TIME Magazine's Person of the Year


Carpe Scrotum
Apr 2, 2009
in a house.
TIME Magazine names Pope Francis Person of the YEAR for telling the Church to calm down about republican wedge issues, for telling world leaders that jobs and opportunity are not what "trickle down" from supply side economics, and for telling the world's uppity crust to stop being such greedy pricks. YAY — :eusa_angel: feeling blessed.

TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com

"This papacy begins with a name. Jorge Bergoglio is the first Pope to choose as his namesake Francis of Assisi, the 13th century patron saint of the poor. The choice, coming after 14 Clements, 16 Benedicts and 21 Johns, is clearly and pointedly personal. The 13th century Francis turned to the ministry when, as legend has it, he heard a voice calling to him from a crucifix to repair God’s house. He left his prosperous silk-merchant family to live with the poor. He was a peacemaker, the first Catholic leader to travel to Egypt to try to end the Crusades. He placed mercy at the core of his life."
AND, from one of Pope Francis' top Bishops:

Cardinal Oswald Gracias of India, issued one of the most expansive comments about gays that the church has ever made, stating that while the church does not allow gay marriage, homosexuality is not a sin. “To say that those with other sexual orientations are sinners is wrong,” he wrote to an LGBT group in Mumbai. “We must be sensitive in our homilies and how we speak in public and I will so advise our priests.”

Read more: TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com
He isn't only cleaning up the Vatican's' banking, either:

And on Dec. 5, in a long overdue move, the group of eight named a new commission on sex abuse, the problem of priests preying on children they had vowed to protect. It is the church’s darkest existential problem in an era of existential problems; the commission aims to study better ways to protect children, screen programs that involve children and suggest new ways to create safe environments and choose the priests to lead them. At worst, the Cardinals are laying out a new set of best practices for far-flung dioceses to follow. At best, they are admitting that the Vatican had focused too much attention on the legal challenges of the sex-abuse crisis rather than on the behavioral problems at its core.

Read more: TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com
TIME Magazine names Pope Francis Person of the YEAR for telling the Church to calm down about republican wedge issues, for telling world leaders that jobs and opportunity are not what "trickle down" from supply side economics, and for telling the world's uppity crust to stop being such greedy pricks. YAY — :eusa_angel: feeling blessed.

TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com

"This papacy begins with a name. Jorge Bergoglio is the first Pope to choose as his namesake Francis of Assisi, the 13th century patron saint of the poor. The choice, coming after 14 Clements, 16 Benedicts and 21 Johns, is clearly and pointedly personal. The 13th century Francis turned to the ministry when, as legend has it, he heard a voice calling to him from a crucifix to repair God’s house. He left his prosperous silk-merchant family to live with the poor. He was a peacemaker, the first Catholic leader to travel to Egypt to try to end the Crusades. He placed mercy at the core of his life."

"Republican wedge issues" which ones?

At least under Republicans the citizens have jobs, money in their pockets, far more honesty in government, rule of law, a promising future for their children, reasonable budgets, lower gas and food prices, no doubling of the national debt every 4 years, a freedom agenda, far less divisive politics, negligible government corruption and abuse .. just to name a few things....:wink_2:
Funny how the left, and Obama for that matter, used a misquoted statement by the Pope to discredit Capitalism.

Is Time using this misinterpretation to make this selection?

Turns out instead of discouraging rampant Capitalism, he actually said rampant Consumerism. The meaning of his statement was taken entirely out of context by the left.

Pope Benedict's profound letter on World Peace Day should be read by every world leader. It should also be ACCURATELY reported on. Did Pope Benedict attack Capitalism in his 2013 World Peace Day Message? The answer is No! He spoke the truth. He issued a caution, reaffirmed the truth about human freedom and insisted upon the primacy of the person, the family and the true common good.

Question: Did Pope Benedict Attack Capitalism in His 2013 World Peace Day Message? Answer: No! - International - Catholic Online
TIME Magazine names Pope Francis Person of the YEAR for telling the Church to calm down about republican wedge issues, for telling world leaders that jobs and opportunity are not what "trickle down" from supply side economics, and for telling the world's uppity crust to stop being such greedy pricks. YAY — :eusa_angel: feeling blessed.

TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com

"This papacy begins with a name. Jorge Bergoglio is the first Pope to choose as his namesake Francis of Assisi, the 13th century patron saint of the poor. The choice, coming after 14 Clements, 16 Benedicts and 21 Johns, is clearly and pointedly personal. The 13th century Francis turned to the ministry when, as legend has it, he heard a voice calling to him from a crucifix to repair God’s house. He left his prosperous silk-merchant family to live with the poor. He was a peacemaker, the first Catholic leader to travel to Egypt to try to end the Crusades. He placed mercy at the core of his life."

They chose well, both Time and those who selected Pope Francis.

Wonder if they would choose him again if they had it to do all over? ;)
Personally, i feel the Catholic Church is all-in with NWO Globalism. The Pope is now just another NWO Global Elite Puppet. Why else would a Communist Globalist Magazine like Time be praising him? Do the Math.
Personally, i feel the Catholic Church is all-in with NWO Globalism. The Pope is now just another NWO Global Elite Puppet. Why else would a Communist Globalist Magazine like Time be praising him? Do the Math.

Time is praising nothing.

They picked who they thought stirred things up the most.

Nah, most Communist Globalists are praising him these days. Christians should not celebrate this in any way. They have to think, why are the Communist Globalists fawning all over this Pope? There are reasons. All people have to do is research and find those reasons.
The left leaning media hates the Pope and the Catholic religion for it's stand on the killing of the unborn. Why would Time put the Pope on the cover? Because he made a statement that was interpreted as being anti-capitalist? Time is not only irrelevant but it is becoming pathetic.
The left leaning media hates the Pope and the Catholic religion for it's stand on the killing of the unborn. Why would Time put the Pope on the cover? Because he made a statement that was interpreted as being anti-capitalist? Time is not only irrelevant but it is becoming pathetic.

Ding! Ding! We have a Winna! Yes, the Communist Globalists adore this Pope. But why? Just do a little a research and find out why. Christians shouldn't be celebrating this. I know many will, but they're poor misguided souls for doing so. Anyway, thanks for your enlightening reply.
Great Pope....great pick

I can see why Conservatives hate him

See, a well known USMB Communist Globalist falling over his or herself to praise this Pope. Probably an Atheist too. I rest my case.
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I sense a disturbing problem when Communists/Atheists start fawning all over the Pope. Christians should be very skeptical and wary of this TIME coronation. They do have ulterior motives.
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AND, from one of Pope Francis' top Bishops:

Cardinal Oswald Gracias of India, issued one of the most expansive comments about gays that the church has ever made, stating that while the church does not allow gay marriage, homosexuality is not a sin. “To say that those with other sexual orientations are sinners is wrong,” he wrote to an LGBT group in Mumbai. “We must be sensitive in our homilies and how we speak in public and I will so advise our priests.”

Read more: TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com

He is correct. According to the Catholic teachings, homosexuality isn't a sin but acting upon those homosexual inclinations/urges is a sin.
TIME Magazine names Pope Francis Person of the YEAR for telling the Church to calm down about republican wedge issues, for telling world leaders that jobs and opportunity are not what "trickle down" from supply side economics, and for telling the world's uppity crust to stop being such greedy pricks. YAY — :eusa_angel: feeling blessed.

TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope | TIME.com

"This papacy begins with a name. Jorge Bergoglio is the first Pope to choose as his namesake Francis of Assisi, the 13th century patron saint of the poor. The choice, coming after 14 Clements, 16 Benedicts and 21 Johns, is clearly and pointedly personal. The 13th century Francis turned to the ministry when, as legend has it, he heard a voice calling to him from a crucifix to repair God’s house. He left his prosperous silk-merchant family to live with the poor. He was a peacemaker, the first Catholic leader to travel to Egypt to try to end the Crusades. He placed mercy at the core of his life."

"Republican wedge issues" which ones?

At least under Republicans the citizens have jobs, money in their pockets, far more honesty in government, rule of law, a promising future for their children, reasonable budgets, lower gas and food prices, no doubling of the national debt every 4 years, a freedom agenda, far less divisive politics, negligible government corruption and abuse .. just to name a few things....:wink_2:

So, um, you were in a coma for the last forty years? :eek: :D

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