Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors

For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag

UMMmmm... You Janie come late-lies keep forgetting that Obama was vetted thoroughly and duly and fairly elected to his position by several millions of a majority of American voters. TWICE!

One would think that by now any truly treasonous activities by Obama would have been made public. In short you have a screw loose. Have a nice day.

"Iran is a sovereign state, and a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. As such, the country — even in spite of its years of misleading the international community on its nuclear program — has been given a say over how the agreement unfolds. Whether the deal is successful or not depends on how Iran wields that control and how it decides on key issues that the agreement has made semi-voluntary.


Note the "voluntary commitments" language. This means that Iran will submit its own long-term fuel cycle intentions to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which will then use those "voluntary commitments" as a guideline for formulating Iranian obligations under the Additional Protocol of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (AP), a legally binding series of country-specific safeguards on nuclear development."

The Iran deal is immediately going to face this huge problem - Business Insider

Obama is pwned and served up with an apple in his mousy mouth.

You are being pwned...so when do we go to war again?

Iran US world powers have delivered a good deal worth supporting Fox News

The nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most significant nonproliferation agreements in history. It reduces the threat of an Iranian bomb and greatly increases our ability to monitor Tehran’s nuclear program. It deserves the support of members of Congress.

The deal blocks Tehran’s pathways to nuclear weapons capability. Iran’s existing stockpile of enriched uranium will be largely eliminated. Iran will not produce any highly-enriched uranium suitable for weapons development. The number of centrifuges in operation will be reduced greatly. The reactor at Arak will be retooled so that it no longer produces weapons-grade plutonium. The breakout timeline for Iran to develop enough material for a nuclear weapon will be four times longer with a deal than without one.

Iran will be subject to the most intrusive inspections regime ever negotiated. Rigorous and unprecedented inspections will detect any Iranian attempt to renege on the deal. International inspectors will have access to all of Iran’s nuclear sites. The International Atomic Energy Agency will receive assurances that there are no military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.

The current regime of nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended only after the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies that Iran has taken necessary steps to curtail its nuclear program. Sanctions on missile development and arms imports will remain in place for several years. Sanctions on Iran will snap back into force if Iran reneges on its commitments. U.S. sanctions on human rights abuse and support for terrorism will remain in place.

The deal isn’t perfect, but it is a very good. It achieves the priority goal of U.S. and international policy of reducing and placing tight controls on Iran’s nuclear capability.

The claim that we can get a ‘better deal later’ is false. The multilateral sanctions regime that brought Iran to the negotiating table is already starting to fray. If the U.S. Congress rejects the deal after the European states, Russia and the United Nations have agreed, international cooperation in sanctioning Iran will disappear.

A rejection of this deal will give Iran a free pass to pursue unrestrained nuclear development. It will mean the loss of the greater verification access Tehran has now accepted. It will damage U.S. relations with our European partners and undermine future efforts at the UN to restrain proliferation.

Without a deal, the U.S. must either accept an Iranian bomb or use military force in an attempt to destroy the country’s nuclear capability. This will require repeated military strikes and would prompt a violent reaction from Iran that could put Israel and other U.S. allies at risk. The result would be more war, terrorism and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and beyond.

Nuclear policy and sanctions expert David Cortright is director of policy studies at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

LOL I am not pwned, I look at the substance of the agreement and see how this may effect others.

" INSPECTIONS - The deal gives United Nations inspectors access to suspect Iranian military sites, while giving Tehran 24 days to provide access to the facilities.

Lawmakers who wanted "anytime, anywhere" inspections will want to know how this will ensure that Tehran will not cheat. They worry the delay could allow compromising material to be destroyed. "A lot can be done in 24 days," said U.S. Representative Steve Israel, a Democrat.

ARMS EMBARGO - Congressional questioning about the nuclear deal has focused on the lifting of a U.N. ban on Iran for conventional weapons after five years and for ballistic missile technology after eight years.

"It is hard for us to accept it, so we just want to take a look at it," said Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Lawmakers worry that Tehran's access to advanced arms, even years down the line, would enhance its ability to fuel regional sectarian strife and threaten U.S. ally Israel. Opponents have further lamented that the deal fails to freeze or roll back Iran's advances in ballistic missile development.

SANCTIONS - Under the deal, the main oil and financial sanctions could be lifted this year. Many lawmakers questioned the wisdom of giving Iran access to up to $150 billion in revenue before it proves it will adhere to the agreement.

"That is an immediate, giant benefit to the Iranian regime," said U.S. Representative Brad Sherman, a Democrat. Sherman said he worried the money made available to Tehran would be funneled to corrupt officials or Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or militants fighting U.S. allies, or even Americans.

PRISONERS - Even lawmakers who are prepared to support the deal said they were disappointed that it did not include the release of former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, Washington Post Tehran bureau chief Jason Rezaian and former FBI agent Robert Levinson.

Administration officials say they bring up the prisoners at every meeting with Iranian officials, but said they did not insist on the releases because it was essential to focus the talks with Iran on the nuclear issue.

UN SECURITY COUNCIL VOTE - Both Republicans and Democrats, including the chairman and ranking member of the influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee, do not want the United Nations to vote on the Iran nuclear deal before the 82-day U.S. review period ends in September. After stopping in at a meeting between Vice President Joe Biden and committee Democrats, Senator Bob Corker, the panel's Republican chairman, called the vote, now set for Monday, "an affront to the American people." Cardin co-signed a letter urging Obama to postpone the vote."

Factbox Sanctions inspections concern U.S. lawmakers reviewing Iran deal - Yahoo News

These are just the concerns, this agreement has disrupted everyone but Obama in his pwned state and blindness.

Seems to me that Obama is working for the Russians again as they benefit by having their ally Iran reap the rewards of this agreement.
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag

UMMmmm... You Janie come late-lies keep forgetting that Obama was vetted thoroughly and duly and fairly elected to his position by several millions of a majority of American voters. TWICE!

One would think that by now any truly treasonous activities by Obama would have been made public. In short you have a screw loose. Have a nice day.

Just because a lot of ignorant, loud mouths, sheeple like you voted for him twice, just demonstrates the amount of incredible stupidity which afflicts some people....that's all it means.

Why does the fact that you and others voted for him mean that he is right ? Just the opposite!

If his thinking is similar to yours, this would only indicate that his actions are a complete and utter disaster.

You also have a wonderful day too!

"Iran is a sovereign state, and a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. As such, the country — even in spite of its years of misleading the international community on its nuclear program — has been given a say over how the agreement unfolds. Whether the deal is successful or not depends on how Iran wields that control and how it decides on key issues that the agreement has made semi-voluntary.


Note the "voluntary commitments" language. This means that Iran will submit its own long-term fuel cycle intentions to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which will then use those "voluntary commitments" as a guideline for formulating Iranian obligations under the Additional Protocol of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (AP), a legally binding series of country-specific safeguards on nuclear development."

The Iran deal is immediately going to face this huge problem - Business Insider

Obama is pwned and served up with an apple in his mousy mouth.

You are being pwned...so when do we go to war again?

Iran US world powers have delivered a good deal worth supporting Fox News

The nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most significant nonproliferation agreements in history. It reduces the threat of an Iranian bomb and greatly increases our ability to monitor Tehran’s nuclear program. It deserves the support of members of Congress.

The deal blocks Tehran’s pathways to nuclear weapons capability. Iran’s existing stockpile of enriched uranium will be largely eliminated. Iran will not produce any highly-enriched uranium suitable for weapons development. The number of centrifuges in operation will be reduced greatly. The reactor at Arak will be retooled so that it no longer produces weapons-grade plutonium. The breakout timeline for Iran to develop enough material for a nuclear weapon will be four times longer with a deal than without one.

Iran will be subject to the most intrusive inspections regime ever negotiated. Rigorous and unprecedented inspections will detect any Iranian attempt to renege on the deal. International inspectors will have access to all of Iran’s nuclear sites. The International Atomic Energy Agency will receive assurances that there are no military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.

The current regime of nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended only after the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies that Iran has taken necessary steps to curtail its nuclear program. Sanctions on missile development and arms imports will remain in place for several years. Sanctions on Iran will snap back into force if Iran reneges on its commitments. U.S. sanctions on human rights abuse and support for terrorism will remain in place.

The deal isn’t perfect, but it is a very good. It achieves the priority goal of U.S. and international policy of reducing and placing tight controls on Iran’s nuclear capability.

The claim that we can get a ‘better deal later’ is false. The multilateral sanctions regime that brought Iran to the negotiating table is already starting to fray. If the U.S. Congress rejects the deal after the European states, Russia and the United Nations have agreed, international cooperation in sanctioning Iran will disappear.

A rejection of this deal will give Iran a free pass to pursue unrestrained nuclear development. It will mean the loss of the greater verification access Tehran has now accepted. It will damage U.S. relations with our European partners and undermine future efforts at the UN to restrain proliferation.

Without a deal, the U.S. must either accept an Iranian bomb or use military force in an attempt to destroy the country’s nuclear capability. This will require repeated military strikes and would prompt a violent reaction from Iran that could put Israel and other U.S. allies at risk. The result would be more war, terrorism and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and beyond.

Nuclear policy and sanctions expert David Cortright is director of policy studies at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

LOL I am not pwned, I look at the substance of the agreement and see how this may effect others.

" INSPECTIONS - The deal gives United Nations inspectors access to suspect Iranian military sites, while giving Tehran 24 days to provide access to the facilities.

Lawmakers who wanted "anytime, anywhere" inspections will want to know how this will ensure that Tehran will not cheat. They worry the delay could allow compromising material to be destroyed. "A lot can be done in 24 days," said U.S. Representative Steve Israel, a Democrat.

ARMS EMBARGO - Congressional questioning about the nuclear deal has focused on the lifting of a U.N. ban on Iran for conventional weapons after five years and for ballistic missile technology after eight years.

"It is hard for us to accept it, so we just want to take a look at it," said Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Lawmakers worry that Tehran's access to advanced arms, even years down the line, would enhance its ability to fuel regional sectarian strife and threaten U.S. ally Israel. Opponents have further lamented that the deal fails to freeze or roll back Iran's advances in ballistic missile development.

SANCTIONS - Under the deal, the main oil and financial sanctions could be lifted this year. Many lawmakers questioned the wisdom of giving Iran access to up to $150 billion in revenue before it proves it will adhere to the agreement.

"That is an immediate, giant benefit to the Iranian regime," said U.S. Representative Brad Sherman, a Democrat. Sherman said he worried the money made available to Tehran would be funneled to corrupt officials or Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or militants fighting U.S. allies, or even Americans.

PRISONERS - Even lawmakers who are prepared to support the deal said they were disappointed that it did not include the release of former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, Washington Post Tehran bureau chief Jason Rezaian and former FBI agent Robert Levinson.

Administration officials say they bring up the prisoners at every meeting with Iranian officials, but said they did not insist on the releases because it was essential to focus the talks with Iran on the nuclear issue.

UN SECURITY COUNCIL VOTE - Both Republicans and Democrats, including the chairman and ranking member of the influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee, do not want the United Nations to vote on the Iran nuclear deal before the 82-day U.S. review period ends in September. After stopping in at a meeting between Vice President Joe Biden and committee Democrats, Senator Bob Corker, the panel's Republican chairman, called the vote, now set for Monday, "an affront to the American people." Cardin co-signed a letter urging Obama to postpone the vote."

Factbox Sanctions inspections concern U.S. lawmakers reviewing Iran deal - Yahoo News

These are just the concerns, this agreement has disrupted everyone but Obama in his pwned state and blindness.

Seems to me that Obama is working for the Russians again as they benefit by having their ally Iran reap the rewards of this agreement.

It is not a perfect agreement, but it is a HUGE improvement over the alternative. If nothing about Iran changes except being a nation WITHOUT nuclear weapons, the agreement is a great success.

THAT is the whole focus of this agreement...PERIOD.

I applaud President Obama. President Kennedy faced the same moribund responses from the right when he made agreements with the Soviet Union.

But if you want something to be REALISTICALLY afraid of, it is MORONS like Scott Walker...

WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) said over the weekend that the next president of the United States needed to be prepared to take aggressive military action on their very first day in office, including against Iran.

The presidential contender, who had promised to "terminate" the nuclear agreement with Iran upon his inauguration, made the remark while speaking with reporters at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, on Saturday.

"Iran is a sovereign state, and a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. As such, the country — even in spite of its years of misleading the international community on its nuclear program — has been given a say over how the agreement unfolds. Whether the deal is successful or not depends on how Iran wields that control and how it decides on key issues that the agreement has made semi-voluntary.


Note the "voluntary commitments" language. This means that Iran will submit its own long-term fuel cycle intentions to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which will then use those "voluntary commitments" as a guideline for formulating Iranian obligations under the Additional Protocol of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (AP), a legally binding series of country-specific safeguards on nuclear development."

The Iran deal is immediately going to face this huge problem - Business Insider

Obama is pwned and served up with an apple in his mousy mouth.

You are being pwned...so when do we go to war again?

Iran US world powers have delivered a good deal worth supporting Fox News

The nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most significant nonproliferation agreements in history. It reduces the threat of an Iranian bomb and greatly increases our ability to monitor Tehran’s nuclear program. It deserves the support of members of Congress.

The deal blocks Tehran’s pathways to nuclear weapons capability. Iran’s existing stockpile of enriched uranium will be largely eliminated. Iran will not produce any highly-enriched uranium suitable for weapons development. The number of centrifuges in operation will be reduced greatly. The reactor at Arak will be retooled so that it no longer produces weapons-grade plutonium. The breakout timeline for Iran to develop enough material for a nuclear weapon will be four times longer with a deal than without one.

Iran will be subject to the most intrusive inspections regime ever negotiated. Rigorous and unprecedented inspections will detect any Iranian attempt to renege on the deal. International inspectors will have access to all of Iran’s nuclear sites. The International Atomic Energy Agency will receive assurances that there are no military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.

The current regime of nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended only after the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies that Iran has taken necessary steps to curtail its nuclear program. Sanctions on missile development and arms imports will remain in place for several years. Sanctions on Iran will snap back into force if Iran reneges on its commitments. U.S. sanctions on human rights abuse and support for terrorism will remain in place.

The deal isn’t perfect, but it is a very good. It achieves the priority goal of U.S. and international policy of reducing and placing tight controls on Iran’s nuclear capability.

The claim that we can get a ‘better deal later’ is false. The multilateral sanctions regime that brought Iran to the negotiating table is already starting to fray. If the U.S. Congress rejects the deal after the European states, Russia and the United Nations have agreed, international cooperation in sanctioning Iran will disappear.

A rejection of this deal will give Iran a free pass to pursue unrestrained nuclear development. It will mean the loss of the greater verification access Tehran has now accepted. It will damage U.S. relations with our European partners and undermine future efforts at the UN to restrain proliferation.

Without a deal, the U.S. must either accept an Iranian bomb or use military force in an attempt to destroy the country’s nuclear capability. This will require repeated military strikes and would prompt a violent reaction from Iran that could put Israel and other U.S. allies at risk. The result would be more war, terrorism and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and beyond.

Nuclear policy and sanctions expert David Cortright is director of policy studies at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

LOL I am not pwned, I look at the substance of the agreement and see how this may effect others.

" INSPECTIONS - The deal gives United Nations inspectors access to suspect Iranian military sites, while giving Tehran 24 days to provide access to the facilities.

Lawmakers who wanted "anytime, anywhere" inspections will want to know how this will ensure that Tehran will not cheat. They worry the delay could allow compromising material to be destroyed. "A lot can be done in 24 days," said U.S. Representative Steve Israel, a Democrat.

ARMS EMBARGO - Congressional questioning about the nuclear deal has focused on the lifting of a U.N. ban on Iran for conventional weapons after five years and for ballistic missile technology after eight years.

"It is hard for us to accept it, so we just want to take a look at it," said Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Lawmakers worry that Tehran's access to advanced arms, even years down the line, would enhance its ability to fuel regional sectarian strife and threaten U.S. ally Israel. Opponents have further lamented that the deal fails to freeze or roll back Iran's advances in ballistic missile development.

SANCTIONS - Under the deal, the main oil and financial sanctions could be lifted this year. Many lawmakers questioned the wisdom of giving Iran access to up to $150 billion in revenue before it proves it will adhere to the agreement.

"That is an immediate, giant benefit to the Iranian regime," said U.S. Representative Brad Sherman, a Democrat. Sherman said he worried the money made available to Tehran would be funneled to corrupt officials or Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or militants fighting U.S. allies, or even Americans.

PRISONERS - Even lawmakers who are prepared to support the deal said they were disappointed that it did not include the release of former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, Washington Post Tehran bureau chief Jason Rezaian and former FBI agent Robert Levinson.

Administration officials say they bring up the prisoners at every meeting with Iranian officials, but said they did not insist on the releases because it was essential to focus the talks with Iran on the nuclear issue.

UN SECURITY COUNCIL VOTE - Both Republicans and Democrats, including the chairman and ranking member of the influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee, do not want the United Nations to vote on the Iran nuclear deal before the 82-day U.S. review period ends in September. After stopping in at a meeting between Vice President Joe Biden and committee Democrats, Senator Bob Corker, the panel's Republican chairman, called the vote, now set for Monday, "an affront to the American people." Cardin co-signed a letter urging Obama to postpone the vote."

Factbox Sanctions inspections concern U.S. lawmakers reviewing Iran deal - Yahoo News

These are just the concerns, this agreement has disrupted everyone but Obama in his pwned state and blindness.

Seems to me that Obama is working for the Russians again as they benefit by having their ally Iran reap the rewards of this agreement.

It is not a perfect agreement, but it is a HUGE improvement over the alternative. If nothing about Iran changes except being a nation WITHOUT nuclear weapons, the agreement is a great success.

THAT is the whole focus of this agreement...PERIOD.

I applaud President Obama. President Kennedy faced the same moribund responses from the right when he made agreements with the Soviet Union.

But if you want something to be REALISTICALLY afraid of, it is MORONS like Scott Walker...

WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) said over the weekend that the next president of the United States needed to be prepared to take aggressive military action on their very first day in office, including against Iran.

The presidential contender, who had promised to "terminate" the nuclear agreement with Iran upon his inauguration, made the remark while speaking with reporters at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, on Saturday.
Too much was given up by Obama for this to be a considered a success.
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag

UMMmmm... You Janie come late-lies keep forgetting that Obama was vetted thoroughly and duly and fairly elected to his position by several millions of a majority of American voters. TWICE!

One would think that by now any truly treasonous activities by Obama would have been made public. In short you have a screw loose. Have a nice day.

Just because a lot of ignorant, loud mouths, sheeple like you voted for him twice, just demonstrates the amount of incredible stupidity which afflicts some people....that's all it means.

Why does the fact that you and others voted for him mean that he is right ? Just the opposite!

If his thinking is similar to yours, this would only indicate that his actions are a complete and utter disaster.

You also have a wonderful day too!

Skypie you are an idiot. I never voted for Obama. I just refuse to be a butt hurt loser moron. I refuse to call a pig a silk purse. I voted for Bush twice. I couldn't vote for McCrazy, the guy that abandoned his sick wife to get rich on the new girls money, because they put that self serving twit from I'll Ask Ya on the ticket. The GOP has clearly lost their minds. Now they are regurgitating the same freakshow that failed miserably last two cycles. The only GOPer that isn't lying out of his ass is Trump. I could never vote for someone as self absorbed as the Donald but he is spot on about what constitutes a real hero and that ain't McCain. There is no way I could have voted for a filthy Morman Bishop. They are lying thieving scum. Mormans are the most dishonest crazy mofo's of the organized religions. The last GOP nominee's claim to fame was hostile takeovers of struggling American business and putting thousands of hard working Americans out of work and sending their good jobs overseas. He is as Un American as one can be. His daddy was a traitorous Mexican having fled the country. Let me know when the Christians and Mormans have let loose their death grip on the throat of the GOP and I'll re-consider going back to the republican party. In the mean time I will continue to point out the liars and thieves that have stolen my party.

I couldn't care less what the democrats do but constantly calling them evil and traitors is un-American. That is the worst thing the GOP has done is descend to the level of junior high snot girls with all of the made up lies and acting like something like how Benghazi was reported is a national disgrace. Calling this the worst thing a presidential aid has ever done is so ridiculous it is shocking morons like you even repeat such nonsense just out of shear manufactured hatefulness. I would suggest that you should be ashamed but obviously you have no shame. You a-holes never admit the wrong you do. And believe me there is a mountain of wrong you all should stand accountable for.

No leader of a country save maybe Hitler has done more damage to innocent people than Bush. That is the plain truth and nary a one of you simpletons will stand up and admit it. And you say Hillary has done evil? You have all gone head over heals insane.
Alex 11876211
Seems to me that Obama is working for the Russians again as they benefit by having their ally Iran reap the rewards of this agreement.

Our President got huge applause yesterday at a VFW Post, when he defined opposition to this treaty as the same misguided thinking that chose war over diplomacy in March 2003 when US troops were sent on a wild goose chase into Iraq.?

Russia warned Bush that it would be a disaster to invade. Putin was with diplomacy working on that one.

You have no alternative to what this treaty accomplishes. It's in effect and will not be stopped.

Diplomacy will prove to be the way tather than war. You are working for the same neocon fools that gave us 4484 dead US troops in Iraq.

I agree with Obama on that.

Continue with your whine. It's all you can do, until time proves you wrong as time proved Bush wrong on Iraq.
Last edited:
Alex 11876211
Seems to me that Obama is working for the Russians again as they benefit by having their ally Iran reap the rewards of this agreement.

Our President got huge applause yesterday at a VFW Post, when he defined opposition to this treaty as the same misguided thinking that chose war over diplomacy in March 2003 when US troops were sent on a wild goose chase into Iraq.?

Russia warned Bush that it would be a disaster to invade. Putin was with diplomacy working on that one.

You have no alternative to what this treaty accomplishes. It's in effect and will not be stopped.

Diplomacy will prove to be the way tather than war. You are working for the same neocon fools that gave us 4484 dead US troops in Iraq.

I agree with Obama on that.

Continue with your whine. It's all you can do, until time proves you wrong as time proved Bush wrong on Iraq.
I am not whining, I made an informed judgment on this treaty and it's effects.
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag

UMMmmm... You Janie come late-lies keep forgetting that Obama was vetted thoroughly and duly and fairly elected to his position by several millions of a majority of American voters. TWICE!

One would think that by now any truly treasonous activities by Obama would have been made public. In short you have a screw loose. Have a nice day.

Just because a lot of ignorant, loud mouths, sheeple like you voted for him twice, just demonstrates the amount of incredible stupidity which afflicts some people....that's all it means.

Why does the fact that you and others voted for him mean that he is right ? Just the opposite!

If his thinking is similar to yours, this would only indicate that his actions are a complete and utter disaster.

You also have a wonderful day too!

Skypie you are an idiot. I never voted for Obama. I just refuse to be a butt hurt loser moron. I refuse to call a pig a silk purse. I voted for Bush twice. I couldn't vote for McCrazy, the guy that abandoned his sick wife to get rich on the new girls money, because they put that self serving twit from I'll Ask Ya on the ticket. The GOP has clearly lost their minds. Now they are regurgitating the same freakshow that failed miserably last two cycles. The only GOPer that isn't lying out of his ass is Trump. I could never vote for someone as self absorbed as the Donald but he is spot on about what constitutes a real hero and that ain't McCain. There is no way I could have voted for a filthy Morman Bishop. They are lying thieving scum. Mormans are the most dishonest crazy mofo's of the organized religions. The last GOP nominee's claim to fame was hostile takeovers of struggling American business and putting thousands of hard working Americans out of work and sending their good jobs overseas. He is as Un American as one can be. His daddy was a traitorous Mexican having fled the country. Let me know when the Christians and Mormans have let loose their death grip on the throat of the GOP and I'll re-consider going back to the republican party. In the mean time I will continue to point out the liars and thieves that have stolen my party.

I couldn't care less what the democrats do but constantly calling them evil and traitors is un-American. That is the worst thing the GOP has done is descend to the level of junior high snot girls with all of the made up lies and acting like something like how Benghazi was reported is a national disgrace. Calling this the worst thing a presidential aid has ever done is so ridiculous it is shocking morons like you even repeat such nonsense just out of shear manufactured hatefulness. I would suggest that you should be ashamed but obviously you have no shame. You a-holes never admit the wrong you do. And believe me there is a mountain of wrong you all should stand accountable for.

No leader of a country save maybe Hitler has done more damage to innocent people than Bush. That is the plain truth and nary a one of you simpletons will stand up and admit it. And you say Hillary has done evil? You have all gone head over heals insane.

This is not a comparison between Bush and Obama this is about Obama alone.

Here is his track record (in part):

"the Iranian threat to Israel: “The danger from Iran is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat. . . . Finally, let there be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel.”

On health care: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health-care plan, you can keep your health-care plan.”

On Syria’s WMD: “We have been very clear to the Assad regime — but also to other players on the ground — that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.”

On capitalism: “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” On religious freedom: “Let’s honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion and draft a sensible conscience clause and make sure that all of our health-care policies are grounded not only in sound science, but also in clear ethics, as well as respect for the equality of women.”

On immigration: “They’re going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol, or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat.”

On world public opinion: “People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barely above Russia, and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth.”

On Benghazi: “Here’s what happened. . . . You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam . . . making fun of the Prophet Mohammed. And so, this caused great offense in much of the Muslim world. But what also happened, extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya.”

Obama s Legacy -- Paved with Lies National Review Online

This in addition to all I have posted is a good reason to consider that Obama has failed his office and the American people.
You right wing turds only offer ONE solution...

Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran...

Scum? The right are THE scum of mankind...

False choice and a complete straw man. Nobody is saying bombing but you. STFU. :D

What is your idea for preventing them from producing a weapon? They are working on one now, and will finish it without this treaty. Any ideas?

They'll continue to build it. This treaty stops nothing

GOP Obama Hiding Parts of Iran Deal from Congress Truth Revolt

Republicans have recently learned that President Obama is not presenting the full Iranian nuclear deal to Congress, withholding two key components of the deal that could result in more concessions to the terror-sponsoring Iranian regime.

National Review's Joel Gerhke reports:

President Obama won’t allow Congress to review two key aspects of the Iranian Nuclear deal, Republican lawmakers learned from international partners last week. Under the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the International Atomic Energy Agency would negotiate separately with Iran about the inspection of a facility long-suspected of being used to research long-range ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. [...]

The IAEA will also separately negotiate "how the IAEA and Iran will resolve outstanding issues on possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program"...

Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) and Sen.Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)—who only learned of the additional negotiations directly from the IAEA in a meeting in Vienna last week—issued statements accusing the administration of violating the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act by withholding the terms of the "separate side deals."
It's a filthy secretive deal that benefits Iran almost entirely. That's the bottom line.

That's absolutely right!

The amount of concessions offered is shocking and inconceivable, with capitulations every step of the way!

"With every concession Obama and Kerry made clear they were desperate for a deal.

And they will get it. Obama will get his "legacy". Kerry will get his Nobel. And Iran will get the bomb".

The rest will get bugger all.
And to increase the way this issue has been fixed by the Obama regime it was presented to the UN before Congress had it's say and now that's used as another reason to approve this deal whether good for us or not....the rest of the world wants this and expects this deal to be made.
"You can't back out now," he says to Congress.

Everyone should ask themselves why he has now insured that Iran will get their nuclear bomb if they just wait a few years.
And to increase the way this issue has been fixed by the Obama regime it was presented to the UN before Congress had it's say and now that's used as another reason to approve this deal whether good for us or not....the rest of the world wants this and expects this deal to be made.
"You can't back out now," he says to Congress.

Everyone should ask themselves why he has now insured that Iran will get their nuclear bomb if they just wait a few years.

That was pretty slimy of Hussein Obama

but then

That's how traitors are disposed to act....like a thief in the night, behind everybody's back!

Alex 11876211
Seems to me that Obama is working for the Russians again as they benefit by having their ally Iran reap the rewards of this agreement.

Our President got huge applause yesterday at a VFW Post, when he defined opposition to this treaty as the same misguided thinking that chose war over diplomacy in March 2003 when US troops were sent on a wild goose chase into Iraq.?

Russia warned Bush that it would be a disaster to invade. Putin was with diplomacy working on that one.

You have no alternative to what this treaty accomplishes. It's in effect and will not be stopped.

Diplomacy will prove to be the way tather than war. You are working for the same neocon fools that gave us 4484 dead US troops in Iraq.

I agree with Obama on that.

Continue with your whine. It's all you can do, until time proves you wrong as time proved Bush wrong on Iraq.
I am not whining, I made an informed judgment on this treaty and it's effects.

And 30 pages later, you have provided no alternative...just whining.
It's a filthy secretive deal that benefits Iran almost entirely. That's the bottom line.



Myth #1: The Iran deal is abject surrender and will make it easier for Iran to get a nuclear bomb

This is probably the most common talking point about the Iran deal, and certainly the most common one against it: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been making it for months, as have some Republicans.

This is total nonsense and is, in fact, the exact opposite of what is happening. Iran has accepted enormous cuts to its nuclear program, not to mention invasive and politically humiliating inspections.


Iran gets to keep some stuff, sure. But the US won on every major issue that was really important, and the upshot is that Iran is surrendering most of its nuclear program. Here are the bullet points:

  • Iran will give up about 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges.
  • Iran will give up 97 percent of its enriched uranium; it will hold on to only 300 kilograms' worth.
  • Iran will be forbidden from enriching uranium beyond energy-grade fuel, or 3.67 percent enrichment. (Weapons-grade uranium is 90 percent enriched.)
  • Iran will destroy or export the core of its plutonium plant at Arak, and replace it with a new core that cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium. It will ship out all spent nuclear fuel.
It's worth looking at what actual arms control experts say: that the deal is very good at limiting Iran's nuclear program and is favorable to the United States. Given that many of those analysts were initially pessimistic, that they took this as a welcome surprise tells you something.

One nuclear weapons expert, Aaron Stein, told us the that deal "makes the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear weapon in the next 25 years extremely remote."

In short, the terms of this agreement will make it far, far, far more difficult for Iran to get a nuclear bomb. It is exactly what the United States sought out of this deal, and it got it.

The 6 biggest myths about the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

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