The Pope is an unmitigated disgrace to Christendom and to humanity

The Christian Taliban who know fuck all about the Bible want to define Christianity as a bitter, self absorbed, selfish cult...

Turns out the Pope is a real Christian... He is actually talking about the teachings of Christ..

Christian Taliban don't like that.. They want to use ignorance of science as a tool, Pope is just pointing out that God gaev us Science so we can mid ourselves... Ignoring Science is not Christian...

This fucks with Christian Taliban cause they are in a tribe... How can they be expected to follow the teachings of Christ and be loyal to the tribe....

So something has to give, and Christ's teachings are deemed optional... The Pope is just being very awkward on that..
I just got done telling you that the Pope has condemned the US and praised communist China over global warming, even though China emits more than all industrialized nations on earth, and I get this rambling and cursing response about Christians being the Taliban.

You don't know that China is the manufacturing hub of the world?
Should the Pope condemn manufacturing instead of praising Communist China and condemning the US? Is the Pope suggesting the world should do without manufacturing?

And does them having a larger population have anything to do with it as well?
Should the Pope condemn manufacturing instead of praising Communist China and condemning the US? Is the Pope suggesting the world should do without manufacturing?

And does them having a larger population have anything to do with it as well?
The Pope was talking about what individuals contribute to pollution. Is he factually wrong?
The Pope instructs his flock on their morality...

To Catholics he has papal infallibility.. He is a messenger from God on Earth.

He is saying it is immoral to destroy the planet... The Pope didn't look at countries but individuals... US individual is the highest emmitter per person in the world among large nations... That is an individual thing..

I would point out that he could have mentioned Australia as well...

View attachment 838532

Rest are mainly Arab states...

View attachment 838534
This really shows you what it is like... China is big but they are using way less per captia than US...

Saying that China is a major concern... They were 2.7 in 2000 and in 2018 are at 8.0... That is a very large population and it tripled.
There excuse everytime it that they are only half of US...

US has only reduced by 20% since 2000 to 20018.

EU is about half US and they reduced about 10 - 20% in that period.

Got 2020 figures:
US 13.68
China 8.2

So the concern here for the Planet is US is very high but reducing... China while much lower is increasing...

Australia is terrible on both counts 15.22 (Sorry Aussies and static)

So even though China is producing more than double the carbon emissions than the US, the Pope and you and the Climate cult want to focus more on individual freedoms people have in the US that cause them to produce more carbon than the average Chinese citizen instead?

Maybe Potato head should start welding their populace during Covid shutdowns and create some sort of MAGA genocide like the Chinese are killing off Muslims to get those carbon numbers down.

Admit it, you want the CCP to take over the US and reduce human freedoms and worth and equate it to how loyal they are to the CCP. Then the Pope would be happy as people would be oppressed for trying to express their Christian faith so long as those carbon emissions go down. Then again, if it is really about carbon emissions, why would he not be upset that China produces more carbon than all the other industrialized countries combined?

What the Pope is really saying is, the atheistic oppression of religion in China is not a threat to humanity, along with their open and active genocide. No, what really is a threat and what God is mainly focused on is trying to reduce global temperatures half a degree by taking away American freedoms.

God is not our salvation, Potato head Joe is and his traveling band of Climate loons with the battery cars will save us.
The Pope was talking about what individuals contribute to pollution. Is he factually wrong?
Assuming that is true, why would he focus on individuals in the US when China is the main culprit of carbon emissions?
Assuming that is true, why would he focus on individuals in the US when China is the main culprit of carbon emissions?
It is true. China declared a war on pollution in 2014 and has been very successful in lowering emissions. However, the Pope is comparing apples to oranges. China, basically being a dictatorship has it a lot easier than the US to implement and enforce policy.
When did I bring up Trump?

Again, what is wrong with you people?
You didn’t in this thread. You have in many others. Your opinion of someone’s character is impeached by your endorsement of his character. You can’t hide from your record.
It is true. China declared a war on pollution in 2014 and has been very successful in lowering emissions. However, the Pope is comparing apples to oranges. China, basically being a dictatorship has it a lot easier than the US to implement and enforce policy.
So, the key to fighting climate change is despotism?

For example, is North Korea the poster child for dealing with climate change?

Here is a picture of North Korea at night

You didn’t in this thread. You have in many others. Your opinion of someone’s character is impeached by your endorsement of his character. You can’t hide from your record.
Discuss the topic or leave.

Where are the mods?
Shouldn't we be criticizing the Italians? ... millions of them (with switchblades) surrounding the Pope's lil' country ... not the Chinese ... I don't blame the Pope for cow-towing to them filthy environmentalists ... keeps the offerings plates full ...

If it's about money ... then it has nothing to do with the Man who threw the money-changers out of the Temple ... Jesus would have us provide refrigeration to everyone in the world, no matter the cost ...

Pope Francis issued a new call for climate change action on Wednesday, when he slammed the United Stated in particular as "irresponsible" on emissions compared to China.

"The world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point," the pope wrote in the 12-page "Laudate Deum," which means "Praise God" in Latin.

"If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact," he wrote.

However, China produces more carbon emissions than all industrialized nations combined.

China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed.
The research by Rhodium Group says China emitted 27% of the world's greenhouse gases in 2019.
The US was the second-largest emitter at 11% while India was third with 6.6% of emissions, the think tank said.
Scientists warn that without an agreement between the US and China it will be hard to avert dangerous climate change.
China's emissions more than tripled over the previous three decades, the report from the US-based Rhodium Group added.

The Asian giant has the world's largest population, so its per person emissions are still far behind the US, but the research said those emissions have increased too, tripling over the course of two decades.

Greenhouse gas emissions (%). .  .

What the Pope is so upset about, apparently, is the lifestyle of Americans and their freedoms, that is, what is left of them. He wants Americans to have the freedoms of those in Communist China, as well as the same level of mandated atheism it seems that does not seem to worry him in the least. Funny that.

What the Pope does not seem concerned with, however, is atheistic communist China that has a government that has oppressed and murdered Christians for half a century or more and who is openly engaged with genocide against Muslims. Maybe he is happy with the hundreds of millions the CCP has murdered to help keep down carbon emissions. (Shrug), dunno.

The Pope is nothing more than a poor propagandist for Marxism with zero integrity
You did not address the Pope's primary point: per capita CO2 production by the US is roughly twice that of China. Why not?

Pope Francis issued a new call for climate change action on Wednesday, when he slammed the United Stated in particular as "irresponsible" on emissions compared to China.

"The world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point," the pope wrote in the 12-page "Laudate Deum," which means "Praise God" in Latin.

"If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact," he wrote.

However, China produces more carbon emissions than all industrialized nations combined.

China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed.
The research by Rhodium Group says China emitted 27% of the world's greenhouse gases in 2019.
The US was the second-largest emitter at 11% while India was third with 6.6% of emissions, the think tank said.
Scientists warn that without an agreement between the US and China it will be hard to avert dangerous climate change.
China's emissions more than tripled over the previous three decades, the report from the US-based Rhodium Group added.

The Asian giant has the world's largest population, so its per person emissions are still far behind the US, but the research said those emissions have increased too, tripling over the course of two decades.

Greenhouse gas emissions (%). .  .

What the Pope is so upset about, apparently, is the lifestyle of Americans and their freedoms, that is, what is left of them. He wants Americans to have the freedoms of those in Communist China, as well as the same level of mandated atheism it seems that does not seem to worry him in the least. Funny that.

What the Pope does not seem concerned with, however, is atheistic communist China that has a government that has oppressed and murdered Christians for half a century or more and who is openly engaged with genocide against Muslims. Maybe he is happy with the hundreds of millions the CCP has murdered to help keep down carbon emissions. (Shrug), dunno.

The Pope is nothing more than a poor propagandist for Marxism with zero integrity
This Pope should be excommunicated

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