TIME Magazine: 'Rand Paul Most Interesting Man In Politics; Can He Fix What Ails GOP?'...

Pretty surprising coming from a Media Outlet known by many for being very Pro-Democrat Biased. I fully agree with TIME on this one. Rand Paul can cross some Party/Ideological lines. And i don't see any other Candidate out there who can do that. Hopefully the Republican Party will be smart and support him.


The tattooed and pierced longhairs never showed up to see Senator Rand Paul speak with students at the University of South Carolina in Columbia last month. Those in attendance drew instead from the preppy set, with brushed bangs, blue blazers and proper hemlines, some wearing sunglasses on neck straps like jock jewelry. They mostly hailed from college Republican circles, and the room where they gathered, a wood-stained memorial to the state’s old power structure, was named for the politician who led the fight to protect school segregation in the 1960s.

You could call them activists, even rebels in their way. But this was not a gathering of losers and outcasts. Paul knew this. And that was the whole point he…

How Rand Paul Could Fix the Republican Party

If what "ails" the Republican Party is ELECTABILITY then they should draft Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren or any other welfare/warfare politician into their party. Actually Rand Paul (R-Gooberville) has become a War Party politician. So by becoming another democrat Rand Paul can help the Republican Party's electability.
Paul can't expand the base - the racist, neo-confederates are already in the GOP column.
No, he's got a good stump speech on stuff like govt listening to your cell phones, and tracking you for no reason. He can get every Mitt voter, since he's caved on being a tool for Zionist Imperialism.

You mean folks who support RomneyCare or those who support repealing RomneyCare?
I know this is about Republican candidates but a lot of what's been said above brought to mind a CHILLING reality:

If Hillary, Fauxahontas and B. Hussein Obama were thrust into a primary for the Democrat Party nomination enough Democrat voters would ignore eligibility requirements that the outcome would likely require a runoff.

Whe fun part, though, is that you'll momentarily hear lisping whimpers of "birfer" over the above.
Paul can't expand the base - the racist, neo-confederates are already in the GOP column.
No, he's got a good stump speech on stuff like govt listening to your cell phones, and tracking you for no reason. He can get every Mitt voter, since he's caved on being a tool for Zionist Imperialism.

You mean folks who support RomneyCare or those who support repealing RomneyCare?
I predict Mass will go dem.

However, the under 30 crowd pays for but gains little from obamacare; they have no faith soc sec will be there for them; and Snowden polls well better with them than any other group, and that's not even getting into our state of permanent war. And Paul doesn't have immigration baggage. He's a typical pol snake oil salesman, but he's positioned himself better on the issues than anyone.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.

What kind of oxygen mixture do they have in the Moderator's lunchroom.

It really must be some high octane stuff!

I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit.

And since you seem to be so sure of your choice maybe you would share with me what leads you to not only NOT vote for Romney, who is the absolute best person for the job, but to also NOT vote for someone who even ENDORSED the best man for the job.

I'll wait for you to scour the internet in search of something a reasonable observer would call a real reason.

Thanks in advance.

"I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit."

Here ya go - no lies (except from Romney) just documented quotes:

1) If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing [Romneycare], then that will be a model for the nation." – Mitt Romney , while campaigning for president in Baltimore in 2007

"At the time I crafted the plan in the last campaign I was asked is [Romneycare] something that you would have the whole nation do, and I said no." – Mitt Romney in a 2011 Republican presidential primary debate

2)"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it. I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice." – Mitt Romney, in a 1994 debate with Sen. Edward Kennedy.

I never said I was pro-choice. – Mitt Romney, in a 2007 Iowa Straw poll debate

3) Romney in June 2011: "I believe the world is getting warmer … I believe that humans contribute to that."

Romney in October 2011: "My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet."

Just a very small sample of a VERY long list.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.

What kind of oxygen mixture do they have in the Moderator's lunchroom.

It really must be some high octane stuff!

I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit.

And since you seem to be so sure of your choice maybe you would share with me what leads you to not only NOT vote for Romney, who is the absolute best person for the job, but to also NOT vote for someone who even ENDORSED the best man for the job.

I'll wait for you to scour the internet in search of something a reasonable observer would call a real reason.

Thanks in advance.

Simple. He's (Romney) part of the establishment which makes him a puppet. Rand is a sell-out and nothing like his father (which in my opinion is a bad thing).

I'll never vote for another Republican or Democrat again. Dislike them all. They're all fucking worthless. Romney would have been just as worthless as Obama. The only difference is the script would be flipped. USMB/MSM etc would be filled with Libs bitching and moaning about Romney and the Conservatives would be defending him. You see? Thats why nothing ever changes.

Hows that for no lies or bullshit ;)
It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

The GOP is what's wrong with America. Name something in the last 20 years they did that was good for the country. Everything they have done has been a disaster and a debacle and a fiasco. And when confronted with their hideous damage, they deny, deny, deny.
"I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit."

Here ya go - no lies (except from Romney) just documented quotes:

1) If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing [Romneycare], then that will be a model for the nation." – Mitt Romney , while campaigning for president in Baltimore in 2007

"At the time I crafted the plan in the last campaign I was asked is [Romneycare] something that you would have the whole nation do, and I said no." – Mitt Romney in a 2011 Republican presidential primary debate

2)"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it. I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice." – Mitt Romney, in a 1994 debate with Sen. Edward Kennedy.

I never said I was pro-choice. – Mitt Romney, in a 2007 Iowa Straw poll debate

3) Romney in June 2011: "I believe the world is getting warmer … I believe that humans contribute to that."

Romney in October 2011: "My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet."

Just a very small sample of a VERY long list.

Thank you.

In the first example you listed, it's a matter of your perspective.

Romney wasn't saying Massachusetts' UHC would be an exact model for the nation, but that UHC is an idea that CAN apply nationally. Just not in the same iteration as the Massachusetts health care plan.

To give you an example that might put this in the proper context...

The first surgeon who performed a successful surgery on a person might well have rejoiced at the idea of surgery being the way of the future to help extend lives and help the sick lead healthier lives.

The first naysayer might have then run the successful surgeon out of town on a rail when surgery failed to save his wife's life who died in childbirth.

"I thought you said surgery would save lives, you liar!!!"

He didn't lie.

The naysayer was taking the celebrating out of context!

You wouldn't go to your doctor and say, "I want exactly the same medicine you prescribed for your last patient."

Doctor: But you have a different set of symptoms. It would be irresponsible and frankly, stupid, to expect you to get better if I prescribe you the same thing as someone else unless you have the same illness!

For Romneycare to be an exact model for a national healthcare plan would require ALL OF AMERICA to be identical in socio-economics and demographics and political ideology as the Liberals in Massachusetts.

And it isn't!

Romney understood this and he thought the American people would, too.

Sadly, not.

Here it is a couple of years late and people are STILL misunderstanding what should have been an obvious uncomplicated statement.

So, that's the first one.

Get out your list.

I want to dispense with the bullshit if i can and what we want to see standing after this is all said and done is Mitt Romney and the truth about him for all to see.

I'm doing chores and things and will return to this later.
It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

The GOP is what's wrong with America. Name something in the last 20 years they did that was good for the country. Everything they have done has been a disaster and a debacle and a fiasco. And when confronted with their hideous damage, they deny, deny, deny.

The thing the GOP did wrong was not to give Americans a chance to experience real Conservatism at work to see that it can and does work beautifully!
The trouble is that "Time" magazine has become redundant. Whatever "Time" thinks about a political issue is either part of the democrat dirty tricks plan designed to try to split the GOP or an amateur take on politics in general.
"I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit."

Here ya go - no lies (except from Romney) just documented quotes:

1) If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing [Romneycare], then that will be a model for the nation." – Mitt Romney , while campaigning for president in Baltimore in 2007

"At the time I crafted the plan in the last campaign I was asked is [Romneycare] something that you would have the whole nation do, and I said no." – Mitt Romney in a 2011 Republican presidential primary debate

2)"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it. I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice." – Mitt Romney, in a 1994 debate with Sen. Edward Kennedy.

I never said I was pro-choice. – Mitt Romney, in a 2007 Iowa Straw poll debate

3) Romney in June 2011: "I believe the world is getting warmer … I believe that humans contribute to that."

Romney in October 2011: "My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet."

Just a very small sample of a VERY long list.

2)"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it. I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice." – Mitt Romney, in a 1994 debate with Sen. Edward Kennedy.

I never said I was pro-choice. – Mitt Romney, in a 2007 Iowa Straw poll debate

Romney, a Conservative, was trying to convince the majority Liberal voters of Massachusetts, that despite his being a Conservative, that he would put his personal politics aside and govern the state the way THE VOTERS...HIS POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS...HIS BOSSES wanted their state run.

The Liberals of Massachusetts want to be able to terminate human fetuses mid-gestation.

Romney governed in a way that did his justice to his vow.

He DID NOT come out the election scheming and conning, shucking and jiving and trying to secretly do away with abortions without the voters' consent, as Eboma might have done in a similar situation.

Once he had time to try to live with his decision, which was a drastic departure from his Church's views, he discovered he just could no longer do it.

And that is when he moved away from his vow.

But not before honoring his word to his bosses and then declaring his new position.

Isn't that exactly what we want in our elected representatives?

To honor their campaign promises and discharge their duties honestly and honorably?

And ESPECIALLY to respect his employers!!!

To each and every one of you Romney bashers, ask yourself this:

Wouldn't it be GREAT if ALL our politicians could say that???

Eboma, anyone?


That's #2.
"I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit."

Here ya go - no lies (except from Romney) just documented quotes:

1) If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing [Romneycare], then that will be a model for the nation." – Mitt Romney , while campaigning for president in Baltimore in 2007

"At the time I crafted the plan in the last campaign I was asked is [Romneycare] something that you would have the whole nation do, and I said no." – Mitt Romney in a 2011 Republican presidential primary debate

2)"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it. I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice." – Mitt Romney, in a 1994 debate with Sen. Edward Kennedy.

I never said I was pro-choice. – Mitt Romney, in a 2007 Iowa Straw poll debate

3) Romney in June 2011: "I believe the world is getting warmer … I believe that humans contribute to that."

Romney in October 2011: "My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet."

Just a very small sample of a VERY long list.

3) Romney in June 2011: "I believe the world is getting warmer … I believe that humans contribute to that."

Romney in October 2011: "My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet."

After all, Romney is also a consumer of the liberal news media.

There are times when all of us are a bit behind the cutting edge of scientific discovery.

Didn't Eboma recently declare there was no danger in bringing the Ebola victims into the USA?

No, he COULDN'T have been lying.


Heavens, no!

He was simply going by the news and popular belief in stating what was a common belief among most Americans, that our medical system in this country is the best in the world and that they have contingencies ready for anything and everything.

Well, we see that wasn't the case.

Since then he has had to tap dance around his decision and statement.

Romney thought humans help cause global warming and he might have been right! However, the science is changing every day and we STILL don't have the last word on what causes it.

So, for him to state that we don't know what's causing global warming is simply a clear statement of the truth.

And we know Libs have little use for the truth unless it serves their pre-conceived untruths, myths, lies and misinformation they have bought into without necessarily doing their own due diligence before coming to their conclusions.


That's #3.

What other reasons are there for bashing Mitt Romney now that we have dealt with the lies and bullshit reasons?
Last edited:
I don't care if he can "fix what's ailing the GOP," can he fix what ails the country? Can any politician?

If America knew what was in Mitt's heart he'd be a shoo-in.

And once in office he would fix America.

America's Mr. Fixit.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.

What kind of oxygen mixture do they have in the Moderator's lunchroom.

It really must be some high octane stuff!

I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit.

And since you seem to be so sure of your choice maybe you would share with me what leads you to not only NOT vote for Romney, who is the absolute best person for the job, but to also NOT vote for someone who even ENDORSED the best man for the job.

I'll wait for you to scour the internet in search of something a reasonable observer would call a real reason.

Thanks in advance.

Simple. He's (Romney) part of the establishment which makes him a puppet. Rand is a sell-out and nothing like his father (which in my opinion is a bad thing).

I'll never vote for another Republican or Democrat again. Dislike them all. They're all fucking worthless. Romney would have been just as worthless as Obama. The only difference is the script would be flipped. USMB/MSM etc would be filled with Libs bitching and moaning about Romney and the Conservatives would be defending him. You see? Thats why nothing ever changes.

Hows that for no lies or bullshit ;)

On what demonstrable basis do you come to this conclusion?

Mitt has never been POTUS.

And in case you have a short memory, things were pretty rosy during the Reagan years after his Conservative governing philosophy had been given enough time to work.

We all remember how the Libbies yelled and screamed in the early stages of the reagan administration before the fixes he initiated had time to work.

Afterwards, not so much partisan bitching.



Support for Israel is not a top priority for anyone living in the USA today. It's like a passenger on the Titanic worrying about how much postage to stick on a letter to tell people back home "we just hit an iceberg"

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