Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors

Just a reminder of the scum we have as heads of state!

Yes...Fonda screwed up big time. And she now admits it and has apologized....I know that's not enough for some. Some still haven't forgiven the Japanese for WWII either. Kerry was right.

Treason can't be forgiven by her flippant, insincere "apology". She accepted a note passed to her in a POW camp and handed it over to the guards who beat the pilot senseless. She's never been remorseful when she didn't have a movie to promote and in fact was miffed when we wouldn't forgive her.
You know that note passing thing is false, right?
LBJ, Nixon, Westmoreland, Harkins,etc. put our boys at risk. Make The Pentagon Papers your first choice of books for learning what actually happened. These are official documents of what happened and who made the decisions to escalate that tragedy. Forget the Kerry-Fonda silliness. It only makes you look stupid. You wanna be like Kurtz?

So you're a bookworm who thinks they were "proven right" by the liars who wrote the history of that war. You smug little turds don't have a clue what happened there...only that your ilk wouldn't and will never put your ass on the line to defend this country.
The "liar" Daniel Ellsberg was a Harvard grad who enlisted in the Marine corps and later worked for Gen. Lansdale as a member of the state dept. You know more about Vietnam decision making than him?:) I`ve indulged enough of you and rosie`s stupidity for one day. You people are too dumb to realize how dumb you are when you screech about Kerry and Fonda. Kerry too enlisted and volunteered for hazardous duty.

what does the poor decision making have to do with the purposeful endangerment of American soldiers by bitch Fonda and Kerry?
This agreement has something in common with Obamacare. As Nancy Pelosi said, we'd have to read the bill (after it was passed) to see what is in it. The same applies to this Obama driven agreement. We now have a chance to read what is in it.

The only difference is Obama can force Obamacare and all of its taxing requirements on the American public at the point of a gun. Regardless of what lies or truths are in the Iranian agreement, Obama cannot force the American-hating Iranians to comply with it.

The Arrogant Ass of the Century thinks he can negotiate with a goddamned snake whose intention is, when he strikes...to kill your ass.

All the sorry piece of shit has done is give the Iranians 140 BILLION DOLLARS to finance their terrorism.

MORE, not fewer sanctions should be put on Iran. Starve their fucking sorry asses in oblivion!

Fuck Obama! Fuck Kerry! Fuck liberalism! You who side with the snake charmer are gonna get bit!
What a dumb ass statement.
Do you really think iran is dumb enough to use an ICBM or a bomber to deliver a nuke?
They'll do what they always do...give it to a terrorist group.
And even if we track the isotopes back to them they'll claim it was stolen.

Jeez, you start off making me not want to reply to you. Can you not reply without making such statements?

So, Iran always gives "it to a terrorist group"....

Firstly, the Iranians aren't trying to make dirty bombs. They could have made dirty bombs ages ago. They could have got terrorists with dirty bombs to attack some part of the world ages ago.

They want nuclear weapons that you stick on warheads.

So, my "dumb ass statement" as you so childishly put it, isn't so dumb after all.

Your statement seems to be based ONLY on extremely biased media reports.
You right wing turds only offer ONE solution...

Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran...

Scum? The right are THE scum of mankind...

Worked with Japan and Germany didn't it?
Are they America's allies and economic partners now?

Negotiations, on the other hand, left America with the rump of the former Soviet Union, RUSSIA, who is getting stronger and stronger as America is getting weaker and weaker.

Lesson of history: Talk and be weak. Perceived or real. Act and be strong. Period.

Negotiating with Iran is about as useful and fruitful as paying protection money to the Mafia.

Well, actually, worse. The Mafia were not Muslims.

Talk and be weak, act and be strong. This is such a macho kind of statement. The sort maybe Bush Dubya decided was right. And look where it got the US. They were "strong", and they got pounded an pounded and pounded and then left Iraq and Afghanistan in bad places after running away.

Is running away considered "strong"? Maybe the US would have been seen to be stronger had it not invaded Iraq, or at least not when it did and with the support of the international community.

What, exactly, do you know about Iran?
what does the poor decision making have to do with the purposeful endangerment of American soldiers by bitch Fonda and Kerry?

As opposed to the very real endangerment of US soldiers by Bush and Bremer, which saw over 4,000 US soldiers killed due to an incompetent post war policy. It also saw over 40,000 injured soldiers, many with body parts missing, and you're having a go at two people who haven't been responsible for the deaths of any US soldiers.
what does the poor decision making have to do with the purposeful endangerment of American soldiers by bitch Fonda and Kerry?

As opposed to the very real endangerment of US soldiers by Bush and Bremer, which saw over 4,000 US soldiers killed due to an incompetent post war policy. It also saw over 40,000 injured soldiers, many with body parts missing, and you're having a go at two people who haven't been responsible for the deaths of any US soldiers.

I agree, Bush's war policy was stupid. I always said we should had never used ground troops for policing Iraqis. We should had just carpet bombed them, and only took their remote oil fields. Instead, we let the Iraqis give huge oil contracts to the Russians, Chinese, and French. Bush was an idiot to believe that Muslims there would ever truely embrace democracy. Islam and freedom do not mix.

If we ever do start shit with Iran, which is now 10 times more likely thanks to this "deal", I hope we just carpet bomb them and leave ground troops out of it.
Really? Obama is a conservative??




Horseshit....a Brit "conservative" in those years was nowhere near the modern definition. One of the biggest Hitler advocates was Joe Kennedy....JFK's bootlegger daddy.

There is no definition of 'conservative' that is anywhere near the right wing brain washed turds we have in America today...except Attila the Hun... Chamberlain was a conservative

Joe Kennedy was not a "Hitler advocate"...he was an anti-war advocate and a father who had three son who he feared for if America entered a war.

And he was not a bootlegger.

The Biggest Kennedy Myth

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain). At a time when the memory of Prohibition was vivid and the passions it inflamed still smoldered, no one seemed to think Joe Kennedy had been a bootlegger—not the Republicans, not the anti-Roosevelt Democrats, not remnant Klansmen or anti-Irish Boston Brahmins or cynical newsmen or resentful Dry leaders still seething from the humiliation of Repeal. There’s nothing in the Senate record that suggests anyone brought up the bootlegging charge; there’s nothing about it in the press coverage that appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, or The Boston Globe. There was nothing asserting, suggesting, or hinting at bootlegging in the Roosevelt-hating Chicago Tribune, or in the long-dry Los Angeles Times. Around the time of his three Senate confirmations, the last of them concluding barely four years after Repeal, there was some murmuring about Kennedy’s involvement in possible stock-manipulation schemes, and a possible conflict of interest. But about involvement in the illegal liquor trade, there was nothing at all. With Prohibition fresh in the national mind, when a hint of illegal behavior would have been dearly prized by the president’s enemies or Kennedy’s own, there wasn’t even a whisper.

In the 1950s, another presidential appointment provoked another investigation of Kennedy’s past. This time, Dwight Eisenhower intended to name him to the President’s Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, an advisory group meant to provide oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency. The office of Sherman Adams, the White House chief of staff, asked the FBI to comb through Kennedy’s past associations and activities. The fat file that resulted touched on nearly every aspect of his life, including his business relations with James Roosevelt. But nowhere in the file is there any indication of bootlegging in the Kennedy past, or even a suggestion of it from Kennedy’s detractors.

And so the record remained, apparently, until his son’s presidential campaign. That’s when the word “bootlegger” first attached itself to Kennedy’s name in prominent places—for instance, in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article dated October 15, 1960

Talk about HORSESHIT...
It's incredible how all the ignorant,submissive, left wing, progressive, antisemitic cowards incapable of original thought, come out of the woodwork to praise the worst deal ever made in America's history by the worst ever American president.

You are all so terrified of Iran that you have meekly submitted like mice to their wishes even while they are burning American flags and calling America the Great Satan, with whom they will never be able to agree or be friendly.

It is very comforting to kick the can of war down the road as did Neville Chamberlain before WWII but there will be the day of reckoning.

This lousy deal is exactly the same as the one made with North Korea which despite all the fanfare was ignored very quickly.

The same will happen with Iran as they know the US is now a paper tiger.

Have a look at the Iranian media, they are delirious with joy and claim they have won!

They will do whatever they like and will say to America - "So what are you going to do?"

Of course America will do nothing... unfortunately times have changed for the worse.

Obama's legacy will be that he altered the course of history disastrously and even though he held the winning hand, capitulated and submitted. He gave Iran what they wanted on a silver plate.


You right wing fear filled turds never change...

Really? Obama is a conservative??

Horseshit....a Brit "conservative" in those years was nowhere near the modern definition. One of the biggest Hitler advocates was Joe Kennedy....JFK's bootlegger daddy.

There is no definition of 'conservative' that is anywhere near the right wing brain washed turds we have in America today...except Attila the Hun... Chamberlain was a conservative

Joe Kennedy was not a "Hitler advocate"...he was an anti-war advocate and a father who had three son who he feared for if America entered a war.

And he was not a bootlegger.

The Biggest Kennedy Myth

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain). At a time when the memory of Prohibition was vivid and the passions it inflamed still smoldered, no one seemed to think Joe Kennedy had been a bootlegger—not the Republicans, not the anti-Roosevelt Democrats, not remnant Klansmen or anti-Irish Boston Brahmins or cynical newsmen or resentful Dry leaders still seething from the humiliation of Repeal. There’s nothing in the Senate record that suggests anyone brought up the bootlegging charge; there’s nothing about it in the press coverage that appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, or The Boston Globe. There was nothing asserting, suggesting, or hinting at bootlegging in the Roosevelt-hating Chicago Tribune, or in the long-dry Los Angeles Times. Around the time of his three Senate confirmations, the last of them concluding barely four years after Repeal, there was some murmuring about Kennedy’s involvement in possible stock-manipulation schemes, and a possible conflict of interest. But about involvement in the illegal liquor trade, there was nothing at all. With Prohibition fresh in the national mind, when a hint of illegal behavior would have been dearly prized by the president’s enemies or Kennedy’s own, there wasn’t even a whisper.

In the 1950s, another presidential appointment provoked another investigation of Kennedy’s past. This time, Dwight Eisenhower intended to name him to the President’s Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, an advisory group meant to provide oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency. The office of Sherman Adams, the White House chief of staff, asked the FBI to comb through Kennedy’s past associations and activities. The fat file that resulted touched on nearly every aspect of his life, including his business relations with James Roosevelt. But nowhere in the file is there any indication of bootlegging in the Kennedy past, or even a suggestion of it from Kennedy’s detractors.

And so the record remained, apparently, until his son’s presidential campaign. That’s when the word “bootlegger” first attached itself to Kennedy’s name in prominent places—for instance, in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article dated October 15, 1960

Talk about HORSESHIT...

Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."
With all the Senate GOP's bitching you would think that they didn't give Obama the legal standing to pass this as an agreement rather than a treaty.

Rubio Paul Cruz vote to allow Obama to lift Iran sanctions

"Normally, here's how treaties work: the President negotiates a treaty with another country, like the deal he is negotiating with Iran over its nuclear weapons development. Once the treaty is negotiated, it's submitted to the Senate. Two thirds of the Senate has to vote to approve, or ratify, the treaty. If two thirds do not support it, it is not binding.

"But the bill the Congress sent to the President turns things on its head. It will allow the President to lift sanctions on Iran, and unless Congress objects with a 2/3 vote within 30 days, the President's actions are allowed to stand. See the reversal? Formerly, the President needed a 2/3 vote to act, and now the Congress needs a 2/3 vote to stop him from acting. And be assured the Democrats will never let the Republicans get that many votes.

"Cruz, Rubio and Paul fought this measure procedurely, at first... but then voted for it on final passage. Totally inexplicable. And totally wrong, from a policy and constitutional perspective.

"Paradoxically, this bill is being sold as one that will give Congress more oversight and control over the negotiations. In practice it will do the opposite, and starts to raise questions about the national security judgment of Rubio, Paul, and Cruz. Only Tom Cotton of Arkansas ended up voting against the final bill. That's right--only one vote against. Always beware of near-unanimous votes in the Congress, because they are nearly unanimously bad results."

The real question is, "Why do we have people that call themselves 'conservative' who vote away the Senate's Constitutionally granted powers?'

I know that wont be a partisan enough slant for either conservatives or libtards, but the ugly Truth is that Obama could not have gotten this agreement without the GOP willing to sign Constitutional powers over to him in the first place.

The GOP is only pretending to oppose Obama as BOTH parties really represent the rich corporate oligarchs and not the American people.
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LBJ, Nixon, Westmoreland, Harkins,etc. put our boys at risk. Make The Pentagon Papers your first choice of books for learning what actually happened. These are official documents of what happened and who made the decisions to escalate that tragedy. Forget the Kerry-Fonda silliness. It only makes you look stupid. You wanna be like Kurtz?

So you're a bookworm who thinks they were "proven right" by the liars who wrote the history of that war. You smug little turds don't have a clue what happened there...only that your ilk wouldn't and will never put your ass on the line to defend this country.
The "liar" Daniel Ellsberg was a Harvard grad who enlisted in the Marine corps and later worked for Gen. Lansdale as a member of the state dept. You know more about Vietnam decision making than him?:) I`ve indulged enough of you and rosie`s stupidity for one day. You people are too dumb to realize how dumb you are when you screech about Kerry and Fonda. Kerry too enlisted and volunteered for hazardous duty.

what does the poor decision making have to do with the purposeful endangerment of American soldiers by bitch Fonda and Kerry?
How long are you going to live in your fantasy world?
Yeah, right and Al Capone wasn't a Mafiaso, just a guy who evaded paying proper taxes. /sarc

Joseph Kennedy was a bootlegger, whore house pimp and general con man of the lowest order.

The Straight Dope What is the true source of the Kennedy family s wealth

"Joseph P. Kennedy was the ambitious son of a prosperous Boston saloon keeper and ward boss. He married the mayor's daughter, went to Harvard, and generally made the most of his ample connections and talent. He ran a bank (admittedly two-bit) at 25, and was number-two man at a shipyard with more than 2,000 workers during World War I. At 30 he became a stockbroker and made a fortune through insider trading and stock manipulation. He was a master of the stock pool, a then-legal stunt in which a few traders conspired to inflate a stock's price, selling out just before the bubble burst.

"Kennedy may also have traded in illegal booze, although the evidence is circumstantial. His father had been in the liquor business before Prohibition, and Joe himself got into it (publicly, that is) immediately after repeal. Some believe the family business simply went underground during the dry years. He may have been strictly a nickle-and-dimer; Harvard classmates say he supplied the illicit booze for alumni events.

"But there might have been more to it than that. In 1973 mob boss Frank Costello said he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Other underworld figures have also claimed Joe was in pretty deep. At least one writer (Davis, 1984) thinks bootlegging enabled Joe to earn his initial financial stake, but that's hard to believe; he had plenty of chances to make money more or less legally.

"Whatever the truth of the matter, Kennedy's real strength wasn't his alleged criminal ties but his business smarts, notably an exquisite sense of timing. In the mid-1920s he became a movie mogul (taking time out for a celebrated dalliance with Gloria Swanson), then organized a merger and sold out just when the industry was consolidating, clearing five to six million dollars all told. He pulled out of stocks early in 1929 and sold short following the crash, actually making money while others got creamed. Just before Prohibition was repealed he lined up several lucrative liquor-importing deals."

Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960
I agree, Bush's war policy was stupid. I always said we should had never used ground troops for policing Iraqis. We should had just carpet bombed them, and only took their remote oil fields. Instead, we let the Iraqis give huge oil contracts to the Russians, Chinese, and French. Bush was an idiot to believe that Muslims there would ever truely embrace democracy. Islam and freedom do not mix.

If we ever do start shit with Iran, which is now 10 times more likely thanks to this "deal", I hope we just carpet bomb them and leave ground troops out of it.

Bush should have put the Iraqis back in place as soon as possible. He tried to de-saddamify the country. Get rid of the army and police, well, Bremer did it, but Bush put Bremer in sole charge against the wishes of, well, of everyone of Bush's advisers.

You talk about Muslims truly embracing democracy when the US hasn't done it yet.
Even YOUR article doesn't say that pea brain.

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain).

Charges or even mention of these false allegations during those three confirmation hearings...CRICKETS

The FIRST mention of the false bootlegger charge? October 15, 1960

Joe Kennedy was indeed a bootlegger and his ties to organized crime got his boy assassinated. Joe made a deal with Sam Giancana's boys to throw Nixon votes in the Chicago River so Jack could carry Illinois and win the WH. Then in a total betrayal, Jack named Bobby as AG and Bobby went after organized crime and their connections to the Teamsters union. Giancana was furious and told Joe that he wouldn't be double-crossed without consequences. That bill was paid in Dallas, November, 1963.
Time to admit that neither Kerry nor Obama is going to be declared
"traitor"-------they will finish their stints-------and then the country can
begin to heal..

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