Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors

Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."

Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

I quoted directly from the article, so I guess it does say that, doofus
Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."

Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

I quoted directly from the article, so I guess it does say that, doofus

You didn't "quote" from the article...You posted the article. Now why don't you READ the article.

I will help you...

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial.

I did read the article, dumbass, and everyone knows that those weasel words are CYA to avoid lawsuits from the Kennedy Klan.

Circumstantial evidence never stopped a libtard like you from asserting the most preposterous things about the Koch brothers or the Bush Klan or the 9-11 Truthers, so shove it up your ass.

So what you are saying is "I know you are, but what am I"...
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

So what is your solution?
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???

It should be pointed out that obama and his cult are 'traitors' to the United States; but only because they deceitfully swore fraudulent oaths, to defend the United States and have repeatedly taken action to injure same.

This is just as true for those who voted for obama and those who advocate and otherwise support them on social media.

The thing to remember here is that those would-be 'people' are not people, per se... they are at best minimal, substandard examples of humanity... OKA: Sub-human.

Exactly Where_r_my_Keys!

I agree with every word you posted! :clap2:
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

So what is your solution?
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

So what is your solution?
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”

Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
Iran cannot believe their good fortune. Imagine having a pair of Incompetent traitorous nubes like Obama and Kerry to play a game of Nuclear hide and seek with? They are dancing in the streets in Tehran. And anyone else that knows ANYTHING about IRAN is not dancing.

Iran? How far back do you want to go? Persia, the oldest civilization on earth?

Or more modern American imperialism history?

Mohammad Mosaddegh

16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967), was an Iranian politician. He was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the American Central Intelligence Agency and the British Secret Intelligence Service.

An author, administrator, lawyer, and prominent parliamentarian, his administration introduced a range of progressive social and political reforms such as social security, rent control, and land reforms. His government's most notable policy, however, was the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, which had been under British control since 1913 through the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC / AIOC) (later British Petroleum and BP).

Many Iranians regard Mosaddegh as the leading champion of secular democracy and resistance to foreign domination in Iran's modern history. Mosaddegh was removed from power in a coup on 19 August 1953, organised and carried out by the CIA at the request of MI6, which chose Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi to succeed Mosaddegh.

While the coup is commonly referred to in the West as Operation Ajax after its CIA cryptonym, in Iran it is referred to as the 28 Mordad 1332 coup, after its date on the Iranian calendar. Mosaddegh was imprisoned for three years, then put under house arrest until his death and was buried in his own home so as to prevent a political furor.
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

So what is your solution?
I see you are back again, nothing to say about the OP but willing to attack personally, surely a sign of empty minded stupidity. The OP made a statement care to discuss the OP? It is clear that Obama sold out the US once again for his own agenda and the OP made a very good case for that, he also gave away the farm when he allowed Iran to dictate that the US cannot inspect. You support a man that gave a country who has sworn to annihilate the US the ability to develop weapons to carry out their hateful plans. Maybe you are not a friend the the US either.


The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”

Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

So what is your solution?

The Iran deal explained in clear language by a nuclear expert - Vox

The first person I called when negotiators in Vienna released the final text of the Iran nuclear deal was Aaron Stein, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Royal United Services Institute. Stein is a prolific writer and commenter on nuclear issues, and particularly on Iran's nuclear program. (He is also doctoral fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council.) And he is a die-hard wonk — someone who cares first and foremost about understanding the issues, rather than about picking a side.

Stein walked me through how the Iran nuclear deal works, what it does, and his assessment of it. That assessment was very positive, he told me: The deal "exceeds in all areas." Under this agreement, if Iran tries to build a bomb, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent." As a result, "it makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”

Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

Yea, that's it....

Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."

Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

I quoted directly from the article, so I guess it does say that, doofus
Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."

Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

I quoted directly from the article, so I guess it does say that, doofus

You didn't "quote" from the article...You posted the article. Now why don't you READ the article.

I will help you...

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial.

I did read the article, dumbass, and everyone knows that those weasel words are CYA to avoid lawsuits from the Kennedy Klan.

Circumstantial evidence never stopped a libtard like you from asserting the most preposterous things about the Koch brothers or the Bush Klan or the 9-11 Truthers, so shove it up your ass.

So what you are saying is "I know you are, but what am I"...

I have given you several explanation as and facts backing them up, but in your pathetic little libtard brain, it all comes out as "I know you are, but what am I?"

roflmao, that explains so much, you freaking moron.
Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."

Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

I quoted directly from the article, so I guess it does say that, doofus
Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

I quoted directly from the article, so I guess it does say that, doofus

You didn't "quote" from the article...You posted the article. Now why don't you READ the article.

I will help you...

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial.

I did read the article, dumbass, and everyone knows that those weasel words are CYA to avoid lawsuits from the Kennedy Klan.

Circumstantial evidence never stopped a libtard like you from asserting the most preposterous things about the Koch brothers or the Bush Klan or the 9-11 Truthers, so shove it up your ass.

So what you are saying is "I know you are, but what am I"...

I have given you several explanation as and facts backing them up, but in your pathetic little libtard brain, it all comes out as "I know you are, but what am I?"

roflmao, that explains so much, you freaking moron.

Here are the FACTS:

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

It is a MYTH that Joe made a fortune via bootlegging during Prohibition. In fact, those stories about Kennedy Sr., who passed multiple security checks by the FBI while serving multiple presidents, only surfaced in the late '60s when JFK assassination buffs tried to tie the family to the mob.
After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

So what is your solution?
After ten years they can do so. Major fail on part of Obama the terrorist supporter. "While it slows Iran’s progress to the bomb temporarily, it establishes a deeply flawed system of verification and emboldens the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror "
In the long term building a bomb will be easier for Iran The Jewish Chronicle

You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”

Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

Yea, that's it....

Mindless drivel and the inability to post a cogent, on topic comment. I hope you got your welfare check on time your therapist needs to be paid. Oh wait, my bad, I forgot that you and your ilk lives off the public tit, your therapist is paid weekly by the Obamanauts.
Last edited:
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag

A project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center

So what is your solution?
You quote the neocons and expect anyone to listen? They have fucked up the middle east and American foreign policy more than anyone in history...and now we should listen to them???
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”

Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

Yea, that's it....

Mindless drivel and the inability to post a cogent, on topic comment. I hope you got your welfare check on time your therapist needs to be paid. Oh wait, my bad, I forgot that you and your ilk lives off the public tit, your therapist is paid weekly by the Obamanauts.

LOL...so what did you just post Einstein? Talk about mindless drivel...:eek-52:
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag

A project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center


Amazing how the right embraces the neocon...the neocon founder Irving Kristol was a Trotskyist...Horowitz's parents were members of the Communist party and David was a devout Marxist...

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative
And you quote your experts as well.

In a nutshell this is the problem with the deal, "Obama’s approach to Iran as “dangerously naive.” “ he’s misjudging what the Iranians want,” ... “And the best evidence of what they want is what they’re doing right now to destabilize the region without nuclear weapons.”

Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

Yea, that's it....

Mindless drivel and the inability to post a cogent, on topic comment. I hope you got your welfare check on time your therapist needs to be paid. Oh wait, my bad, I forgot that you and your ilk lives off the public tit, your therapist is paid weekly by the Obamanauts.

LOL...so what did you just post Einstein? Talk about mindless drivel...:eek-52:
What I posted is a typical application of the Obama system of government and how that has undermined our way of life and the "American Dream" by giving you type of folk economic handouts and kowtowing to the demands of a state sponsored terrorist organization known as Iran.

This has just supported the OP: "OBAMA AND KERRY WHAT THEY ARE: TRAITORS"
Last edited:
Typical right wing fear mongering. Everyone is always "naive" except you fear infested right wing turds.

There is a biological reason for you folks always hiding under the bed...


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala (link is external) than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Psychology Today

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

Yea, that's it....

Mindless drivel and the inability to post a cogent, on topic comment. I hope you got your welfare check on time your therapist needs to be paid. Oh wait, my bad, I forgot that you and your ilk lives off the public tit, your therapist is paid weekly by the Obamanauts.

LOL...so what did you just post Einstein? Talk about mindless drivel...:eek-52:
What I posted is a typical application of the Obama system of government and how that has undermined our way of life and the "American Dream" by giving you type of folk economic handouts and kowtowing to the demands of a state sponsored terrorist organization known as Iran.

This has just supported the OP: "OBAMA AND KERRY WHAT THEY ARE: TRAITORS"

Obama has not given out "handouts". He has not undermined our way of life and he has not kowtowed to anyone's demands.

This is an example of the mindless drivel that spews from the likes of faux news.
I love how the idiots here, none of whom have read the treaty, and none of whom are qualified to assess its strengths or weaknesses (and that includes me), all KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it's bad for America.

Or maybe they're just pissed that they've lost the opportunity to engage in yet another pointless and expensive war, at least for the time being.

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