Time to Ban Cryptocurrencies?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
In this article the author makes the claim today's cryptocurrencies are "high-tech successors to the chaos of 'free banking' in the 19th century..."

The Free Banking Era

"If we want the benefits of digital currency transactions without the risks, one idea discussed at today’s hearing of the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy, called by Elizabeth Warren, is to create a Central Bank Digital Currency that would be operated and governed by central banks such as the Fed, and available for use by the general public. See more detail here.

"Privately created and unregulated cryptocurrencies should not be regulated, as some have suggested. They should be banned."

Kuttner on TAP: Time to Ban Private Cryptocurrencies

Obviously the Federal Reserve is a deeply corrupted institution fully controlled by Wall Street, but at least it has the veneer of political oversight.

There Is Not One Elected Official at the Federal Reserve, But It Has Been Unilaterally Rewriting the Rules on Wall Street Since 2007
. . . and then they will try to ban folks from having their own thoughts and feelings.

The only way to ban crypto, as far as I can tell, is to create user ID's to access the web.

. . and even then, sophisticated folks will still be able to access the web and create their own crypto's to trade with.

If you don't understand this, you don't really understand the nature of crypto.

Tehran Crypto, Webna Carta, Internet of Cars – New World Next Week

. . . and then they will try to ban folks from having their own thoughts and feelings.

The only way to ban crypto, as far as I can tell, is to create user ID's to access the web.

. . and even then, sophisticated folks will still be able to access the web and create their own crypto's to trade with.

If you don't understand this, you don't really understand the nature of crypto.

Tehran Crypto, Webna Carta, Internet of Cars – New World Next Week

agent kissmy would LOVE to have people banned from having their own thoughts :auiqs.jpg: ,he wont even own up to it to me on being wrong when he said the Rams would never come back to LA he is so butthurt on that cause he lives in stank louis. :auiqs.jpg: everytime i bring up that fact to him he runs off and gives me a thumbs down refusing to comment to me when i ask him the question kismy WHAT WAS IT YOU WERE SAYING ON THE RAMS NEVER COMING BACK TO LA?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
In this article the author makes the claim today's cryptocurrencies are "high-tech successors to the chaos of 'free banking' in the 19th century..."

The Free Banking Era

"If we want the benefits of digital currency transactions without the risks, one idea discussed at today’s hearing of the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy, called by Elizabeth Warren, is to create a Central Bank Digital Currency that would be operated and governed by central banks such as the Fed, and available for use by the general public. See more detail here.

"Privately created and unregulated cryptocurrencies should not be regulated, as some have suggested. They should be banned."

Kuttner on TAP: Time to Ban Private Cryptocurrencies

Obviously the Federal Reserve is a deeply corrupted institution fully controlled by Wall Street, but at least it has the veneer of political oversight.

There Is Not One Elected Official at the Federal Reserve, But It Has Been Unilaterally Rewriting the Rules on Wall Street Since 2007
The Globalist are pushing for this global currency so that they can have control over our income. That is why they have been killing world leaders like Gaddafi.
The reason why Obamacare was going to implode? It is because there were some that didn't declared all of their income tp prevent from paying the penalty for not having health insurance. And so they are going to make sure that pays. into it. And going cashless will show who has what in their account.
And plus if you are supporting the wrong candidate. That they will zap your account bone-dry and claim that you have spent it all at a nudie bar on dances and booze.

Governments will ban together one day & eliminate all non-government sanctioned crypto currency.
Some expect a "Fed Coin" may usher in a US version of universal basic income?
Fedcoin: The U.S. Will Issue E-Currency That You Will Use – Featured Bitcoin News

The Fed this summer will take another step in developing a digital currency
If that doesn't scare the living shit out of you, I believe you are one stupid motherfucker.
If that doesn't scare the living shit out of you, I believe you are one stupid motherfucker.
I think anyone paying attention would be scared of the Fed mandating digital currency, but some of us put the blame where it belongs:

"The Fed has outsourced the nitty-gritty supervision of Wall Street banks to the New York Fed, which is, literally, owned by the same banks. (See These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button.)

"That the Fed is still allowed by Congress to have anything to do with supervising these banks shows just how far down the rabbit hole Wall Street’s money and influence in Washington has taken the country.

"There is only one institution in America that has less credibility than the mega banks on Wall Street.

"That’s the Federal Reserve.

'Despite not having one elected official among its ranks, the Fed has unilaterally altered the U.S. financial system into a grotesque version of itself."

There Is Not One Elected Official at the Federal Reserve, But It Has Been Unilaterally Rewriting the Rules on Wall Street Since 2007

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