Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors

LOL one platitude after the other.

There is a simple explanation for your approach to this topic and political perspective: you like being told what to do.

Yea, that's it....

Mindless drivel and the inability to post a cogent, on topic comment. I hope you got your welfare check on time your therapist needs to be paid. Oh wait, my bad, I forgot that you and your ilk lives off the public tit, your therapist is paid weekly by the Obamanauts.

LOL...so what did you just post Einstein? Talk about mindless drivel...:eek-52:
What I posted is a typical application of the Obama system of government and how that has undermined our way of life and the "American Dream" by giving you type of folk economic handouts and kowtowing to the demands of a state sponsored terrorist organization known as Iran.

This has just supported the OP: "OBAMA AND KERRY WHAT THEY ARE: TRAITORS"

Obama has not given out "handouts". He has not undermined our way of life and he has not kowtowed to anyone's demands.

This is an example of the mindless drivel that spews from the likes of faux news.
LOL you are hurting.:itsok: Sure he has, plus given up any hope for a stable area in the Mid East with this treaty. He has totally back stabbed our allies and created a greater divide domestically with this treaty.
I love how the idiots here, none of whom have read the treaty, and none of whom are qualified to assess its strengths or weaknesses (and that includes me), all KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it's bad for America.

Or maybe they're just pissed that they've lost the opportunity to engage in yet another pointless and expensive war, at least for the time being.
I have read it, I am qualified to assess it's strengths and I do not approve of it for the the reasons I have stated.
"Our policy toward the arrogant U.S. government won't change at all"

"Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Saturday a landmark nuclear deal won’t change his country’s policy toward the “arrogant” U.S., making his first public speech since the Islamic Republic’s historic pact with world powers."

Iran Leader Nuclear Deal Won t Change Policy Toward Arrogant U.S.

What a shock, the buffoon otherwise known as Obama got duped and pwned once again on the world stage. He is nothing more than a traitor.
LOL you are hurting.:itsok: Sure he has, plus given up any hope for a stable area in the Mid East with this treaty. He has totally back stabbed our allies and created a greater divide domestically with this treaty.

Our "allies" are co-signers of the treaty...

The 6 biggest myths about the Iran nuclear deal

Myth #1: The Iran deal is abject surrender and will make it easier for Iran to get a nuclear bomb
This is probably the most common talking point about the Iran deal, and certainly the most common one against it: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been making it for months, as have some Republicans.

This is total nonsense and is, in fact, the exact opposite of what is happening. Iran has accepted enormous cuts to its nuclear program, not to mention invasive and politically humiliating inspections.

Iran gets to keep some stuff, sure. But the US won on every major issue that was really important, and the upshot is that Iran is surrendering most of its nuclear program. Here are the bullet points:

  • Iran will give up about 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges.
  • Iran will give up 97 percent of its enriched uranium; it will hold on to only 300 kilograms' worth.
  • Iran will be forbidden from enriching uranium beyond energy-grade fuel, or 3.67 percent enrichment. (Weapons-grade uranium is 90 percent enriched.)
  • Iran will destroy or export the core of its plutonium plant at Arak, and replace it with a new core that cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium. It will ship out all spent nuclear fuel.
Myth # 5: Iran will be able to block enforcement of the deal

Since the deal was announced, a number of critics have claimed that it will be ineffective because Iran will be able to evade the monitoring regime, or because it will be able to block the reimposition of sanctions, or both. Under that theory, Iran has basically just gotten something for nothing: The current sanctions will be lifted, but with a little luck and sneaking around, the Iranians will be able to get a bomb anyway.

When you look at how this deal is structured, it becomes clear that this is just not the case. Arms control experts say the inspections regime is the strongest element of the deal. Inspectors will be monitoring the only two mines where Iran can get uranium ore, the fuel for a bomb, and the mills where it's processed. They will keep tabs on every single centrifuge in the country, as well as the centrifuge factories, the machines that could be used to make a centrifuge, even on imports of technology that could be used to build a machine that could be used to build a centrifuge.

According to Stein, if Iran tried to cheat on the deal, "the likelihood of getting caught is near 100 percent."

And if it does get caught, the deal is set up to make punishment swift and almost totally certain. If one of the parties to the deal believes Iran is cheating, it can first go to the joint committee that's in charge of deal enforcement. But if it's not happy with that committee's decision, it can go to the Security Council, at which point sanctions will "snap back" into place after 30 days unless a new resolution is passed — and the US can veto any resolution, effectively allowing it to force the UN to reimpose new sanctions.

This also applies if, say, Iran tried to block inspectors. Sure, they could lock out inspectors, but that would blow up the deal — it would effectively prove that Iran was cheating without the world even having to catch them red-handed. This was something that so infuriated the world when Iraq's Saddam Hussein tried it in 1998 that it ended with his country getting bombed shortly thereafter.

Even if Iran decided to cheat anyway, it will have surrendered so much of its program that it would take it a full year of cheating, with every centrifuge spinning at full capacity, to get enough material for a single bomb. That's more than enough time for the world to see it coming and respond.
Middle East and nuclear proliferation expert say...

This is an astoundingly good Iran deal

When Aaron Stein was studying nuclear nonproliferation at Middlebury College's Monterey graduate program, the students would sometimes construct what they thought would be the best possible nuclear inspection and monitoring regimes.

Years later, Stein is now a Middle East and nuclear proliferation expert with the Royal United Services Institute (as well as the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Atlantic Council). And in April, he told me that the Iran nuclear deal, the broad strokes of which had just been announced, looks an awful lot like those ideal hypotheticals he'd put together in grad school.

"When I was doing my nonproliferation training at Monterey, this is the type of inspection regime that we would dream up in our heads," he said at the time. "We would hope that this would be the way to actually verify all enrichment programs, but thought that would never be feasible."

Stein concluded it would make "an excellent deal" — if the negotiators could turn those broad strokes into a formal, finalized agreement. This week, they did exactly that.

The full, final Iran nuclear deal "exceeds in all areas," Stein said on Tuesday. "It makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."
how I wish those facts you provided would be able to get into their braincases
This agreement is completely one sided because all the benefits have been handed to Iran while there is no benefit whatsoever for the US.

The negotiations started with a weakened Iran desperate for an agreement possibly at any cost.

Gradually as Obama became more and more desperate to go down in history as being a great statesman, he surrendered and signed this deal of submission.

Obama and Kerry, were just lousy negotiators and no match for the determined Iranians.

As the Supreme Leader and his followers are as hostile as ever to The Great Satan of America despite the deal, you would think this would cause some worry to most people who have any common sense.

But no! all the Obama lemmings are happy to blindly follow their ignorant leader over the precipe into the abyss of disaster.

How narrow minded you are to think this is only about nuclear weapons this also includes stability in the area, influence in the region and most of all peace without using US or any other forces.

"Iran’s destabilizing behavior
Iran’s subversion and proxy network is vast, stretching geographically from Latin America to Afghanistan. This network conducts terrorism, organizes and supports sectarian militias, and generally foments instability from Argentina to Iraq. These activities do not cost Tehran much financially—support for both Hezbollah and the Assad regime in Syria is estimated to have cost Iran less than $10 billion last year—but they are sufficient to sow chaos in the Middle East and beyond.

Tehran has three main organizations through which it spreads regional instability and sectarian strife: the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—Quds Force, or IRGC-QF; the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security; and Lebanese Hezbollah. Though the U.S. State Department identifies the Quds Force as “the regime’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad,” all three organizations work together to further Iranian interests in the Middle East.

Tehran’s fingerprints can be seen on virtually all of the region’s conflicts. It supplies missiles and rockets to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian Territories, which are then fired at Israel. Iran supplies the Assad regime with money, Iranian troops, and a supply of foreign Shia militiamen and backs sectarian militias in Iraq that undermine the authority of the government in Baghdad. More recently, Tehran has been accused of supplying arms to the Houthi rebels who have seized control of much of Yemen."

Countering Iran s Destabilizing Actions in the Middle East Center for American Progress

Obama slinked and slithered his way to weakening any foothold the US had in the region, perhaps in a short time we will have a leader who is not self serving and strong enough return the US to a strong position and help our allies in the area.
This is a news flash....Obama being called yet another derogatory name.....what a surprise

How narrow minded you are to think this is only about nuclear weapons this also includes stability in the area, influence in the region and most of all peace without using US or any other forces.

"Iran’s destabilizing behavior
Iran’s subversion and proxy network is vast, stretching geographically from Latin America to Afghanistan. This network conducts terrorism, organizes and supports sectarian militias, and generally foments instability from Argentina to Iraq. These activities do not cost Tehran much financially—support for both Hezbollah and the Assad regime in Syria is estimated to have cost Iran less than $10 billion last year—but they are sufficient to sow chaos in the Middle East and beyond.

Tehran has three main organizations through which it spreads regional instability and sectarian strife: the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—Quds Force, or IRGC-QF; the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security; and Lebanese Hezbollah. Though the U.S. State Department identifies the Quds Force as “the regime’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad,” all three organizations work together to further Iranian interests in the Middle East.

Tehran’s fingerprints can be seen on virtually all of the region’s conflicts. It supplies missiles and rockets to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian Territories, which are then fired at Israel. Iran supplies the Assad regime with money, Iranian troops, and a supply of foreign Shia militiamen and backs sectarian militias in Iraq that undermine the authority of the government in Baghdad. More recently, Tehran has been accused of supplying arms to the Houthi rebels who have seized control of much of Yemen."

Countering Iran s Destabilizing Actions in the Middle East Center for American Progress

Obama slinked and slithered his way to weakening any foothold the US had in the region, perhaps in a short time we will have a leader who is not self serving and strong enough return the US to a strong position and help our allies in the area.

And how stupid are you? You post from an article and don't even READ the first paragraph...
You are wrong...THIS IS ONLY ABOUT NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The treaty addresses NOTHING ELSE. Yes, Iran is a bad actor, but would you want a bad actor with nuclear weapons? How BAD would that be??

From YOUR article...

The newly negotiated nuclear agreement with Iran still has to be reviewed by Congress, but it offers the United States and its allies the historic opportunity to restrain Tehran’s nuclear program and prevent the country from acquiring a nuclear weapon for at least the next decade. This agreement is vital to U.S. national security, but it is important to recognize that it has a specific purpose: reining in Iran’s nuclear program. It does not address the rest of Iran’s malicious international behavior simply because it is not intended to do so.

Yea, like America, Iran has their own ultra-conservatives like the Ayatollah who want to kill, blow up and destroy...it is what conservatives do...
This agreement is completely one sided because all the benefits have been handed to Iran while there is no benefit whatsoever for the US.

The negotiations started with a weakened Iran desperate for an agreement possibly at any cost.

Gradually as Obama became more and more desperate to go down in history as being a great statesman, he surrendered and signed this deal of submission.

Obama and Kerry, were just lousy negotiators and no match for the determined Iranians.

As the Supreme Leader and his followers are as hostile as ever to The Great Satan of America despite the deal, you would think this would cause some worry to most people who have any common sense.

But no! all the Obama lemmings are happy to blindly follow their ignorant leader over the precipe into the abyss of disaster.

Unadulterated right wing BULLSHIT

How narrow minded you are to think this is only about nuclear weapons this also includes stability in the area, influence in the region and most of all peace without using US or any other forces.

"Iran’s destabilizing behavior
Iran’s subversion and proxy network is vast, stretching geographically from Latin America to Afghanistan. This network conducts terrorism, organizes and supports sectarian militias, and generally foments instability from Argentina to Iraq. These activities do not cost Tehran much financially—support for both Hezbollah and the Assad regime in Syria is estimated to have cost Iran less than $10 billion last year—but they are sufficient to sow chaos in the Middle East and beyond.

Tehran has three main organizations through which it spreads regional instability and sectarian strife: the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—Quds Force, or IRGC-QF; the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security; and Lebanese Hezbollah. Though the U.S. State Department identifies the Quds Force as “the regime’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad,” all three organizations work together to further Iranian interests in the Middle East.

Tehran’s fingerprints can be seen on virtually all of the region’s conflicts. It supplies missiles and rockets to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian Territories, which are then fired at Israel. Iran supplies the Assad regime with money, Iranian troops, and a supply of foreign Shia militiamen and backs sectarian militias in Iraq that undermine the authority of the government in Baghdad. More recently, Tehran has been accused of supplying arms to the Houthi rebels who have seized control of much of Yemen."

Countering Iran s Destabilizing Actions in the Middle East Center for American Progress

Obama slinked and slithered his way to weakening any foothold the US had in the region, perhaps in a short time we will have a leader who is not self serving and strong enough return the US to a strong position and help our allies in the area.

And how stupid are you? You post from an article and don't even READ the first paragraph...
You are wrong...THIS IS ONLY ABOUT NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The treaty addresses NOTHING ELSE. Yes, Iran is a bad actor, but would you want a bad actor with nuclear weapons? How BAD would that be??

From YOUR article...

The newly negotiated nuclear agreement with Iran still has to be reviewed by Congress, but it offers the United States and its allies the historic opportunity to restrain Tehran’s nuclear program and prevent the country from acquiring a nuclear weapon for at least the next decade. This agreement is vital to U.S. national security, but it is important to recognize that it has a specific purpose: reining in Iran’s nuclear program. It does not address the rest of Iran’s malicious international behavior simply because it is not intended to do so.

Yea, like America, Iran has their own ultra-conservatives like the Ayatollah who want to kill, blow up and destroy...it is what conservatives do...
The article is more in depth than the first paragraph as are the negative repercussions of the agreement.

"The nuclear agreement was a necessary step to most effectively block Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, but it is unlikely to change Iran’s bad behavior—which in turn is causing great apprehension among the United States’ allies in the region."
Pat Buchanan, of all people, points out how stupid the ODS crowd is being.

The GOP s Iran Dilemma - Yahoo News
For even if Congress votes to deny Obama authority to lift U.S. sanctions on Iran, the U.S. will vote to lift sanctions in the U.N. Security Council. And Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China, all parties to the deal, will also lift sanctions.

A Congressional vote to kill the Iran deal would thus leave the U.S. isolated, its government humiliated, unable to comply with the pledges its own secretary of state negotiated. Would Americans cheer the GOP for leaving the United States with egg all over its face?

And if Congress refuses to honor the agreement, but Iran complies with all its terms, who among our friends and allies would stand with an obdurate America then?


Would we bomb Iran? Would we go to war? Not only would Americans divide on any such action, the world would unite — against us.

And would a Republican president really bomb an Iran that was scrupulously honoring the terms of the John Kerry deal? What would we bomb? All the known Iran nuclear facilities will be crawling with U.N. inspectors.
C'mon....who couldnt see that these marine base killings was nothing but a drive-by shooting by some fired employee???:2up:

Heres one thing we do know..........neither Soetero or any of these k00k progressives give a rats ass about these marines or their families. In fact, they all loath them.

I'd spit int he face of any of them in a heartbeart and laugh my balls off doing it too............:boobies::boobies::funnyface:
This agreement is completely one sided because all the benefits have been handed to Iran while there is no benefit whatsoever for the US.

The negotiations started with a weakened Iran desperate for an agreement possibly at any cost.

Gradually as Obama became more and more desperate to go down in history as being a great statesman, he surrendered and signed this deal of submission.

Obama and Kerry, were just lousy negotiators and no match for the determined Iranians.

As the Supreme Leader and his followers are as hostile as ever to The Great Satan of America despite the deal, you would think this would cause some worry to most people who have any common sense.

But no! all the Obama lemmings are happy to blindly follow their ignorant leader over the precipe into the abyss of disaster.

Unadulterated right wing BULLSHIT

fag boot lickers are ghey.:up:
Pat Buchanan, of all people, points out how stupid the ODS crowd is being.

The GOP s Iran Dilemma - Yahoo News
For even if Congress votes to deny Obama authority to lift U.S. sanctions on Iran, the U.S. will vote to lift sanctions in the U.N. Security Council. And Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China, all parties to the deal, will also lift sanctions.

A Congressional vote to kill the Iran deal would thus leave the U.S. isolated, its government humiliated, unable to comply with the pledges its own secretary of state negotiated. Would Americans cheer the GOP for leaving the United States with egg all over its face?

And if Congress refuses to honor the agreement, but Iran complies with all its terms, who among our friends and allies would stand with an obdurate America then?


Would we bomb Iran? Would we go to war? Not only would Americans divide on any such action, the world would unite — against us.

And would a Republican president really bomb an Iran that was scrupulously honoring the terms of the John Kerry deal? What would we bomb? All the known Iran nuclear facilities will be crawling with U.N. inspectors.

If Congress exercises it's Constitutional authority and refuses to rubber stamp Obama and Kerry's latest and possibly most crucial foreign policy blunder, I would say the dilemma is Obama's, not the GOP's.

Time for Obama to put his big boy pants on and start acting like a U.S. President for once.
Of course that ain't gonna happen.
We will just get more bullshit rhetoric and finger pointing from the left wing puppet.

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