TIME Magazine: 'Rand Paul Most Interesting Man In Politics; Can He Fix What Ails GOP?'...

It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

The GOP is what's wrong with America. Name something in the last 20 years they did that was good for the country. Everything they have done has been a disaster and a debacle and a fiasco. And when confronted with their hideous damage, they deny, deny, deny.

^ From the Party who says nothing since 2008 is Obama's Fault
Rand Paul gets no more support from young people than any other Republican. It's wishful thinking that he represents some kind of movement.

Him and his father are attracting more young people to the Party. It's wishful thinking to think otherwise. ;)
It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

Here is what im talking about on supporting Israel.Listen to these two videos here as well.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

here is what I am talking about in his support for Israel.Listen to these two videos.nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.here is lying that gaza starts wars with Israel and that Israel is a victem.the traiter.

stick to gary johnson.

Rand Paul I 8217 ve never proposed cutting off aid to Israel Update Paul 8217 s office responds Hot Air

He's being practical. The reality is, you have to show support for Israel if you want to be the President. It is what it is.
As long as we are citing fatuous sources like Time Magazine, why not include Barbara Walter's Most Fascinating People?

I hear ya, TIME has always been known to be a Democrat Bootlicker Media Outlet. So i get your skepticism. But hey, maybe times are changing. I give em credit when credit is due. They were fair on this one.
I agree with quite a few of the positions of Rand Paul. I may very well cast my vote for him come 2016 but that depends on what other candidates appear on the ballot. We'll see how it plays out.
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thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.

What kind of oxygen mixture do they have in the Moderator's lunchroom.

It really must be some high octane stuff!

I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit.

And since you seem to be so sure of your choice maybe you would share with me what leads you to not only NOT vote for Romney, who is the absolute best person for the job, but to also NOT vote for someone who even ENDORSED the best man for the job.

I'll wait for you to scour the internet in search of something a reasonable observer would call a real reason.

Thanks in advance.

Simple. He's (Romney) part of the establishment which makes him a puppet. Rand is a sell-out and nothing like his father (which in my opinion is a bad thing).

I'll never vote for another Republican or Democrat again. Dislike them all. They're all fucking worthless. Romney would have been just as worthless as Obama. The only difference is the script would be flipped. USMB/MSM etc would be filled with Libs bitching and moaning about Romney and the Conservatives would be defending him. You see? Thats why nothing ever changes.

Hows that for no lies or bullshit ;)

I have to agree with most of what you've stated. However, i go a little easier on Rand. He isn't his father, but i think he's got enough of the Good Doctor in him to get my support. I agree with most of his stances on the issues that matter most. I don't see anyone else out there worth supporting.
I don't care if he can "fix what's ailing the GOP," can he fix what ails the country? Can any politician?

Fair question. All i can say is research where he stands on the issues that matter most. I have, and i've concluded he's the best Candidate out there. But that's just me.
It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

Here is what im talking about on supporting Israel.Listen to these two videos here as well.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

here is what I am talking about in his support for Israel.Listen to these two videos.nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.here is lying that gaza starts wars with Israel and that Israel is a victem.the traiter.

stick to gary johnson.

Rand Paul I 8217 ve never proposed cutting off aid to Israel Update Paul 8217 s office responds Hot Air

He's being practical. The reality is, you have to show support for Israel if you want to be the President. It is what it is.

Not that he would since as you probably already know the establishment selects our presidents for us,whoever they want in gets in "a book everybody here at this site should read is VOTESCAM.it documents how our votes dont count." I have a feeling HELLARY is their choice this time.never know though what they have planned.they could have another darkhorse like Obama in mind,someone who came out of nowhere."

anyways,you think if he somehow became POTUS,he would pull a JFK and not follow the orders of his masters? -the bankers and serve the people instead of them?

I would like to believe that but I just dont.Not after his endorcement of romney.

if he did that,he would want to make sure not to count on the secret service for his protection-lol.this time the CIA would not be able to pull it off though since times have drastically changed since then where everybody trusted their government back then where NOW people are awake and the majority dont trust their government anymore.
It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

Here is what im talking about on supporting Israel.Listen to these two videos here as well.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

here is what I am talking about in his support for Israel.Listen to these two videos.nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.here is lying that gaza starts wars with Israel and that Israel is a victem.the traiter.

stick to gary johnson.

Rand Paul I 8217 ve never proposed cutting off aid to Israel Update Paul 8217 s office responds Hot Air

He's being practical. The reality is, you have to show support for Israel if you want to be the President. It is what it is.

Not that he would since as you probably already know the establishment selects our presidents for us,whoever they want in gets in "a book everybody here at this site should read is VOTESCAM.it documents how our votes dont count." I have a feeling HELLARY is their choice this time.never know though what they have planned.they could have another darkhorse like Obama in mind,someone who came out of nowhere."

anyways,you think if he somehow became POTUS,he would pull a JFK and not follow the orders of his masters? -the bankers and serve the people instead of them?

I would like to believe that but I just dont.Not after his endorcement of romney.

if he did that,he would want to make sure not to count on the secret service for his protection-lol.this time the CIA would not be able to pull it off though since times have drastically changed since then where everybody trusted their government back then where NOW people are awake and the majority dont trust their government anymore.

I do hear ya. You have good reason to be very skeptical. I can't fault you on that. Not obeying the masters, usually means death. But for me, he's the only Candidate i feel somewhat comfortable supporting.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.
yep.yep and yep.
I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

Here is what im talking about on supporting Israel.Listen to these two videos here as well.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

I agree. I believe Rand Paul's the right person at the right time.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

here is what I am talking about in his support for Israel.Listen to these two videos.nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.here is lying that gaza starts wars with Israel and that Israel is a victem.the traiter.

stick to gary johnson.

Rand Paul I 8217 ve never proposed cutting off aid to Israel Update Paul 8217 s office responds Hot Air

He's being practical. The reality is, you have to show support for Israel if you want to be the President. It is what it is.

Not that he would since as you probably already know the establishment selects our presidents for us,whoever they want in gets in "a book everybody here at this site should read is VOTESCAM.it documents how our votes dont count." I have a feeling HELLARY is their choice this time.never know though what they have planned.they could have another darkhorse like Obama in mind,someone who came out of nowhere."

anyways,you think if he somehow became POTUS,he would pull a JFK and not follow the orders of his masters? -the bankers and serve the people instead of them?

I would like to believe that but I just dont.Not after his endorcement of romney.

if he did that,he would want to make sure not to count on the secret service for his protection-lol.this time the CIA would not be able to pull it off though since times have drastically changed since then where everybody trusted their government back then where NOW people are awake and the majority dont trust their government anymore.

I do hear ya. You have good reason to be very skeptical. I can't fault you on that. Not obeying the masters, usually means death. But for me, he's the only Candidate i feel somewhat comfortable supporting.
what about Johnson?
Imo, he possibly can win. But can he win a nomination?

that again all depends on if the establishment trusts him to do their bidding if elected.my guess is they would much rather have HELLERY or a darkhorse out there we dont know about they have in mind again to be the next POTUS.
Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

Here is what im talking about on supporting Israel.Listen to these two videos here as well.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

Dude you havent done much homework on Rand I see.Time -a magazine funded by the CIA,is promoting him because he is the opposite of his father.

He is a sellout to his father because unlike Ron,he is a supporter of Israel.do you not remember that he endorced zionist Romney? Ron never sold out and endorced Romney when he knew he was going to lose.He always stuck to his guns at the very end telling the truth that Romney was the same as Obama.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similair views as Ron.

see thats WHY time is endorcing Rand.They never endorced Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.

here is what I am talking about in his support for Israel.Listen to these two videos.nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.here is lying that gaza starts wars with Israel and that Israel is a victem.the traiter.

stick to gary johnson.

Rand Paul I 8217 ve never proposed cutting off aid to Israel Update Paul 8217 s office responds Hot Air

He's being practical. The reality is, you have to show support for Israel if you want to be the President. It is what it is.

Not that he would since as you probably already know the establishment selects our presidents for us,whoever they want in gets in "a book everybody here at this site should read is VOTESCAM.it documents how our votes dont count." I have a feeling HELLARY is their choice this time.never know though what they have planned.they could have another darkhorse like Obama in mind,someone who came out of nowhere."

anyways,you think if he somehow became POTUS,he would pull a JFK and not follow the orders of his masters? -the bankers and serve the people instead of them?

I would like to believe that but I just dont.Not after his endorcement of romney.

if he did that,he would want to make sure not to count on the secret service for his protection-lol.this time the CIA would not be able to pull it off though since times have drastically changed since then where everybody trusted their government back then where NOW people are awake and the majority dont trust their government anymore.

I do hear ya. You have good reason to be very skeptical. I can't fault you on that. Not obeying the masters, usually means death. But for me, he's the only Candidate i feel somewhat comfortable supporting.
what about Johnson?

I like him, but his chances are incredibly slim.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.

What kind of oxygen mixture do they have in the Moderator's lunchroom.

It really must be some high octane stuff!

I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit.

And since you seem to be so sure of your choice maybe you would share with me what leads you to not only NOT vote for Romney, who is the absolute best person for the job, but to also NOT vote for someone who even ENDORSED the best man for the job.

I'll wait for you to scour the internet in search of something a reasonable observer would call a real reason.

Thanks in advance.


I would expect no less a comment from one of the zionest shills out there that has penetrated this site.:clap:
Here is what im talking about on supporting Israel.Listen to these two videos here as well.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

here is what I am talking about in his support for Israel.Listen to these two videos.nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.here is lying that gaza starts wars with Israel and that Israel is a victem.the traiter.

stick to gary johnson.

Rand Paul I 8217 ve never proposed cutting off aid to Israel Update Paul 8217 s office responds Hot Air

He's being practical. The reality is, you have to show support for Israel if you want to be the President. It is what it is.

Not that he would since as you probably already know the establishment selects our presidents for us,whoever they want in gets in "a book everybody here at this site should read is VOTESCAM.it documents how our votes dont count." I have a feeling HELLARY is their choice this time.never know though what they have planned.they could have another darkhorse like Obama in mind,someone who came out of nowhere."

anyways,you think if he somehow became POTUS,he would pull a JFK and not follow the orders of his masters? -the bankers and serve the people instead of them?

I would like to believe that but I just dont.Not after his endorcement of romney.

if he did that,he would want to make sure not to count on the secret service for his protection-lol.this time the CIA would not be able to pull it off though since times have drastically changed since then where everybody trusted their government back then where NOW people are awake and the majority dont trust their government anymore.

I do hear ya. You have good reason to be very skeptical. I can't fault you on that. Not obeying the masters, usually means death. But for me, he's the only Candidate i feel somewhat comfortable supporting.
what about Johnson?

I like him, but his chances are incredibly slim.
yeah.that again is the only reason ron went on the republican ticket was because the independent never wins.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

Gary Johnson is the one you want to vote for.He has similar views as Ron.
Precisely, and this is why Johnson will get my vote.

What kind of oxygen mixture do they have in the Moderator's lunchroom.

It really must be some high octane stuff!

I have been unable to get anyone to list some REAL reasons they would be against Romney.

Not lies or bullshit.

And since you seem to be so sure of your choice maybe you would share with me what leads you to not only NOT vote for Romney, who is the absolute best person for the job, but to also NOT vote for someone who even ENDORSED the best man for the job.

I'll wait for you to scour the internet in search of something a reasonable observer would call a real reason.

Thanks in advance.

Simple. He's (Romney) part of the establishment which makes him a puppet. Rand is a sell-out and nothing like his father (which in my opinion is a bad thing).

I'll never vote for another Republican or Democrat again. Dislike them all. They're all fucking worthless. Romney would have been just as worthless as Obama. The only difference is the script would be flipped. USMB/MSM etc would be filled with Libs bitching and moaning about Romney and the Conservatives would be defending him. You see? Thats why nothing ever changes.

Hows that for no lies or bullshit ;)
that says it all in a nutshell.stands up and gives standing ovation.


anybody who comes on here and actully think either party represents the people instead of the bankers and denys reality america is a dictatership and always will be as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,that we need an independent in there to change all that is obviously a paid shill.the government has them trolling on message boards EVERYWHERE.
thats WHY time is endorsing Rand.They never endorsed Ron because he isnt part of the establishment.Rand is.
Rand is a schmuck like the rest of the bozos on Capitol Hill (Dems/Repubs) He shares his fathers last name and that is the extent of the similarity's between the two. When he endorsed Romney that was the last straw, he sold out.

I have a few problems with Rand, but I never hold a politician's endorsement of their party's choice against them. It's a stupid formality every politician gets cornered into doing. The media loves to try to get a politician to eat their words from earlier in the campaign season. "You said Candidate X was Satan's seed last March, and now you are endorsing him?"

It's reindeer games. It means absolutely nothing to me that Rand endorsed Romney.

Sure, he could have been a dick and said, "I'm not going to endorse anyone." But that would have been the same as knifing Romney in the throat.

Uncool. And he would pay a heavy price for it when he runs for Prez himself.
It's not about fixing the GOP, it's about fixing America

The GOP is what's wrong with America. Name something in the last 20 years they did that was good for the country. Everything they have done has been a disaster and a debacle and a fiasco. And when confronted with their hideous damage, they deny, deny, deny.

^ From the Party who says nothing since 2008 is Obama's Fault
From the Party who says nothing has ever been the GOP's fault.
Sure, he could have been a dick and said, "I'm not going to endorse anyone." But that would have been the same as knifing Romney in the throat.
It wouldn't have been a dick move. When you are looking out for the American people and your country FIRST, it's your duty to "knife" candidates in the throat no matter what side of the aisle they are on (or you're on) As POTUS you are doing whats best for the American people not your party....well at least thats the way it should be. That goes for the candidates as well. Fuck your party. Americans aren't ready for someone like that though. They fall for the propaganda pushed out by FOX, MSNBC and CNN. That's how this whole circus keeps running. The MSM is the biggest and most powerful propaganda machine that exists today (whole other topic)

At any rate. It really doesn't matter who gets in office next year. We'll get the same old shit we're getting now with half the country complaining about the POTUS while the other half defends the POTUS.

All is not lost though. There is but one common thread in all of this. The ones who will be complaining, will be right. Hopefully one day Americans will turn off their TV's and put 2 and 2 together and figure it all out. Until that time, we'll have to continue with this never ending circus.

Uncool. And he would pay a heavy price for it when he runs for Prez himself.
very true......and that my friend is a sad state of affairs. See above

Sort of Off Topic: I was listening to Stern a couple days ago and Meghan McCain was on. She says her father hates Rand. "They hate each other" is what she said if memory serves me right
Sure, he could have been a dick and said, "I'm not going to endorse anyone." But that would have been the same as knifing Romney in the throat.
It wouldn't have been a dick move. When you are looking out for the American people and your country FIRST, it's your duty to "knife" candidates in the throat no matter what side of the aisle they are on (or you're on) As POTUS you are doing whats best for the American people not your party....well at least thats the way it should be. That goes for the candidates as well. Fuck your party. Americans aren't ready for someone like that though. They fall for the propaganda pushed out by FOX, MSNBC and CNN. That's how this whole circus keeps running. The MSM is the biggest and most powerful propaganda machine that exists today (whole other topic)

At any rate. It really doesn't matter who gets in office next year. We'll get the same old shit we're getting now with half the country complaining about the POTUS while the other half defends the POTUS.

All is not lost though. There is but one common thread in all of this. The ones who will be complaining, will be right. Hopefully one day Americans will turn off their TV's and put 2 and 2 together and figure it all out. Until that time, we'll have to continue with this never ending circus.


Ideed it would actually be looking out for the emerican people which would HARDLY be being a dick.:cuckoo: thats like saying an officer in the thrid reich who doesnt put his support behind hitlers atrocities is being a dick.no difference. since BOTH parties are evil.:rolleyes-41:

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