and the slowest economic recovery--lack of--in AMERICAn history. and you lick the sweat off of this traitors balls, huh?
He did good enough to get re-elected.

and continue the sellout to china...what a retard you are
Poor baby. :itsok:
How nice that they see the contributions of an Alheimer's sufferer and a whore as being more important than our frontline workers...
Exactly, it was a slap in the face to the real heroes of this God forsaken year. The frontline healthcare workers have been working 16 hour days and dealing with caring for the sick, the trauma of death and the risk to their own health. Instead Slime Magazine glorifies Joe and the Ho.
Congratulations to President Biden and VP Harris

View attachment 427683

Notice it is an ACTUAL cover, not a made up one like Trump uses

They had a huge choice this time. Tough decision. I would not be unhappy if they had added Doctor Fauci and Health Care workers to the cover. They all deserve it.
The healthcare workers deserve better than being put on the cover of a liberal rag like Time. That would basically be shameful to be put on a cover with the likes of who that rag has nominated in the past.
Time Magazine named Biden/Harris Person of the year, They must have dug to the bottom of the barrel looking for rotten apples.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. Biden/Harris?? Could they be anymore stupid? Hell last year it was that spoiled climate change brat. Now Biden/Harris??

The person of the year award sure doesn't mean much anymore.
Laugh for the next 4 years while competent people clean up your mess, again!
What kinda' bullshit reason is this??

They were named "Persons of the year" because, get this shit, "For changing the American story".

What the fuck is that bullshit even supposed to mean??
It means they got rid of the most ignorant, incompetent, narcisstic President in History!
Next question?

Maybe Donald can doctor up a Person of the Year magazine cover again. OR he can use all the money his stupid cult is sending him to get another portrait made of himself. This has got to Gall his Orange Ars......
They get the cover without doing anything. Obama gets a once important prize without doing anything. Seems like democrats like participation trophies.
Obama wrote a best selling book.

Maybe Donald can doctor up a Person of the Year magazine cover again. OR he can use all the money his stupid cult is sending him to get another portrait made of himself. This has got to Gall his Orange Ars......
That must piss off Donald so much. :rofl:
Trump is much tougher than that. He knows this is all fake crap.
Just like the Nobel Peace Prize will be forever tainted due to Barack Hussein.
Dems have completely lost touch.
Is that like Trump giving Limbaugh the Medal of Honor for being a lying drug addict?

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