Time to check in: are republicans still in serious denial about Trump or have they grown some....

The LIB myth that Islamofascist sand monkeys and negroes are going to interbreed and "take over America" is ludicrous.

The conservative myth that they're not the party of hate and racial divide. You can just hear the racism in their posts.
..balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along? Critical thinking requires a cause before an effect. So far you've only cited an effect. I'm looking around and don't see a cause.

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. He does deserve some credit. That's the reality. Business is high on Trump. As for claiming all previous were baloney, to some extent he's correct, while he's always been known to exaggerate the truth. Wrong about Trump? Reference exaggerate the truth.

I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is. I have to know why you'd start a childish and blatantly transparent thread beginning with "balls, denial & wrong" when you can't support it. Doesn't seem worth a thread to me.
He doesn't deserve any credit you dumb shit. He's been a president for a month and he hasn't accomplished anything in regards to economic policy. You trying to spin it because you're a pawn does nothing to convince anyone else.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

Yeah, Republicans are totally bummed out and disappointed.
Trump has delivered and or attempted to deliver on promises made during his campaign, he's shown he has the balls to do the right thing for the RIGHT PEOPLE, he's made this country's bottom feeders feel like the piece of shits they really are, he's established an "American's First" philosophy, he's perpetuated a high level of optimism in industry resulting in job growth and investments.
Yep, we're so pissed!
When our government was being formed, it was thought that the Congress would be enough. X amount of people each get one representative. But that would put higher populated states at a huge advantage over less populated states. So they also included a Senate. Every state equally gets two Senators whether you are Rhode Island or Texas. .

I hope you know that was instituted so the slave states would have the power to overcome the will of the majority in order to preserve slavery. The constitution is filled with such powers. Everything from the 3/5ths compromise to the prohibition against anti-slave legislation for a decade.

Our system of government was created in the spirit of democracy even though we are actually a Republic.

I'm sure you seen the county electoral map of our last election. If you haven't, the map is almost entirely red. If you'd like to see it, just ask, I'll post it.

What you are saying is that those tiny blue sections of the map should control all those huge sections of red. That's fair? Government doesn't just make laws and polices for people, they also make policies and laws for land as well.
your RED electoral map is pure right wing garbage. Especially with Hillary winning by 3 million votes. Am I right Habanna

Why is it garbage? It's the truth. The people in those red areas voted for Trump by a majority.
As did the people in the blue states. Did you notice that the Texas republican vote majority was oney 800,000 votes? Soon that will be a swing state

Depends on the voter turnout which they were a little short of this year--about 4% lower than in 2008 but slightly higher than last presidential election.

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