Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors

That from a jew blogger, who lives in NY, who makes his living off the war on terror. I get confused with you Jews, push for everything literal under the sun, and anti racial, yet when it comes to Arabs , Iran and Islam you have nothing but hatred. Obama removed Saddam? The biggest lefties in the US are Jews.

I am fascinated-----who is the "jew blogger" who "makes his living of the war on
terror"? -------the only person I ever knew who "made a living" based on the war
on terror was a very nice lady who ran a program for HOMELAND SECURITY---she is not jewish. How much does the "jew blogger" make? who pays him?---the nice Christian lady was paid by the federal government to teach people how
to deal with terrorist attacks.
How does a "lapsed catholic" whore know anything about the income of a
"jew blogger"-------I assume the income is based on ??blogs?

Read the article, it is bias.

More than just biased, there's much that is untrue.

Its an op/ed - NOT a factual article. Most RWs, and especially the dummy OP have no idea the difference between the two.

The author scuttled himself in his first paragraph and look at the other op/ed's at that Fascist site.

maybe the shit will not pass congress
Maybe you and other nitwit rightists should actually read the accord with Iran before making ignorant comments.


The Republicans didn't.

Some were on camera criticizing the actual content within 10 minutes of it being released. And Walker said he would repeal it without ever reading it. Perry was just on TV saying he didn't have to read it to know he was against it.

They want war. They want thousands more dead Americans and they'll do anything they can to get it.

Your right , that is what they want WAR. I just can't stand it really, they must think were stupid , well of course they do.

And Bibi cares as little about American lives as these ^^^ RWs do. He wants us to do his dirty work for him.

I recently read that Israel has as many as 200 nuke warheads. If so, why doesn't Bibi act? And why does anyone think Iran is suicidal?

can you Nazi sluts be a bit more specific?
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?

oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?

oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
And how do you figure that, Sweetie?
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?

oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
And how do you figure that, Sweetie?

the battle cry of your fellow Nazis thruout the 1930s-------I read it in you seedy little pamphlets that your kind spread over the USA----- ---chamberlain was not alone----there were millions like you in the USA------kissing the ass of adolf
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?

oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
And how do you figure that, Sweetie?

the battle cry of your fellow Nazis thruout the 1930s-------I read it in you seedy little pamphlets that your kind spread over the USA----- ---chamberlain was not alone----there were millions like you in the USA------kissing the ass of adolf
My "fellow Nazis"? What the heck are you rambling about? And those who were kissing Hitler and Mussolini's respective asses were the con-servative Republicans. Fact. Read a little book by Rex Stout called "The Illustrious Dunderheads". It's a collection of Congressional speeches by REPUBLICANS pre-WWII complimenting the way the Nazis were running things.
maybe the shit will not pass congress
Maybe you and other nitwit rightists should actually read the accord with Iran before making ignorant comments.
Maybe a lot of European and Middle East leaders didn't read it either and they're upset with Obama. You must be smarter than all those leaders put together. Any reason why you are backing Iran?

Why? It's not them who want to secede. Besides, the murder of a sitting president seems very traitorous.
Obama is the modern equivalent to Lord Chamberlain. Kerry is a puppet.

Really? Obama is a conservative??



The sanctions were working and they were not only in place because of Iran's nuke program they were in place because Iran is a terrorist state. They are causing havoc all over the middle east and northern Africa. So for Obama to remove the sanctions is a real big mistake. Iran now will have big bucks to further their mischief making. It's not just about nukes.... Obama has let his ayatollah buddies off the hook and made America and our allies less safe. All for his own aggrandizement.
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.

And none of this would have happened without Obama.

Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.

What scum!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors Frontpage Mag
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?

oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
And how do you figure that, Sweetie?

the battle cry of your fellow Nazis thruout the 1930s-------I read it in you seedy little pamphlets that your kind spread over the USA----- ---chamberlain was not alone----there were millions like you in the USA------kissing the ass of adolf
My "fellow Nazis"? What the heck are you rambling about? And those who were kissing Hitler and Mussolini's respective asses were the con-servative Republicans. Fact. Read a little book by Rex Stout called "The Illustrious Dunderheads". It's a collection of Congressional speeches by REPUBLICANS pre-WWII complimenting the way the Nazis were running things.

sweetums----I am VERY aware----way back then----the NAZIS were republicans------I grew up in a NAZI TOWN-----so Nazi that until it became very profitable
to sell houses to JOOOOS WITH VA MORTGAGE RIGHTS----that whole damn town was "RESTRICTED". The people in that town considered DEMOCRATS (of course as a jew I was a congenital democrat)---to be COMMUNISTS (it was the McCarthy era) SO??? what is your point?
you are still protecting Nazi scum---now of the democrat variety
You want war? When are you signing up...or signing up your kids?

oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
And how do you figure that, Sweetie?

the battle cry of your fellow Nazis thruout the 1930s-------I read it in you seedy little pamphlets that your kind spread over the USA----- ---chamberlain was not alone----there were millions like you in the USA------kissing the ass of adolf
My "fellow Nazis"? What the heck are you rambling about? And those who were kissing Hitler and Mussolini's respective asses were the con-servative Republicans. Fact. Read a little book by Rex Stout called "The Illustrious Dunderheads". It's a collection of Congressional speeches by REPUBLICANS pre-WWII complimenting the way the Nazis were running things.

sweetums----I am VERY aware----way back then----the NAZIS were republicans------I grew up in a NAZI TOWN-----so Nazi that until it became very profitable
to sell houses to JOOOOS WITH VA MORTGAGE RIGHTS----that whole damn town was "RESTRICTED". The people in that town considered DEMOCRATS (of course as a jew I was a congenital democrat)---to be COMMUNISTS (it was the McCarthy era) SO??? what is your point?
you are still protecting Nazi scum---now of the democrat variety
Um....ok....I'm gonna back away from you very very slowly....was not aware you were a loony......
oh gee-----SON OF CHAMBERLAIN is back
And how do you figure that, Sweetie?

the battle cry of your fellow Nazis thruout the 1930s-------I read it in you seedy little pamphlets that your kind spread over the USA----- ---chamberlain was not alone----there were millions like you in the USA------kissing the ass of adolf
My "fellow Nazis"? What the heck are you rambling about? And those who were kissing Hitler and Mussolini's respective asses were the con-servative Republicans. Fact. Read a little book by Rex Stout called "The Illustrious Dunderheads". It's a collection of Congressional speeches by REPUBLICANS pre-WWII complimenting the way the Nazis were running things.

sweetums----I am VERY aware----way back then----the NAZIS were republicans------I grew up in a NAZI TOWN-----so Nazi that until it became very profitable
to sell houses to JOOOOS WITH VA MORTGAGE RIGHTS----that whole damn town was "RESTRICTED". The people in that town considered DEMOCRATS (of course as a jew I was a congenital democrat)---to be COMMUNISTS (it was the McCarthy era) SO??? what is your point?
you are still protecting Nazi scum---now of the democrat variety
Um....ok....I'm gonna back away from you very very slowly....was not aware you were a loony......

actually not looney-----just disenchanted since my flower child days

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